
"Daming Dynasty 1566" As soon as Hai Rui arrived in the capital, he ran to give the inscription to Liubiju, what is the meaning?

author:Yan Yi who fell into the water

On the sixteenth day of the first month of the forty-first year of Jiajing, the Yan Party was destroyed.

In July of the 44th year of Jiajing, Hai Rui went to Beijing to take up his post in the household department, and the carriage stopped on the way, and he walked into Liubiju.

Because this store was inscribed by Yan Song, it is now listed as a key object by Jinyiwei and Dongchang.

There are people watching in the teahouse across the road, and you can see at a glance that it is the eunuch in the palace, and the two people sitting horizontally with wide shoulders and long legs can also see that it is the person of Jinyiwei!

Hai Rui bought pickles for ten yuan, and then Hai Rui asked: "I heard that your store was originally called 'Liuxinju', why did you change its name to 'Liubiju'?"

"Daming Dynasty 1566" As soon as Hai Rui arrived in the capital, he ran to give the inscription to Liubiju, what is the meaning?

The face of the boss surnamed Zhao changed immediately, some things were really inconvenient to say, and there were so many eyes and ears around, the boss was very embarrassed.

Hai Jui continued: "The first time I went to Beijing, I just asked about some customs and stories, what does it mean to cause chaos? ”

The word 'heart' was changed to the word 'must', which may not have a bad meaning. It's just that no one has made it clear why they changed it this way, so there are rumors.

Shopkeeper, please bring me a pen and paper, I will make a footnote to the word 'must' for you, and the people will be upright! Your business will naturally improve.

After a while, Jiajing in the palace knew that Hai Rui had gone to Liubiju to write an inscription.

"Daming Dynasty 1566" As soon as Hai Rui arrived in the capital, he ran to give the inscription to Liubiju, what is the meaning?

The matter of Liubiju is actually when the power of the Yan Party and Qingliu was handed over, the Taoist chief knocked Qingliu and let them recognize their position.

Jiajing's psychology

Jiajing reacted immediately to the Liubiju Hairui inscription incident. He is so suspicious, because he is old, his health is not good, and his suspicion is even heavier.

In fact, Jiajing doesn't care about whether the people's hearts are not right.

The important thing is whether Hai Jui's righteous behavior was premeditated, and whether Qingliu launched an organized challenge to himself?

"Daming Dynasty 1566" As soon as Hai Rui arrived in the capital, he ran to give the inscription to Liubiju, what is the meaning?

This suspicion also made Liubiju lead the development of the situation in the court in another direction.

As soon as Hai Rui came to the capital, he did a taboo thing, which made the Taoist chief suspect the court situation, is he still in control of the range?

The Taoist master's level of scheming is very high, and he previously appointed Qingliu as a master for King Yu, training a team for him, and leaving a good reputation for his son.

At that time, Qingliu was under the pressure of the strict party, and it was difficult to protect himself, and with the protection of King Yu, life was better.

After the fall of the Yan Party, the Taoist began to target King Yu with a series of actions, which were actually aimed at Qingliu, not against King Yu himself.

"Daming Dynasty 1566" As soon as Hai Rui arrived in the capital, he ran to give the inscription to Liubiju, what is the meaning?

Whenever there is something in the court, Jiajing will order King Yu, which will make this son depressed.

Jiajing's intention, on the one hand, is to often remind King Yu not to make mistakes; On the other hand, it is to beat Qingliu, if you don't have the identity card of Yuwang, it is nothing.

Qingliu's heart palpitated

In this wave of operation, the Taoist chief first punished the clear stream, and then knocked the clear stream.

At this time, Lu Fang and Xu Jie still didn't know anything about Liubiju.

"Daming Dynasty 1566" As soon as Hai Rui arrived in the capital, he ran to give the inscription to Liubiju, what is the meaning?

Qi Dazhu told Zhu Qi about Hai Rui's Liubiju, Jinyiwei has been doing it for so long, Zhu Qi is vigilant, he went to inform Lu Fang himself, and asked Qi Dazhu to inform Xu Ge Lao of the matter.

The messaging is complete and the game begins.

The place where the game took place was still the Jingshe, but the people standing in the Jingshe were replaced by Yan Song to Xu Jie.

Elder Xu Ge came to report the results of the Yan Party's raid and the distribution plan of the Yan Party's money. In my heart, I actually wanted to test the attitude of Jiajing on the matter of Liubiju.

The three people in this retreat - Jiajing, Lu Fang, and Xu Jie all knew it, but everyone pretended to be confused.

"Daming Dynasty 1566" As soon as Hai Rui arrived in the capital, he ran to give the inscription to Liubiju, what is the meaning?

Jiajing listened to the distribution plan, and was unhappy, so he copied a few rich officials, and in the end, he gave me more than 2 million taels?

The anger in Jiajing's heart was already burning.

"The people who treated King Yu have entered Beijing, and the people who have treated me have also entered Beijing! Who is the one who opened the one to me in Liubiju? ”

Xu Jie and Lu Fang became nervous, they were worried that the emperor was going to do something again.

Sure enough, Jiajing asked, "Elder Xu Ge, the envoy of the monarch and the minister, how is this recipe going?" ”

"Daming Dynasty 1566" As soon as Hai Rui arrived in the capital, he ran to give the inscription to Liubiju, what is the meaning?

The implication is that this matter was premeditated by Qingliu, King Yu is the "monarch", Xu Jie is the "minister", people like Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng are "wingmen", and Hai Rui, the person who implements it, is the "messenger".

Xu Jie didn't dare to speak more, Jiajing still wanted to pull on King Yu, so he knelt down.

Jiajing would not let go of Lu Fang, and asked which yamen this person was in? What is the last name? ”

Lu Fang said vaguely, saying that it was probably Hai Rui, who had just entered Beijing.

The implication is that this is Hai Rui's personal behavior, and Yuwang has no time or energy to direct this matter.

"Daming Dynasty 1566" As soon as Hai Rui arrived in the capital, he ran to give the inscription to Liubiju, what is the meaning?

Lu Fang replied: "Hai Rui is doing this righteously and quietly. ”

The relationship between the sixth-lived incident and the sharing of money

Seeing this, Jiajing knew that he could only magnify his move: "Is he speaking for me, or are you speaking for him, or is it speaking for my son?" ”

All the spearheads were pointed at King Yu, and Qingliu also panicked.

Jiajing issued three orders:

"Daming Dynasty 1566" As soon as Hai Rui arrived in the capital, he ran to give the inscription to Liubiju, what is the meaning?

Let King Yu copy the words written by Hai Rui, write the money, engrave the plaque, and hang it in Liubiju;

demoted Feng Bao to Chaotianguan to serve hard labor;

Let Chen Hong complete the collection of power in the celebrant supervisor.

After the fall of the Yan Party, Qingliu was dominant, and Jiajing was afraid that King Yu would make a move and threaten his imperial power.

The main purpose of these three orders is to force the cabinet to retreat and make the cabinet take the initiative to share more money.

"Daming Dynasty 1566" As soon as Hai Rui arrived in the capital, he ran to give the inscription to Liubiju, what is the meaning?

When everyone in the cabinet learned that Lu Fang was demoted from the palace, they immediately gathered together, took the initiative to retreat, and tried every means to give Jiajing more money.

Several people in the cabinet had to be compressed, Li Chunfang of the Ministry of War asked Qi Jiguang to stop attacking and change to defense, saving 500,000 yuan, the Ministry of Officials stopped issuing officials and saved 400,000 yuan, and Zhao Zhenji's household department was 600,000 yuan.

made up more than 1 million taels for the monarch's father, which made the monarch's father a little smoother.

The Liubiju incident triggered such a result, which was not expected by Hai Rui, a small principal.

#"Ming Dynasty 1566"##头条创作挑战赛##明朝的故事#