
Health tips for July

author:Shouguang Rong Media Center

The weather is hot in July,

Rain increases, students are on vacation,

There is an increased risk of insect-borne infections and accidental injuries.

Weifang Center for Disease Control and Prevention reminds you:

prevention of tick-borne diseases, intestinal infectious diseases, Japanese encephalitis,

Avoid heat stroke and drowning.

Be outdoors and beware of tick-borne diseases

Ticks are vectors of a variety of infectious diseases, such as fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome and Lyme disease, which are often transmitted to people through bites. Ixodes ticks mostly live in forests, shrubs, open pastures, grasslands, and mountain soils; Ticks are mostly found in enclosures of domestic animals, burrows of wild animals, nests of birds, and crevices in human houses. The common tick bite sites are generally in areas with thin skin that are not easy to be scratched, such as the neck, behind the ears, armpits, inner thighs, genitals and groin.

Health Tips

1. July is still the tick activity period. During holiday field activities, you should do a good job of personal protection, wear long-sleeved clothes and pants, wear a hat, wear light-colored clothes to find out whether there are ticks attached, and do not wear sandals barefoot. Apply repellent to bare skin, and if you need to sit and lie down in a grassy area, woods, etc., it is recommended to lay an item such as a camping mat for isolation. If you are traveling with a pet, you should also check whether there are ticks attached to the parts with thin skin such as behind the pet's ears and are not easy to be scratched.

2. Once a tick is found to be attached to the skin, the tick should be removed as soon as possible, and alcohol can be sprayed on the tick to make the tick's head relax or die, and then clamp the tick with clean fine-tipped tweezers and pull it out vertically upward; Or use cigarette butts and incense sticks to gently scald the exposed part of the tick to make its head slowly withdraw on its own. After taking it out, it is then disinfected locally with iodine or alcohol, and the physical condition is observed at any time. Do not pull hard to avoid injuring the skin or leaving the head of the tick in the skin to cause infection, and consult your health care provider if necessary.

3. If you have a history of tick bites or wild activities, once you have suspected symptoms or signs such as fever, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible and inform your doctor of the relevant exposure history.

The weather is hot, and intestinal infections are prevented

In summer, the temperature is high and the humidity is high, and the common pathogens of intestinal infectious diseases, especially bacteria, grow and multiply actively, which is easy to cause food contamination and deterioration and drinking water pollution.

Health Tips

1. Practice good hand hygiene. Make it a habit to wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet, and when processing food, using soapy water, hand sanitizer, and rinsing with running water.

2. Pay attention to food hygiene. Make sure the food is fresh and avoid eating expired or spoiled food; Meat, seafood and eggs should be cooked thoroughly; Try to finish the meal on the same day, if there is any leftover, refrigerate it properly and reheat it thoroughly before eating; Eat as little cold food as possible in restaurants and tourist attractions where hygiene conditions are difficult to guarantee; Wash raw vegetables and fruits when eating; When handling and processing food, knives, cutting boards, containers, etc., should be separated from raw and cooked to prevent cross-contamination.

3. Ensure the safety of drinking water. Drink plain water or bottled water, rinse your mouth with clean water, brush your teeth, and wash utensils and ingredients.

4. Maintain the hygiene of the room and environment. Remove garbage in a timely manner and clean the restaurant kitchen regularly to reduce the breeding of mosquitoes and cockroaches; Constant ventilation.

5. If there are patients with diarrhea and vomiting around you, you should pay attention to protection and disinfect the patient's vomit and feces to avoid cross-infection.

Mosquitoes increase to prevent Japanese encephalitis

Japanese encephalitis (JE) is an acute infectious disease with damage to the central nervous system caused by the Japanese encephalitis virus and is a zoonotic disease. The mortality rate and sequelae are high.

As the main vector of JE, Culex mosquitoes are inseparable from water for reproduction, such as puddles, ponds or irrigated rice fields, etc., larvae prefer to breed in sewage or water tanks near houses, and adult mosquitoes mostly hide indoors in dark, warm and humid places for wintering.

Bites mainly in the evening or at night. Culex mosquitoes bite domestic animals such as pigs and cattle infected with JE virus and then bite humans, causing the virus to invade the human body and infect humans.

Health Tips

1. Vaccination. Children should be vaccinated against JE or catch-up according to the routine immunization schedule. Susceptible people who have not been vaccinated with JE vaccine before should receive at least 1 dose of live attenuated vaccine or 2 doses of inactivated vaccine (with an interval of 7~10 days).

2. Mosquito control strategies. Eradication of mosquito breeding grounds. Remove the small stagnant water around the living area in time, turn over the pot and pour the canister to cover, fill the depression, and eliminate the stagnant water; Maintain the hygiene of livestock and poultry houses. Where conditions permit, the livestock (pig) house can be regularly sanitized and killed by residual spraying.

3. Personal protection. It is recommended to install screen doors and windows, and use mosquito nets and mosquito coils. During the peak period of mosquito activity, try to stay away from livestock breeding areas such as pigs and cattle, and avoid activities near other animal houses or vector mosquito breeding sites. Wear light-coloured, long-sleeved shirts and pants, and use mosquito repellent on exposed areas of the body to avoid mosquito bites and reduce the risk of infection.

If symptoms such as fever, headache, vomiting, and drowsiness occur during the JE epidemic season, medical attention should be sought in time for a clear diagnosis and treatment.

Learn about heat stroke and avoid heat stroke

In the hot season, high temperature, high humidity and strong heat radiation weather can cause a series of physiological disorders in the human body, resulting in heat stroke.

Health Tips

1. Drink plenty of water. When sweating a lot, drink a small amount of water and drink salt appropriately.

2. Pay attention to diet and rest. Eat less high-fat foods and try to eat lightly. Increase your intake of vegetables and fruits to replenish the vitamins lost in sweat. Increase your intake of high-quality protein to supplement the consumption of hot work.

3. Try to avoid going out in hot weather. Even when you go out, you should walk together, care for each other, and wear appropriate clothing and sunscreen.

4. Give care and attention to the elderly, infants, children, people with mental illness and chronic diseases, and people who work or exercise too hard in hot weather.

5. Carry heatstroke prevention and cooling drugs with you, such as: Huoxiang Zhengqi Pills, Rendan, Ten Drops of Water, Fengyou Jing, etc.

Summer vacation has begun, and children are strictly prevented from drowning

Drowning accidents are common in summer, especially during the summer holidays. Rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, canals, wells, quarries, etc. are areas where adults, children and adolescents are prone to drowning.

Health Tips

1. Empty the basin and bucket at home immediately after use; Water tanks, wells, sewers, etc. should be covered; Avoid unsupervised children and teens playing in open water.

2. When going to the beach to play in the water or swimming, let the child wear a safe, qualified, and suitable life jacket for the child's figure, and buckle all the buckles and take care of them at all times.

3. Teach children not to swim or play in wild waters such as ponds, canals, rivers and lakes. Once you find that your companion is drowning, you should shout for help, but do not go into the water, you can throw the surrounding lifebuoy, sticks, etc. to the drowning person.

4. Learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills for emergency use.

Contributed by: Health Education Section