
Husband, you look so handsome when you go into the water to save people, but why did you lie to me for more than 30 years?

author:The old idle life

Recently, Changlin has been very depressed, and the matter has to start with his desperate efforts to rescue the children who fell into the water.

Husband, you look so handsome when you go into the water to save people, but why did you lie to me for more than 30 years?

Born in the 60s, Changlin's life is very regular, when he is older, he has no other hobbies is to be healthy, run or something, this day he went to run along the city's riverbank greenway, but he didn't expect to meet a child falling into the water.

At the critical moment, Chang Lin jumped into the water desperately, swam all the way to the child, fished the child out of the water, put on shoes on the shore and left quietly, but he didn't expect to be photographed and posted on the Internet.

He usually watches news or something on the Internet, and he doesn't know that the video of himself saving people has been spread.

A few days later, the daughter-in-law Qingxiu took the mobile phone and found Changlin with a smile, the first sentence was that the husband you save people is simply handsome, Changlin hasn't figured out what's going on, when he saw the video, Changlin suddenly felt as if something was wrong, sure enough, after he admitted that it was him who saved people, Qingxiu's fingers rushed to his waist appropriately, rotating 360 degrees clockwise, Changlin's face changed color in pain, and he quickly begged Qingxiu for mercy.

"Yes, Jiang Changlin, you have deceived me for more than 30 years, didn't you say that you can't swim?"

Changlin realized what was wrong with coming over, so he could only apologize to Qingxiu with a bitter face.

But Qingxiu didn't eat this, no matter how Changlin apologized, he didn't care about him.

was kicked out of the bedroom to sleep on the sofa, and the two children came forward to help, and it was not good to persuade them.

In desperation, he had no choice but to continue sleeping on the sofa, hoping that Qingxiu would be able to dissipate his anger earlier.

After more than half a month, Changlin couldn't stand it anymore, so he found our group of buddies to drink and talk.

When we heard what happened to him, we all laughed like crazy, and said together that he deserved it, who let him lie to others at that time?

As those who witnessed the incident at the beginning, we admired Changlin's flexible mind at that time, and deceived Qingxiu, the village flower, back home, but I didn't expect that more than 30 years later, they have become old men and old ladies, and the things of that year have been turned out again, or because he bravely went into the water to save people from leaking, I have to say that Changlin is really careless, Qingxiu's temper is still the same as a few decades ago, and he deserves this old boy to be cleaned up.

I still remember that the year was 85 years, Changlin was 21 years old, and Qingxiu was 20 years old, we were all about the same age, living in our hometown Donghewan, where we carried our most precious childhood and adolescent memories, and it was also a nostalgia that could not be erased for a lifetime.

At that time, Changlin and we were all young people, and it was time to say that we were getting married, and Changlin had always secretly liked Qingxiu.

Speaking of Qingxiu, she is really the most beautiful girl in our Donghe Bay, and she is definitely second to none among her peers, not only Changlin has a soft spot for her, but our peers have a crush on her, but most people don't have Changlin's courage and persistence.

Qingxiu's family conditions are good, her father is the first village chief after the re-election of the contracted household production team, she herself is also quite good, after graduating from junior high school, she engaged in long-haired rabbit breeding at home, caught up with the wind and became a little rich woman praised by everyone.

In contrast, Changlin is a little overshadowed, the situation at home belongs to the eight generations of poor peasants, and the situation at home has not improved much when it is changed, and he is still wearing patched clothes all day long in his twenties, and his appearance is not low, but he is not at the same level as Qingxiu, and he also has a heart that is worried about Qingxiu at that time.

Everyone knows that he likes Qingxiu, but everyone is not optimistic about him, Qingxiu is too good.

Husband, you look so handsome when you go into the water to save people, but why did you lie to me for more than 30 years?

Those of us who have crushes dare to have a crush, but none of them dare to take the initiative to confess, and they don't even dare to tell others.

Only Changlin was still silently waiting for Qingxiu, but he didn't have the courage to confess to Qingxiu, at best, he was a crush that was a little more stubborn than us, and when we told us that he and Qingxiu came together, we all felt a little incredible.

How did Changlin catch up with Qingxiu? This has to be said that Changlin makes a small strategy, living by the Yellow River, we have an inexplicable closeness to water since childhood, so both men and women have a good water nature.

Changlin can also water, ten years old can even cross a hundred meters wide water surface, of course, there is no less beating, at that time which adults are strictly forbidden to swim in the river, the surging river in which year is not allowed to drown dozens of people who can water?

But it still can't stop us from sneaking into the water to play, even though the water looks dirty to death now.

Qingxiu also knows water, and the water nature is also good, but he is not in the same circle with us, and he doesn't know the water nature of us people, Changlin wants to have something to do with Qingxiu, and there is no good way to think about it, and after observing it for a long time, he finally came up with a bad idea.

Qingxiu's place to raise rabbits is in the poplar forest near the main river channel on the river beach, every day at noon she will feed the rabbits in the forest, Changlin will see the time "fall into the water", loudly to Qingxiu called for help, Qingxiu is also a kind girl, naturally can't watch Changlin drown in the river, immediately rushed over to save Changlin.

We witnessed the process of rescue, in order to really Changlin The whole process of the actor was on the body, almost so that Qingxiu couldn't get out, and finally with the help of Qingxiu, Changlin was fished out of the water, and the two of them were lying on the river beach and panting, and the rescuers and the rescued were exhausted.

Qingxiu asked him why he fell into the water? Changlin said that he planned to go to the river to catch a fish to improve his life, but he didn't expect to slip into the river.

Qingxiu asked him if he didn't know water? Aren't all of you guys water-based? Changlin hurriedly said that he had been a good child since he was a child, and he didn't dare to swim in the water, so he didn't understand water at all, so Qingxiu believed him.

Changlin took the opportunity of this "beauty rescue" and began to pay tribute to Qingxiu.

In the name of repaying the grace of saving lives, he either helped Qingxiu mow the grass or helped Qingxiu feed the rabbits.

After a long time, the two of them had more contact and some meaning, but at that time, people were shy about feelings, Qingxiu could not say that he was interesting to Changlin, and Changlin did not dare to confess at will, for fear that Qingxiu would refuse and not even be able to be a friend, so they waited for each other.

Changlin thought about it and thought of an idea, that is, he also raised rabbits and asked Qingxiu to help be a salesman, wouldn't there be more opportunities for contact? As soon as he thought of it, he bought a pair of breeding rabbits with Qingxiu and began to take care of and raise them carefully.

Husband, you look so handsome when you go into the water to save people, but why did you lie to me for more than 30 years?

If you have nothing to do, you will go to Qingxiu for advice, and Qingxiu also praised him for his studiousness and progress, the two have been together for a long time, and they are a little interesting to each other, and the result must not be parting ways, old and dead, or coming together to become a virtuous couple.

I don't know who pierced the window paper first, Changlin said it was him, we only know that the stomachs of the two were already "loaded" when they got married, which made Qingxiu's father unhappy, but Qingxiu decided that he had to marry Changlin.

After getting married, the two of them had a very happy life, and enviously our group of good buddies had red circles under their eyes.

It's just that in eight or eight years, the price of long-haired rabbits fell, and they caught up with the epidemic, and the rabbits basically died.

Later, I happened to buy a shop in the city, and I have been insisting on making aquatic products for more than 30 years, and our group of people have also come to the city one after another, and we can also get together to drink a little wine when we have nothing to do.

This time, no one expected that Changlin would be old and old, and he would provoke Qingxiu to have such a big temper, looking at Changlin's request for help, we couldn't ignore it, so we had to let the daughter-in-law of the family go over to help make peace, so old and always sleeping on the sofa is not a thing, at least it's okay to sleep in a separate room, isn't it? Isn't Ermao expelled from his daughter-in-law for the right to sleep in the bedroom? It's that Changlin is definitely not happy to sleep by himself.

The daughters-in-law were also happy when they came back, saying that Qingxiu was angry that it was not Changlin who deceived her that she couldn't water, but that she had been hiding it from her for so many years, and she had pretended to be a lie for more than 30 years, how could Qingxiu not be angry? Did you say you lied to us? If we find out, it will be much more ruthless than Qingxiu, not to mention letting you sleep on the sofa, even if you are allowed to sleep in a coffin, it is possible, the rebellion of the daughter-in-law instantly made us dumbfounded, so we had to save our own fire first.

Husband, you look so handsome when you go into the water to save people, but why did you lie to me for more than 30 years?

Changlin also wanted to cry without tears, he didn't want to pretend for more than 30 years, but for more than 30 years, he pretended to be used to it, and forgot that he could swim, if it wasn't for the danger of the child at that time, he couldn't remember that he could come to the water.

Misunderstandings will definitely try our best to eliminate them, we finally persuaded the daughters-in-law to let them continue to be peacemakers for Changlin, mainly to do Qingxiu's work, so that she can raise her hand to Changlin and let go.

But Qingxiu was also aggrieved, saying that the family didn't agree to anything about them at the beginning, it was Qingxiu who fought for her reputation and didn't want to cook rice and cooked rice, and she was worthy of him Jiang Changlin at any point, but Jiang Changlin actually lied to her for more than 30 years, why did she ask her to forgive? We have nothing more to say.

In the end, we told Changlin, everything that can help you can help, the rest depends on your own, woman, if she is comfortable, there will be nothing to do, you will go to her house at night, don't say anything to go to bed, and there will be nothing to do in pajamas.

In the end, we don't know what happened to Changlin, but we only know that the two of them did get back together.

As for whether it was Changlin's credit or Qingxiu's desire to open it, only they knew.

But for this reason, we were also implicated, and several of our wives began to check the post, asking us every day if we had anything to hide from them? It made us helpless.

It's been decades, what can I hide? Even if there is, you must not explain, resist strictness, and you can have a good year for a lifetime, but when you drink, you will inevitably hammer Changlin.

In fact, to really put it mildly, Changlin's original small methods were nothing, they were just young and had no experience in pursuing girls, and there was definitely no problem of principle.

We also have a lesson from the past, it's okay to reminisce about the youth with the old wife at home, the relationship didn't expect to be better, and it can be regarded as thanking him for sacrificing the opportunity he created, anyway, I can't say that I went to the big bath.

Husband, you look so handsome when you go into the water to save people, but why did you lie to me for more than 30 years?

Husbands and wives have been working together for decades, and occasional small conflicts are inevitable, but at our age, what we care most about is our family, and what we care about is the person who has accompanied us for more than 30 years and will continue to accompany us.

It is said that you grow old together, and you will know what is best when you are old.

Young couples and old companions, no matter what age, try not to do those things that make your wife who has spent your youth and accompanied you for a lifetime sad.


Thank you for your support, I am an old idle life, and I strive to find the light of human nature in every bottom story!