
Go upstairs and wheezing, itchy throat cough and phlegm! Professor: Positive provocative test, COPD plus asthma!

author:Respiratory specialist Du Baorong


The patient in the video came to the clinic because of COPD, his throat was itchy, although he coughed and spit, but the amount of phlegm was not much, and he had asthma after going upstairs or with a large amount of activity, for nearly two years, and there was also coughing and asthma at night, combined with the results of his provocation test, the improvement rate was 15%, which was basically positive, indicating that it was not only a COPD problem, but also accompanied by asthma, which we call overlap syndrome.

Go upstairs and wheezing, itchy throat cough and phlegm! Professor: Positive provocative test, COPD plus asthma!

The reason why we often emphasize that respiratory diseases such as COPD must be detected and treated early is that this kind of chronic progressive disease, with the increase of the number of diseases and the passage of time, the condition will become more and more serious, and then cause other diseases of the cardiopulmonary system, forming overlapping syndromes, the condition is becoming more and more complex, and the treatment is becoming more and more difficult. At present, the patient has developed asthma, but fortunately, there is no sign of cor pulmonale such as swollen legs. There are many patients in the outpatient clinic, and later develop pulmonary heart disease, respiratory failure, heart failure and other problems, and the quality of life is seriously reduced, and even life-threatening!

Go upstairs and wheezing, itchy throat cough and phlegm! Professor: Positive provocative test, COPD plus asthma!

In the communication with the patient, I learned that the patient smoked before, two packs a day, this amount is still relatively large, here, I warn the majority of patients with lung diseases to have a history of smoking, must quit smoking first. Speaking of which, there will definitely be people around them who smoke and live to be 99 years old, and some people who do not smoke and die early, don't take an example to illustrate the problem, because smoking is harmful to health, especially has a huge impact on the lungs, which is recognized by the world, have you ever thought that people who smoke to 99 years old may live to 120 if they don't smoke? Some people may say: I want to quit too, but I can't quit, I can't help it! In fact, smoking does not have such a big control over the body, I have seen too many people who say that they can't quit smoking, and when lung cancer is detected, they won't smoke any of them immediately, so it's an excuse to quit, and it's okay to quit!

Go upstairs and wheezing, itchy throat cough and phlegm! Professor: Positive provocative test, COPD plus asthma!

The patient was already receiving treatment at home at the time of the visit: inhalation, oral medicine and infusion at the local town hospital. However, the medication is not very standardized, the effect is not very ideal, although some improvement, but not thoroughly, this situation actually has a lot to do with the choice of drugs, according to its situation, the Western medicine should be adjusted accordingly. In this way, the combination of Chinese and Western medicines, first quickly relieve and control the symptoms, then the Western medicine is gradually reduced until it stops, and finally the Chinese medicine is consolidated, the combination of Chinese and Western medicine, learn from each other's strengths, and strictly implement the principle of traditional Chinese medicine "urgent treatment of the symptoms, slow treatment of the root cause", there are many patients in the clinic after the end of the drug, more than ten years without illness, we must establish confidence, it is no problem to return to normal life!

Go upstairs and wheezing, itchy throat cough and phlegm! Professor: Positive provocative test, COPD plus asthma!