
Chapter 2221: Often

author:The sword is original


Chu Wuru, who had been idle, shook his shoulders to make himself a little more energetic, and looked at the more than three hundred Nine Tribulation Heavenly Venerables around him, and he couldn't help but smile happily:

"Third princess, this battle is a battle of trust between the two of us, I believe that after this battle, the cooperation between the two of us will be more pleasant and smoother."


The piercing bones looked at Chu Wuru, and just opened his mouth to say two words, his hands suddenly burst out, and the power of the Holy Venerable shook the high temperature in the cave, but a fist wrapped around the power of thunder slammed into the piercing fists, the power was incomparable, and there was a loud bang, even if the piercing bones that reacted quickly were also blasted into the mountain wall, and I don't know how many stone walls were penetrated.

They were knocked away in just one fight, which scared Ma Lao Deng and the people half to death, and such a powerful Saint Venerable was blown away, what good fate would they have in the face of Chu Wuru?

"With the power of the Holy Venerable!"

The more than 100 people present attracted the power of the Holy Venerable on their bodies, both strong and weak, and also evaporated the magma and flames below, which was very powerful and very numerous, and it still looked very terrifying.

Chu Wuli just smiled disdainfully at this, he stepped forward, the power of thunder and lightning was entwined all over his body, as if the thunder god had descended into the world, and with a wave of his hands, the power of thunder and lightning on his body flew out like a sword.

"The sky is thundering!"


The powerful power of thunder and lightning swept in all directions, smashing all the power of the Holy Venerable into pieces, and then fell on the bodies of more than three hundred Nine Tribulation Heavenly Venerables, a large number of screams and roars, and the power of the Holy Venerable rose wildly, except for Ma Laodu, the seven strong men with the power of the Holy Venerable, the rest of them were all killed by Chu Wuru's blow.

"I don't know if I'm alive or dead!"

Seeing that Ma Lao and the seven were about to escape, Chu Wuru said coldly, and the power of the seven thunderbolts on his body pounced on each other like a dragon, fierce and cruel.


The piercing bones that flew out of the mountain rushed directly towards Chu Wuru, and his whole body was one, like a beam of divine cannonballs about to smash Chu Wurue to pieces.

"Oh my God!"

His right hand stretched out into a palm, Chu Wuru stood still and received the piercing full impact, and a huge force erupted from both sides, knocking the cave down, and the three princesses and others were all shocked out by the power of the two of them.

And under the pursuit of Chu Wuru's thunder dragon, the power of the Holy Venerable that Ma Lao and the others were proud of couldn't stop Chu Wuru's scattered power at all, and all of them were bombarded into slag.

Thorn and Chu Wurude fought hard with Yuan Li, and all the falling rocks were shattered by their power, and he was crazy to rush forward, but Chu Wuru blocked him with only one hand, looked at him coldly, and didn't move.

And the power of the Holy Venerable has shattered this cave, and the entire mountain is in the process of shattering, and it is being blown away little by little by the power of the Holy Venerable.

"Let's go!"

Zhu Lin shouted, he reacted the fastest to protect the three princesses out, because the battle of the Holy Venerable was not something they could compete with at all, didn't you see that Ma Lao and the others were all dead, and having the power of the Holy Venerable to face the real Holy Venerable was only able to block it for a moment!


With a soft sound, a pitch-black dagger that seemed to be integrated into the space appeared behind Chu Wuru, stabbing Chu Wuru's waist, as if it was a netherworld visitor.

Pouting and smiling, Chu Wuli didn't want to make superfluous movements about this, the power of thunder and lightning on his body broke out again, and there was a land of thunder and lightning within a hundred zhang, terrifying like the thunder of heaven and earth, smashing Chang Yu and Ting's body, even though Chang Yu had the power of the Holy Venerable to protect his body, but he was also paralyzed by the power of thunder and lightning, and he was in pain and tortured.

"Space Cutting!"

Chang Yu waved the dagger in his hand and cut it, and the entire space was cut by him, and he wanted to trap Chu Wuru into this broken space, and then use the power of space to chop Chu Wuru to pieces.

Even though the power of the thunder and lightning just now is very fierce, but the body of his bone clan is very hard, and when he recovers, he immediately blasted Chu Wurude with strong force, and tens of thousands of punches were thrown out in a row, and he had to cooperate with Chang Yu to bombard Chu Wuru.

The power of thunder and lightning on Chu Wuru's body was even stronger, and all kinds of black, white, purple, and red thunder and lightning powers were flying, making all this space full of thunder and lightning power, expelling all other forces, and Chu Wuru's body was transformed into the power of thunder and lightning!

"The sky is thundering!"

Under Chu Wuru's shout, he pressed down with both hands, and the power of thunder and lightning exploded at once, and the power was twice as powerful as just now, forming a huge explosion vortex, which blew this huge flame mountain into a huge hole, and countless stones and magma flew out, making the three princesses and others who were standing and watching outside so frightened that they continued to retreat, how far and how far to hide.

"What a powerful Lei Xiu!"

The third princess was full of surprises, Chu Wuru killed more than 300 Nine Tribulation Heavenly Venerables, and severely damaged the power of the eldest prince, but as the legend goes, Chu Wurude is murderous, cruel, and really terrifying, but as long as it is beneficial to herself and it is someone else who kills, the third princess is still very satisfied.

"Let's go!"

The piercing bones and the often encountered Chu Wuru, who looked like a thunder god, the power of thunder and lightning blasted them all the way, and now they couldn't get close to Chu Wurude at all, and they were bombarded by the power of thunder and lightning, and their whole bodies were extremely stinging, and their flesh and bones would split at any time. They thought about leaving, because Chu Wufang was indeed powerful, and they couldn't do anything to Chu Wuyu when they joined forces, so there was no point in fighting, and all the Tianzun they brought were dead, so they had no reason to stay.

But if he wants to leave, Chu Wuru will naturally not let them go, and he wants to show his prestige in this battle, either killing the two or seriously injuring the two, so that the two of them will not be able to fight for the eldest prince and reduce the opponents in the battle for the throne.

"You can't run, Thor Space!"

The power of thunder and lightning on Chu Wuli's body was strengthened three times again, and the Baizhang space was substantialized, turning it into a room with thick walls, trapping the piercing bones and common encounters in it.

Often met the gaze cave, and asked in a deep voice:

"Chu Wuru, do you really want to fight to the death? That's not good for you! ”

"No, you're wrong!"

With a loud shout, Chu Wuru's eyes were like looking at ants, and he said arrogantly:

"Two things looking for death, killing you is like killing a dog!"

This piercing bone and Chang Yu were angry at the same time, both of them were saints, standing at the pinnacle of this world, when had they ever been so despised? The two looked at each other and shot at Chu rudely at the same time.

"The sea of thunder is like a dragon!"

The powerful power of thunder and lightning condensed into a dragon, each dragon was lifelike, and there were hundreds of thunder dragons in the space at once, and the most terrifying thing was that each thunder dragon had the power of the Holy Venerable.

There were hundreds of more Saints at once!

Chapter 2221: Often