
Xuxu baby refused to let relatives enter the company, and didn't want the company to become a family business, netizens: It's right

author:Pi Dawang E-sports

Speaking of Xuxu baby, many friends should be familiar with it, as the existence of DNF brother, Xuxu baby had a very high popularity when he was on the front platform, and after transferring to the current platform, although Xuxu baby's popularity has declined a little, but compared with other anchors on the same platform, the popularity is still very high.

Xuxu baby refused to let relatives enter the company, and didn't want the company to become a family business, netizens: It's right

As an anchor with tens of millions of fans, the income of Xuxu Baby is naturally very high, and before that, Xuxu Baby opened a company with a friend because of carelessness, and finally led to five years of waste, so Xuxu Baby established his own company, with the popularity of Xuxu Baby, this media company also signed a lot of anchors.

Xuxu baby refused to let relatives enter the company, and didn't want the company to become a family business, netizens: It's right

And all this can be said to be all brought by the popularity of Xuxu Baby, and Xuxu Baby has not forgotten his brothers after making money, for example, anchors such as Big Totoro and Xuxu Baby are good friends in real life, Xuxu Baby is developing well on his own, he takes his friends to develop together, and now the income of these people is not low.

Xuxu baby refused to let relatives enter the company, and didn't want the company to become a family business, netizens: It's right

For example, the big Totoro we are familiar with has now driven a Paramela, which shows that his income is still very high, and after Baby Xuxu established his own company, he also recruited a lot of good friends from the past to join, and these people have become the core of the company, and the audience also likes these people very much.

Xuxu baby refused to let relatives enter the company, and didn't want the company to become a family business, netizens: It's right

Although these people are not very professional, but after all, they love the house and Wu, but some netizens expressed their incomprehension, and raised such a question during the live broadcast of Xuxu's baby, why can friends around them join, but their relatives are not live together? And Baby Xu Xu also gave his own answer.

Xuxu baby refused to let relatives enter the company, and didn't want the company to become a family business, netizens: It's right

Xu Xu Bao said that when he first became popular, he did have relatives who found him and asked him to help, but these relatives of his were completely laymen, and they didn't know anything about the live broadcast industry, so they didn't know how to give them this profession at all, because they felt that many relatives just wanted to eat and didn't know how to do a good live broadcast.

Xuxu baby refused to let relatives enter the company, and didn't want the company to become a family business, netizens: It's right

Xu Xu Bao thinks that this is also out of a responsible attitude to water friends, it is really not good to let these relatives come, plus some relatives do want to come to their live broadcast room, but they do not know about live games, if you enter the live broadcast room, not only will there be no program effect, but it is more likely to directly affect the atmosphere of the live broadcast room.

Xuxu baby refused to let relatives enter the company, and didn't want the company to become a family business, netizens: It's right

Xu Xu Bao also mentioned his friends, and said that the words of his friends are basically of the same age, and everyone has similar hobbies, and there is also some understanding of live games, so for fans, the live broadcast atmosphere is also relatively good. When mentioning these, Baby Xuxu has always been from the perspective of fans.

Xuxu baby refused to let relatives enter the company, and didn't want the company to become a family business, netizens: It's right

And from his own point of view, Baby Xuxu said that if the live broadcast company becomes a family business, it will feel meaningless, and it will not be good for the development of the company, I have to say that Baby Xuxu can take into account so much, and it is indeed responsible for his fans, and netizens also said: It's done right!

If it were you, what would you do?