
S36 jungler position carries weight forward, Miyamoto Musashi benefits both, and the jungler position has the only face of the winning rate

author:Little Momo's game channel

The S36 season has been open for a period of time, I believe that during this time, players who like to jungle, the game experience is not too friendly, in the new season's wild area revision, not only the number of wild monsters has been increased, but also the increased wild monsters have also set a separate location.

S36 jungler position carries weight forward, Miyamoto Musashi benefits both, and the jungler position has the only face of the winning rate

In this way, the time for the jungler to stay in the wild area has undoubtedly increased, especially in the first round of the wild area, compared to the previous jungler, the current jungler out of the mountain time has been increased by 10 seconds, plus the new team income wild monsters on the bilateral road, the jungler is not to mention rubbing the line in the early stage, even the support has no "schedule".

Therefore, in the S36 season, some assassin-type junglers have "retired" one after another, such as Han Xin, Li Bai, and Na Ke Lulu, all of which have reduced their intensity due to changes in the jungle. This type of jungler is mainly based on the poor economy, so it is the most affected, while some heavy stream junglers, which mainly focus on the blue-collar economy, are not too affected.

S36 jungler position carries weight forward, Miyamoto Musashi benefits both, and the jungler position has the only face of the winning rate

However, among the jungler heroes, Miyamoto Musashi is an exception, not only has it not been affected by the jungle revision, but it has also been greatly improved because of the weakening of the jungle revision peers.

The main reason why Miyamoto Musashi has not been affected by the jungle revision is that he has passive proportional damage.

Miyamoto Musashi's one-layer heavy basic attack will cause proportional damage to enemies below 50%, so it is very advantageous in the speed of farming, especially the new wild monsters this season, with low defense and high HP, which makes Miyamoto Musashi's passive benefit.

S36 jungler position carries weight forward, Miyamoto Musashi benefits both, and the jungler position has the only face of the winning rate

It will definitely take 7 seconds for other jungler heroes to deal with this wild monster, but Miyamoto Musashi can be half advanced before, and at the same time, Miyamoto Musashi's basic attack speed has also been improved, and the increase in the early stage has reached 7%, which can allow Miyamoto Musashi to play more basic attack output. Compared with other junglers, the revision of the jungle area does not improve Miyamoto Musashi's jungle time too much.

In addition to the improvement in the jungle, Miyamoto Musashi's combat ability has also been improved, and the shield of the second skill has been increased by an additional 5% of life, and if you look at the value of the reloaded flow Miyamoto Musashi, the shield increase is about 100-300 points. Although Miyamoto Musashi's second-skill shield cannot be stacked, as long as the second-skill is obvious, the shield can be refreshed, so the actual strength of the shield is far greater than the surface value.

S36 jungler position carries weight forward, Miyamoto Musashi benefits both, and the jungler position has the only face of the winning rate

At the same time, Miyamoto Musashi's unique skill mechanics, in comparison, have also been improved this season, this season's shooter heroes, collectively increased the range of 25 yards, which makes it much more difficult for some heroes with short hands to cut into the enemy's back row.

And Miyamoto Musashi has not been affected, as long as there is the enemy's front row, or the line of soldiers as a springboard, Miyamoto Musashi can still cut into the enemy's back row without injury, especially the shooter hero, the new 25-yard range, in the face of the flexible Miyamoto Musashi, is not an advantage at all, of course, the early stage is the case of Miyamoto Musashi's two skill hits.

Inscriptions, ten hidden, ten void, ten fate.

Outfit, Patrol Axe, Boots of Calm, Red Lotus Cloak, Ice Grip, Blood Demon's Fury, Overlord Reloaded.

S36 jungler position carries weight forward, Miyamoto Musashi benefits both, and the jungler position has the only face of the winning rate

In other junglers, when they were overwhelmed in the face of the revision of the wild area, Miyamoto Musashi, who was reloaded, was not affected, but also increased the strength because of the weakening of his peers, of course, the key point is Miyamoto Musashi's own strength, which can completely withstand the test.