
【Theme Party Day】@孟连县全体党员2024年7月 "Branch Theme Party Day" push theme is coming~~ Please check!

author:Pu'er Menglian
【Theme Party Day】@孟连县全体党员2024年7月 "Branch Theme Party Day" push theme is coming~~ Please check!

1. Push the topic

With the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China as the main theme, the implementation of the "first topic" learning system, in accordance with the "three thirds" requirements of the superiors, grassroots self-selection, and party member recommendations, focusing on "working hard to prosper the general and striving for the first", combined with the current work, this issue of the municipal level will push 2 themes:

1. Celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China;

2. Carry out party discipline study and education.

Second, the focus of learning

1. The spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee.

2. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction.

3. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the "three rural" work.

4. The spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the 15th collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.

5. The spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on flood prevention and drought relief.

6. The spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Qinghai.

7. "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" and interpretation articles published by platforms such as the Communist Party Member Network and the China Cadre Network Academy.

8. Provisions on the Online Conduct of Party Members of the Communist Party of China.

9. Three-year action plans for the department, industry and system issued by the province and city.

3. Key tasks of grassroots party building

1. Carry out "July 1st" theme activities. Combined with the implementation of the key tasks of grassroots party building, we will do a good job in organizing life, red education, visits and condolences, etc., issue a commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party", organize "warm new" activities for new employment groups, and guide party members to actively participate in volunteer service, play a vanguard and exemplary role, and have a strong and warm festival atmosphere.

2. Do a good job in the study and education of party discipline. Conscientiously implement the requirements of the "four looks" of Wang Ning, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, learn and make good use of the party discipline regulations with higher standards, and deepen special discussions in combination with the actual situation of party members in this field.

3. Strengthen the education and management of Party members. Deepen the "10,000 party members into the party school", and make overall plans for the training of party activists and development targets. Do a solid job in the management of the development of party members and mobile party members. Conscientiously do a good job in the transfer of party member organization relations among college graduates.

4. Deepen party building and promote the improvement of the rural living environment. Promote the special action of "one reform, two evaluations and three brightness", through the commitment of party members and the masses to fulfill their promises, improve the initiative and participation rate of party members and the masses, and organize and carry out the evaluation of clean villages (groups) and clean families.

5. Promote the "secretary leading" project of urban grassroots party building. We will do a good job in the implementation of city and county projects in 2024, strengthen process management, ensure that all tasks are completed on time, in accordance with quality and quantity, and improve the effectiveness of party building and grassroots governance.

6. Grasp the demonstration and creation of grassroots party building. Promote the demonstration and cultivation project of "secretary leading innovation" of grassroots party building, and strengthen the improvement and incremental expansion of typical demonstration stocks.

4. Precautions

(1) Pay attention to expanding the connotation and extension of the theme party day, combine the practice of "four grassroots units", adopt the form of "theme party day +", and coordinate the development of party history education, discipline education, party spirit tempering, investigation and research, business training, volunteer service, sincere discussion of people's feelings, and grasp party building to promote rural revitalization, strengthen border defense, ethnic unity, religious harmony, grassroots governance, etc.

(2) Conscientiously implement the provisions of the "Regulations on the Work of the Branch of the Communist Party of China (Trial)", standardize the development of theme party days and "three meetings and one lesson", combine unified and divided, and have unified and divided points, and cannot replace "three meetings and one lesson" with theme party days, and cannot only have form and no content.

(3) Grass-roots party organizations should conscientiously implement the "first issue" learning system, and all party members should carry out learning, exchanges, seminars and related activities in accordance with the theme content on the basis of completing the prescribed actions, and invite the leaders of the party branch work contact points to participate in the activities in combination with the actual situation.

(4) Grass-roots Party organizations can use the "Yunling Pioneer" APP and "Online Party Branch" and other "smart party building" series platforms to issue notices on the theme party day, and after the theme party day is over, the administrator can check the participation situation and upload the meeting record according to the facts.

Source: Pu'er Party Building Study

Menglian County Rong Media Center

Editor|Bian Kaiyan

Editor-in-charge|Dong Junhua

Editor|Rock Sanka

Submission email: [email protected]

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Forge the propaganda slogan of the sense of community of the Chinese nation

6. Forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and strive to realize the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation

7. Gather the strength of national unity and realize the dream of great rejuvenation

8. Comprehensively promote the popularization of the standard spoken and written language of the nation, and forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation

9. Deepen education on ethnic unity and progress, and forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation

10. Forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation

11. Create a demonstration model for forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, and build a demonstration area for ethnic unity and progress


Create a national health county propaganda slogan

6. To create a national health county, everyone is responsible and everyone benefits

7. A better life depends on us to create, and the goal of Chuangwei depends on everyone to achieve

8. Raise the strength of the whole county to strive for a national health county

9. Start with me and actively participate in the creation of a national health county

10. You add glory to Chuangwei, and the city is infinitely charming because of you


Create a provincial-level civilized city propaganda slogan

6. Hand in hand to create urban civilization, heart to heart to create charm Menglian.

7. Take a civilized road, drive a civilized car, be a civilized person, and create a civilized city.

8. The flower edge is fragrant and beautiful, and people are attractive because of civilization.

9. The city is civilized because of you and me, and life is wonderful because of you and me.

10. Take active action to add luster to the creation of a civilized city.


"Eliminate the four evils" propaganda slogan

6. Carry out the prevention and control of vector organisms to prevent the spread of diseases

7. Eliminate the four pests, pay attention to hygiene, and prevent diseases

8. Do a good job in environmental sanitation and eliminate the breeding conditions for the four pests

9. Control the density of vector organisms, prevent diseases, and ensure the health of the people


Propaganda slogans for the work of economic popularization

5. Census service development in accordance with the law

6. The economic census benefits thousands of families, and truthfully fills in the report to promote development

7. Fill in the census data truthfully and truly reflect the overall picture of the economy

8. Take the pulse of the economy and feel the bottom of the family The results of the census have benefited together


Cultivated land protection propaganda slogan

6. The construction of houses in rural areas should be standardized, and cultivated land resources should not be occupied

7. Only by guarding the root of the life of the cultivated land can we have a good life

8. Green mountains and clear waters, pro-nature, ploughing, land and fertile land

9. Cultivated land is not exchanged, leaving it for children and grandchildren to eat

10. Cultivated land is the foundation of survival, and protection is the way to benefit the country

11. Grasp the "fence" of cultivated land protection and build a "great wall" of food security


Anti-Organized Crime Law promotional slogan

7. Implement the "Anti-Organized Crime Law" to prevent and punish underworld crimes.

8. Implement the "Anti-Organized Crime Law", and evil must be eliminated and eliminated from evil.

9. Implement the "Anti-Organized Crime Law" to advance the normalization of the struggle to clear away organized crime and eliminate vice.

10. Implement the "Anti-Organized Crime Law", and the entire population participates in the elimination of organized crime.

11. Implement the "Anti-Organized Crime Law" to eradicate underworld and build harmony.

12. Implement the "Anti-Organized Crime Law" to clean up the environment, maintain stability, and ensure safety.


Illegal fundraising slogans

1. Stay away from illegal fundraising and spend a peaceful New Year together

2. Establish a correct investment philosophy and stay away from the trap of illegal fundraising

3. Consciously resist the temptation of usury and rationally choose investment channels

4. Illegal fundraising is not protected by law, and participation in illegal fundraising is at your own risk

5. Refuse the temptation of usury and stay away from illegal fundraising

6. Advocating "capital preservation and high returns" is financial fraud

【Theme Party Day】@孟连县全体党员2024年7月 "Branch Theme Party Day" push theme is coming~~ Please check!