
Is it a good or bad thing to dream of a loved one who has passed away? After reading these three points, you will understand

author:Those things in Wutai Mountain
Is it a good or bad thing to dream of a loved one who has passed away? After reading these three points, you will understand

"Since my father died, I have often dreamed of him, in my dreams the family laughed and talked, but when I woke up, I found that it was all fake, and I was extremely disappointed."

"In the last few days, I have always dreamed of him, although I can't remember the past in the dream, but he must be my deceased relative!"


Many people may wonder why they dream of a deceased loved one, especially when that loved one has just passed away.

At this time, the old people usually explain that it is because you miss your relatives too much, and your relatives have a sense of it, so they will meet you in their dreams.

But is that really the case? What does a dream of a deceased loved one portify?

Is it a good or bad thing to dream of a loved one who has passed away? After reading these three points, you will understand

01. Seeing things and thinking about people comes from life

There is an old saying: "Think in the day, dream in the night." ”

Those people or objects in dreams are inseparable from our daily life, and your mental activities, experiences, etc., may quietly appear in your mind.

When a loved one passes away, it is inevitable that you will see things and think about others, and even overhear relevant news or confide in people who have suffered the same thing, which will trigger your inner sentimentality.

Really, most of the so-called dreams come from life.

Just as everyone appears in their dreams, there are traces in reality, and there will be no such thing as something that never exists.

You will dream of a deceased loved one, most likely because you miss the other person to a certain extent.

Is it a good or bad thing to dream of a loved one who has passed away? After reading these three points, you will understand

02. Emptiness and lack of security in the heart

As we all know, contemporary life is fast-paced, pressure is everywhere, and the seemingly powerful body is a tired heart.

At this point, there is an urgent need for a shoulder to relieve the pain. And for many people, the only ones who can listen to their nagging and not get tired of it are their relatives, especially the elders.

But sometimes it is such an important person who has passed away, so it is not surprising to dream of a loved one at night.

In your dreams, in front of him, you can vent the pain in your heart, and at the same time recall the good times together, and the pain in your heart will also disappear invisibly.

Therefore, sometimes dreaming of a deceased loved one is a sign of insecurity!

Is it a good or bad thing to dream of a loved one who has passed away? After reading these three points, you will understand

03. What did you miss and want to make up for your shortcomings

I once received a message from a fan: Since the death of her mother-in-law, her husband often dreams of his mother, and several times wakes up in the middle of the night and sighs alone.

At first, she could understand, but she didn't think that her husband would not be able to come out for a long time, and conflicts also occurred from time to time, making the whole family uneasy!

It wasn't until I took him to see a psychiatrist that the truth was revealed:

It turned out that after her mother-in-law died, during the preparation for the funeral, because he had to go through the procedures for buying a house, he returned to the city where he worked early and failed to send his mother on the last trip.

Because of this, her husband fell into guilt, and he fell deeper and deeper......

Finally, under the treatment of the doctor, her husband put away the self-blame and guilt in his heart and completed the farewell to his mother.

Therefore, we often dream of a deceased loved one, sometimes not out of nowhere, but with some special emotions for this loved one.

Is it a good or bad thing to dream of a loved one who has passed away? After reading these three points, you will understand

I believe most people have heard the saying that it is not good to dream of a loved one who has passed away.

But is that really the case?

In fact, seeing a deceased loved one in a dream is not a bad thing, on the contrary, it can help us to lighten the burden on our hearts, and even reunite with our loved ones for a second time.

This loved one must also have a very important place in your heart, because you miss it too much, so you dream about it, you really don't have to worry too much, just relax your mind.

What's more, dreams can be seen as a process of self-healing.

Through dreams, we can know that our "heart" is sick, so that we can prescribe the right medicine, let ourselves rest and rest, or talk to our family.

All in all, dreaming of a deceased relative is not a bad thing, maybe for the deceased relative, it will be very comforting that you are still thinking about him, and even you can think like this, as a deceased relative to dream of you, he is still caring for you and trusting you from afar.

Finally, I hope everyone can cherish every important person around them, don't let yourself regret it, don't leave regrets for yourself!