
Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

author:The city is one degree deeper

A woman in Sydney, Australia, fell in a North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

Recently, a woman in Hornsby, Sydney, sued the Council after accidentally falling while visiting a park,

As a result, he received a compensation of 283,000 Australian dollars!

This money can be "envied" by many people...

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

Previously, some Australians were compensated 1 million Australian dollars for "falling down"...

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

Sydney Hornsby Playground slipped and received $280,000 in compensation!

The Chinese are hotly discussed...

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

According to Australian media reports, Sydney woman Kathie Beatrice had a BBQ with her family at Lessing Park in Hornsby, Sydney's upper north shore.

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

When she walked across the ground covered with dead leaves, she accidentally fell,

This caused her to break her right leg and ankle.

The left leg and back were also injured ...

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

After this happened, Salman took Hornsby Council to court and claimed $333,000 for it!

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

Salman believes that there was a problem with the park floor, which led to her falling injury, and that the council should be fully responsible.

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

The $33 fee covers more than just Salma's medical expenses after her injury, including:

The mood swings caused by this accident caused her previous bipolar disorder symptoms to worsen, and she failed to lose weight... These also affected her marriage.

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

What is the failure of weight loss? Salma said that before the accident, she was already trying to lose weight, and the accident affected her mood and made her unintentional, which led to weight gain...

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

According to information obtained by the court, between October 2019 and August 2021, Salma's weight did not change...

The Hornsby Shire Council was also very surprised by Salma's reasons for the prosecution, arguing that Salman himself was not paying attention to the consequences and that the council should not be held responsible.

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

The case was heard in the Sydney District Court last year, when Judge Alister Abadee ruled that:

Parliament has a duty to Salman to avoid a foreseeable risk of harm,

but failing to take reasonable precautions,

"This is a children's play area, a place full of fun, and the council should take into account the use scenarios of the users and avoid all foreseeable risks."

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

In the end, Salman won the case and was awarded $33.3 in damages.

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

然而,Hornsby Shire Council对于此判决表示不满,于是上诉至新州上诉法院(NSW Court of Appeal),此案于昨天开庭审理。

In court, the three judges disagreed on the matter.

法官Christine Adamson认为,

The height difference between two planes may be noticeable, but it can also be easily overlooked,

"Let's say there's a hole in the ground, so whether it's in a public place, a shopping mall, or a street, whether people are familiar with the area or not, some people walk carefully, they may avoid it, but if someone just doesn't pay attention,

The parliament should take into account all possible consequences..."

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

Dissenting judge John Basten argued that the council's appeal should be upheld as there had been no such thing in other similarly designed playgrounds and there was "absolutely no evidence" that the Hornsby Shire Council had breached its duty of care.

"Breach of a duty of care" is used in court to describe a person's failure to discharge their duty of reasonable care or care to others in a given situation, resulting in injury or damage to the other party.

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

In the end, the court voted 2-1 in favor of Salman, dismissed the appeal, and ordered the Hornsby Shire Council to bear Salman's costs.

However, the judge found that Salman was negligent in the accident and the original $33 compensation was reduced to $283,200.

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed
Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

As soon as the verdict of this case came out, it immediately aroused heated discussions among the Chinese. Many of them joked that they wanted to see where the park was:

"I would like to recommend Park where the ground is slippery and easy to fall!"

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

"How do I sign up?

I'm free every day,

You can go for a walk in the park and see the scenery..."

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed


Where do I lie in Park and take photos more photogenicly? ”

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

"I'm not very fond of money, either.

I'm just playing with the slide..."

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

Some people also remembered their previous experiences, felt that they had missed a "huge sum of money", and they wanted to beat their thighs.

"Once I was at the bus terminal, I got on the bus and fell.

There are two people here, and they have been 'shushing the cold and asking for warmth',

I knew I wouldn't be able to get up when I was lying down..."

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

"I'm still too homely,

How many good places to miss out on the slipping..."

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

However, although the Council lost the case in this case, it also had an impact on nearby residents:

"I received a letter today saying that Sister-in-law Kang doesn't plan to spend money on that park.

I guess it's because I lost the money to the girl..."

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

Some netizens reminded that it is not recommended to imitate easily, because those who can compensate hundreds of thousands of dollars are basically seriously injured.

"My former colleague McDonald's slipped at the door and lost more than 600,000 yuan, and it took more than four years to get the account, and he had many surgeries repeatedly, and then his hand is now a little bit of weight and can't lift it..."

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed
Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

Many people have slipped and fallen in Australian supermarkets,

Up to $1.08 million in compensation...

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

In fact, in addition to this case, many people in Australia have sued supermarkets for "falling" in supermarkets before.

Among them, hundreds of thousands, millions of Australian dollars were obtained

The case of compensation is not unusual,

Therefore, it is jokingly called by many people that this is a way to get rich by "falling"...

It is reported that a mining tycoon in Australia was injured in a fall at the Woolworths supermarket chain and was compensated nearly 250,000 Australian dollars...

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

At the time, Australian mining tycoon Stanley MacDonald was shopping at the Woolworths supermarket chain in Perth's Floreat Forum shopping mall when he fell due to a slippery floor, which damaged two discs, as well as his knee and calf.

MacDonald then filed a lawsuit seeking $37.5 million in damages from the supermarket.

Under WA law at the time, damages could not exceed $200,000, but the judge ultimately ruled that damages in the case could exceed $200,000, and MacDonald was awarded nearly $250,000 in damages.

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

This is not the first time Woolworths has compensated customers for a "fall". Previously, Andrea Downie, a Queensland woman, finished shopping at a Woolworths supermarket.

When I was pushing the shopping cart and preparing to check out, I suddenly slipped and fell to the ground...

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

The culprit of her slip was grapes on the ground, and Downie didn't pay much attention to it at the time and went straight home, but the slip caused her back injury and stress disorder to worsen, so much so that she couldn't return to work.

Subsequently, Downie took the supermarket to court. She believes that the accident stemmed from the negligence of the supermarket, which failed to keep the internal environment of the supermarket clean and tidy, did not put non-slip mats under the grape shelves, and did not provide customers with a safe shopping environment, so she demanded compensation from the supermarket for medical expenses, loss of income, and spiritual solace totaling 320,000 Australian dollars.

After receiving Ms. Downie's lawsuit, the supermarket also actively responded to the lawsuit and proposed a settlement, and finally spent some "compensation" to settle with Ms. Downie.

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

Coincidentally, because of stepping on grapes, Sangeeta Guru, a mother from Sydney's Western End, slipped and fell in the Coles supermarket, so she was compensated 90,130 Australian dollars...

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

Guru was visiting the Coles supermarket at the time, and after accidentally stepping on grapes and falling, he was diagnosed with back and shoulder injuries, multiple soft tissue injuries, and sequelae.

The judge who decided the case at the time, Leonard Levy, said that because of Coles' negligence, which led to the accident, "Guru had the right to expect that the shopping environment provided by the supermarket was safe while she was visiting the supermarket." “

Guru was eventually awarded $90,130 in damages.

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

In addition to the possibility of customers encountering this "accidental slip and fall incident", there have been supermarket employees who have also encountered this situation.

At the time, a 34-year-old woman was working in Coles, Canberra, and since she had not received the safety training provided by the supermarket, she fell while straightening the shelves and suffered serious bodily injuries.

As a result, Judge Ashford ruled that Coles was liable to compensate the woman.

Win it! Sydney woman fell in North End Park and was finally awarded $280,000 in compensation! The Chinese are hotly discussed

Money has a price, but health has no price.

A "fall" can be exchanged for tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of Australian dollars in compensation, which seems very cost-effective at first glance, but none of these people who have received compensation have not been exchanged for their own physical injuries.

Mothers should also pay attention to the fact that when taking their children to the supermarket and in the playground, they must pay more attention to the ground and stay away from potential safety hazards~

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