
Under the brocade clothes, the crossing chapter 100 (Lu Yiqiu is Yuan Jinxia's little follower)

author:Let's put it in style


Yuan Jinxia returned to the bedroom, turned out his fast catching uniform, crystal discs, and handcuffs, and put them neatly on the table, the more he looked at it, the happier he became, "Oh my old friends, soon you will come in handy," rubbed his hand a few times and folded the neatly folded fast capture uniform, Yuan Jinxia was very emotional, "It was all an adult's ploy to transfer me to Xinglong County at the beginning, and the adult can clearly say it, even if it is to marry an adult, I will respond to it, why do I still go to the time to catch the head, and the adult has lost a famous painting in vain." ”

"It turns out that Yuan Zhukuai wants to marry me so much?" Lu Yi's thick voice sounded behind him, with a hint of ridicule, Yuan Jinxia turned around and hugged Lu Yi's waist with a smile, "I'm already married to an adult, and the adult can't regret it if he wants to." ”

Lu Yi asked knowingly, "Why are you so happy?" ”

"Huh?" Yuan Jinxia was stunned for a moment, and suddenly reacted, "I just overheard it outside the study, oh my God, I can't let adults know about this," then he rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "With adults here, I am naturally happy all the time." ”

Lu Yi glanced at the neatly arranged objects on the table and said with a smile, "What do you want to do?" Yuan Zhukuai wouldn't want to return to Xinglong County to catch thieves just three days after getting married, right? Can you bear to leave your husband alone in the empty room? ”

Yuan Jinxia saw that Lu Yi deliberately ridiculed, and he couldn't take the initiative to expose the conversation between the two who had just overheard, so he also teased along with the words, "Adults are also proud of the spring breeze, aren't these days enough?" ”

Madame thinks...... Is that enough? Lu Yi deliberately dragged out a long voice, looked at the little man in his arms with a slight urge, and asked aggrievedly, "Or does the lady dislike being a husband?" ”

Yuan Jinxia gently pushed Lu Yi away, raised his eyebrows, and groaned, "Whoever is Dongyang is thin, and he is condensed and painted." Yaolin finally separated itself from the wind and dust. Try to look at the crane, it is still an immortal. The province can clear the words and wave the jade dust, and the real must protect the whole truth. How romantic is Taoist. should not be with Shu guests, but love Zhuo Wenjun. ”

Lu Yi listened quietly, the corners of his lips couldn't help but put on an appreciative smile, and after reading the poem, he said, "Madame has made great progress in learning, and she actually knows this poem." ”

"Don't look down on me, I will have a lot, and ......"

"What else?" Lu Yi said with a smile, and sat down with a puff of his robe, "Listen to your husband." ”

Yuan Jinxia raised his eyebrows again, with a smug look on his face, shook his head and groaned again, "Confucius said: A gentleman has three precepts, and when he is few, his blood and qi are undecided, and the precepts are in color; and its strength, the blood is strong, and the ring is fighting; and his old age, the flesh is declining, and the abstinence is in it. ”

Lu Yi frowned slightly, but with a smile, "Madame thinks that her husband is young, and when she performs the courtesy of Zhou Gong, Mrs. is dissatisfied?" ”

"My lord, don't talk nonsense," Yuan Jinxia sat on Lu Yi's lap, put one hand around Lu Yi's neck, and rubbed the other hand lightly on Lu Yi's face, and said with a grin, "The Book of Rites said: "Thirty is strong, and there is a room. ”

Lu Yi said with a smile, "Madame understands so much, I'm afraid it's just talking, but I want to help Madame practice it and see if what the ancients said is completely reasonable," After saying that, he hugged someone and got up and walked to the bedside.

"Hey, hey~ What are you going to do?"

"What do you say?" Lu Yi put the person on the bed and put the curtain down.

"My lord, it's not a big day, right?"

"Call me what?"

"Lu Yi ......"

Yuan Jinxia lazily leaned on Lu Yi's arms, the blush on his face had not yet faded, but he was worried about the case in his heart, so he asked softly, "My lord~~~ Don't you have anything to say to me?" ”

"What does Madame want to hear?"

"That's it...... It's just ......" Yuan Jinxia thought in his heart, "When I woke up, I didn't see the adult by my side, I was hungry, so I went to eat something, what did the adult just do?" ”

"An old man came, and I caught up with him in the study."

"So that's the case, no wonder I didn't find an adult in the hall, but my lord, do you want to talk about the old days in the study?"

"Let's talk about business, too."

"Business?" When Yuan Jinxia heard this, he said in his heart, "It's broken, and adults don't go to the Tao, so there is no way to talk about it." Then his eyes rolled wildly, thinking of ideas.

Lu Yi looked at it in his eyes and said with a smile, "Madame, aren't you curious about which of my old friends came?" ”

"Yes, yes, look at my head, it's like sticky paste, I should know about the old days, after all, I'm your wife now," Yuan Jinxia was secretly happy in his heart, "Your Excellency took the initiative to mention it, is it going to tell me later, hahaha......"

Lu Yi looked at Mrs. Lu with a smug smile on her face, and said deliberately, "My head is filled with paste, what else can I do?" ”

"No, no, no," Yuan Jinxia was afraid that Lu Yi would not let him go to handle the case, so he was so anxious to "flutter" and get up, "My lord, you are so smart, how can you not hear that I am joking?" I've got a lot of brains. ”

"Can you still solve the case?"

"Yes! Believe me, my lord! ”

"Oops!" Lu Yi let out a long sigh, "Madam is so earnest, I'm afraid she really wants to leave me in the mansion to keep the empty room alone?" ”

Yuan Jinxia couldn't cry or laugh, so he had to get close and coax, "My lord~ How can you say so badly?" I'm just going to work on the case, and I'm going to go home in the evening. ”

"What case is Madame going to do?"

"Do ......" Yuan Jinxia was stunned and said to himself, "Yes, he didn't say anything about the case." ”

"He? Who is it? ”

"Shi Wen, Mr. Shi catches his head, didn't the adult just ...... with him in the study" Before the words were finished, Yuan Jinxia knew that he had fallen for Lu Yi, and laughed embarrassedly a few times, "That...... No...... Sizzle...... That's it...... My lord, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I was originally looking for an adult, but I didn't expect it to be so coincidental, I heard someone mention my name, I wondered, who was so bold to break into the adult's study and make noise? So, I listened to a few words, my lord, I assure you, just a few words. ”

Lu Yi secretly laughed at his wife's cuteness, and he and Shi Wen deliberately raised their voices to her. Lu Yi understands Yuan this summer, he doesn't want to trap her in the mansion, his summer is different from ordinary women, this time Wen came to visit, so he pushed the boat down the river and naturally contributed to Yuan Jinxia's return to the six doors.

"My lord, why don't you speak? I didn't mean to ......" Yuan Jinxia was dragged into Lu Yi's arms before he finished speaking, "This summer, promise me that everything will be safe, and you must always remember that you are now my wife and the whole of my life!" ”

"Adults don't have to be nervous, it's just a case, adults are my life, the most precious thing in my life, how could I lose it?"

Lu Yi smiled, "Yuan Zhukuai only thinks about the case in his heart, but he comes to perfunctory me?" I'm a 'thing' in Yuan Zhukuai's eyes? ”

"Don't pick words, adults," Yuan Jinxia said softly, "Anyway, my life is mine, I want to grow old with adults, and I want to give birth to children for adults, and enjoy the blessings of children around my knees." ”

Lu Yi's heart moved, and he smiled evilly, "When it comes to having children, does that lady have to work harder?" With that, he turned over and began to move his hand.

Yuan Jinxia "giggle~" smiled and dodged, "Adults hate it, didn't you just pass?" ”

"I still want to."

"Don't~ I'm so tired, let the adults spare me."

"Then I'll have to think about it......"

"Your Excellency won't ask for any more conditions, will you?"

"This is Madame's initiative, then I will put forward a small condition."

Yuan Jinxia pouted, "Adults are good at talking, don't lie to me." ”

"Madame has always arrested the head to handle the case this time, can you take me with you?"

"With you?" Yuan Jinxia's eyes widened in surprise, "My lord, are you joking?" I'm a six-door little catcher, and I'm surrounded by the commander of the dignified brocade guard, so doesn't it make people think about it and make a big fuss? ”

"I don't care, if Madame doesn't take me, I'll go with me, otherwise Madame will follow me now," Lu Yi said, smiling evilly, and his hand moved again.

Yuan Jinxia was helpless, and hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, it's all good to discuss, don't move first." ”

"Then you allowed me to follow?"

"My lord~ You are the commander of the Jinyi Guard, and you are busy every day, how can you have time? Besides, the six doors are all small cases, how dare you work for Jinyiwei? ”

Lu Yi pretended to be aggrieved and said, "Your Majesty allowed me to take a January holiday, and it's only been a few days, and I'm going to be abandoned in the mansion by the newlywed wife. ”

Yuan Jinxia looked at Lu Yi and suddenly laughed, "My lord, this is the second time I've seen you cheat, in fact, I like adults like this, and I feel a special sense of accomplishment." ”

Lu Yi looked at Yuan Jinxia with a pair of good-looking eyes with a little surprise, "What did Madame say?" ”

"What I'm saying is that I like adults to be coquettish," Yuan Jinxia lay on the bed, looking at Lu Yi with his chin in his hand, "However, adults can only be coquettish with me." ”

Lu Yi reached out to pinch Mrs. Lu's little face, and said with a smile, "If you dare to mention it again, I will make Mrs. unable to get out of bed for three days." ”

With that, the two couldn't help but laugh and rolled into a ball on the bed.

"My lord, let's talk about something serious, what is going on with that case that Mr. Shi said, can you tell me?"

Lu Yi shook his head, "He didn't say, I didn't ask." ”

Yuan Jinxia was puzzled, "The adult took it for me so confidently?" ”

"What case can't be handled by my wife?" Lu Yi said with a smile, "Besides, there is also a Jinyi Guard commander to be your little follower." ”

"Okay, I'll just treat it as an adult, Lao Lu sells melons, and sells himself and boasts."

"Madame is getting more and more naughty," Lu Yi reached under Yuan Jinxia's armpit, and the two laughed again.

"My lord, I'm hungry again," Yuan Jinxia's stomach made a "grunt~" cry, Lu Yiye had heard it, and said with a smile, "It's all a dereliction of duty on the part of the little follower, let's go, let's eat," said and picked up the person, the two washed up, got dressed, and went straight to the dining room.

"Wait, my lord," Yuan Jinxia grabbed Lu Yi and said, "Shh~". Lu Yi had already heard it, and stood up with a smile. Yuan Jinxia poked his head and looked in......

"Brother Cen, I have something for you." Zhu Ying held a purse in her hand, looking a little shy.

Cen Fu looked at his purse, glanced out the door quickly, reached out to take it, and put it in his arms, his eyes immediately looked away, pretending that nothing had happened.

Zhu Ying was very happy when she saw Cen Fu take it, and was about to say something, but Cen Fu "coughed" and glanced out of the door.

When Zhu Ying turned around, she saw Lu Yi walking in with Yuan Jinxia in her arms, and she was busy seeing the ceremony sideways, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"My lord, you said yesterday that we have a piece of wood in our house, and I looked everywhere today, how can I have it? Adults know how to laugh. ”

"It's also a matter of looking away for a while, so Madame doesn't have to be more serious."

Cen Fuming knew that the two were talking about himself, but he didn't dare to respond, and secretly touched the purse in his arms with his hand, and the corners of his mouth grinned.