
The more noisy it is, the bigger the "sanitation workers wipe the road under the high temperature" rushed to the hot search, netizens: Niu Ma can still rest


The sanitation workers were scolded for mopping the floor at high temperatures, and the senior managers blew the air conditioner to receive subsidies

The more noisy it is, the bigger the "sanitation workers wipe the road under the high temperature" rushed to the hot search, netizens: Niu Ma can still rest


The more noisy it is, the bigger the "sanitation workers wipe the road under the high temperature" rushed to the hot search, netizens: Niu Ma can still rest

Recently, a video has caused a heated discussion on the Internet. In the video, a sanitation worker is mopping the floor in the heat, while passers-by loudly accuse him, saying that he is not clean and affects the city's appearance. At the same time, many senior managers can blow air conditioning indoors and receive high temperature subsidies. This contrast makes one wonder why sanitation workers are blamed for the same hot weather, while top managers can enjoy various benefits.

The more noisy it is, the bigger the "sanitation workers wipe the road under the high temperature" rushed to the hot search, netizens: Niu Ma can still rest

1. Sanitation workers mopping the floor at high temperatures, but they were blamed and treated unfairly

The more noisy it is, the bigger the "sanitation workers wipe the road under the high temperature" rushed to the hot search, netizens: Niu Ma can still rest

In hot weather, the work of sanitation workers can be said to be extremely hard, especially the sanitation workers who need to mop the floor, not only to endure the scorching hot weather, but also to endure the high temperature of the ground. Such a working environment is not only easy for sanitation workers to suffer from heat stroke and other physical discomforts, but also greatly reduces their work efficiency.

The more noisy it is, the bigger the "sanitation workers wipe the road under the high temperature" rushed to the hot search, netizens: Niu Ma can still rest

In such a hot weather, sanitation workers were accused and treated unfairly by passers-by. In the video, passers-by can be clearly heard loudly accusing the sanitation workers, saying that they are not clean and affect the city's appearance. Such remarks undoubtedly brought great psychological pressure to sanitation workers, making them feel aggrieved and helpless.

The more noisy it is, the bigger the "sanitation workers wipe the road under the high temperature" rushed to the hot search, netizens: Niu Ma can still rest

After seeing such a video, many netizens expressed their understanding and support for sanitation workers, believing that their work is indeed not easy, and they should be treated with more respect and care. Some netizens even proposed that they hope to send coolness and care to sanitation workers in various ways, so that they can feel the warmth of society in hot weather.

The more noisy it is, the bigger the "sanitation workers wipe the road under the high temperature" rushed to the hot search, netizens: Niu Ma can still rest

Second, the pay of sanitation workers is seriously disproportionate to their income, and the treatment is worrying

The more noisy it is, the bigger the "sanitation workers wipe the road under the high temperature" rushed to the hot search, netizens: Niu Ma can still rest

In addition to unfair treatment, the serious disproportion between the contribution and income of sanitation workers is also a common concern in the current society. As front-line sanitation workers, they have to work in a variety of harsh environments every day, not only need to endure all kinds of odors and garbage, but also face all kinds of uncivilized phenomena, which can be said to be very hard and dirty work.

The more noisy it is, the bigger the "sanitation workers wipe the road under the high temperature" rushed to the hot search, netizens: Niu Ma can still rest

Even in such a hard job, sanitation workers earn far less than they can commensurate. According to relevant data, the monthly income of sanitation workers in some areas is only about 2,000 yuan, and even in some places, the salary level of sanitation workers is not as good as that of ordinary security guards, which can be said to be very low.

The more noisy it is, the bigger the "sanitation workers wipe the road under the high temperature" rushed to the hot search, netizens: Niu Ma can still rest

In such a situation, in order to earn more money, many sanitation workers will choose to work overtime to clean the streets in hot weather, hoping to increase their income through overtime pay. This practice has also sparked heated discussions and discussions in the society, and everyone has expressed concern about the efforts and unfair treatment of sanitation workers, believing that their hard work should be paid more attention and rewarded.

The more noisy it is, the bigger the "sanitation workers wipe the road under the high temperature" rushed to the hot search, netizens: Niu Ma can still rest

3. Call on the society to give more respect and attention to sanitation workers and improve their social status

In the face of the phenomenon of sanitation workers being scolded for mopping the floor at high temperatures, as well as the serious disproportion between the payment and income of sanitation workers, how should we look at and solve it? As ordinary citizens, we should be more understanding and tolerant of the work of sanitation workers, respect their hard work, and should not blame and criticize them at will.

All sectors of society should also strengthen the legal protection of sanitation workers to ensure that their labor rights and interests are fully respected and protected. There should be no form of discrimination and unfair treatment in terms of wages and working conditions, so that every worker can work and live in a fair environment.

In addition, the authorities and enterprises should also improve the treatment and welfare of sanitation workers, showing respect and care for their hard work. After all, the importance of sanitation work can not be ignored, their efforts are directly related to the overall health and image of the city, and all sectors of society need to work together to improve their social status and treatment.

The media and the public should also pay more attention to the working conditions and treatment of sanitation workers, and let more people understand the hard work of sanitation workers through various forms of publicity and reporting, so as to promote the society's care and support for them, and form a good atmosphere for the whole society to pay attention to and respect workers.

The more noisy it is, the bigger the "sanitation workers wipe the road under the high temperature" rushed to the hot search, netizens: Niu Ma can still rest


In this special period, we should advocate the concept of respecting labor and respecting laborers, so that the care of the society can penetrate into every corner. No matter what kind of work you do, as long as you have contributed to society through your hard work, you should be respected and given the attention you deserve.

It is hoped that through such discussions and appeals, more people can pay attention to the work and life of sanitation workers, so as to send them a warmth and care in practical actions, so that they can walk more firmly in their jobs, and the whole society will become more harmonious and beautiful.