
I found that 80% of female leaders are unhappy in marriage, and there are more divorced and single, why?

author:Wait for the wind to come to G

Women can hold up half the sky, women don't let their eyebrows go, look at the leaders around me, many of them are lesbians, really give us women a long face!

Undoubtedly, their careers are very successful, but I found that 80% of their marriages are unhappy, and there are more divorced and single, why?

I found that 80% of female leaders are unhappy in marriage, and there are more divorced and single, why?

I think there are four main reasons for the divorce of female leaders:

First, the female leader is strong.

The reason why a female leader can become a leader is that she must be a very capable person, who speaks and does things vigorously, and her personality must be very domineering and strong.

She is used to saying the last sentence in the unit, and she definitely can't change it at home, so that her husband can't go to the west, criticizing her husband is like criticizing her subordinates, she is unsympathetic, which hurts her husband's self-esteem, and the key is that she doesn't feel it herself.

Men like gentle and virtuous women, they all like women who are birds, they all want to be needed, which one wants to sleep with a tigress next to them?

After a long time, my husband couldn't stand it anymore, so he would definitely file for divorce.

I found that 80% of female leaders are unhappy in marriage, and there are more divorced and single, why?

Second, my vision is high, and I can't look down on my husband anymore.

Once a woman takes the position of a leader, the people and things she comes into contact with are different, and all aspects are up a level, and there are many outstanding and successful people around her.

If your husband is still standing still, not good enough, and you are used to seeing excellent outside, you will inevitably dislike it when you go home and look at your husband again.

There will be a gap in a woman's heart, and she will look down on her husband.

Slowly, there will be conflicts between husband and wife, which is the main reason for the breakdown of marriage.

I found that 80% of female leaders are unhappy in marriage, and there are more divorced and single, why?

3. My husband has no status at home.

Found out? In a family, if the man is strong and the woman is weak, the family will be very harmonious, the man is busy with his career outside, and the woman is at home to take care of the children and the elderly, everyone thinks it is normal and natural.

If in a family, women are strong and men are weak, it is completely different, and it will make men unable to raise their heads in front of outsiders, especially when others introduce who is the husband, self-esteem will be seriously frustrated, and the heart will be very unbalanced.

Even at home, he always feels inferior to his wife, and inevitably becomes submissive and unconfident, and he doesn't even dare to take the initiative in married life.

This kind of life will suffocate men and will make men want to escape from this life all the time.

I found that 80% of female leaders are unhappy in marriage, and there are more divorced and single, why?

Fourth, the leader is busy with work and can't take care of his family.

As a leader, work will be very busy, overtime, meetings, business trips, and entertainment are the norm, so that you can't take care of the elderly and children at home, and you can't accompany your husband.

The burden of life will fall on the shoulders of her husband alone, and a woman comes home late every night, and after a long time, her husband will definitely complain, and quarrels and anger are inevitable.

No matter how good the relationship is, it will gradually become dull.

I found that 80% of female leaders are unhappy in marriage, and there are more divorced and single, why?

Fifth, bad atmosphere.

Some women will do whatever it takes to get promoted, and they have a hot fight with their superiors, and I have personally seen a female colleague sitting on the lap of the leader.

As the saying goes, there is no impermeable wall in the world, and sooner or later this kind of thing will reach the ears of others, and it will also reach the ears of her husband.

No man can bear the appearance of his wife, so it can only end in divorce.

I found that 80% of female leaders are unhappy in marriage, and there are more divorced and single, why?

The main reasons why female leaders are single after divorce:

First, the high is not enough, and the low is not enough.

As a female leader, the people she can look at must be better than her, and they have to be single.

How many people can be better than her? Very rare. How many are better than her or single? Very little!

Even if there are one or two, who wants to find a strong woman to lead them? Men like gentle, young and beautiful, especially excellent men.

Someone who is worse than her, a man may be willing, but how can she look at it? She will never wronged herself to marry, so it is difficult for her to remarry.

2. Bride of Thought.

As a female leader, she is thoughtful and assertive, and after divorce, she generally doesn't want to get married again.

Because the child already has it, the money will be earned by himself, and he will not be lonely, he is busy with work during the day and socializing at night, so he basically has no chance to be lonely.

If you are free by yourself, you don't have to worry about your husband getting angry, you don't have to worry about your in-laws nagging, you don't have to feel guilty about anyone, you don't have to please others, how comfortable it is, who would want to remarry?

I found that 80% of female leaders are unhappy in marriage, and there are more divorced and single, why?

All in all, it is difficult to be a woman, it is even more difficult to be a female leader, it is impossible to take care of career and family, there are gains and losses, it depends on your choice!