
Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people

author:The madman is nowhere to be seen

Recently, there have been a lot of negative news about chengguan in many places across the country, which has triggered people's discussions and heated discussions on chengguan.

Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people
Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people
Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people
Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people

Speaking of chengguan, many people are no strangers, especially for some small traders, it can be said that they need to deal with chengguan every day.

In fact, the scope of responsibilities of the chengguan is very large, and it is not limited to road occupation and law enforcement.

It is reported that the scope of law enforcement of urban management includes city appearance and environmental sanitation, urban planning management, industrial and commercial administration, municipal management, public utilities management, urban water conservation management, parking management, landscaping management, management and protection management, construction site management, urban river and lake management, black tour guide management, black car management, etc. It can be said that the chengguan not only has the right to deal with the occupation of roads, but also has the right to deal with black cars and black tour guides.

Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people

And most of what we often see is concentrated in industrial and commercial administration, which is what we often call unlicensed operation. Of course, most of the operators who occupy the road are also operating without a license.

It has to be said that the reason for the conflict and even violence between the urban management and the vendors is mainly related to the violent resistance of the vendors, and the reason why the vendors violently resist the law is mostly because the goods are confiscated or fined, and the fundamental reason for this problem is that the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations are relatively vague, and the law enforcement personnel are not easy to grasp the standards in the process of law enforcement.

According to the relevant provisions, for unlicensed operations and road occupation operations, the relevant departments may, depending on the severity of the circumstances, give education and stops, confiscate illegal gains, impose fines, confiscate commodities, etc.

Because there is no standard for the severity of the circumstances, there are great differences in the scale of law enforcement by the relevant personnel in the course of enforcement. If the same violation is carried out by different people, the punishment may be very different. Some may choose to criticize education, and some may choose to fine or even confiscate goods.

In addition, most of the law enforcement of urban management is based on local regulations such as urban management regulations and regulations, and the provisions of these laws and regulations vary greatly from place to place. For some economically developed areas, there may be more requirements and higher standards. For some economically backward areas, the standard will be relatively low.

This is also why many people complain on the Internet that the chengguan is someone else's.

In fact, this problem is also very easy to handle, and all localities have formulated an operational standard according to the local economic level and actual development situation. For example, it can be divided into different gears according to the quantity, value, and sales of commodities in different industries and fields, and comprehensively calculated, and different gears correspond to different penalty standards.

In this way, on the one hand, the chengguan can have a law to follow in the process of law enforcement. Avoid one-size-fits-all confiscation of goods and exacerbate conflicts, after all, for most vendors, the value of the goods they sell is not high, and if they are finely managed, they will be fined at most, and the goods will not be confiscated.

On the other hand, if the punishment standards are made public and transparent, many traders will also be aware of it, and at the same time, they can also be supervised when the urban management enforces the law. Avoid causing greater losses.

In addition, the approval process should be standardized and simplified. For traders who need to set up stalls for a long time, they can take the fast track and apply for relevant documents in time, so as to carry out business activities reasonably and legally.

Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people

Another very important reason for the continuous negative news of chengguan is the quality of chengguan itself.

In terms of organizational structure, urban management is under the management of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau. But it doesn't mean that all chengguan are civil servants.

From the perspective of the composition of urban management, it is mainly divided into two categories.

The first is the establishment of public officials, who are proper civil servants. However, these people make up only a small or even very small part of the chengguan.

These people are basically not on the front line of law enforcement, but in the rear, and most of them are leaders. Of course, these people will also regularly go to the front line of law enforcement, but in the name of inspections and inspections.

Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people
Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people

The second is the ordinary urban management without establishment. Most of the chengguan we see on the streets fall into this category. These people account for 80 percent, or even 90 percent, of the total number of chengguans.

These people are generally not staffed, and they all appear in the form of labor dispatch, temporary workers, and contract workers. Obviously, most of such people will not be too high-quality.

Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people

The reason why there is a large number of urban management in the form of labor dispatch without establishment is mainly affected by the establishment.

For people in the system, establishment means high welfare and high treatment. This is also the fundamental reason why many people want to break their heads into the system.

It has to be said that although the establishment has alleviated the financial burden and streamlined the civil service to a certain extent. However, due to the long adjustment cycle of the establishment and the difficulty of approval, it is very difficult to increase the number of establishments.

With the continuous development of urbanization, the number of many positions is far from meeting the needs of actual business. This is especially true in industries such as urban management, which are closely related to urban development.

Therefore, it is suggested that the relevant departments should investigate this, improve the establishment of urban management, especially the front-line urban management, and include it in the civil service examination sequence. In this way, we can fundamentally solve the stubborn problem of low quality of urban management.

In addition, for the existing urban management personnel who do not have an establishment, it is recommended that the relevant departments should strengthen personnel training, especially the training of law enforcement personnel in law enforcement capabilities.

Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people

At the same time, it is also necessary to formulate evaluation standards and increase the severity of punishment for those who violently enforce the law or do not enforce the law in a standardized manner.

In addition, it is necessary to implement a system of eliminating the last position in the ranks of urban management, resolutely clear out those who are not suitable for law enforcement, and reuse those who are capable. Let the truly capable people serve as urban management. Completely reverse the image of chengguan in the minds of the people.

Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people

I have to say that although there has been a lot of negative news about chengguan recently, we still have to firmly believe that most chengguan are still good.

Finally, let's take a look at who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan. Boiled down, there are mainly the following categories.

First, bad self-media.

I have to say that many self-media people are full of tricks in order to attract attention, attract traffic, and earn income.

Exaggerated headlines, extreme remarks, and extremely sensational words instantly turned a small incident into a hot search.

From the recent urban management incidents, it is not difficult to see that individual self-media have played the role of powder kegs.

What was originally a small incident has turned into class antagonism, bullying the weak and fearing the hard, and the underworld among some people.

Of course, we do not deny that there are individual alternatives in the chengguan ranks, but we must firmly believe that these people are a minority after all, and we cannot deny a certain group because of the behavior of individual people.

I have to say that it is impossible for chengguan to become an underworld at any time, let alone an enemy of the people. It can only be said that the person who said these words has bad intentions.

The second is the indignant youth.

At present, there are some people in society who are not only radical in their thinking, but also excessively angry.

These people always look at problems with colored glasses, take the beating of the Guangzhou chengguan as an example, in this incident, the chengguan did not take action, and did not fight back after being beaten, but there are still some people who advocate the so-called violent law enforcement.

I have to say that some people's attitude towards chengguan has been deeply rooted, no matter whether chengguan is right or wrong, as long as there is a confrontation between chengguan and traders, it is chengguan violent law enforcement, how to change such people?

Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people

In addition, the remarks about abolishing and disbanding the chengguan also came from these people. Who will run the city after the dissolution of the chengguan? Who will keep the city running? Who will maintain public fairness? Without chengguan, it means that the streets of the city are chaotic, that is, garbage is flying all over the sky, it means that vehicles are parked indiscriminately, and it means that gutter oil is flowing everywhere.

Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people
Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people

Finally, we still have to look at urban management rationally. In any case, urban management is an indispensable and important part of urban management, and we cannot deny a group because of the uncivilized behavior of some people.

To this end, it is recommended that the state carry out a nationwide warning education on civilized law enforcement in urban management, and earnestly improve the intensity and quality of civilized law enforcement.

In addition, for the urban management itself, on the one hand, it is necessary to strengthen the ideological and political construction of the team, strengthen pre-job training, improve the awareness of civilized law enforcement, and improve the performance appraisal system.

On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the supervision and inspection of the law enforcement process, change the sense of service, truly reflect the image of the urban management serving the people, adhere to zero tolerance for violent law enforcement, and earnestly clean up the urban management team.

For the people, there is still more understanding and trust in the urban management, and we must always firmly believe that good people are still the mainstream of society after all.

At the same time, we still need to rationally supervise and express our own demands and views. You can't take it for granted that you can say whatever you want, let alone take it out of context and spread false information.

It is believed that with the continuous improvement of various systems, the continuous standardization of urban management law enforcement, the gradual improvement of the people's awareness of the rule of law, and the continuous enhancement of the level of urban governance, urban management will surely appear in front of the public with a new look.

Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people
Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people
Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people
Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people
Who is maliciously attacking and slandering chengguan? It turned out to be these people

We'll see!