
Revelation! The unknown legendary love of the four talented women of the Republic of China

author:Interesting history

1. Zhang Ailing: The prosperity is over, but the legend is still there

Revelation! The unknown legendary love of the four talented women of the Republic of China

1. The characters are gorgeous

In the vast river of modern Chinese literature, there is a woman who has painted a gorgeous and deep picture of life with her unique brushstrokes. She is Zhang Ailing. This talented woman originally from Tangshan City, Hebei Province, formerly known as Zhang Lang, was born on September 30, 1920 in a former aristocratic mansion in the western district of the Shanghai Public Concession. Her works, whether novels and essays, as well as film scripts and literary treatises, shine with wisdom and talent. Even her letters are regarded as literary treasures, studied and celebrated.

2. Feelings in troubled times, legendary love

In that turbulent era, the encounter between Zhang Ailing and Hu Lancheng seemed to be a legend destined by destiny. She is the most prestigious female writer in Shanghai, with peerless elegance and talent; He is an important member of Wang's puppet government, with great power, but he is also on the cusp of troubled times. Their acquaintance, acquaintance, and love are like bright fireworks, blooming brilliantly in troubled times.

Hu Lancheng, he understands every subtlety of Zhang Ailing. He understood the nobility and elegance of her aristocratic family background, as well as her thoughts of timely pleasure that had been born out of her unfortunate childhood. This understanding may be the biggest reason why Zhang Ailing fell in love with Hu Lancheng. That year, he was 38 years old, calm and profound; She is 24 years old, like a flower and jade, and she is full of talent. They fell in love, there was no grand wedding, no blessings from relatives and friends, only Zhang Ailing's friend Yan Ying as a witness.

However, the good times were short-lived. In November 1944, Hu Lancheng was transferred to Hubei to take over the editing of "Da Chu Bao", and began a long separation from Zhang Ailing. The distance did not weaken their relationship, but Hu Lancheng's abusive love gave Zhang Ailing a fatal blow. Soon after he was in Wuhan, he had a heated fight with a 17-year-old nurse, Zhou Xunde, and even held a wedding, seemingly completely forgetting the existence of Zhang Ailing. And Zhang Ailing, who doesn't know anything about it, is still waiting for Hu Lancheng's return in distant Shanghai.

The situation was unpredictable, and on August 15, 1945, Japan surrendered, and the end of Hu Lancheng followed. He fled to Zhejiang, where he got together with the widow Fan Xiumei. His abuse and betrayal made Zhang Ailing's heart ache. She decides to leave the place that left her heartbroken and pursue a new life.

In November 1955, Zhang Ailing took the cruise ship "President Cleveland" to the United States. Here she met her second husband, Mr. Fedinand Reyher. Lai Ya is thirty years older than Eileen Chang, but he is a talented American playwright. Their encounter seemed to be fate, allowing Zhang Ailing to rediscover hope in life. In August 1956, they got married half a year after knowing each other and started a new life.

However, fate played a joke on Zhang Ailing again. Soon after, Lai Ya was paralyzed in bed, and Zhang Ailing took care of him until death. She had no children in her life and finally died alone in the United States on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Her passing has made countless people feel regret and grief, but her legendary story has forever remained in people's hearts and has become an eternal classic.

2. Xiao Hong: The interweaving of talent and fate

Revelation! The unknown legendary love of the four talented women of the Republic of China

1. Character profile

Formerly known as Zhang Yiying, Xiao Hong is a bright actress in the history of modern Chinese literature, known as one of the "Four Talented Women of the Republic of China", and is also the "Literary Roselle of the 30s". Her life is a portrayal of struggle and struggle, even if her fate is ill-fated, she still uses the pen as a sword, swaying her talents on the battlefield of literature, and writing legends.

In 1935, under the careful guidance of the literary giant Lu Xun, Xiao Hong published his famous work "The Field of Life and Death", which caused a sensation in the literary world with its profound theme and unique artistic style. Subsequently, she traveled east to Japan, where she wrote the essay "A Lonely Life" and the long poem "Sand Grains", which showed her deep thinking about life and art. In 1940, she arrived in Hong Kong with Duanmu Yuliang and published the novella Ma Bole and the famous novel The Legend of the Hulan River, which became the pinnacle of her literary creation.

2. Legendary love story

Xiao Hong, a talented female writer, has experienced ups and downs on the road of love. She once said with emotion: "The greatest pain and misfortune in my life is because I am a woman...... behind which is her deep helplessness and emotion for love and fate.

Her first relationship was with Wang Enjia, the son of a warlord. Wang Enjia is unlearned and idle, Xiao Hong is deeply disgusted by this, so she chooses to escape from marriage. However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on people, and in the difficult situation of life, Xiao Hong meets Wang Enjia again. Wang Enjia made a promise to marry her and accompany her to study in Beiping. However, all this is nothing more than Wang Enjia's lies, and Xiao Hong was ruthlessly abandoned after conceiving Liujia.

Subsequently, Xiao Hong met Xiao Jun. The appearance of Xiao Jun is undoubtedly a ray of life for Xiao Hong, who is in a desperate situation. He rescued her, married her, and more importantly, tapped into Xiao Hong's literary potential, making her a famous writer. They jointly completed the anthology "Trek", and the publication of "The Field of Life and Death" established Xiao Hong's status in the literary world. However, the good times did not last long, and there was a rift between Xiao Hong's sensitive and suspicious personality and Xiao Jun's frank and bold personality. The two had constant arguments and even domestic violence. In the end, Xiao Hong chose to leave and ended this painful relationship.

After Xiao Jun, Duanmu Yuliang walked into Xiao Hong's life. However, the relationship was not favored from the beginning. Especially Duanmu's mother, who thinks that Xiao Hong and two men have children, and they are ominous people. Despite this, Xiao Hong still chose to marry Duanmu Yuliang. Life after marriage is relatively peaceful, there is no domestic violence, but Duanmu is a very dependent man, and Xiao Hong has to take care of everything in the family. Xiao Hong's health was not good, and this kind of life made her feel tired. On January 23, 1942, Xiao Hong died of illness at the age of 31. Although her life was short, her talent and tenacity will always remain in people's hearts.

3. Shi Pingmei: The soul and legend of poetry under the shadow of Mei

Revelation! The unknown legendary love of the four talented women of the Republic of China

1. Character silhouette

In the bright starry sky of modern Chinese literature, Shi Pingmei has become a bright star with her unique literary talent and firm revolutionary beliefs. She, formerly known as Rubi, chose the pen name "Shi Ping Mei" because of her love for the arrogance and tenacity of plum blossoms, implying that she is as tough as a stone and as beautiful as plum blossoms.

In the autumn of 1923, her long travelogue "Blurred Aftershadow" was serialized in the "Morning Post Supplement", allowing readers to appreciate the charm of her words. Since then, she and her close friend Lu Jingqing have co-edited the "Beijing Daily Supplement. Women's Weekly and World Journal Supplement. Qiangzang Weekly", a voice for women and a cry for literature. However, God was jealous of the talent, and in the bleak autumn of 1928, she died of illness, leaving behind endless regrets and sorrows.

Shi Pingmei's life is an interweaving of poetry, prose, travelogues, and novels. Her works, as clear as spring water and as hot as fire, are known as "famous female poets in Beijing" with the theme of pursuing love, truth, longing for freedom and light. Her masterpieces such as "The Red-Maned Horse" and "The Neighing of a Horse" and other novels have won wide acclaim for their unique literary style and profound ideological connotation.

2. Legendary love song

In that stormy era, the love story between Shi Pingmei and Gao Junyu was like a poignant love song, which was moving. They, one is a talented female writer and the other is an aspiring revolutionary, they meet, know and fall in love under the arrangement of fate.

When they first met, the two were at the hometown meeting of the Shanxi Hall in Beijing, and that glance was destined to be entangled in their lives. During the conversation, they found that they shared the same ideals and ambitions, as if they were a match made in heaven. However, Gao Junyu's married identity is like an invisible chasm between them.

For the sake of love, Gao Junyu resolutely decided to dissolve the marriage that existed in name only. He returned to Shanxi and had a long talk with his father and wife, and finally got their understanding. In the autumn of 1924, the ten-year marriage finally came to an end. Gao Junyu's firmness and perseverance moved Shi Pingmei, and she decided to spend her life with this man.

However, fate played a cruel joke on them. In March 1925, Gao Junyu died of illness, leaving Shi Pingmei alone to face this cruel reality. She was overwhelmed with grief and was immersed in endless mourning. She poured all her feelings into the late Gao Junyu, as if only in this way could she alleviate the pain in her heart.

Gao Junyu's cemetery is Taoran Pavilion in Beijing, and Shi Pingmei personally planted more than ten pines and cypresses around the tomb, entrusting her thoughts and condolences to Gao Junyu. She inscribed an inscription on the tomb: "I am the sword, I am the spark, I want to live like the light of lightning, I want to die like the swiftness of a comet." Junyu, I can't hold your life as fast as a comet, I can only shed the rest of my tears on your grave until I can't come to see you. This inscription is not only her affectionate confession to Gao Junyu, but also her helplessness and grievance about her fate.

Now, the years have passed, but the love story of Shi Pingmei and Gao Junyu is forever engraved in people's hearts. They used their love and life to compose a poignant love song, which has become a good story in the history of modern Chinese literature.

Fourth, Lu Bicheng: A legendary woman with talent and Buddha's fate

Revelation! The unknown legendary love of the four talented women of the Republic of China

1. Character profile

In the long history of modern China, Lu Bicheng is like a bright star, shining with a unique light. She is not only one of the initiators of the feminist movement, but also an outstanding female educator, who served as the principal of Beiyang Women's Normal School, and cultivated many female elites such as Deng Yingchao and Xu Guangping. Her name is linked to Qiu Jin, and together they call for revolution and promote social progress. She also served as the confidential secretary of Yuan Shikai, the president of the Republic of China, becoming the first woman to hold a high position at that time. She has traveled all over the world, studying in the United States, traveling far and wide, absorbing the essence of multiculturalism. Her poetic attainments are even more dominant, and she is known as the last female lyricist in the past three hundred years. Just as the people of the time said: "The silk curtain alone embraces people and competes for envy, and pushes Lu Bicheng everywhere." ”

Lu Bicheng's life is full of legends. With her firm belief and outstanding talent, she has left a strong mark in the torrent of history. Her name has long become a symbol of women's self-improvement, freedom and equality in modern China.

2. Legendary love story

Lu Bicheng, this talented woman, crossed the sky like a meteor in the red dust, and never built a love nest with anyone. She passed by celebrities such as Yingzhizhi, Yan Fu, Yuan Gongzi, Fei Shuwei, Chen Xuaning, etc., but she never found the partner who could connect with her heart and spend her life together. There are different opinions about the reason why she never married in her life.

Some people say that the reason why Lu Bicheng is not married is because she has seen through the hot and cold world and lost confidence in marriage. She is proud of herself and feels that there is no one around her to match, so she would rather die of celibacy. Her talent and fame have made her a high-profile social setting, but she has never been fooled by the glitz of the world and has always kept a clear head.

Some people also believe that the key to Lu Bicheng's unmarried is economic independence. She resigned before Yuan Shikai became emperor and went to Shanghai to do business, cooperating with foreign businessmen and earning a huge fortune. Her talent and wisdom have made her a thrive in the business world and a luxurious life. Talented, famous, and wealthy, she has long surpassed the dependence and expectations of traditional women on marriage. She pursues freedom, independence, and spiritual satisfaction, rather than material abundance and the care of men.

Although Lu Bicheng is elegant and talented, she has always adhered to her beliefs and pursuits. She would rather die celibate than succumb to a secular marriage. Her choice, although regrettable, also shows her personality and courage. Her life, like the plum blossoms she loved, stood proudly and fragrant.