
The story of roses: living in the attic and wearing 7 yuan jeans is a true portrayal of a woman's marriage

author:It's Sister Jiang
The story of roses: living in the attic and wearing 7 yuan jeans is a true portrayal of a woman's marriage

Hello, I'm Sister Jiang.

The story of the rose has come to an end, but the legend of the rose is not over yet.

Some readers left a message, the story of Rose is too far away from us, and Rose, who is divorced and has a baby, can even remarry a billionaire, she is made up to deceive us young women.

In fact, the story of Rose is not far away from us, whether it is in the play or in the original book, Rose also lived in a small house like us, and wasted time in a waveless married life.

In the play, after Rose and Fang Xiewen got married, they still lived in the attic they once rented, the attic was divided into two rooms, the upper one was the top floor, and with Fang Xiewen's height, he had to bend over and walk at home, otherwise his head would touch the ceiling.

The following room was originally lived by Fang Xiewen, and it was used as a kitchen after marriage, and after her mother-in-law came, she lived in the following room.

The story of roses: living in the attic and wearing 7 yuan jeans is a true portrayal of a woman's marriage

The room is small, there are piles of items everywhere, and the toilet is still shared.

It's such an environment that Rose also tries to keep her home clean. When she goes out and sees beautiful flowers, she will bring back a bouquet, even if it is a burrow, with the blessing of flowers, the room is instantly upgraded.

Unfortunately, after my mother-in-law came, the vase at home was planted with garlic and green onions, and the rose bag was no longer filled with flowers, but fresh vegetables.

Rose buried the happiness and pursuit in the bottom of her heart and no longer touched it.

She thought she would live like this for the rest of her life. It wasn't until Fang Xiewen wanted to break her wings and trap her at home forever that she woke up like a dream.

After awakening, Rose decisively filed for divorce, returned to Beijing, returned to a familiar environment, and started a new life.

The story of roses: living in the attic and wearing 7 yuan jeans is a true portrayal of a woman's marriage

Fang Xiewen's business is getting bigger and bigger, and he also bought a villa of 10 million yuan in Beijing, but the hostess is no longer a rose.

In the original book, after Zhuang Guodong got married, Rose was sent abroad by her brother to study, and after she graduated, she married her senior Fang Xiewen.

Fang Xiewen in the original book is a second-generation immigrant, has his own house in the United States, his parents are alive, and his family is good to roses.

My brother Huang Zhenhua went on a business trip and went to see the roses, and found that she had changed, no longer public, no longer dazzling, she liked smoking, even if she was pregnant, she never left her hand.

Brother asked her: Have you made up your mind to live with Fang Xiewen for the rest of your life?

Rose nodded.

The story of roses: living in the attic and wearing 7 yuan jeans is a true portrayal of a woman's marriage

My brother said softly: I knew this was the case, why did I have to suffer so much in the first place.

Rose listened to her brother's words, but replied like a stream: If people don't endure hardships, they can't learn well.

My brother really couldn't figure out how Fang Xiewen, who looked ordinary and had average ability, got into the eyes of roses.

"He gives me a sense of security, and I know that I can control him completely."

When Rose said this, Mu was expressionless, and her brother could see that her wounded heart had not yet recovered and was dripping blood.

Seven years later, Rose returned to her parents' home with her husband and daughter. My brother and mother went to pick her up early in the morning, and when Rose came out, my brother didn't recognize her.

The story of roses: living in the attic and wearing 7 yuan jeans is a true portrayal of a woman's marriage

Rose, who was once breathtakingly beautiful, dressed in a hunting suit, carrying a large travel bag, her hair tied with a rubber band, the makeup on her face was a little oily, and she was holding her daughter, no different from all ordinary women.

After Rose returned to her parents' house, her brother picked up the wind and washed the dust for her, and Fang Xiewen spent the night serving Rose cloth, pulling chairs, wearing coats, lighting cigarettes, and serving her.

At this time, Fang Xiewen was not yet middle-aged, he had a beer belly, always frowning, sweating on his forehead, constantly holding a frame of glasses with his hand, and constantly complaining that the weather in Hong Kong was too hot.

My brother looks at how he looks and how it is not pleasing to the eye.

Later, Gengsheng said to his brother: Rose tried on one of her loose mink coats, but she couldn't wear it, and she gained more than 30 pounds.

Rose also asked her where she could buy 7 pieces of jeans, and she wanted to buy 30 pairs to wear back to the United States.

The story of roses: living in the attic and wearing 7 yuan jeans is a true portrayal of a woman's marriage

The rose in the original book, although the life after marriage is not as suffocating as in the play, this life of self-abandonment is even more painful.

In the original book, Gensheng said that she didn't see Rose smiling, and when she faced Fang Xiewen, she also looked indifferent.

Rose rarely contacted her family after marriage, and her brother was angry with her because she got married hastily, and he didn't go to see her for many years. Until her mother died, Rose returned to Hong Kong, and she filed for divorce, ending ten years of married life.

The first thing Rose did after the divorce was to lose weight, she quickly lost weight to her original weight, began to decorate the house left by her mother, met her soulmate Fu Jiaming, and started a new relationship again.

Fu Jiaming died three months later. A few years later, Rose met 59-year-old billionaire Sir Lo at a party, Sir Lo fell in love with Rose at first sight, and the two soon got married.

The story of roses: living in the attic and wearing 7 yuan jeans is a true portrayal of a woman's marriage

Although the story of roses has come to an end, the revelation of roses will not end.

Be brave enough to love someone, but don't give up your career and lose yourself for the sake of your man and family.

There is no absolutely right choice in life, and no matter how you choose, there will be regrets.

It is inevitable to make mistakes in life, don't be afraid of failure, like a rose, you must keep yourself, have the courage to withdraw in time, and have the courage to continue to move forward and start again.

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Note: The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted!

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