
In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

author:Ome Samurai

In 2019, the 6-year-old boy fell into a permanent slumber at Boren Hospital, and the boy's parents were devastated.

In 2015, Fan Yuzhe, who was only six years old, unfortunately suffered from leukemia, and spent nearly 4 million yuan on treatment alone.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

In the end, his lungs were even transplanted, but even with all the efforts of his parents, the child finally left.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

The parents were heartbroken, but when they were sorting out the child's case, they discovered an amazing secret, and the child was treated as a "guinea pig" by the hospital without their knowledge, and became a "subject"!

And even the test results and case records of the hospital have been "reversed yin and yang", and even treatment has been carried out for a long time according to the wrong diagnosis!

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

It was discovered that this hospital is not qualified for cell infusion therapy!

What kind of secret is hidden in this? How dare the hospital hide from the child's parents that a 6-year-old child is used as a "guinea pig"?

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

The little boy's name is Fan Yuzhe, in 2015, Fan Yuzhe, who was only two and a half years old, didn't know what was going on, and he had a high fever that didn't go away, and after being sent to the hospital, he was found to have "acute lymphoblastic leukemia", Fan Yuzhe's parents suddenly felt that the sky was about to fall.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

Fan Yuzhe's parents were very worried, so they took him to Shanghai for medical treatment, and after a period of treatment in Shanghai, he was successfully discharged from the hospital, but the good times did not last long, and Fan Yuzhe, who was discharged from the hospital, relapsed in the ninth month.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

In desperation, Fan Yuzhe could only return to the hospital for treatment again, but this time the doctor's words made Fan Yuzhe's parents' hearts fall to the bottom again.

The doctor said that this time Fan Yuzhe's condition was more serious, and the doctor recommended not only a bone marrow transplant, but also a testicle.

Fan Yuzhe's parents said that the child is still so young, as a little boy, what should he do after the testicles are removed? Fan Yuzhe's mother really didn't want her child to suffer this crime, so she didn't agree to this plan.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

But in order to treat their child, Fan Yuzhe's parents had to look for other treatments, and later came to Boren Hospital in Beijing for treatment after being introduced by doctors from a hospital in Shanghai.

This hospital is the hospital that is suspected of using Fan Yuzhe as a "guinea pig".

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

Fan Yuzhe's parents were very happy when they heard it, and rushed to Boren Hospital overnight, and Fan Yuzhe's parents were also satisfied with the treatment plan given by Boren Hospital, so they immediately decided to seek medical treatment in Boren Hospital.

But what Fan Yuzhe's parents didn't know was that it was his own decision that made the child not know how much pain he had suffered here that didn't belong to him.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

Leukemia treatment requires bone marrow transplantation, so Fan Yuzhe's parents and family have undergone bone marrow matching, but unfortunately, although they can be matched, the anastomosis rate is not high, and it is only "haploidentical".

The doctor told Fan's parents that if the transplant was in this case, it was likely to cause severe rejection, so they were asked to be mentally prepared.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

But things have come to this point, and Fan Yuzhe's parents don't have any better way, so even if the risk is great, as long as there is a glimmer of life, they are willing to give it a try.

However, the operation was not performed in Boren Hospital, because the hospital did not have a transplant warehouse at that time, so Boren Hospital arranged Fan Yuzhe to another hospital for surgery.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

In August 2017, Fan Yuzhe's father donated bone marrow to Fan Yuzhe, and the operation was successful, but there was still the rejection reaction that the doctor said, and it was still very serious.

Fan Yuzhe's parents were terrified, but at this time, Fan Yuzhe's skin and intestines had a serious infection.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

In order to rescue the child, Boren Hospital pumped a lot of Fan Yuzhe's father's blood and pumped it into his body, but Fan Yuzhe's condition was too critical.

After several months of treatment by the doctor, Fan Yuzhe's condition finally stabilized, and within a few months, the hospital informed him that he could be discharged home, but he needed regular check-ups, and the child's parents were very happy and felt that their efforts had finally helped the child.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

When both husband and wife thought that the child's condition was slowly improving, fate played a joke with them again, Fan Yuzhe fell ill once, but this time it was not because of leukemia, but was detected to be infected with Epstein-Barr virus.

The reason given by the hospital for infection is that the child's immunity has decreased greatly after the bone marrow transplant, so it is unfortunately infected.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

In order to stabilize Fan Yuzhe's condition, Boren Hospital adopted "EBV-CTL cell infusion therapy", but this treatment led to more serious rejection reactions in the child, including skin discharge, eye discharge, nail exclusion and other rejections, the most serious of which was severe rejection of the lungs.

The severe rejection of his lungs caused the child to not sleep well every night and cough incessantly, which made him dependent on a ventilator.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

At this time, Fan Yuzhe's whole body had a serious rejection reaction, and the hospital had already issued a critical illness notice, Fan Yuzhe's parents could not accept the child's departure, and they asked the hospital to continue to rescue him.

In this regard, the hospital gave a diagnosis that the child could only be treated with long-term oxygen due to severe lung rejection, and also claimed that the current effect of drug treatment is not good, so a lung transplant is recommended.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

Although there is a great risk of lung transplantation, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, Fan Yuzhe's parents will not give up, after all, he is too young to live on a ventilator for the rest of his life.

But isn't it strange that neither of Fan Yuzhe's surgeries was performed at Boren Hospital?

Regarding the operation, Fan Yuzhe's parents didn't think much about it, because at that time they had only one purpose, which was to save the child.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

On February 11, Fan Yuzhe was arranged by Boren Hospital to be transferred to the China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing to wait for a follow-up lung transplant.

Professor Chen Jingyu, the first person to transplant lung transplants in China, operated on the child this time, and it is very strange to think about the operation, how can such a large hospital not even perform surgery? Isn't it doubtful that neither surgery was performed in this hospital?

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

Fan Yuzhe's surgery on both lungs was successful, but unfortunately, the 6-year-old passed away.

The result given by the hospital was that he died due to the failure of other organs due to long-term treatment of leukemia.

How many surgeries did a 6-year-old child undergo in more than three years from the time he was diagnosed at the age of 2 and a half to the time he died at the age of 6? How many times have you experienced pain? It's very distressing to watch.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

The child's parents also did their best to treat the child's illness, and the cost of treatment from the child's illness to death alone reached more than 4 million, and the treatment cost in Boren Hospital alone reached more than 2 million. The family's car and house have all been sold, and now they still owe a lot of money.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

But Fan Yuzhe's parents were also prepared for the possible departure of their children at the beginning, so they didn't plan to investigate anything, but when sorting out the case, they discovered some seemingly unusual secrets.

In fact, the child's mother began to suspect it long before the lung transplant operation, but at that time, she was so focused on operating on the child that she didn't think much about it, but now that I think about it, it really wasn't right.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

After the child was transferred to the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, the child's mother saw that the child was in great pain, and asked the doctor if there was anything she could do to alleviate the child's pain.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

After reading the child's treatment plan, the doctor here said that the child's antibiotic content was too high, so after reducing the amount of antibiotics, Fan Yuzhe's condition improved significantly.

At this time, Fan Yuzhe's mother was even more suspicious that there were some problems in Boren Hospital, but at that time, for some reasons, she did not continue to investigate.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

Fan Yuzhe's mother was even more shocked after looking at the next cases!

On Fan Yuzhe's test and analysis report, the EBV test result was within the normal range, and Cheng was "negative", but in the record book of Boren Hospital, it was written "positive", and a detailed treatment plan was given below.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

"One negative, one positive", the diametrically opposed two results of the treatment plan are of course different, Fan Yuzhe's parents seriously suspected that the child was killed by the wrong treatment plan, according to this treatment plan, no disease was cured.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

The point is that there are also five attending doctors' signatures on it, which is simply incredible!

And Fan Yuzhe's parents also found that the word "subject" was written on Fan Yuzhe's cell injection audit form, what is going on?

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

At this time, Fan Yuzhe's parents were confused, they didn't know about this matter at all, why was their child treated as a "guinea pig"?

Who gave them the audacity to experiment on a six-year-old child without telling their parents?

Fan Yuzhe's parents consulted with a number of hospitals, and if they were subjects, the hospitals had to inform the family in advance, and they had to sign relevant agreements, and all the drugs would be free.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

And Fan Yuzhe's parents recalled that when Boren Hospital drew Fan Yuzhe's father's blood for the child, the blood was not treated in any way, but was directly transfused into Fan Yuzhe's body, is this reasonable?

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

In addition, Beijing Boren Hospital is not qualified for cell infusion therapy, and according to relevant regulations, medical institutions must be hospitals of tertiary A institutions to be eligible, while Boren Hospital is a second-level medical institution, which is obviously not qualified.

Fan Yuzhe's parents immediately applied for a medical evaluation from the relevant departments, wanting to get justice for their children.

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

In order to save the child's life, Fan Yuzhe's parents did not hesitate to sell all their family property and incur high debts, but in the end, they learned that there was a problem with the child's treatment plan, how could they not be sad?

How can they not be sad that they have tried their best but have not been able to keep their children?

What do you have to say about this?

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Information sources:

CCTV - "6-year-old leukemia boy dies, family suspects that he was used as a clinical trial subject by the hospital" - "The Death of a 6-year-old Leukemia Boy" - died after spending more than 4 million, and the hospital used him as a "guinea pig"? 》

In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig
In 19, a 6-year-old boy suffered from leukemia and died after spending 4 million, and his family suspected that he was being used as a guinea pig

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