
Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling took a recent photo: shaved her hair on both sides, like a muscular fitness man

author:Fall in love with the fruity aroma of melon

In 2004, Bi Fujian and his wife divorced, and his daughter Bi Ling moved to Canada with her mother, but the father-daughter relationship is very good.

Bi Ling appeared in front of the camera for the first time, when she was in the audience of "Avenue of Stars", she spoke very playfully, wore glasses and a watch, and her hair was long and straight, dressed as an ordinary girl next door.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling took a recent photo: shaved her hair on both sides, like a muscular fitness man

Although it is said that Bi Fujian's small eyes have inherited Bi Fujian, but the eighteen changes of the female college, coupled with makeup and dressing, will also be a little beauty in the future, but I didn't expect that Bi Ling did not change to sweet and delicate like ordinary girls, but cut off her long hair, dressed up differently, and became a tomboy who was alive and well.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling took a recent photo: shaved her hair on both sides, like a muscular fitness man

And the photos she posted recently give people a sense of muscular fitness men.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling took a recent photo: shaved her hair on both sides, like a muscular fitness man

Bi Ling, who is 27 years old, is about to celebrate her 28th birthday, although the relationship status has not been revealed, but she is very happy with her friends.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling took a recent photo: shaved her hair on both sides, like a muscular fitness man

Bi Ling held a champagne glass in her hand, half-squatting in front of her friends, smiling brightly, and most of her friends' eyes followed her, it seems that Bi Ling is the pistachio among her friends, all the girls present wore skirts, only Bi Ling wore trousers and long shirts, her hair on both sides was shaved, only the middle was left, and she combed a small braid.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling took a recent photo: shaved her hair on both sides, like a muscular fitness man

And the jewelry she wears, even oversized necklaces and rings, has a punk style, but the earrings look decent.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling took a recent photo: shaved her hair on both sides, like a muscular fitness man

In the full-body photo, Bi Ling stood next to the only man, on the right hand side was a beautiful white-skinned girl, everyone smiled, compared to the bumpy bodies of other girls, Bi Ling's figure is really no different from the muscular men who like fitness, if it weren't for knowing that she was a girl in advance, I'm afraid many people would think that this was a boy.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling took a recent photo: shaved her hair on both sides, like a muscular fitness man

And this image accidentally hit Yue Yunpeng in the face, isn't it a coincidence.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling took a recent photo: shaved her hair on both sides, like a muscular fitness man

In fact, not only Yue Yunpeng, Bi Ling was also compared with Gazi, not to mention, it was really similar.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling took a recent photo: shaved her hair on both sides, like a muscular fitness man

Different from the joy of taking pictures with friends, Bi Ling sticks out his tongue when taking a selfie alone, and he is still playful.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling took a recent photo: shaved her hair on both sides, like a muscular fitness man

Although I don't know when Bi Ling started cutting off her long hair and began to show off her short hair wantonly, it must have something to do with her learning art.

Bi Ling graduated from the Ontario College of Art and Design, and now works with art, and has also held his own solo exhibition.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling took a recent photo: shaved her hair on both sides, like a muscular fitness man

The mother has always had two hemp braids, which have not changed for so many years, and it can be seen that the mother is a maverick in her bones, so she can accept her daughter to be herself as she wants.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling took a recent photo: shaved her hair on both sides, like a muscular fitness man
Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling took a recent photo: shaved her hair on both sides, like a muscular fitness man

Bi Fujian can't accompany his daughter all year round, and he only meets during winter and summer vacations, which can't affect his daughter's thoughts and aesthetics at all, so accepting is the best choice.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling took a recent photo: shaved her hair on both sides, like a muscular fitness man

Don't look at Bi Ling's strong figure, she looks like she wants to burst her clothes, but her body is very flexible, she can put her feet on her chin, very relaxed, if she dances, hip-hop is very good, maybe, that is another life for Bi Ling.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling took a recent photo: shaved her hair on both sides, like a muscular fitness man

The most valuable thing in a person's life is to be able to be yourself as you like, in this regard, Bi Ling has done it, even if she does not have a beautiful appearance and a slender figure, she is still herself, with friends around and parents behind her, the confidence and calmness in her body is the sense of relaxation that people envy now.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling took a recent photo: shaved her hair on both sides, like a muscular fitness man

Compared to a beautiful face, a proud figure, and a confident smile can make a girl more beautiful, even if she looks like a boy.

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