
Wang Meisheng: Legendary general Xiao Zhenying

author:Nature and Society


This article is excerpted from the seventeenth volume of "Wendeng Literary and Historical Materials" (December 2002), written by Wang Meisheng, and the original title is "Legendary General Xiao Zhenying"

Wang Meisheng: Legendary general Xiao Zhenying

Siu Chun-ying (1890-1947)

Xiao Zhenying (1890-1947), a native of Fuyu, Jilin. The word fairy pavilion. In his early years, he was mixed in the military and political circles of the Northeast, and later joined Shi Yousan of the Northwest Army. In 1926, he served as the director of the Military Law Division of the General Headquarters of the Western Route Army of the National Army, and was a staff member of Song Zheyuan. In June of the same year, he was promoted to mayor of Xi'an. After 1930, he served as the General Staff of the 29th Army. In 1933, he served as a member of the Beiping Branch of the Military Commission of the Kuomintang Government and a member of the Executive Yuan's Political Affairs Arrangement Committee in Pingping. In November 1935, he was appointed mayor of Tianjin, and left his post in August 1936 to leave the country. During the Anti-Japanese War, he turned to commercial activities and opened the Datong Bank. He died of illness in Beiping in 1947.

I felt that I had a good impression of Feng Yuxiang before, but after reading this article, I found that Lao Feng's character was really bad.


Xiao Zhenying, the word Xiange, was born on May 2, 1890 (the sixteenth year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty) in Beduna Sima Jia Tun (now the residence of the Sima Jia Township Government of Fuyu City, Jilin Province).

Wang Meisheng: Legendary general Xiao Zhenying

Simajia Township was renamed Sanjun Manchu Mongolian Xibe Township in 2005

He has studied at Jilin College of Law and Political Science, and later successively served as judge, staff officer, battalion commander and regiment commander of Sun Bujun of Jilin Provincial Military Supervision Bureau, director of Jilin Provincial Tianfu Management Bureau, member of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly, Bao Lin Daoyin and Wuyuan County Magistrate, mayor of Xi'an, lieutenant general of the 29th Army of the National Revolutionary Army, member of the Political Affairs Committee of the Jicha Procuratorate, chairman of the Economic Commission of the Jicha Province, chairman of Chahar Province, mayor of Tianjin, general staff of the first theater of the Military Commission of the National Government, and chairman of the board of directors of Datong Bank. He died in Beiping in 1947.

Xiao Zhenying's life is full of legends, he has made good achievements in politics, the army, reclamation, running schools, engaging in industry, and managing finance; He was very social, had many friends, but never joined any political party; He has a bold personality, is straightforward, dares to do things regardless of his life, and helps the poor without wanting to return anything, but after his death, there are mixed reviews and mixed reputations, some people say that he is anti-Japanese and patriotic, some people say that he is a traitor and a politician, what kind of person Xiao is, please judge for yourself.

First, the Xiao family is developed and relies on agriculture to study and advance to Lai Zhenying

Xiao Zhenying was originally from Dazhang Village, Wendeng County, Shandong Province (transferred to Rongcheng County in June 1956).

Wang Meisheng: Legendary general Xiao Zhenying

During the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty, his great-grandfather Xiao Man left his hometown with his family and fled to the eastern part of the country. He came to settle in Simajiatun on the south bank of the Songhua River in Beduna. This was originally a royal forbidden land, the wasteland into a piece, at this time has been banned, from the customs to make a living here residents gradually more Xiao Man since childhood due to smallpox blindness, but the intelligence is outstanding, after coming to the Northeast, determined to start a family when he first arrived, he made a living by fortune-telling, and then also ran a hotel, with a small amount of land, in the winter leisure time to organize the family to engage in carriage transportation, the family business gradually prospered.

With the passage of time, the increase of fields and the increase of income, the Xiao family soon developed, the original horse frame, the small grass house became a large set of manor-style courtyards, the carriages and horses and farm tools are readily available, and the scale of production is expanding year by year.

In Xiao Man's later years, his eldest son Zhengzhong took charge of the family on his father's behalf. Zhengzhong had three sons, the second son Guo Ting married his wife Tan, on May 2, 1890, Guo Ting was happy to have a son, is Xiao Man's first great-grandson, Guo Ting according to his grandfather's generation, the son of the fan "Zhen" word (starting from the eldest son in the middle, the generations are in order of "China, the country, Zhen, the dynasty, the Gang......), then named Zhenying, and later the school teacher according to the meaning of the word "Ying", for which the word Xiange. When Zhenying was born, it was the middle stage of China's decline to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, and the land of Northeast China was full of traces of economic and cultural aggression by Russians and Japanese, and the Chinese nation was in dire straits.

The revitalization of the Xiao family was the time when the ban was opened at the end of the Qing Dynasty; Second, Berduna has sufficient water resources and fertile land; Third, the Xiao family relies on the law to operate, make money in a good way, and skillfully maneuver between various forces to benefit their own development. The Xiao family not only engaged in agriculture, but also engaged in industrial and commercial industries, and opened shops and pots in Xincheng (the location of the Beduna Department, later Xinchengfucheng, which is now Fuyu City) and some large market towns and Zhaozhou, Jiangbei and other places. In the gap between the growing colonial economy and the bureaucratic comprador economy in Northeast China, and the growing small-scale production economy in the countryside, the Xiao family miraculously developed. By the beginning of the 20th century, it has multiplied into a big family of more than 100 people, Zhenying was born in such a family, and is the eldest grandson of the long house, so he naturally became the pet of the whole family. In addition, although the Xiao family is a prominent family, the following three generations of Xiao Man, except for his fourth son, Zhenying's uncle Zu Xizhong, who served as a Jingcheng (scribe) in Nahe, are all engaged in agriculture and business, and have never been a Confucian eunuch. Therefore, the elders are pinning their hopes on this generation. In order to let Zhenying study and progress, the family chose Mr. Guo Shouyi, a more famous teacher in Changchunling, for him.

Wang Meisheng: Legendary general Xiao Zhenying

Mr. Guo lived in Changchunling Town, opened a family hall to teach, and it was inconvenient to extend the invitation, so he sent Zhenying to Mr. Guo's house to study in a private school. Although he was 7 years old at the time, Zhenying was the son of a wealthy family and was doted on by his family, but he was intelligent and self-motivated, and he was not as good as ordinary gentlemen, so he was deeply favored by Mr. Guo. Soon after entering the school, he jumped to the top of his classmates with his comprehension and expression skills, which was appreciated by teachers and praised by many elders. Liu Zhe said in his article recalling Xiao Zhenying that he "does not read much, but understands it, which is beyond the reach of those who study it", under the influence of feudal culture and morality, and in the only voice of Zi Yue Shiyun, Zhenying spent his beautiful childhood carefree.

However, Zhen Ying was a child who liked to reverie and was good at doing new things: when all kinds of new bourgeois trends of thought continued to pour into the countryside of Saibei after the Wuxu Reform, although he was young, he began to accept these new things, and he felt more and more the obsolescence of preaching such as "Ziri Shiyun", and also felt the insignificance of the imperial examination and the old road. He was reluctant to read the teachings of the ancients in the lifeless school, so he persuaded his family to be admitted to the Bukui (now Qiqihar) Middle School in 1902. Although the new school still offers Bible reading classes, after all, new courses such as arithmetic, physical education, and physical education have been added, which can very well satisfy his desire for knowledge. It didn't take long for him to make a name for himself on campus with his intelligence, studiousness and good grades. In 1906, Xiao returned to his hometown to marry a woman from the Meng family in a neighboring village according to the order of his parents. In 1908, he returned to his hometown after completing his studies. Studying in Bukui for 6 years has opened his eyes and his knowledge structure has also taken a significant leap. He not only admired the traditional moral culture, but also respected the new scientific culture, which laid a solid cultural foundation for his later military, political and financial industries. When he returned to his hometown, his wife Meng died of illness, and Meng did not come out. Because he was in a bad mood and felt that the air in his hometown was dull, he also found that six years later, his hometown was still the same, and the Xiao family was still living together, engaged in land reclamation, farming, and small industrial and commercial activities. He was not willing to run a farm at home. He wanted to put what he had learned to greater use, to break through the farming circle that had been repeated year after year, and at his request, his family agreed to him. In 1909, Zhenying came to Fucheng and began his business career. He first interned in a cloth shop, and then went to Xiao's family's own wood row bureau (concurrently engaged in the production of logs and wood processing along the river).

Wang Meisheng: Legendary general Xiao Zhenying

The following year, he founded a distillery in Fucheng from his clan uncle Guoben. That year, Zhenying was ordered by his mother to return to his hometown to marry Ms. Miao Wenxiu from a neighboring village, and returned to Fucheng to do his business after marriage.

The new world of Fucheng and the new business of doing business have provided more broad conditions for Zhenying's development, and he has made full use of his wisdom and expertise to engage in industrial and commercial activities, although there have been failures and setbacks, but more than success. Because he was educated, intelligent, and sharp-tongued, eloquent, and sociable, he was soon hired as the manager (manager) of Dechang Run, one of the largest enterprises in Fucheng, and later joined the Chamber of Commerce and served as a director.

After the founding of the Republic of China, there have been no greater changes in people's lives, and the vast number of peasants, workers, laborers, and small citizens are still repeating the old habit of living at sunrise, silently struggling on the minimum standard of lifeline. However, as a business leader who has been a small intellectual who has read books for more than ten years, he has sensitively smelled a new breath, and as people's braids are cut off, new trends of thought such as the Three People's Principles have gradually penetrated into the small city of Biansai. Zhenying felt that China had "changed the dynasty", and he should also go out and do a bigger cause. He yearns for a commanding military career and looks forward to the majesty of high-ranking officials. Therefore, he is less and less satisfied with the closed small world of Xinchengfu in front of him. In order to smoothly enter politics in the future, he decided to re-embark on a four-year hiatus of his studies and abandon business to pursue education.

In 1912, he was admitted to the Jilin Provincial College of Law and Political Science and began to set foot in a new field of study. This is a provincial town, and all the political climate is reflected here. He devoted himself to studying the prescribed subjects, and at the same time paid attention to national affairs. After studying here for 4 years, he witnessed the country's affairs and was eager to fight in society.

Second, the military and politics continue to be promoted, dare to do and dare to act, and the reputation is good

In 1916, Xiao Zhenying resolutely came to Zhang Zuolin's Feng army from Rong, worked in the Jilin Provincial Military Supervision Bureau, and became a military judge under Sun Liejing's subordinates. Soon after taking office, his wife Miao died of illness, and he returned to his hometown to take care of the funeral, and soon returned to the provincial capital. From then on, he finally jumped out of the small circle of his family, jumped out of the trap of small industry and commerce, and began the most important stage of his military and political career.

In 1917, Xiao Zhenying was transferred to the staff of the Jilin Provincial Military Supervision Bureau. Later, he successively served as battalion commander and regiment commander in the Sun Department.

In 1920, Xiao was transferred out of the military and reappointed as the director of the Jilin Provincial Tianfu Administration. Xiao grew up in the countryside at a young age, and was familiar with agricultural affairs, and knew the importance of developing agriculture, so after taking office, he vigorously advocated the development of agriculture in the province. During the year, he worked hard and supervised effectively, and achieved outstanding results in land reclamation, and the province's grain output increased greatly that year. For this, he was commended by the Mukden Patrol Embassy.

Xiao engaged in military and political activities in the provincial capital, actively used various conditions to make friends with people from all walks of life, and had a close relationship with Mo Dehui, Liu Zhe, Wan Fulin, etc.: plus he was generous and straightforward, talked about friendship, and talked about righteousness, "where righteousness is, sharp and strong, difficult and strong, all of them are not sympathetic" (Liu Zhe's "Mr. Xiao Xiange's Behavior"), and Xiao Guang is communicative and good at rhetoric, so he has won many praises and reputation in the military, political and business circles in the provincial capital. In 1922, Shaw was elected to the House of Representatives. Since then, he has been active between the provincial capital and the capital, and began to participate in important political activities in some countries.

In the same year, Xiao returned to his hometown to marry Ms. Liu Wenying, and returned to Beijing after the marriage.

At that time, General Feng Yuxiang served as the army review envoy and led one division and three mixed brigades to garrison Gyeonggi. During Xiao's stay in Beijing, he mostly interacted with the generals of the Northwest Army. At the house of fellow villager Liu Jinyong, Xiao got to know Li Mingzhong, the commander of the Eighth Mixed Brigade of the Feng Department. When the two first met, they had a good relationship, and they talked for a long time, and they hated each other. Since then, the two have been close and become close friends. In his dealings with Li Mingzhong and others, Xiao became acquainted with many Kuomintang personages, and his mind was greatly open, and he became more and more dissatisfied with the decadent rule of the Beiyang Army. In particular, during Xiao's contact with the Northwest Army of Fengbu, he witnessed the simplicity and strict discipline of the Northwest Army, and deeply felt the corruption of the rule of the warlords. In 1923, he returned to the provincial capital and organized a "People's Promotion Association". The purpose of the association was to "rectify the rule of the people", so it often criticized the provincial government, which touched the authorities, and the provincial governor Wang Shuhan ordered the dissolution of the association, and Xiao himself was also detained. Later, after being protected by the veterans of the Northeast Army, Mo Dehui and Liu Zhe, Xiao Fang was released and returned to Beijing.

In the autumn of 1924, the Second Zhibong War ended, and Feng Yuxiang gained Gyeonggi and Chacha, Sui, and Gan. Out of admiration for the Northwest Army, Xiao decided to leave Beijing for Suiyuan at the invitation of Li Mingzhong: at that time, Li Mingzhong once asked Xiao: "The life of the Northwest Army is hard, can you stand it?" Xiao replied: "China is too bitter, and only when we endure hardship can we save the country and the people." After coming to the northwest, he was first appointed as the advisor of the capital government and the magistrate of Linhe County, and later promoted to Bao (head) Lin (He) Daoyin and the magistrate of Wuyuan County, because of Xiao's tenure, he built water conservancy in the area behind the Yellow River, reclaimed the land by immigrants, and had abundant grain and oil, so that after the defeat of Feng Junnankou, he was able to avoid the suffering of hunger Therefore, Li Mingzhong praised it as "Xiao He" and recommended it to Feng Yuxiang, and was appreciated by Feng. Xiao Changchang was familiar with Russian affairs in the northeast, and once went to the Soviet Union on behalf of Feng to contact military aid, and also successfully completed the task, so he was valued by Feng, Li Mingzhong, Song Zheyuan, and others.

In September 1926, Feng Yuxiang returned to China from the Soviet Union, and on the 17th, he took the Wuyuan Oath and appointed himself commander-in-chief of the National Alliance, and announced that the whole country would participate in the Northern Expedition. Xiao led the Wuyuan militia to participate in the Wuyuan oath, and was appointed by Feng as the chief of military justice of the General Headquarters of the Song Zheyuan Western Route Army.

Wang Meisheng: Legendary general Xiao Zhenying

At the end of the year, Feng Jun captured Xi'an, Song Zheyuan was appointed commander-in-chief of the Fourth Route Army and chairman of Shaanxi Province, and Xiao was also appointed as the director of the Military Law Division of the Fourth Route Army and the mayor of Xi'an. Feng instructed Xiao to refer to the scale of the big cities in Northeast China and build Xi'an into a modern city. When Xiao arrived, it was early in the morning in Guanzhong, the people were struggling to make a living, and starvation was common in Xi'an. While Xiao began to plan the construction of Xi'an's urban area, he also carried out large-scale relief work, which alleviated the disaster and people's hardship to a certain extent.

In the summer of 1927, Feng Yuxiang followed Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei to carry out anti-communist purging of the party, and arrested more than 3,000 people in Xi'an alone. Xiao disagreed, and once scolded: "We shout every day to save the country and save the people, and today we are killing innocents indiscriminately, what kind of people are we saving!" What is the difference between this and the old warlords! Xiao Yin is also the chief of military justice and is responsible for the trial of the case. After investigation, these people are all young intellectuals with a strong sense of patriotism. Xiao believes that young people are patriotic and innocent, and even if they act excessively for a while, they should be understood by the authorities. But how to deal with it is quite tricky, it is difficult to disobey the fate, and I can't bear to kill innocents indiscriminately. For several days, he slept restlessly and found it difficult to make a decision. On the last day, he neither went to work in the government nor returned home, and was closed for a day in the Judge Advocate General's Office, and at night, he walked around the room all night. When the day was about to dawn, he gritted his teeth and made up his mind: release the people! immediately called the captain of the guard, Su Zhanyuan, and ordered him to go to the prison. Su asked who to release, Xiao said, "Under the age of 16 are released" Su took the order and left, but before he could go out, he was stopped by Xiao: "Let everyone under the age of 18 be released." As soon as Su left, he chased out the door again and told him: "Those under the age of 20 will be acquitted!" In this way, without reporting for approval, Xiao made an arbitrary decision to release thousands of progressive youths and patriotic soldiers one after another. Among the young people who were released, well-known ones include Yu Zhenying, Li Zijian, Chen Jianmin, and others who were released by Xiao that year, and Li △, who was the director of the Jilin Provincial Department of Justice after the liberation, whenever he mentioned the past, he always said with emotion that it was Mr. Xiao who protected a large number of patriotic young people.

Xiao's behavior caused a great shock in the Northwest Army and political circles, and some progressives and patriotic generals praised his courage; But it also provoked a group of small attacks, Han Fuyu, Shi Yousan and others said that he was a "communist", and went to Feng Yuxiang to stir up right and wrong, Feng stood on the position at the time, and was extremely angry at Xiao's move, and strictly ordered Song Zheyuan to execute Xiao on Xiao's violation of military orders and suspicion of "collusion" with the Soviet Communist Party when he went to the Soviet Union to negotiate, but Song praised Xiao's behavior, not only did not carry it out, but came forward to protect Xiao, some generals in the Northwest Army out of Xiao's old friendship or respect for Xiao, also came forward to guarantee, Zhang Zizhong, Feng Zhi'an, Men Zhizhong, Ma Hongbin and the others all went to Feng to explain. Even Su Zhanyuan, the captain of Xiao's guard, said that in order to save Xiao's life, "I am willing to die, a hundred steps away, and follow Bo Langsha's spine" Wen Jiwu persuaded him that you are indeed worthy of Zhou Cang, but if you don't go to Maicheng today, don't Meng Lang, Su Fangzhi. Later, there were veterans Wen Chenglie, Zhang Shusheng, etc., who came forward to say that the case was done, and after this case, Xiao's reputation in the Northwest Army was greater, Song Zheyuan, Feng Zhi'an, Zhang Zizhong and He Jifeng, etc., have since become brothers in life and death with Xiao: plus Xiao himself is courageous and knowledgeable, generous and straightforward, eloquent, eloquent, and skillful in planning, and soon became the "Big Brother Xiao" among the generals of the Northwest Army, and the group trusted, but after this case, Xiao was not trusted by Feng. In 1929, Xiao was transferred out of Xi'an City and reappointed as the General Staff of the Second Group Army. Xiao's plan to transform Xi'an also came to naught, and he had to leave his post abruptly. Since then, Xiao and Feng turned against each other, and their prejudices deepened, and they became resentful, and they did not release it for the rest of their lives.

3. Establish a new army and skillfully mediate the incorporation of Chiang in Ningmian

In 1930, Jiang Fengyan fought in the Central Plains, with a total of about 3 million troops on the three sides, and more than 300,000 officers and soldiers were killed and wounded for half a year. Later, Zhang Xueliang sent troops to mediate, Feng Yan was defeated, and the 300,000 troops of Feng's Northwest Army disintegrated. After Zhang Xueliang was entrusted by Chiang to preside over the military administration in North China, he was responsible for dealing with the aftermath of Feng Yan's department. At that time, the remnants of the Feng army only contained about 5,000 people from Zhang Zizhong's department by Sun Liangcheng, and more than 1,000 people from Zhao Dengyu's division of Feng Zhi'an's army. Song Zheyuan, the former commander-in-chief of the Fourth Route Army, saw that the general trend had gone and intended to go into hiding. Although Xiao Zhenying arrived in the northwest late, he still has a lot of feelings for the Northwest Army, and he is unwilling and unbearable to let the brothers be taken in and eaten by other departments one by one. He believes that although the current Northwest Army is a remnant, there are still troops and generals, so why worry about it again! So he first rushed to the Shanxi Hotel in Taiyuan, where Song Zheyuan lived, and persuaded Song not to be discouraged, and to take the opportunity to support the "central government" (referring to Chiang's Nationalist Government, the same below) and rebuild the army. He said to Song: "Our ambition to save the country has not been achieved, how can we talk about disarming and returning to the field?" Today should think about yesterday's wrongs, it is tomorrow's plan", and told Song that if the army is revitalized, the former Northwest Army generals Feng Zhi'an, Zhang Zizhong, Zhao Dengyu, Li Wentian, He Jifeng, and others can be invited to come. Song Sui dispelled the idea of retiring. At that time, Xiao immediately drove to Yuncheng. Crossing Quwo, Zhang Zizhong was waiting for news. Zhang agreed with Xiao's idea, but had objections to supporting Song Zheyuan as the leader of the new army, and Xiao explained that we are all brothers in distress, and since you are willing to listen to my arrangement, I am determined to support Song, which is also the affection of the brothers. Zhang expressed obedience. The two went to Yuncheng together, went to Zhang Weifan's apartment, and convened a meeting with Feng Zhi'an, Zhao Dengyu, Li Wentian, and He Jifeng to study the next steps. Everyone agreed to concentrate the remnants, clearly support the attitude of the "central government", reorganize an army, and support Song Zheyuan, who had not yet attended the meeting, as the commander of the new army according to Xiao's opinion. After the agreement, everyone went to Xiao's accommodation and talked all night.

When everything was ready, Xiao returned to Taiyuan to report the results to Song Zheyuan, and prepared to go to Nanjing to meet Chiang in person. However, at this time, everyone was defeated and the army was strapped for money, so in order to raise the expenses of going to Nanjing to ask for the commission, in the name of Song and Xiao, they borrowed 20,000 yuan from Juyi Yinhao. After Xiao Yi came to Nanjing, he first met with the right dean to explain everything, and because the dean arranged for Jiang to wait for the next month, he was summoned. During the meeting, Chiang inquired about the military situation and some personal information about Xiao, such as going to the Soviet Union to negotiate, releasing the arrested youths, and settling a grudge with Feng, and Xiao answered truthfully. At the same time, he also clarified to Chiang the will of the eight generals of Jinzhong to reorganize the troops and support the "central government" to save the country and the people. Jiang said to Xiao: "President Yu specially recommended you to me, saying that you are a revolutionary comrade in the Northwest Army and hope to serve the country together in the future," and asked Xiao to meet He Yingqin to discuss the integration of the troops. However, after seeing He, because the original establishment of the 27th Route Army had been cancelled, Xiao was told to wait for future arrangements. Xiao considered that the troops were in a hurry to be recruited, and now there was no food or salary, and people's hearts were fluctuating, and he would not be able to raise practical measures in Beijing, and it would be difficult to clean up the situation when he went back, so he decided not to return to the north for the time being, and stayed in Nanjing and waited for the opportunity.

After staying at the Central Hotel, Han Fuqu, Ji Hongchang, Liang Guanying and others are also living there. During a casual conversation, Han deliberately teased Xiao and said: "In the past, you scolded me and Shi Yousan for Wei Yan, why did you and Song Zheyuan also come to be Wei Yan today (when Jiang Feng Yan was fighting, Han Shi turned against Feng, and Xiao and others reprimanded him)?" Xiao was calm and composed, and sneered at each other: "At this time, we are not the capricious Wei Yan, we are Huang Zhong!" Ji Hongchang was friendly with Xiao, and also helped Xiao scold Han, and Han left in a huff. Xiao Zaining has been living for two months, and the expenses are about to run out, and there is no news from above. Helpless, please ask the old friend Ling Mian to do it, and accommodate Secretary Jiang Gao Lingbai, saying that it is about the overall situation in the north, and he is waiting to see him urgently. In the evening, the high notice can be seen the next morning. Xiao Si was worried about Jiang's affairs and stayed awake all night. At 5 o'clock in the morning, he got up and drove to Jiang's residence, and saw Tan Yanlu leading the civil and military people to stand in front of the door, waiting for Jiang to come out to give a lecture. After a while, Jiang Rong pretended to go downstairs, and when he saw Xiao Yi on the side, he asked, "Is there something wrong with Representative Xiao?" Xiao immediately replied, "It's 5:25, can you talk for 3 minutes?" Jiang invited Xiao back indoors and said, "I'm not busy, please sit down." Xiao then talked about the fact that Fengjun was going to take over the Taiyuan Arsenal, and seeing that it aroused Chiang's interest, he went on to clarify his opinion, saying: "Since the Republic of China, China's civil war has been circulating, and the reason why Yan Xishan was able to suffer from the north was not because of his talents, but because of the help of Taiyuan's topography. Taiyuan has the danger of Yanmen in the north, and there is Taihang and Niangzi Pass in the east, which is an important place for military hubs. It controls Jilu in the east and Chasui in the north, and if it occupies Taiyuan, it is easy to grasp Shaanxi, Gansu, Ning, and Qing. Then he talked about Taiyuan's important position in history: "At that time, Liaojin could not keep the world because he did not get the party, and Yuan occupied the party before he could enter Zhongxia; Zhao and Song poles of the whole country, three times to the east of the river, all failed to win, and finally because of the plan to surrender Yang Ye, occupy the party, the Northern Han Dynasty began to collapse. Therefore, those who win Taiyuan win the world. If the 'central government' does not occupy it as soon as possible, so that others can gain the advantages of Taiyuan first, it will certainly pose a threat to the "central government." Jiang anxiously asked, "Then what does Representative Xiao think?" Xiao immediately introduced the topic to the topic: "The former generals of the Northwest Army headed by Song Zheyuan have gathered in Shanxi, and are leading the neck to wait for the 'central government' to be integrated, if the commander-in-chief loses no time in absorbing this team, one can expand the strength of the 'central', and the other can firmly explore the territory of Shanxi: "Jiang Shuo's words moved his heart, and asked him about the specific method, Xiao also offered advice: "For the time being, the chairman of Shanxi Province can not be replaced, Wen Shouquan is now living in Shanghai, and he can be sent back to Jin to instigate" Jiang agreed, and saw Xiao Yan and behave, generous, and strategic, greatly appreciated, Then outside the communication room, the lecture was carried out on another day, and he continued to talk with Su in detail, and after inviting Xiao to breakfast with his wife, he talked for half a day. By noon, Xiao came to Nanjing from Jinzhong, which took three months, and finally opened a deadlock for the smooth integration of the remnants of the Northwest Army with his intelligence and courage. At the same time, he met Jiang twice, discussed the past and the present, and discussed current affairs in detail, winning the respect of the Jiang couple, after which Jiang directly regarded Xiao as a "national soldier" and trusted him.

Xiao bid farewell to Chiang Kai-shek, went to see Minister Kong Xiangxi as instructed, took 20,000 yuan from Kong's activity funds, and sent someone to Xiao to send a letter of appointment to the Lieutenant General of the Military Committee, and instructed him to make arrangements as soon as possible according to the opinions of the meeting. Xiao immediately notified Wen Shouquan to return to Jin to instigate, Song Zheyuan and others publicly telegraphed to support Chiang, and the Northeast Army was not allowed to enter Taiyuan. Song Zheyuan and other troops can be organized into an army, trained in Yuncheng on the spot, and asked Xiao Bei to return to see Zhang Xueliang to discuss the assignment.

Xiao Beigui went to Tianjin to pay homage to Zhang, and asked Liu Zhe, Zhang Zhenlu, Wang Shuhan and others to help him, Bao Yulin, Wan Fulin and others also came forward to ask for it, and at this time, it happened that Sun Liangcheng asked the editor to wait for the editor to be sent in Tianjin. Zhang Chu intended to give this army to Sun's department, but later saw that Xiao had asked for it many times, and he was a fellow villager in the northeast, so he agreed to Xiao with Jiang's opinion and the feelings of the veteran and general, so he promised Xiao the establishment of this army, and ordered Song Zheyuan to quickly gather the old army to form the 3rd Army of the Northeast Frontier Army, and only gave Sun Liangcheng the title of military counselor.

Fourth, raising military expenses again confronted Jiang Qiao's troops and stopped in Jinzhong

Zhang Xueliang followed Xiao Zhenying's suggestion and made Song Zheyuan the commander of the army and Qin Dechun as his deputy. Xiao served as the general staff member and deputy commander of the Navy, Army and Air Force, Zhang Weiman served as the chief of staff, and Feng Zhi'an and Zhang Zizhong were the division commanders.

Song Zheyuan and others originally belonged to the Northwest Army, when Feng Yuxiang went into the field, he said that the rest of the Northwest Army could be led by Shang Zhen, at this time, Shang Zhen saw that Song and others were united, and actually formed an army of their own, that is, they looked for Li Xin to tell each other, and wanted to intervene. Now that our various departments have been entangled in the "uprising" (referring to the "center"), and have nothing to do with the Northwest Army, will he Shang Zhen dare to command us! Shang Nai gave up. With a number, there are all the generals, but the army still needs to be expanded. Xiao then returned to Nanjing to face Chiang, and after reporting the situation, he proposed that in addition to the monthly rations and salaries allocated by Zhang Xueliang, the new army still needed a special fund of 300,000 yuan before it could gradually expand its strength and become a powerful force with combat effectiveness. Jiang immediately issued an edict, allocating 300,000 yuan of special funds every month, and Xiao paid 600,000 yuan for two months to return to the north, and the remnants of the Northwest Army finally reorganized the army under Xiao's maneuvering. After the troops were paid, they successively collected other units and gradually formed an army. Soon, Liu Ruming led his troops back and served as deputy commander.

As soon as the 3rd Army was formed, there was an attack on Zhang Xueliang by Shi You's 3rd Division stationed in Shunde, and Shi also invited Song to send troops to help. Song and Xiao summoned everyone to discuss. Xiao Su knew that Shi was capricious and troublesome, and told the public that Jiang Zaining had instructed him: "I hope to make the system", and the new army refused Shi Yousan and sent an envoy to tell Chiang. Shi went straight to Tianjin, and fought with Yu Xuezhong's army, Shi's army was defeated, and Shi himself fled.

In 1931, the number of the 3rd Army was changed to the 29th Army of the National Revolutionary Army, under the jurisdiction of the 37th and 38th divisions. Soon after, the first division was added, and Liu Ruming was reappointed as the commander of the provisional second division, and the other positions remained unchanged.

Although all the units of the 29th Army belonged to the former Northwest Army, they were all formed by the gathering of various remnants, and the management was not good, and it was easy to become a split. Xiao Sui discussed with Song, although each general was in his position, he still needed to form a leadership core, discuss together, plan and then act. The two agreed that Song, Xiao, Zhang Zizhong, Feng Zhi'an, Liu Ruming, Zhang Weifan, Qin Dechun, and Zhao Dengyu would be the core of the whole army; Li Wentian, He Jifeng and others assisted Feng Zhang, Liu Zhao and others; In addition to the internal affairs of the General Staff and the liaison with the "Central Committee" and various parties, Xiao himself was also in charge of military justice. Since then, the 29th Army has been united, pooled its wisdom and efforts, and gradually grown.

Seeing that Song Zheyuan and others had made a comeback and occupied the territory of Shanxi, Yan Xishan was deeply uneasy. Soon after, Yan immediately proposed to Zhang Xueliang that the 29th Army should be transferred out of Shanxi, and Chiang Kai-shek also called and wanted to transfer the 29th Army to Jiangxi to "suppress bandits". After receiving Chiang's telegram in Tianjin, Xiao thought about it again and again, deeply felt that the 29th Army could not leave Jin, and considered a plan to base himself in North China. So he called Jiang back in Tianjin and said: "The 29th Army has another motion, please wait for the report in person." After that, he returned to Taiyuan. When I arrived at Yangquan Station, I met Song Zheyuan and others from the east, so I returned to Shijiazhuang together. Song and others were reluctant to leave Jin, and Xiao also told everyone that Taiyuan has an important strategic position, and Shanxi is now our army's base area, so we must not leave easily. At the same time, he will discuss his own set of ideas with everyone, and everyone agrees. Several people acted separately, and Song Zheyuan personally went to see Zhang Xueliang and expressed his obedience to the transfer of his army to "suppress bandits", but expressed uneasiness about Yan's activities after returning to Jin; Men Zhizhong and Zhang Weifan went to see Wan Fulin and others respectively, and Chen said that as soon as the 29th Army moved, Yan would expand, which would definitely pose a threat to the Feng army, and Wan and others would persuade Zhang Xueliang. After that, Xiao himself went to see Zhang Xueliang again and explained the benefits and disadvantages in detail. Zhang said that it was not good for everyone to move, knowing that it was indeed disadvantageous to transfer the 29th Army, so he asked Xiao for countermeasures, and Xiao proposed that he could take the opportunity of the transfer to make the 29th Army hold the key points and control Taiyuan, and Zhang agreed. After Xiao returned, he consulted with the generals and decided to make a transfer illusion, leaving Yan unprepared, and invited Yan's representative Huang Luchu to follow the action. In order to make the 29th Army leave Jin as soon as possible, Yan also made a gesture, and after designating the route from Zijing Pass to Jin, he ordered the counties along the way to comfort the officers and soldiers of the 29th Army.

That night, Huang went back to report to Yan. The next day, the 29th Army acted according to the plan, and that night, after the deployment, Zhao Dengyu's troops were stationed in Yuci and transferred the artillery position to Taiyuan; Zhang Zizhong's division was stationed in Yangquan and waited for it; Feng and Liu's two departments arrived at Heshun, echoing the trend of Yangquan becoming a horn; Xiao stayed in the Zhao Brigade and was stationed in Yuci. After Yan Xishan found out the truth, he was greatly surprised, and sent an urgent telegram to Zhang Xueliang to protest and question, and sent people to Yuci to confront him. Yan's representative saw Xiao and said: "This is the boundary of Shanxi, and Commander Yan does not allow other troops to be stationed arbitrarily. Xiao Xiao replied that Shanxi is also Chinese land, so why not station Chinese troops on Chinese soil! And Zhang Xueliang ignored Yan Dian. Yan saw that the 29th Army had no intention of leaving, and had already deployed to charge, and did not dare to make a rash move. Xiao General reported the 29th Army's garrison map to Zhang Xueliang, Zhang Shen obeyed Xiao Zhishen's calculations, and said gratefully, if it weren't for this arrangement, I would have fallen into Yan's daup!

In order to legitimize the 29th Army's foothold in North China, Xiao rushed to face Jiang after the arrangement was stopped, and proposed that Yan had not given up after the defeat, and was plotting to make a comeback every day, and had already taken action in Jin. Since the 29th Army is a "central" army, it should remain in North China to contain the Yan Army, which can not only solve the problem of the reorganization of the remnants of the Northwest Army, but also play a role in stabilizing the situation in North China. He asked Chiang for support in this arrangement. After considering this, Chiang saw that it had become a fact that the 29th Army was stationed in North China, so he agreed not to transfer the 29th Army to "suppress bandits" for the time being. This operation laid the foundation for the further expansion of the 29th Army.

Xiao witnessed that since the Republic of China, the leaders of various armies have been fighting endlessly, and whoever has strength can gain a foothold, so that he recognized the importance of grasping the army from the beginning. Therefore, since he came forward to form the 29 th Army, he has not relaxed his efforts to expand the strength of the army, including fighting for the establishment of troops, increasing the number of guns, and also strengthening internal unity and military discipline building. Due to the limitations of class and history, it was impossible for him to see the power of the people, but through his perseverance in grasping the army, he did revitalize the remnants of the Northwest Army, which had been scattered in the sand, and grew into a strong force. The cohesion generated by his spirit played a great role in the basic stability of the 29th Army in the inferior situation in the future. The idea that only by grasping the army can he gain a foothold and resist insults has also been fully expressed in his many conversations with his brother-in-law Liu Runsheng. Under the guidance of this ideology, Xiao worked tirelessly to organize the 29th Army and establish its base in North China, running up and down, mediating in various ways, and planning and planning, and finally succeeded. Therefore, the whole army unanimously agreed that in terms of military construction, Xiao Gong was the greatest, He Jifeng (former general of the Northwest Army, later served as the brigade commander and division commander of the 29th Army, and the commander of the 77th Army of the 33rd Group Army. In the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, he secretly joined the Communist Party of China, and on the eve of the Huaihai Battle in 1948, he led an uprising with Zhang Kexia. Later, he served as Vice Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China) once said that Xiao Zhenying was "the founder of the 29th Army".

Fifth, the representatives of the planning and communication army hit the Japanese Kouxi Peak Pass hard

After the "September 18" incident, Zhang Xueliang implemented Chiang Kai-shek's policy of non-resistance, and in just a few months, the northeast was fallen, Chiang Kai-shek went into the wilderness, and Zhang Xueliang was demoted. Soon, Jiang Wang cooperated. Chiang was appointed chairman of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government, and Zhang Xueliang was appointed director of the Beiping appeasement. As a patriotic general from the Northeast, Xiao is also saddened by the fall of his hometown, and he is constantly thinking about contributing to the recovery of his hometown. During this period, Xiao Zeng mobilized his brother-in-law Liu Shutang (then known as Liu Qingting, a native of the Qing Dynasty. Nicknamed Liu Heizi, known as Liu Baye, he served as the commander of the cavalry division after joining the Cha'er Anti-Eye Alliance, and then joined the 29th Army with his department, and joined the Communist Party of China in Zhangbei before the Anti-Japanese War.In 1939, he went to Yan, changed his name to Liu Runsheng, and died in 1947), organized volunteers in his hometown to fight against the Japanese invaders, Xiao also asked his family to give his son funding, in the 29th Army, Xiao actively assisted Song Zheyuan in training troops and preparing to fight against Japan:

In response to the Japanese invasion and occupation of Northeast China, the masses of the 29th Army were indignant The generals discussed and decided to send a telegram to the Nationalist Government asking for help to resist Japan: After the telegram was drafted, it was handed over to Xiao for reading, and Lian immediately took up his pen and wrote "I would rather die in battle than be a slave to the country" to express the determination of the whole army

At the beginning of 1932, in order to support the 29th Army and strengthen the front-line defense forces, Zhang Xueliang decided to cede the territory of Chahar Province, and the first part of the 29th Army was able to enter Chahar Province: in the autumn of that year, Song Zheyuan became the chairman of Chahar Province

At the beginning of 1933, the Japanese army attacked Rehe, Xiao represented the 29th Army to participate in the military meeting chaired by Jiang himself, after the meeting, Xiao immediately met with Zhang Xueliang, and said to Zhang: "Our family hates the country, now when the brunt of it, victory is success, death is benevolent, when this service to the country is dead, the 29th Army please be the vanguard!" Zhang summoned all the generals of the department, united the whole country, rose up to resist Japan, and was determined to fight to the death with the H ArmyThe national government appointed Zhang as the acting chairman of the Beiping Branch of the Military Committee In February, Zhang appointed important generals in North China as the commanders of various corps in the name of acting chairman: Song Zheer was appointed as the commander of the Third Army of the North China Group Army, commanding the 29th Army of the headquarters and Pang Bingxun's 40th Army, and deployed in the eastern Hebei area. Zhang also ordered the Wan Fulin Army to rush to the aid of Rehe to meet the enemy, and transferred the 29th Army to Xifengkou to stand by.

After the 29th Army was ordered to leave, it received an order to move to Lengkou. The generals discussed, and Song Zheyuan proposed that if he was transferred to Lengkou, if the enemy attacked Rehe from Kaiping Avenue, our army would lose the way back; Xiao also pointed out that Lengkou is only accessible by a small road, the road is far away and the weather is cold, and the backup and supply are difficult, and Xifengkou is a place to fight. The defense should not be moved, and when it is a last resort, a cavalry can be sent to Lengkou: the crowd is afraid that they will be held accountable for violating the order, and Xiao immediately said that he sent a telegram in his personal signature and reported to Shangfeng for permission to be stationed in place to meet the enemy. Jiang Fudian agreed, and summoned Xiao to report on the deployment.

In March, the Japanese army marched in righteousness, and sure enough, Bai Kaiping Avenue came 3H, and Tang Xialin, the general of Rehe, in order to preserve his strength, did not wait for reinforcements to arrive, nor did he fight with the Japanese army, so he abandoned Chengde and fled south: Wan Fulin's army was defeated in a battle, Wan led the troops to retreat into Xifengkou, and Zhang Zuoxiang's troops were also defeated and retreated into Qingbeikou 1.Rehe Province fell: the Japanese army deployed troops and began to attack the mouths of the Great Wall: for the loss of Rehe, Zhang Xueliang sent a telegram to the Nationalist Government on the 7th, proposing to resign, and 10H issued a resignation

On March 8, the 1.29th Army received the order to defend Xifengmen, and then hurriedly divided its troops into Xifengkou, Luowenyu and other fortresses on the 9th. One of the two brigades of the Japanese army Hattori and Suzuki defeated the defenders of Manfulin at the Kiminekou Pass and occupied the highlands outside the mouth first, and the vanguard of the 37th Division of the 29th Army arrived and launched a battle for the heights with the Japanese army at night: in the melee, the high ground was recaptured and the situation in the mouth was temporarily stabilized. On the 10th, Zhao Dengyu and other three brigades arrived, just when the defenders of the 29th Army on the heights could not withstand the strong offensive of the Japanese army and retreated downward, Zhao Sui led the officers and soldiers to attack on the back, but the heights were occupied by the Japanese again, and the battle was in a stalemate, and the casualties on both sides were very large

Xiao went to Ningman general, just when the general had gone to Jiujiang to deploy the "suppression of the Communists", Xiao chased to Erjiang, and will have been transferred to Hankou on the 6th, Xiao to Hanmen Jiang has gone north, Xiao is the starry night to take the express train north, arrived in Shijiazhuang to make an appointment: Chen Lifu and others According to rumors, accusing Song Zheyuan of leaving the army and going to him, Xiao Daiwei explained: "Rumors, fortunately, don't believe it, the whole army of the 29th Army swears to fight to the death If things are too much to do, Song Zheyuan and other generals will die to serve the country!" Late at night, Jiang Zhaoxiao listened to the report, and after that, he told Shao Yuanchong and Fu Rulin to immediately return to the front line with Xiao with money, and first Xiao transferred Sun Lianzhong and Liang Guanying's two departments to help immediately, and asked the 29th Army to stick to one star and look forward to the aid Xiao and other 3 people returned to Beiping and received a Song urgent telegram, and the 3 people went overnight, drove through Zunhua, and saw a certain unit of the 29th Army urgently marching to aid Luo Wenyu: Shao and others wanted to transfer the troops in a special car of the labor army, and the general Sun Xie said that the infantry was flexible and could arrive in large numbers at the same time, and concentrate on fighting against Japan as soon as possible. Xiao and others deeply appreciated the patriotic enthusiasm of General 1: Shao and Fu went to see Song Zheyuan, Xiao drove to the front line alone, and Feng, Zhang and other generals saw Xiao and cried that the war was tragic and had been fighting hard for several days. Seeing that there was no hope of winning in such a war of attrition, Xiao Sui spoke to the front line, and sent Zhao and other government labor troops and reinforcements to boost morale, and at the same time asked Zhao to return to the command headquarters and discuss the tactics again. On the night of the 10th, Zhao Gui, Feng, Zhang, Zhao and others discussed with Xiao, and Zhao proposed such a strong attack. Our army suffered heavy casualties, although there were backup troops. I'm afraid it's too late: therefore, it is advisable to change the attack to a sneak attack, and ask the guide to take the enemy behind the enemy and take it by surprise, and you will definitely win. Everyone felt that this method was very good, and then discussed the specific method. Zhao Dengyu was wounded in the leg, but he still insisted on leading a night attack. Everyone dissuaded, Zhao used his war knife to the ground, gritted his teeth and stood up, the severe pain made his whole body tremble, and said sharply: "I swear to lead the army to kill the enemy, and no one will keep me!" So the army attacking the enemy was divided into three routes, led by Zhao Dengyu, Tong Zexian, and Wang Youzhang, Zhao and Tong went first, and Wang then acted. When the deployment stopped, Xiao drove back to the base camp to report to the representatives of Song and the Lao army, and then rushed to Shijiazhuang to report to Chiang, who also agreed with this move.

The 29th Army arrived first in two ways, all the way out of Panjiakou, all the way to Tiemen Pass, climbing mountains and valleys, crossing the Great Wall and ancient butterflies, and going straight to the enemy camp. At dawn on the 11th, the two divisions arrived at the same time, and the broadsword team rushed straight to the enemy camp. The soldiers fought bloodily, grenades bloomed everywhere, the big blades flashed cold, and the Japanese troops were unprepared, had no time to resist, and fled in disarray. When the royal department arrived, it was too late to catch up. The battle ended quickly, and then the three groups returned from the original route: on the 13th, the 29th Army captured the Japanese artillery position near Xifengkou, and on the 14th, it conquered the high ground outside the mouth of Laomashan. In this Xifengkou battle, more than 5,000 enemies were annihilated. The Japanese army failed to succeed in committing Xifengkou, and the rest of the army turned to Luo Wenyu on the 17th, and was met by Liu Ruming's division of the 29th Army, and more than 3,000 people were annihilated. On the 19th, Jiang summoned Song Zheyuan and others in Baoding to commend the achievements of the 29th Army, and later sent Kong Xiangxi to Xifengkou to comfort the officers and soldiers of the 29th Army on behalf of Jiang. The Japanese army lost both battles, and the remnants moved to Gubeikou, and Gubeikou was defended by Huang Jie and Guan Lin's expeditionary troops. The Japanese army repeatedly attacked, but never succeeded. The 29th Army inflicted heavy losses on the Japanese invaders, and its reputation was greatly shaken, and it was praised by patriots at home and abroad. At that time, there was a revolutionary composer Mai Xin who composed the military song "March of the Great Knife", which was sung throughout the country.

In the battle of Xifengkou, although Xiao did not come to the battlefield in person, he participated in the planning, uploaded and distributed, and had an important contribution to the initial victory of this battle. Ms. Yu Fengzhi also wrote in the preface to Xiao's memoirs: "Xiange is the old man of Han Qing, he has been loyal to the country and loved the people all his life. "Han Qing knew the patriotic sincerity of the Immortal Pavilion and shared the will to save the country, so he handed over the Immortal Pavilion to organize the 29th Army." He created the 29th Army and supported the commander of Song Zheyuan. He was appointed as a representative of the 29th Army and remained for the rest of his life. He has always actually presided over the affairs of the 29th Army group, and has liaised and negotiated with all parties on behalf of the 29th Army. The 29th Army Great Wall killed the enemy in blood, maintained the situation in North China, invaded Yangyan and made the country prepare for the War of Resistance against Japan, and during the War of Resistance against Japan, the 29th Army sacrificed tragically to defend the country, and the piles all had the blood and sweat of the Immortal Pavilion. ”

Sixth, Shu indignant statements speak for the public

Facing the frustration and changing the negotiations

After the Battle of Xifengkou, the 29th Army added the 132nd and 143rd divisions, Liu Ruming and Zhao Dengyu served as division commanders, and the original new 2nd Division (that is, Liu Ruming's division) was cancelled.

After Zhang Xueliang took the blame and resigned, He Yingqin presided over military affairs in North China on behalf of Zhang. Shi Wang Jingwei Ren

In the name of the Executive Yuan, the Executive Yuan sent Huang Yu to North China to preside over government affairs

After the Japanese army suffered a setback in the Battle of Xifengkou, they continued to use troops at other passes of the Great Wall, and after nearly a month of offensive and defensive battles, a stalemate was formed. Due to the guidance of the "non-resistance" doctrine of the Chinese side, and the fact that the Beiping Army Branch did not have an overall plan, the Chinese troops guarding each pass did not manage each other, and in fact they were unable to manage it, and finally the Japanese army concentrated its elite and broke through the cold mouth on April 11, passing through the Luandong area and heading directly at Pingjin. The 29th Army held the fortresses and the first line of Zunhua and Jixian, and was never broken through by the strong enemy. The Japanese troops who were attacking Lengkou soon drove to the outskirts of Beiping and put forward an unreasonable demand for troops to visit the city, and the Chinese soldiers and civilians were filled with righteous indignation. Under the pretext of "negotiating and resisting at the same time," Wang Jingwei sent a telegram to Huang Guo to allow the enemy troops to enter the city for "sightseeing." Later, Wang sent another telegram ordering the 29th Army of the Song Department to withdraw from the existing defensive line, saying that the 29th Army would withdraw to Tongzhou, and the Japanese army could withdraw from the north of the Great Wall, and the fighting between the two sides could be stopped. Song disobeyed the order and did not withdraw, and Huang Guo invited Xiao Tong to the front line. Although Xiao resolutely opposed the 29th Army's southward retreat, he had no choice but to go along. As soon as Huang arrived at the front line, on behalf of Wang Yan, he ordered Song to withdraw his troops, and said to Song and Xiao: "Jiangxi's 'suppression of bandits' military is tight, and the war against Japan is not without urgency. Song had no choice but to discuss with Xiao and the generals, and ordered the troops to withdraw south. The soldiers gave up the existing line of defense with tears. However, the Japanese army not only did not retreat north, but followed step by step, chasing to Tongzhou, which was a great challenge. Huang Guo had no choice but to negotiate with the Japanese side, but the Japanese side agreed that the Chinese side should give up Beiping as a condition for the exchange of the northward withdrawal, and the two sides were deadlocked.

Xiao was in the army at this time, and seeing this situation, he hurried to Beiping to see He Yingqin and proposed: "Today, Yellow Milk gives the enemy a chance to succeed in fraud, so that our army can withdraw to a place where it cannot be fought, and please gather all the generals to discuss the plan to resist the enemy." He Yingqin agreed, and asked to summon it as soon as possible, so Xiao rushed to all parts of the front line, and gathered Gao Guizi, Pang Bingxun, Song Zheyuan and others to Beiping. He Yingqin convened an emergency secret military meeting in Jurentang. In addition to Song, Pang, and others, there were also Huang Ru, Huang Shaohong, Yu Xuezhong, Xu Tingyao, Ji Yiqiao, Wang Yizhe, Bao Wenyue, Men Zhizhong, Rong Zhen, and Shang Zhen. At the meeting, Huang Guo put forward three suggestions for retreat, and asked everyone to discuss, He presided over the meeting, and asked four times in a row, but no one answered. He then named Xiao to express his attitude. Xiao originally didn't want to say it first, because most of the military commanders who attended the meeting were military commanders who directly led the troops, had combat experience, and were familiar with the battle situation. Seeing that everyone did not speak, what did they name, so they took the opportunity to pour out their indignation. Hsiao has always hated the policy of "non-resistance", but because he did not understand the inside story of Chiang Kai-shek's formulation of this policy, or because of his reverence for Chiang Kai-shek himself, he deliberately avoided it. His speech was impassioned, in response to Huang Guo's retreat strategy, he said: "In this War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (referring to the Great Wall War of Resistance), the generals used their lives, and the soldiers died to the death, except for the later setbacks in the Lengkou War, our army did not taste defeat: but so far, it is all caused by Mr. Wang's policy of "negotiating and resisting at the same time"! This formulation is not contradictory, not to mention dispersing morale, but only allowing the enemy to penetrate deep into one item, that is, it is out of control. 'Negotiation' is only to indulge in the enemy, and 'resistance' is only empty talk! As a result, our first-line combatable army withdrew to a place where the second-line could not be fought and had to be fought; The head of the city of Beiping built a fortress to defend against the enemy, and the enemy in the city was allowed to gallop; Those who defend against the enemy are regarded as disobeying orders, and those who retreat without fighting are considered to obey orders! All these ends, so that my soldiers who fought unyieldingly and served the country to the death have become a division that can no longer fight after retreating, how regrettable and sad! Now that the enemy has followed Tongzhou and unreasonably asked for my Beiping, we, the generals who led the troops, are so willing! President Wang's blind flattery of the enemy and seeking peace in order to protect his official position is certainly pitiful, and it is even more hateful that he disregards the country and the nation in this way! Today, Chief of Staff Huang proposed three measures, which are probably very much in line with the original intention of President Wang's decision-making, but he foolishly thought that such a hesitant and reckless strategy would be difficult to resist the tiger and wolf army that had penetrated deep into the hinterland of North China. According to this method of warfare, don't say North China, the Japanese army may have to go to the border Yunnan, what is the difficulty! Ladies and gentlemen, we are all Chinese, all generals commanding thousands of armies and horses, are we willing to be slaves to the country? I know no one would think that way. So what should we do now? In my opinion, we can only change the passive strategy to the active one, and change the strategy of retreat into the strategy of attacking. Specifically, there is a suggestion below for discussion at the meeting. Xiao saw that everyone was silent, waiting for his thoughts, so he continued to propose that from now on, Xu Tingyao will guard Beiping, and Yu Xuezhong will guard Tianjin, and be ready for battle; Song Zheyuan and the rest of the generals each led their headquarters to kill people behind enemy lines, fought to the death, intercepted and killed everywhere, and did not retreat when the Japanese army committed a crime in the south. Speaking of this, Xiao also said: "If the enemy does not retreat north, I will kill myself in this Jurentang to fight against the country." At this point, the generals who had been silent applauded warmly and expressed their praise. Song Zheyuan was so excited that he stood up and said loudly: "Today, we have 300,000 soldiers who have the same enemy, but we are defeated by 50,000 murderous enemies, which is really a great shame for our Chinese soldiers!" From now on, I will lead my troops behind enemy lines." The audience stood and applauded.

Although the Jurentang Conference made a resolution, the established policy of the Nationalist Government was that "if you go outside, you must first secure the interior" and could not start an all-out war with the Japanese army prematurely, and He Yingqin had always been pro-Japanese and peaceful, so he only used the resolution of the meeting of the generals as a card to play in exchange for the Japanese side to sit down for peace talks, so that the tactics of going deep behind enemy lines were not seriously implemented: therefore, when the Japanese army probed into the secrets of the Chinese meeting in many ways and gained nothing, He himself personally revealed the news to the Japanese side. When the Japanese and British representatives visited, they told him that if the Japanese army did not retreat, the Chinese army would go behind enemy lines. The Japanese side also had some concerns about this, and at the same time wanted to create an independent "North China State" through this, so they agreed to make peace and proposed negotiations, so Xiao's proposal was not implemented.

On May 4, the Executive Yuan set up a committee for the consolidation of government affairs in Beiping, with Huang Guo as its chairman, responsible for the armistice negotiations with the Japanese side (Xiao did not participate in the committee, and was later appointed as a member in August). Huang personally discussed with the Japanese chieftain, and when he matured, he appointed Xiong Bin as a negotiator to sign an agreement with the Japanese representative Gangcun Ningci in Tanggu on May 31, that is, the "Tangjie Agreement" that lost power and humiliated the country. According to the Agreement, the Chinese troops withdrew to the areas west and south of the line of Yanqing, Changping, Gaoliying, Shunyi, Tongzhou, Xiuhe, Baodi, Linting, Ninghe, and Lutaisuo, and the area north and east of the above line to the area along the Great Wall as a demilitarized zone: this was in effect an acknowledgment that the Japanese army could enter and leave the Suidong, Chabei, and eastern Hebei regions at will. In early August, the Japanese army began to withdraw to the outside of the pass. The 22 counties of Jile were designated as special zones, and Huang Guo appointed his confidant Yin Rugeng as the commissioner.

Xiao Su knew that Yin was a human being, studied Japanese since childhood, and had obvious pro-Japanese tendencies, words and deeds, so he once sent a letter to Jiang, telling him that "Huang Guo's arrangement will inevitably harm the country." Later, Yin rebelled and surrendered to the enemy, seized eastern Hebei, and became a problem for the country.

7. Expand the army and absorb and save allies

Accumulate strength to annihilate the Japanese invaders

In August 1933, the Chahar People's Anti-Japanese Allied Army organized by Feng Yuxiang was defeated by the Japanese and Chiang Kai-shek and the Soviet Union refused to provide assistance. Feng Yuxiang was sent to the field and was forced to leave and return to Taishan, Shandong. On the 28th, Song Zheyuan returned to Chahar to take charge, and the 29th Army returned to Chahar Province. The units of the former Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, which were originally incorporated by the Allied Army and withdrawn from outside the Guan, were also scattered in Cha Province due to the disintegration of the Allied Army at this time. He Yingqin slandered these volunteers as "Hu bandits" and ordered Song Zheyuan to exterminate them. Xiao strongly opposed it and strongly advocated its incorporation.

Xiao has always had a relationship with the Northeast Volunteers, and is friends with Ma Zhanshan, Li Du, Feng Zhanhai, etc.; When the Volunteers were fighting the enemy in the Allied Army, Xiao had many contacts with them. When the Chahar Anti-Japanese Allied Army was not dissolved, the former Volunteer Army unit Li Haiqing (16th Army) had an incident of shooting and detaining anti-Japanese generals, and Gu Songnian, chief of staff of the 16th Army, was an anti-Japanese general who started an incident at the same time as Li Haiqing, and Li Haiqing was instigated by Li Yihu, a member of the Fuxing Society, mistakenly believed the slander of the ancient general and conspired against Li, and killed Gu Songnian, and some division commanders who were close to Gu were also imprisoned by Li. Xiao Zhenying was in charge of the situation in the province at that time, and the underground party of the Communist Party of China found Yu Yifu, a senator and underground member of the Communist Party of China who was working with Xiao in the Beiping Military Branch at that time, and because Yifu came forward to find Xiao, he asked him to come to the rescue. Xiao Yiran promised to immediately write a letter to the relevant people and sent Li Shiyu to the Anti-Japanese Allied Army with the letter to rescue Wang Yunzhang, Han Chunxuan, Meng Shuxian, Xu Lie and other progressive-minded officers who had been wrongly imprisoned by Li. This time, Xiao saw that the Allied army was torn and the volunteers were helpless, and He Yingqin tried his best to "exterminate" this anti-Japanese army that had been transferred from the northeast to inspect after a lot of hardships, but the boss disagreed. Out of the feelings of fellow villagers, old affection, and especially out of the anti-Japanese hatred, it was decided to incorporate this contingent, which could not only preserve the anti-Japanese forces, but also strengthen the strength of the 29th Army, which was run by itself. After persuading Song Zheyuan to agree, Xiao personally went to the Volunteer Army to do the work of officers and soldiers. At the Zhangbei Volunteer Army station, Xiao spoke to these Northeast soldiers for four hours, and finally took the soldiers' arms and raised them high. When he shouted with everyone: "Down with the Japs!" "Go back to your hometown!" When waiting for the slogan, the audience shed tears and sighed. At his instigation, the soldiers of the Volunteers were willing to be recruited. Liu Qingting, who was a division commander in the Volunteer Army at that time, had secretly joined the CCP in Zhangbei. After the disintegration of the Allied Army, the meeting of the Front Committee of the Communist Party of China had already decided that Liu's cavalry division would protect Fang Zhenwu and Ji Hongchangxi to establish a revolutionary base area, but due to the success of Xiao's incorporation and agitation of the Northeast Volunteer Army, most of the officers and men of Liu's division were resolutely unwilling to leave Chaxi, and Liu had no choice but to abandon the original plan, and after making proper arrangements for the CCP members and progressive officers and soldiers in the headquarters, he led the headquarters to accept the reorganization and lost contact with the party organization. So far, the "Liaojihei People's National Salvation Army" Li Haiqing Division, Liu Qingting Division, as well as Tang Juwu, Liu Zhendong, Fuchun and other units in the former Northeast Volunteer Army have been incorporated into the 29th Army. At the incorporation meeting, Song wanted Xiao to concurrently serve as the commander of the newly incorporated cavalry division on the grounds that he was in charge of government affairs and went to the central government and liaise with the outside world from time to time, and recommended Zheng Dazhang to be the division commander, and Li Haiqing, Liu Qingting, Wang Zhichao and others were appointed as brigade commanders and regiment commanders to command the department, and Song agreed.

Xiao is a native of the Northeast, and since the fall of his hometown, he has been thinking about recovering his hometown every day. At the same time as planning to incorporate the Volunteer Army, he jointly submitted a letter to Chiang Kai-shek with Li Du, Fu Rulin, and Wu Huanzhang at the end of August, proposing to send the Volunteer Army deep behind enemy lines to the northeast to disrupt the rear of the Japanese army, and when the time is ripe for a formal start of war, in order to contain the effect of internal and external attacks, and at the same time to propose the formation of a "Northeast People's National Salvation Committee." At that time, Chiang Kai-shek was busy "suppressing the Communists" and did not adopt the suggestions of Xiao Li and others, and the Nanchang camp reinstated Xiao and others: "It is a matter of anti-Japanese actions, and it should be taken into account by the 'Central Committee'." In this way, this part of the volunteers settled in the 29th Army.

After the 29th Army incorporated the Northeast Volunteer Army, its strength became more abundant, and it became a type A army with 4 infantry divisions and 1 cavalry division. Since Xiao had always served as a general staff member in the army, and was a brother in life and death with Song, Feng, Zhang, Zhao, and Liu, and had a special status of "trust from the masses," and was also a representative of the "central government," he won Chiang's trust, so he participated in the planning of major affairs in the army and actively embarked on the expansion of the army. Under Xiao's planning, the 29th Army gradually developed from the formation of an army to a foothold in North China, and gradually developed to 100,000 strong brigades to expand its strength, accumulating strength for the resistance against Japan. Therefore, although Xiao did not serve as an army or division commander, he was called "Song Xiao went hand in hand", and Ms. Yu Fengzhi also said that Xiao "always actually presided over the affairs of the 29th Army group." ”

8. Denounce Wang Huang for betraying the country and insist on resisting the war in North China

In 1934, Chairman of the Chahar Province of the Shodai. In April of that year, in order to commemorate the first anniversary of the Great Wall War of Resistance, the 29th Army, together with relevant parties, compiled and printed the "North China (Great Wall) Anti-Japanese Record", and Xiao, Zhang Zizhong, Feng Zhi'an, and others wrote a preface

In 1935, the Japanese army launched a new invasion of North China, and put forward an unreasonable demand to the Nationalist Government for the "specialization" of the North China regime. At the beginning of the year, Huang Guo, as the chief political figure in North China, felt more and more that the situation in North China was difficult to deal with, and after returning to Nanjing to report on his work, he stayed in Moganshan to "recuperate". In February, Qin Dechun, deputy commander of the 29th Army, sent Zhang Yueting, chief of staff of the 37th Division, to hold talks with Gu Shoufu, the brigade commander of the 7th Division, and officially recognized that the Japanese could freely enter and leave Chadong. However, some volunteers still insisted on guerrilla warfare against Japan, and Sun Yongqin's troops once attacked Rehe. The Japanese side used this as an excuse to claim that Sun Bu's action was instructed by Yu Xuezhong, and on 29 May it submitted a request to Yu Jiaji and He Yingqin to dismiss Yu Xuezhong, chairman of Hebei Province. At the same time, a large number of troops were mobilized to enter the customs and threaten each other with force. At this time, Huang Guo, who had just returned to the north, also wanted to take the opportunity to install his own forces, so he personally came forward and mobilized Yu Xuezhong to resign. Xiao and Yu knew each other when they were in the Northeast Army, and they were from Sumi, and they suddenly disappeared from Yu one day, knowing that they had gone to Tianjin to discuss their resignation. So he immediately called Yu and asked him why he resigned, and Yu replied that the Japanese side had put pressure on the authorities. Xiao said: "If the Japanese want you to resign, will you resign?" If officials don't do it, people can't do it. The high-ranking officials can change their tune at will according to the enemy's will, and what kind of system will they become! This generation of traitors only knows that there is Japan, and even if they break up today, they can't resign! And encouraged Yu to withstand the pressure and told him that "the 29th Army swears to be the backing". Yu Xuezhong never resigned. He Yingqin heard that Xiao supported Yu Bu's resignation, so he summoned Xiao to ask, and Xiao Yizheng replied sternly: "The country has a national unity, and people have personality. A dignified anti-Japanese general, how can he resign according to the enemy's will! However, although Yu Xuezhong did not resign, in the environment of the pro-Japanese faction, Yu's position as chairman of Hebei Province was finally not kept, and he was soon transferred to Shaanxi and Gansu to "suppress the Communist Party". Xiao was extremely indignant about this matter and saw He Yingqin in person. He said, "The department should be transferred to the chairman at the behest of the Japanese invaders today, and then it will definitely ask Chairman Song to leave the inspection, and soon it will ask you to leave Beiping, where is there still sovereignty at all!" After that, if it is

We must refuse to accept the move of the song! He Yingqin was speechless.

When the invading Japanese army saw that the North China authorities were so bent to their knees, they were even more pressing. Soon after, Umezu, commander of the enemy garrison, and Takashi Sakai, chief of staff, again made unreasonable demands to the North China authorities, such as "no Kuomintang activities are allowed in North China," "the Third Military Police Regiment and its special agents must leave North China," and "the Central Army must be withdrawn from North China." Seeing these conditions, Xiao believed that the withdrawal of the Central Army from North China was absolutely impossible, and asked He Yingqin to resist it. "Even if it is broken, it will not hesitate." Xiao also personally telegraphed Chiang Kai-shek from Tianjin to clarify his views, but did not receive a reply. He Yingqin was struggling to cope under pressure from the Japanese side, and Wang Jingwei called again to ask He to agree to the harsh conditions of the Japanese side. By June 9, following the transfer of Yu Xuezhong, He Yingqin successively transferred and removed five people, and withdrew the 51st Army of the Northeast Army, the 2nd Division and the 25th Division of the Central Army from North China.

The Japanese side gained an inch and soon created the "Chahar Incident." At the beginning of June, the Japanese side sent four spies into the defense area of the 29th Army's Zhao Dengyu Division to engage in intelligence activities, and they were detained by the Zhao Department. Japan used this as an excuse to enter Zhangjiakou on June 11. Matsui, the head of the secret service, lodged a protest with the North China authorities and demanded that the North China authorities punish the officers and men who "caused the incident," remove Song Zheyuan from his post, and transfer the 29th Army. He and Huang Zhaoxiao asked, and Xiao replied: "The Japanese entered the Chahar territory from Duolun and were detained because they did not have passports, which is exactly the right thing for us to affirm our sovereignty. Huang said that such a move would affect "diplomatic relations," but Xiao retorted: "I really don't think of the current government's diplomatic attitude toward Japan, and I dare not agree with it. Huang had to show his cards: "The central government has already planned to transfer the 29th Army to 'suppress bandits' and transfer Song Zheyuan to leave the police, which are all decisions of the 'central government', and I hope you can all abide by them." Xiao replied angrily: "Naturally, I have to report to Commander Song, and I also have to meet the chairman for instructions; However, as the military representative of the 29th Army, I can tell Your Excellency bluntly, and I also ask Your Excellency to report to President Wang immediately that all the officers and men of the 29th Army will definitely reject all traitors and lives in line with the will of killing the enemy at Xifengkou, and save the country to the end! After saying that, the remaining anger did not subside, and he brushed his sleeves away. After returning, Xiao immediately called Zhangjiakou and asked Song to convene a meeting of the generals of the divisions and brigades, and he immediately went out and boarded the car and went straight to Zhangjiakou. At the meeting of senior generals of the 29th Army, Xiao reported on the opinions of He and Huang and his own attitude, and then asked Song to express his position. Song said that he would never be the second Yu Xuezhong, how to deal with it, he asked everyone to discuss the way. Zhang Zizhong couldn't hold it back for a long time, so he stood up first and shouted: "Foreign enemies and internal traitors are all raccoon dogs, and the only way to fight these things is to raise troops to fight!" Some others have also expressed their opinions, some agree to start the army immediately and no longer suffer from this nest, and some say that they should carefully consider and focus on the overall situation. Xiao saw that it was not easy to unify his opinions for a while, so he said: "Wang and Huang will never fill the desires of the Japanese invaders, they flatter the enemy and seek glory, and today they are going to take us as a sacrifice again." At this time, the only way to save the peril is for us to step forward. Whether or not to send troops will be discussed again, but everyone must step up preparations for war in case of contingencies. I immediately left for Chengdu to meet Chairman Chiang and make a decision. During this period, I hope that everyone will not be impatient, and temporarily ask Brother Shaowen (Qin Dechun) to come forward to be perfunctory with Huang Guo and the Japanese side for a while, but remember not to sign an agreement with him. After the meeting, the army urgently went into preparation for war, and Xiao immediately went to Chengdu.

After Xiao moved, Qin Dechun came forward and contacted the Japanese side through Chen Xiansheng and Huang Guo. On June 27, the "Qin-Tu Agreement" was reached, stipulating the punishment of the person in charge of the 132nd Division, the withdrawal of the 29th Army from six counties in northern Chabei, and the cessation of Shandong and further immigration to Inner Mongolia. According to the instructions of the commander of the Japanese Kwantung Army, Nanjiro, Dohihara still demanded that the chairman of Songcha Province be removed from the post of chairman of Songcha Province, and the vacant was replaced by Qin Dechun, director of the Civil Affairs Bureau. Under the endless harsh demands of the Japanese side, He Yingqin felt that it was difficult to deal with the affairs of North China, so he handed over the affairs of the Beiping Military Branch to Bao Wenyue, director of the General Office, and hid back in Nanjing.

Xiao rushed to Chengdu to see Jiang Chen report everything, and after hearing this, Jiang said: "North China is like this, it is like a loss." Xiao immediately replied: "When the Japanese side put forward the conditions for the withdrawal of the Central Army from North China, I thought it was impossible, and I also sent a telegram to the committee to ask for an order to cut it, but I did not receive a reply, so I did not report again. Jiang casually picked out the draft of the telegram sent to Wang on this matter from his desk drawer and said, "Xiange, please see, is this telegram of mine different from your opinion that you should not withdraw your troops?" However, when I sent this telegram, Mr. Wang did not follow my wishes and ordered the withdrawal of troops, which has now become a fact." Xiao saw that Chiang still intended to settle a certain amount of strength in North China, so he took the opportunity to make a statement: "Our 29th Army has repeatedly carried out orders, and has been able to complete the task brilliantly, and the battle of Xifengkou can prove the loyalty and courage of the soldiers and soldiers, and now that the Central Army has withdrawn from North China, the 29th Army can no longer withdraw, and requests that this force be left to defend North China, and still asks General Mingxuan to take charge of Cha Province." Chiang Kai-shek immediately agreed, and promised to send a telegram to Wang Jingwei immediately. When Xiao Fang left the gate, Jiang immediately received a call from North China, saying that Tu Feiyuan asked to remove Song Zheyuan, otherwise the situation would expand. Jiang summoned Xiao Hui to send a telegram to him, instructing Xiao to fly back to North China as soon as possible to calm down the incident

On the way back, he was stranded in Chongqing for three days due to the weather, and saw in the local newspaper that Song had been ordered by the Executive Yuan to remove him from his post as chairman of Cha Province. wanted to return to Rongmian Jiang Chen, and worried that Song and other North China were anxious for news, so he traveled north. When he went to Wuhan, he met with Zhang Xueliang, then deputy commander of the "suppression of bandits" in Henan, Hubei and Anhui provinces, and when he talked about this matter, Zhang said that he could come forward and ask Wang to withdraw the recall order. After bidding farewell to Zhang, Xiao sent a telegram to Ge Dingyuan, director of the Nanjing Office of the 29th Army, in Wuhan, asking him to take this telegram to meet Wang and Huang and tell them, "We will never accept the dismissal of Chairman Song and the transfer of the 29th Army from North China!" ”

After returning to Beiping, Xiao went to Tianjin overnight to meet Song Zheyuan and inform him of the trip. Although Song had just been dismissed from the post of provincial chairman by the Executive Yuan, the 29th Army was not frustrated, and it was also very happy to see that Xiao had brought back the message, so he informed Xiao of the "Qin-Tu Agreement". Xiao said, "The matter has come to this point, so I have no choice but to let it go, and I should report the details to the chairman of the committee and send a telegram to Nanjing to show our attitude." Xiao immediately wrote down in detail the contact between Qin and the Japanese chieftains, and sent his adjutant Wang Chongxian to set off immediately and go to Rong to present Jiang with letters. Later, Xiao sent a telegram to the whole country in his personal name, accusing Wang and Huang of betraying the country. The telegram said that this move "has made the world look sideways, and the Chinese people will be chilled, and in the future, Chinese officials will only know that there is Japan!" Wang and Huang ignored Xiao Dian, but called Xiao to Ning for "discussion", but Xiao refused to go. At the same time, Xiao sent a law enforcement team to search for the traitor Yin Rugeng, and Yin fled from Beiping.

Due to the withdrawal of the "Central" Army and the Northeast Army from North China, Pingjin became a vacuum, and traitor activities became rampant day by day. In view of this situation, Xiao also had Chiang's dictation that "the 29th Army could not be transferred south for the time being", so he proposed to Bao Wenyue, who was working in the acting army branch, that the garrison should be empty, and that only the 29th Army and the 53rd Army of the Central Army stationed on the Pinghan Line should be transferred to fill in Pingjin. At the same time, the 29th Army was arranged to prepare for Pingjin. After Bao sent people to Wuhan to ask Zhang Xueliang for instructions, he immediately ordered the 29th Army to take over the defense of Beiping, and soon stationed in Tianjin. In view of the fact that the 29th Army's control of Pingjin had become a fact, the Nationalist Government ordered Song to be appointed commander of Pingjin Weicheng on August 28, and he was also the acting mayor of Beiping. The 29th Army was able to fill Beiping.

9. Contribute to the crisis and try to defend sovereignty

After the 29th Army filled in Pingjin, the Japanese chieftain Tu Feiyuan and the chief of staff of the North China garrison, Takashi Sakai, summoned Qi Xieyuan, Wang Zhimin, Wang Yitang, Gao Lingwei and others to plan the establishment of the "North China Kingdom", and hired traitors and hooligans to demonstrate and shout for "North China independence". In November 1935, after the Japanese side instructed the traitor Yin Rugeng to seize 22 counties in eastern Hebei and establish a puppet "Autonomous Government for the Defense of the Communist Party in Eastern Hebei", Tu Feiyuan, Sakai Takashi and others went to the British Concession in Tianjin to find Song Zheyuan and exert pressure on Song to follow Yin and declare autonomy. At this time when North China was in danger, Song convened the generals of the 29th Army in Beiping to discuss countermeasures. Everyone felt that the 29 th Army wanted to gain a foothold in North China, and that it could not immediately fall out with the Japanese when the "central" policy decision was not yet clear, but it could not engage in "independence" that humiliated the country, and it was very difficult to deal with it. When Xiao was in the Northwest Army, he was known as "Zhiduoxing", and everyone asked him to come up with ideas. Xiao stepped forward and said: "Instead of asking traitors to come out and betray the country, it is better for the 29th Army to come out and control Jicha, ostensibly 'friendly' with Japan, but in fact perfunctory, with the slogan 'don't say hard words, don't do soft things'." In this way, they can occupy the territory of Jicha, use the financial resources of Pingjin to expand their strength, and once the incident starts, they can not hesitate to fight. Everyone thought this was a good idea, so it was agreed that Xiao and Qin Dechun would find He Yingqin, Xiong Shihui, and Chen Yi, who had returned to Beiping from Nanjing, to draw up a semi-independent plan for the "Jicha Political Affairs Committee".

On December 6, Chen Yi and Xiao carried the plan to Tianjin to exchange views with Tada Jun, commander of the Tufeiyuan and Japanese garrisons, and Takashi Sakai, chief of staff. Then, He Yingqin came forward to report to the Kuomintang "Central Committee" for approval, and this special regime, the "Political Affairs Committee of the Jicha", was formally established on December 18. At this point, the Kuomintang forces completely withdrew from North China, and the Northwest Army united with part of the Northeast Army and the pro-Japanese faction among the former Beiyang warlords controlled Jicha. The generals of Song Zheyuan's 29th Army gained real power: Song Zheyuan served as chairman of the committee and director of the Jicha Pacification Office, Feng Zhi'an served as chairman of Hebei Province, Qin Dechun served as mayor of Beiping City, Zhang Zizhong served as chairman of Chahar Province, and later mayor of Tianjin, Liu Ruming served as chairman of Chahar Province, and Xiao Zhenying served as chairman of Chahar Province and mayor of Tianjin in addition to being a member of the Political Committee and director of the Economic Committee.

On the night of the incident, He Yingqin, Xiong Shihui, Chen Yi and Xiao Zhenying had dinner at Juren Hall, and the four of them talked until late at night. The next day, Xiong and the others returned south.

Song Zheyuan and others set up the Jicha Political Committee, which was strongly opposed by patriotic students in Beiping, and the "December 9" salvation movement broke out, and the anti-Japanese anger swept across the country. Xiao Zeng supported the rescue groups organized by all walks of life in the Northeast and ordered the Military Judge Advocate General of the Pacification Office to release Xu Mylun (i.e., Xiao Jing), Jiang Shaoyu and others, who were accused of being communists by reactionary students. He also participated in the anti-Japanese struggle to save the country under the leadership of the Northeast Special Committee of the Communist Party of China under the leadership of the Northeast Special Committee of the Communist Party of China. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he went to Yan'an to study at the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, returned to the rear due to illness, and later died in Chongqing) introduced Chen Jianxing, a classmate of Northeastern University, to Xiao who met him, and then Xiao introduced Chen Jianxing (Zhuangyou) and others to enter the 29th Army to carry out anti-Japanese rescue work.

Chiang Kai-shek also had hidden worries about the situation in North China, so after listening to the report of He Yingqin and Xiong Shihui's return from North China, he sent a special telegram to Xiao, saying that "the brother is loyal to the country, saves North China, and knows the glory of the old." He also sent Wei Daoming to see Xiao with his hand. Xiao read this letter, which was more than 1,000 words long, and was very moved. He asked Wei to report back to Jiang: Song Zheyuan and all the officers and men of the 29th Army were patriots, and Song was forced by Wang Jingwei this time; The coming days are difficult, and I, Xiao Zhenying, will definitely defend the 29th Army with my life and always maintain my loyalty to the motherland. After that, Xiao often quoted Jiang's words in his letter that "there will be a war with the Japanese invaders" to encourage the soldiers: Song Zheyuan also had no bottom in his heart about the establishment of the "Jicha Political Affairs Committee", and once said to Xiao: "Wang Huang betrayed North China, and we did this to save North China. Xiao calmly persuaded him to let the facts answer. In 1982, when Ms. Yu Fengzhi reviewed this period of history, she made this comment on Xiao: "Xiange and General Song Zheyuan were appointed as members of the Beiping Military Branch of the Military Committee at the same time; Chairman of Hebei Province and Chahar Province; He is the chairman of the political and economic affairs committee of the Jicha and other positions, and jointly presides over the Jicha. Under the leadership of the 'Central Committee', he adhered to principles and worked with the Japanese to safeguard the rights and interests of the country! ”

During his tenure in the "Political Committee" and Tianjin Municipality, Xiao formulated two principles for himself and the Political Committee, one was to resist Japan's economic aggression, and the other was to revitalize the national economy and strengthen the foundation of national salvation. Although Xiao's willingness is a bit naïve, it also enables him to do some practical and good things for China, the nation, and the citizens of Tianjin within the scope of his authority. He ordered the reduction and exemption of 74 taxes such as river donations and rickshaw donations in Tianjin, and at the same time formulated plans to build water conservancy; He also personally arranged for the guards to dismantle a large number of inferior prostitution brothels on the banks of the Haihe River overnight, and arranged for the Chinese women who were victimized here to receive medical treatment for "Jiliang".

In terms of relations with Japan, Hsiao, in line with Chiang Kai-shek's instructions, put forward the principle of "using slogans for slogans and grabbing time with hard work," and encouraged everyone: "If you hold on for a while, you will contribute to the country.

We are willing to jump into this fire pit because we should feel deeply honored to sacrifice for our country. ”

During his many contacts with the Japanese side, Xiao adhered to the principle of safeguarding sovereignty and resolutely rejected Japan's demands for the construction of the Cangshi Railway and the establishment of the Tianjin Electric Company. When accompanying Song Zheyuan to a meeting with Tu Feiyuan, Tu was forced by "economic cooperation", and Song signaled that Xiao would deal with it. Xiao immediately made a serious statement: "This is not economic cooperation, it is actually economic aggression, of course it can't!" Tu Feiyuan pulled out his gun in annoyance, Xiao also drew his gun and said sharply: "Do you still use a dancing gun to make a sword when talking about problems?" If you want to duel, go outside and never die! Tu Feiyuan was frightened by Xiao's righteousness, and collected his gun to accompany him. Afterwards, Tu Feiyuan once said to others: "Xiao Zhenying is bold and aggressive. ”

In order to win Song Zheyuan away from the Nationalist Government and engage in "North China independence," Sakagaki personally arrived in Tianjin by special train from Liaoning, and Song, Xiao, and Qin were greeted at the station. Song invited Sakagaki to a banquet in private. After the banquet, Ban stayed alone to talk to Song, asking Song to oppose Chiang's independence. The next day, Song consulted with Xiao about countermeasures, and Xiao promised to let him meet Sakagaki before talking. Xiao invited Banyuan to a banquet in Tianjin, and in response to the intention of Banyuan's trip and the news revealed by Song, Xiao Yizheng was stern and talked eloquently: "China is a benevolent, righteous and civilized country, with a long history, and 400 million people who are not patriotic!" China's territory is vast, its hinterland is vast, it can be attacked, retreated can be defended, and it is a towering power, how can it be insulted! He also accused Japan: "Your country talks extravagantly about goodwill and shouts cooperation, but today it plunders a city and tomorrow cuts down a piece of land, in a vain attempt to overthrow China. But in his meeting with Sakagaki, he again talked about his anti-Soviet strategy. He believed that the Sino-Japanese struggle would have "the Soviet Union at its side, and it would reap the benefits of the fishermen," and he predicted that "within three years, war in Europe would inevitably break out and the Soviet Union would inevitably enter the war." He also proposed that China and Japan should wait and see what happens, and when the Soviet-German war was exhausted, Japan would send troops to Siberia, Vladivostok, and the Khingan Mountains, and China would go straight to Lake Baikal, and the two sides would join forces in the Ural Mountains, so that the Soviet Union's influence in the east could be swept away. He also boasted about his strategy for fighting in South Asia, allowing Japan to occupy Burma and India in the south to "prevent them from being enslaved by white people," and sketched a blueprint for Sakagaki to confront the world between China and Japan. The real intention of this talk is just a strategy to deal with the day. When Sakagaki asked Chiang Kai-shek's status in China, he immediately replied: "Chairman Chiang Kai-shek is the indisputable leader of today's China and the core of the people of the whole country!" This was a great disappointment for Japan at that time to engage in anti-Chiang independence in North China and plot a conspiracy to "North China." Sakagaki saw that the language could not be bent, so he had to pretend to say, Mr. Xiao

Majestic mountains and rivers, admire!

After the talks, Xiao and several others held a meeting, and Song Zheyuan said: Judging from the current situation, there is no doubt that the Japanese side wants to pursue a policy of opposing Chiang independence in North China. Qin Dechun continued: "In this way, Brother Immortal Pavilion is in a dangerous situation. Xiao calmly replied, "What you say is very true, but for myself, it is enough to seek kindness!" ”

Since then, Xiao has reminded Song Zheyuan many times: "At the moment of the great enemy, the Japanese will want to kill me; We were determined to save the country and the people, so there was only one way, that is, to support Chiang and resist Japan. Splitting China will only weaken itself, and Japan will eventually share it and reap the benefits. Song Zheyuan deeply obeyed his proposal, but the strong enemy was in front, and Chiang Kai-shek had always rejected dissent, so he finally hesitated.

10. Forced to leave the Ji people

Shed tears and say goodbye to cherish

Because Xiao Zhenying took a clear-cut stand against the independence of North China, adhered to the line of supporting Chiang's resistance against Japan, and had a hard-line attitude toward Japan, and because he had a decisive position in the Chinese army and the "political committee" in North China, he became an obstacle to the Japanese side's implementation of the aggressive policy in North China, and was finally tolerated by the Japanese invading authorities. On the one hand, the Japanese side came forward by leading figures and threatened and lured Song Zheyuan, falsely claiming that Japan would give full support to Song to oppose Chiang's independence and unify China by force, and on the other hand, it instructed the traitors Pan Yugui and Qi Xieyuan to surround Song and persuade Song to pursue "independence." At the same time, it slandered that Xiao Nai was "serving Chiang in order to gain self-respect" and sow discord between Song and Xiao. The commander of the Japanese garrison, Tada Jun, secretly negotiated with the Song Dynasty many times, saying that if the Song became independent, Japan could help the Song Ministry to train a mechanized unit of 300,000 people, send Japanese instructors and consultants to assist in training, and Japan would be responsible for the equipment and funds; At the same time, it was also proposed that Xiao was an agent of the Chiang faction in the 29th Army and that he had to leave North China and so on. Song consulted with Xiao, and Xiao persuaded that the Japanese said that they were "helping" you, but they actually wanted you to be Shi Jingtang and Wu Sangui! If this is really implemented, your troops will have more than 700 Japanese instructors and advisers, surrounded by Japanese troops outside, and the 29th Army will undoubtedly be Japan's vassals and cannon fodder, which will not only be reviled by the entire Chinese people, but even the officers and men of the 29th Army who have followed you for many years will not let it go. Then he made it clear that if Xiao Zhenying's presence in North China really hinders the maintenance of the situation, I can leave if necessary. Song did not comment.

In order to exert further influence on Song, the Japanese side asked Qi Xieyuan to join Song Zheyuan's "political committee," and Song agreed. But considering that Xiao would inevitably oppose it, he asked Qin Dechun to see Xiao to probe his breath. Xiao really objected, and went to Song Zhidi that day to inquire about Qi Jinji. Song replied that Qi was a marshal in the past, and he had been in the army for a long time, and inviting him to come could help the momentum: Xiao said to Song: "Qi is a pro-Japanese traitorous warlord, and your decision is no different from opening the door and stealing!" If you let them come, I will leave." Song said that the matter could be discussed again and put on hold.

Surrounded by the Japanese military, traitors, and pro-Japanese factions, Song Zheyuan's attitude gradually changed, and he was already interested in opposing Chiang's independence, and gradually became indifferent to Xiao, thinking that Xiao was trying his best to support the generals and despise himself, Xiao went to see Song again, and said: "Now Tada Jun, Matsuho Takashi and other false claims to help you, in fact, it is a vain attempt to use you to achieve the goal of occupying North China and then destroying China, if you listen to the Japanese, oppose Chiang's independence, and split the country, and finally it will inevitably be the death of the country. Speaking of this, he cried bitterly, Song Zheyuan and Qin Dechun, Zhang Zizhong, etc., who were present at the time, also couldn't cry, and Song Zheyuan had to give up temporarily.

Not long after, Tada Jun specially summoned Song Zheyuan to Tianjin and told him that Xiao must leave Tianjin. Song Huiping convened a meeting of cadres of the 29th Army, and Xiao said to everyone: "According to today's situation, I will not leave, and the situation in North China is difficult to maintain. When studying the question of Xiao's stay and detention, Qin Dechun mentioned that he had paid a monthly allowance to the Japanese secret services in the secret expenses of the Beiping municipal government. Zhang Zizhong was furious when he heard this, and he angrily reprimanded Qin Dechun for taking the case, and was persuaded by everyone. However, in order to get rid of Xiao as soon as possible, the pro-Japanese elements even spread rumors that Zhang and Xiao had a verbal disagreement at the meeting, and Zhang beat Xiao with his hands, saying that the cadres of the 29th Army had split Yunyun. Later, rumors spread that Zhang colluded with Japan, Qin insisted on opposing it, and so on.

The real reason for Xiao Zhenying's resignation was that he negotiated with the Japanese and wrote too many blank checks that could not be cashed, and in fact, Xiao did not want to cash them. When the Japanese saw that he had repeatedly "broken his promises," they put great pressure on him to fulfill his "promise." Xiao was overwhelmed, and Song Zheyuan felt that he could buffer Xiao by telling him to leave. When the Japanese "collect debts", it can be said that Xiao agreed to it, and Song could not be responsible for it as a "shield". In order to squeeze Xiao away from Dajin as soon as possible, Tada Jun not only put pressure on Song Zheyuan, but also instigated the traitor plainclothes team to blow up a section of the railway near Tianjin East Railway Station to drive Xiao away.

Just as Xiao was waiting for his resignation, representatives from the two Guangxi sides contacted Song, and Xiao secretly instructed Song not to arrange a meeting. At the same time, he sent a message to Chiang, saying that at this time, he must not use troops against Liangguang, otherwise it will involve North China and force Song Zheyuan to rebel. After the Liangguang issue was resolved, Xiao Fang breathed a sigh of relief. Chiang Kai-shek and others also felt that Xiao's resignation was imperative, but they finally felt that they could not get over emotionally, but in view of the situation in North China, they had no choice but to agree. For this reason, Yu Youren personally sent a letter of condolence. In his letter to Xiao, he wrote: "My brother is deeply respectful of his sacrifice for the country, and the state affairs come first. Therefore, before the brother leaves, if he wants to make a decision about the personnel of the 29th Army, he will not lose his duty. Brother Wang, he turned this intention to the comrades. According to the president's instructions, Xiao suggested to Song before his official resignation that Zhang Zizhong should be arranged to replace him as mayor of Tianjin, transfer Liu Ruming as chairman of Chahar Province, and Feng Zhi'an as chairman of Hebei Province. In this way, a reliable candidate is arranged, Feng Zhuji is in the middle, Zhang Zhujin is in the front, and Liu is in the rear, so he can be safe. Song made arrangements according to his suggestion. Several generals also readily obeyed, and Feng Zhi'an also wrote a letter to Xiao in person, saying that "my brother will do what he says, dare to live and dare to die."

After Xiao's resignation was approved, he temporarily moved to his apartment in Xiangshan, a western suburb of Beiping. Feng Zhi'an and others found out that the Japanese side had a plan to assassinate Xiao, and in order to protect Xiao's safety, they transferred a battalion of people to Xiangshan to strengthen protection. For Xiao to leave the 29th Army and leave North China, the generals of the 29th Army Zhang Zizhong, Feng Zhi'an, Zhao Dengyu and others were indignant, and Zhang Zizhong went to Xiangshan to stay with him for 5 days. Zhang Zeng said to Xiao: "Song Zheyuan is not interesting enough, you see that I will let his kid leave North China in two months, and if I can't do it, I won't be surnamed Zhang!" Xiao persuaded Zhang Zizhong and said: "State affairs first, righteousness is the most important, my personal life and death are not calculated, for the temporary peace of North China, for our brotherly love, I am willing to make sacrifices." Soon after, Feng Zhi'an, Zhao Dengyu, Li Wentian, He Jifeng and others also gathered in Xishan, all of them wanted to raise troops to stay in Xiao, Xiao wept for it, and sincerely advised everyone not to move lightly, Zhang Zizhong saw that there was no hope of staying in Xiao, and cried away, and everyone cried.

Within a few days, Song Zheyuan insisted on developing Qi Xieyuan as a member of the "Jicha Political Committee" surrounded by a group of traitors. Zhao Dengyu and Liu Ruming also took the case and rushed out of the apartment to prepare to transfer troops. Xiao hurriedly called Qin Dechun and Zhang Weifan to persuade the three to return. Xiao said solemnly to Feng, Zhang and others, although you can kill Qi Xieyuan and other traitors and traitors by doing this, but Ming Xuan (Song Zheyuan) may not be able to be ashamed; And the Japanese will definitely take advantage of this to provoke, and it will be a big deal! The crowd was indignant. After that, there were Jilin officers of the 29th Army, former generals of the Volunteer Army, Liu Shutang, Wang Zhichao, Han Shumao, etc., who came to Xiao Yu to persuade him to stay, and expressed his willingness to lead the three sons of the army in the northeast to fight against Xiao and rebel against Xiao. Xiao persuaded them earnestly: "We are all people who promise the country with our bodies, and the foolish brother's departure from North China this time is not only caused by the Japanese and the gang of traitors, but also because Japan will not use my mouth to provoke again." And you will endure the humiliation here. After I leave, you must obey the command of General Yang Zhi (Feng Zhi'anzi) and prepare for the day of the anti-Japanese battle. ”

After Xiao stayed in Xishan for a while, he received a notice from Nanjing that he was officially asked to leave his post and go south. Before leaving, he went to Badetang to see Song Zheyuan resign, and once again emphasized the suggestion that Feng, Zhang, Liu, and other arrangements and troops be handed over to Feng Zhi'an. He also said to Song, after I left, "Zhang Zizhong is in front, Ziliang (Liu Ruming) is in the back, and Yang Zhi is in the middle of Ji, ready to adapt, and I hope that my brother will be good and self-cherishing." The two parted with tears.

For Xiao's painstaking efforts to enable the 29th Army to gain a foothold in North China and "work hard" to maintain the situation in North China (so as not to become the second in Northeast China), colleagues in military and political circles have a good reputation. Later, General Liu Ruming also wrote in his elegy to Xiao: "Serving the country, the liver and gallbladder are enough to show the sun and the moon; Hope to observe Lai Moyou, loyalty and righteousness should also be passed on for thousands of years. ”

A week later (October 29, 1936), Xiao flew out of North China by special plane.

11. Went abroad to inspect and serve as a special envoy to the front line on behalf of Chiang Kai-shek

Xiao arrived in Nanjing, and He Yingqin waited at the airport to greet him. Soon after, Jiang sent a special telegram from Luoyang to He Yingqin, asking him to find Xiao to study practical ways to save North China. He proposed to Xiao to ask Xiao to return to North China to replace Song Zheyuan in order to completely change the situation. Xiao thought it was inappropriate and made it clear that he would never do that. However, he assured He that although he had left North China, the original patriotic intention of the 29th Army would never change, and once the central authorities made a decision, the 29th Army would definitely obey the orders and serve the country. He promised to wait for Jiang Xi's tour to come and then discuss.

On December 12, 1936, the "Xi'an Incident" occurred, and Xiao was in Shanghai. Xiao was summoned to Kong's house by Kong Xiangxi by phone, and Song Meiling was present. Kong and others reported the incident and expressed concern about Chiang's safety. Xiao comforted them and said that he knew Zhang Xueliang very well, that Jiang would never be in danger of his life, that Jiang Fei was comparable to Yang Yuting back then, that "now Jiang is the leader of the national anti-Japanese resistance", and that China's safety is one of them, and that Zhang Zhi will never be rashly harmed. After that, Xiao returned to Nanjing with Kong Xiangxi and Song Meiling. At that time, He Yingqin had been appointed as the commander-in-chief of the rebel army, and advocated a heavy crusade against Zhang and Yang, and Kong and Song disagreed with him. Xiao Sui said to Kong Jin that in the current catastrophe, there can be no more internal divisions like this, and no matter how much he advocates the use of troops, it can be regarded as an emergency measure, and it is also very important to resolve it peacefully through the method of dredging people. Xiao advocated that the two methods could be used together to deal with sudden events, and Kong Xiangxi agreed. Xiao then invited He Yingqin to Kong's house and exchanged views together. A few days later, Xiao and Zhang Jiluan went to Kong's place, and Xiao suggested whether to negotiate with the Soviet side to save Chiang, and Kong and Zhang both thought that they could try. He immediately went to the Soviet Embassy to visit Ambassador Bogrove. Hsiao immediately went to explain his intentions to the ambassador, and Hsiao said that Japan was the common enemy of the Soviet Union and China, and that today China could fight Japan together with the Soviet Union and other countries could only be Chiang Kai-shek. Now that Chiang is killed, China's safety is unpredictable, and if China is in danger, it will be difficult for the Soviet Union to protect itself. He asked the ambassador to report to Marshal Stalin, so that the Third International would intervene to influence the CCP to do the work of Zhang and Yang. Bao immediately promised to report immediately. Although Chiang was released without the Soviet Union, after this meeting, Xiao and Bao became friends and often corresponded.

After the peaceful settlement of the "Xi'an Incident", Zhang Xueliang escorted Chiang Kai-shek back to Nanjing. The next day, after Chiang convened the members to talk, he summoned Xiao upstairs to inquire about the situation in North China. Seeing that Jiang was tired, Xiao replied that there would be no change for a while, and asked Jiang to rest first and make a detailed report later. A few days later, Chiang sent He Yaozu to take Xiao to his residence to listen to Xiao's report on the situation in North China and the contingency arrangements agreed with the generals before Xiao's departure. After that, Xiao reported on the progress of his rebellion against Yin Rugeng and other traitor troops before leaving North China: after listening to the report, Xiao took the opportunity to make a suggestion to Chiang: "After the 'Xi'an Incident', Japan is bound to advance its aggression steps, and the final battle is approaching, and it seems that North China can not make changes in order to delay as much as possible." Soon after, Jiang summoned Xiao and told him that North China could not make changes for the time being according to Xiao's opinion.

In the spring of 1937, Xiao was appointed as a special envoy for industrial inspection, accompanied by Liu Fengzhu, acting president of Northeastern University, as a secretary, to Europe and the United States. First, he went to the United Kingdom with the special envoy of Kong Xiangxi to attend the coronation of the British Emperor. He then went to Germany and other Western European countries, then to the Soviet Union for a 10-day visit, passing through Poland to Czechoslovakia. When Xiao Zaibo was in the air, he saw in the newspaper that the "Lugou Bridge Incident" occurred in China on July 7, and the 29th Army He Jifeng Brigade Jixingwen Regiment rose up to resist the war. As soon as he arrived in the Czech Republic, Xiao received a special telegram from Chiang Kai-shek calling him to return to China immediately. Xiao and Liu hurriedly took the United Kingdom, but because the direct ticket to China failed, they took a US plane to the United States, from the United States to Shanghai via the Philippines, and then went to Nanjing to pay homage to Chiang. Xiao's trip to Europe and the United States lasted 97 days.

After Hsiao returned to China, Chiang immediately appointed Hsiao as the general of the General Staff of the First Theater of Operations and Chiang Kai-shek, who was also the commander of the theater, to supervise the army at the front. After Xiao was appointed, the base camp allocated 1 special train, 2 motorboats, and 3 cars. Su Zhanyuan, the captain of the guard, and Li Derun, the secretary, who have accompanied Xiao for many years. The special train went to Botou Town, where Xiao met with old friends such as Song, Feng, and He, and Li Wentian and others reported that they led the 38th Division to fight against the puppet army of Yin Rugeng's army, and Yin's subordinates revolted and captured Yin rebels. Xiao immediately expanded the 29th Army into the First Group Army in the name of the Commander's Department of the Theater on the front line, with Song Zheyuan still as the commander, under the jurisdiction of the 77th Army, and Feng Zhi'an as the commander; 68th Army, Liu Ruming served as commander; 59th Army, Zhang Zizhong served as the commander (initially represented by Li Wentian); The 3rd Cavalry Army, with Zheng Dazhang as the commander; Li Wentian, He Jifeng, Li Jintian, and Wang Zhichao were appointed as division commanders. At the same time, the three divisions of Gao Shuxun and Shi You, the former political enemy, were brought to the First Group Army. In addition, Liu Duoquan and Wu Keren of the former Northeast Army's Wan Fulin Division, and Pang Bingxun and Zhang Yinwu of the former Northwest Army were also successively brought under control by Xiao to the First War Zone.

When the Anti-Japanese War broke out, Jiang Zeng appointed Feng Yuxiang as the deputy commander of the First Theater, and later because Han Fuyu and others refused to accept Feng's command, he was reappointed Feng as the commander of the 3rd Theater, and in September, he was changed to the 6th Theater. Because most of the generals of the First Theater were Feng Yuxiang's subordinates, after the commander of the 6th Theater of the Feng Reform Commission took up his post in Cangzhou, he immediately sent representatives to the frontline defense areas to contact the generals of the former Northwest Army, requesting that troops be assigned to them, and requesting that a private cipher code be handed over for future contact. At that time, Xiao was supervising the army on behalf of Jiang in the First War Zone, and privately befriended the generals of the First War Zone, so all the generals reported to him and discussed the matter. After Xiao left Xi'an, he and Feng had always been on low terms, and at this time, he justifiably used the excuse of "everything should abide by the laws and disciplines of the country" to do work among the generals, so that the generals did not listen to Feng. Song Zheyuan avoided Mount Tai, and Feng Zhi'an, Li Wentian and others also used the excuse that the front line was urgent, that is, they did not transfer troops and did not meet each other. Feng's action was detected by Jiang and Dai Li was sent to North China to understand the situation. Dai Li looked for Xiao, and Xiao replied that he had turned against Mr. Feng from Xi'an, and he never made peace, and he was afraid that he would have prejudices, so he asked Dai to understand with the generals. After Dai Li's visit to Song, Feng and others, he reported back to Chiang, who was even more wary of Feng.

Feng Yuxiang's desire to regain military power this time was not realized, and he had a deeper grudge against Xiao, believing that Xiao was playing tricks to block the door of his resistance to the country, so that he lost the opportunity to take charge of the military again, so he sent people to assassinate Xiao three times, but they were unsuccessful. The last time was when Feng sent a plainclothes team to attack Xiao's special train at Botou Station, because Feng Zhi'an got the news first and revealed it to Xiao, so Xiao's special train temporarily changed to a car to Feng's security defense before it arrived at Botou. Soon after leaving, the car arrived at Botou and an attack occurred on the car, and Huo Zhanyi, a staff officer on the special train, and a soldier on the special train were injured. Song Zheyuan was also deeply disturbed by this matter, on the one hand, his old boss, and on the other hand, he was a brother in distress, but he still felt that Mr. Feng's move was excessive, so he reported to Chiang Kai-shek and made the matter of Feng and Xiao turning against each other public. Chiang used this reason to remove Feng Yuxiang from his post as commander of the 6th Theater of Operations, and never gave Feng military power again.

After the fall of Pingjin at the end of July 1937, Zhang Zizhong fled from Beiping. Later, he was transferred to Jinan and placed under house arrest pending release. At that time, public opinion circles accused Zhang of insulting the country, and some people even scolded him for collaborating with the enemy. But Xiao knows that Zhang Zhi is a person, and he is by no means a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, betrays the country for glory, and is not a capricious villain. After hearing the news that Zhang had been placed under house arrest in Jinan, he decided to meet Zhang Zizhong in person to learn more. Xiao rushed to Jinan to meet him, Zhang knelt on the ground and wept bitterly, telling Xiao that he had mistakenly believed the words of the traitor Pan Yugui and thought that Song Zheyuan had accepted all the conditions of the Japanese side. rushed to Beiping, drove Qin Dechun away in a fit of anger, and ruled North China on behalf of the Song Dynasty, thinking that he could reverse the crisis. Unexpectedly, the situation took a turn for the worse, and within a few days, Pingjin was lost, so that it was so. Xiao also reproached him and said: "How could Ming Xuan accept all the Japanese conditions? This is a traitor who deceives you into being upright, and you have had a relationship with Song in the past, so you will sow discord from it. You have fallen victim to the enemy's tricks and caused internal divisions, and the fault is indeed in you." Zhang regretted and repeatedly said, I'm sorry for the big brother, I'm sorry for the group, "My heart can be to the sky, even if there are hundreds of mouths, it is difficult to justify and understand, I just ask the eldest brother to transfer the chairman of the committee, allow self-loyalty to serve the battlefield, and confess!" The two hugged each other and cried. Zhang stabbed his arm with a saber in front of him and bleed, and wrote a blood letter to express his heart, and asked Xiao to submit it on his behalf. After saying goodbye, Xiao immediately went to Nanjing to meet Jiang, presented Zhang's handwritten blood letter, and explained the heartfelt song on his behalf. Chiang only promised to "allow consideration" at the time. Xiao was not at ease, so he found Wei Daoming and his wife again and asked them to help. Later, Chiang finally released Zhang Zizhong and ordered him to return to the First Army to serve as the commander of the 77th Army. Later, he was appointed commander-in-chief of the 33rd Group Army.

In the spring of 1938, Chiang was reappointed as Cheng Qian's commander of the First Theater of Operations, and Xiao remained in office. At this time, although Song Zheyuan had been promoted to the commander of the First Group Army, he lost his land and troops in North China after the "July 7" incident, and important generals Tong Linge and Zhao Dengyu were martyred in the fierce battle of Nanyuan; Zhang Zizhong took the town of Beiping and lost Tianjin, and was also criticized by domestic public opinion. This greatly stimulated him mentally and made him depressed all day long. Later, he developed liver disease and high blood pressure. When he led his army to retreat to the Yellow River, because part of his army delayed crossing the river, Jiang sent Qian Dajun to hold a warrant to severely reprimand, which made Song too stressed for a while, and he couldn't stand for a while when he took over the order. Xiao was beside him at the time, and he couldn't bear it, so he told Qian that he was responsible for everything, and asked Qian to report back to Jiang first, and at the same time sent an urgent telegram to Jiang to dissect it on his behalf. After this incident, Chiang's execution of Han Fuzhu occurred, and Song felt even more in danger and became seriously ill. Xiao also asked He Yingqin and Cheng Qian to come forward and told Jiang for Song Chen that Jiang decided that Song was the deputy commander of the First War Zone, and allowed Song to take sick leave and go to Hengshan for recuperation.

In the winter of 1938, Wuhan fell, Cheng Qian was transferred out of the First War Zone, and Xiao moved to Chongqing with the Nationalist Government. After Zhang Zizhong returned to the front line, he led his troops to participate in major battles such as Taierzhuang, and made many military exploits. During this period, he also often exchanged letters and telegrams with Xiao. On May 1, 1940, he wrote to Hsiao: "The enemy in front of him has an active intention, and our troops have prepared it to attack him when they come." The brothers had a long-standing determination to do their best to sort out before they died, and at the beginning of the war, they fought with the Japanese with the determination to die, so as to repay the great kindness of the country, the nation and the leader." Half a month later, on the 16th of the same month, Zhang died heroically in a pursuit battle. Li Wentian, deputy commander-in-chief of the 33 rd Group Army, once sent a telegram to Xiao and told him that "Commander-in-Chief Zhang personally led two regiments of the 74th Division and the special service battalion of the headquarters to cross the river on an adventure." "We encountered three or four thousand enemy cavalry near the pumpkin shop on the milling day, and our army suffered all the casualties in the fierce battle", and "Commander-in-Chief Zhang was seriously wounded but generously martyred." Feng Zhi'an, who succeeded Zhang as commander-in-chief, also telegraphed Xiao three times, and instructed someone to send Zhang Zizhong's suicide note to Xiao. After Zhang was martyred, a newspaper in Chongqing published a letter from Zhang Lin to Xiao before the war, saying that the battle was related to the entire war situation, so he decided to personally lead the attack to repay the country with death, and told Xiao that if he sacrificed his life for the country, he would entrust him to take care of his family and other future affairs.

Twelve, accompany the capital to start a business in the middle of the day, Beijing died of illness and unpaid

In the summer of 1940, Xiao resigned from his military and political posts and lived in the former Lin Sen old house in Xishan New Village, a cave on the outskirts of Chongqing, where he devoted himself to social, economic, cultural and public welfare activities. Xiao was righteous all his life, and his resignation was due to Song Zheyuan's death. At that time, the Beiping "World Journal", a major newspaper in North China, said in an article mourning Song's death: "Xiao died because of Song, that is, he will not come back. This kind of clean air is rare in the present day". Xiao is honest, has a hearty personality, and travels widely, so he soon reunited many people around him in Chongqing. Xiao also often corresponded with political celebrities such as He Yingqin, Song Ziwen, Kong Xiangxi, Du Yuesheng, and Pan Wenhua.

Wang Meisheng: Legendary general Xiao Zhenying

In that year, General He Jifeng, commander of the 77th Army, was transferred back to Chongqing by Chiang for review because he had gone to Yan'an for "investigation" in 1938, and was placed under house arrest in a mountaintop apartment near Xiao Yu. Therefore, He and Xiao can also meet from time to time. As early as when Xiao was in the Northwest Army, he had a close friendship with He, but he never asked about any party affiliation. Out of old friendship and appreciation for Ho's resolute anti-Japanese behavior, he decided to find an opportunity to come forward to protect Ho. Once, He Yingqin wanted to invite Xiao and his wife to a banquet, and Mrs. Xiao proposed to He according to Xiao's wishes, there is something to ask for today, and you will go to eat your meal. He immediately promised. During the banquet, Mrs. Xiao took advantage of the inattention of others to put a note with the words "We guarantee He Basun (He Jifeng character) with the head of our whole family" into He Yingqin's pocket, and the note had the names of six members of the Xiao family. Later, He Guoran did the work to Jiang, and He Yingqin reported to Li Zongren once, so that He Jifeng was released from guardianship. After He Jifeng returned to the front line, he immediately sent a telegram to Xiao to thank him: "Director Li's cousin turned to the eldest brother of Xiange, Mingjian: Brother Dongri returned to Deng County to defend the time, and he was starting to rectify his subordinates. At the time of the edict, Zhu Chengzhao was troubled a lot, but fortunately he was sheltered so that his brother had a chance to return again, and he was very private. In the future, we will only pray for the teachings and teachings, and we hope that we will follow them. Electricity Buda. Brother He Jifeng knocked slightly. ”

Xiao He and the two were originally friends, but after this incident, the two worshiped the handle again and married Jin Lan. For this rescue, he will never forget. In 1951, Mrs. Xiao returned to the mainland from Taiwan to settle down, and her political guarantors were He Jifeng (then Vice Minister of Water Resources) and Yan (Yan) Baohang; In 1960, He introduced Xiao's situation to the Haidian District Party Committee in Beijing, and moved the corpses of Xiao and his parents to Futian Cemetery. In 1973, He also mentioned the past of the two in a letter to Xiao Sizi Chaoben; When He Youzi got married, He Zeng took the young couple to Futian Cemetery to pay tribute to Uncle Xiao's tomb; When the earthquake struck Tianjin in 1976, Mrs. He personally went to Tianjin to visit Mrs. Xiao. After Siu's resignation, his income was not as good as before, but his expenses were still huge, as in the past. In order to open up financial resources. In 1941, Xiao organized a salvage company to salvage and dismantle shipwrecks to accumulate capital. During this period, he also kept in touch with some old friends of the front-line troops in his personal capacity. Sometimes he also participated in some plans related to personnel, military and political affairs in the former 29th Army, the former Northeast Army, the Northwest Army and the Sichuan Army; Participated in the support activities of the anti-Japanese troops in the southwest and northwest.

Soon, Xiao joined forces with some generals of the former 29th Army and his fellow villagers in northeast Chongqing to set up the Daming Company. At the beginning of 1942, Liu Hangchen, Pan Wenhua, Du Yuesheng and others raised funds to establish Datong Bank, and Xiao was given shares with Xiao's financial management skills, and Xiao was hired as the chairman. Since then, Xiao Fang has gradually been able to solve the needs of living and public welfare, which are huge expenses. Subsequently, Xiao successively founded Daming Alcohol Factory, Dashu Office and other industries.

In the same year (1942), in order to welcome the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Xiao and fellow patriotic progressives in Northeast China Yan Baohang, Gao Chongmin and others founded the Victory National Construction Association. At that time, some people thought that this was the formation of a political party, and rumors spread one after another, alarming the government and the opposition. Chiang was inquired about this, and Xiao replied that the organization of this meeting was neither a political party nor a faction, but only for victory and the founding of the country. Tens of millions of people have died for this purpose, and that's all the purpose of the meeting. Jiang also gave up.

Xiao Gang is straightforward and frank, brave in the face of righteousness, and willing to help the needy. When Yan Baohang first came to Chongqing, some people said that he was a communist, and no one dared to use it, and his livelihood became a problem. Xiao said to his colleagues in the business industry, I don't care what party is not a party, whoever resists Japan and loves the country, who should be respected. You are afraid of the Communist Party, I am not afraid, you don't need it, I use it. Then Yan was arranged to work in Daming Company. After the Anti-Japanese War entered an extremely difficult stage, Xiao founded the "Northeast Songhuajiang Middle School" at his own expense, recruiting more than 500 young people from the northeast to the southwest, and studying at the school free of room and board, tuition and miscellaneous fees; It also founded the "Northeast Children's Education Institute" and adopted more than 500 street children from Northeast China. For the northeastern villagers living in Sichuan, Xiao contacted the school on their behalf and provided room and board expenses, tuition and miscellaneous fees. Among them, Zhang, a senior engineer in the early 90s, lives in Tianjin, and every time he mentions the past, he is all emotional.

Due to good management and management, Xiao Zhenying's industry is thriving. In June 1945, Xiao got up in the morning to practice in his apartment in Chongqing and accidentally fell and injured his head. After his recovery, he continued to devote himself to the business side. In August, Japan surrendered, and the whole country rejoiced. Xiao Zai received the news of China's victory in his apartment, overjoyed, gathered his family, and said with tears: "But I look forward to today, 8 years of anti-Japanese war, China has paid a big price, and our northeast is a full 14 years!" The heavens have eyes! Those villagers who died unjustly under the iron hooves of the Japanese invaders, my brothers who sacrificed their lives loyally, can laugh at Jiuquan! After that, he laughed with tears, and then cried bitterly. After calming down, Xiao and the directors and shareholders agreed to move some industries such as Datong Bank back to Pingjin and Tianjin. In November, Xiao moved his family back to Beiping. Japan surrendered, Xiao's original intention to resist Japan was fulfilled, and he was even less interested in politics, only obsessed with industry, running back and forth between Ping and Tianjin, and Datong Bank relied on his efforts to maintain. Due to Xiao long-term high blood pressure, he finally suffered from cerebral hemorrhage in May 1947, and after being in a coma for several days, he could not talk about what happened after him, so he died at the age of 57. When the news of Xiao's death came out, everyone from the military and political dignitaries of the Nationalist Government to the colleagues in the industrial circles of Pingjin and Tianjin, as well as Xiao's old days in the Northeast, Northwest, North China, and Southwest, all sighed for the loss of good friends. Li Zongren, Yu Youren, Kong Xiangxi, Cheng Qian, Fu Zuoyi, as well as former Northeast Army veterans Mo Dehui and Liu Zhe, important generals Ma Zhanshan and Li Du, and former 29th Army generals Feng Zhi'an, Liu Ruming, Qin Dechun, Zhang Weifan, Li Wentian, He Jifeng, etc., all personally wrote elegiac poems, elegiac couplets or remote telegrams to express their condolences. "At the time of the funeral, seeing the guests coming, the shops and temples along the way were sacrificed, and everyone saluted. It is rare to be in the opposition, and the people are loyal and good. ”

Xiao Yisheng, after studying, started with the economy, ended with industry, engaged in politics and the army, participated in national affairs, counsellor military affairs, engaged in diplomacy, and engaged in reclamation, business, industry, charity, etc., all have outstanding achievements, can be described as an all-rounder. Therefore, General Fu Zuoyi wrote in the Banglian Shanglian that "politics comes first, economy comes second, and there is more than enough room for freedom." The teachers and students of Songhuajiang Middle School founded by Xiao Zaiyu also made a sincere evaluation of his life in the telegram: "Ten years of governing the army, twenty years of service to the country, spare efforts to manage finance, planning for life, benefiting from Boshi, Guangsha to protect the world; Three thousand children, eight hundred lonely cold, weeping tears, pain old Qixun and martyrdom, looking at the soul of Ding Lingwei. ”

Xiao Zhenying is upright, has a bold personality, can speak well, and is straightforward. In 1944, General Cheng Qian said: "Xiange scolded the Northwest, North China, and the 'Central Committee' all his life, scolded all over the country, was too upright, and made too many enemies. With his talent and virtue, he won the respect of some dignitaries below Chiang Kai-shek of the Nationalist Government, and even Dai Li, the head of the military command's spies, avoided giving him three points. When he was in Chongqing, Dai Li's official residence was expanded and forcibly occupied by officials and private residences, and when it was extended to the left of Xiao Yu, it was said to be Xiao Mansion, and it was automatically suspended. Xiao treats people sincerely, so Yu Youren said in his elegy that he "serves the country with loyalty, makes friends with sincerity, mourns this gentleman, and cherishes the old man". In the Northeast Army, the Northwest Army, and even in all walks of life in Tianjin and Chongqing, Xiao had many friends, regardless of high-ranking officials, civilians, superiors, and subordinates, they all treated each other sincerely. Xiao's guard captain Su Zhanyuan was originally a hero of the green forest on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia. When Xiao was in the northwest, he and Xiao's secretary Li Derun, adjutant Wang Chongxian, driver Zhang Renzhi, and chef Guo Bingwen have been following him for more than 20 years.

Xiao likes to travel, but has never been a member of any party. Her personal life is simple, she is not a woman, she does not marry concubines, she does not smoke or drink, and she does not even drink tea; No drug addiction, no gambling; But he likes guns and horses, and he likes to play the flute to masturbate in his spare time. He is quick-witted, analytical, good at speaking, and sharp-edged in his words. There is a posthumous work "Documentary of the Crisis in North China", which has been provided by his son Mr. Xiao Chaozhi (now a Chinese American) in China, with a preface by Yu Fengzhi and Guo Weicheng, which was published by China International Broadcasting Press in 1989.


Wendeng Literary and Historical Materials, Vol. 17 (December 2002)