
Starting tomorrow, these trains will run for an additional →

author:Ningde Radio and Television Station
Starting tomorrow, these trains will run for an additional →

A two-month national rail summer transport

The curtain will start at 0:00 on July 1

In order to meet the travel needs of passengers

Fuzhou Railway Station Plan

A number of additional passenger trains were opened

Let's see if there's any train you need

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Starting tomorrow, these trains will run for an additional →

Summer travel period

The railway sector will vary according to the passenger flow

Dynamically increase the number of trains

Passengers with travel needs

Pay attention to the railway 12306 website (including mobile APP) in time

Find out how the train is running

Make reasonable travel arrangements


The pre-sale period for rail tickets is 15 days (including the day)

Travelers with travel needs

Available on the day of ticket purchase

Fill in the information of passengers, train numbers, seats, etc. in advance

When tickets go on sale

One-click to submit your order and complete the payment

Make it easier for you to buy tickets

Starting tomorrow, these trains will run for an additional →


It can also be published according to the railway 12306 website

Ticket sales time

Set multiple reminders through the system in advance

In order to submit the ticket purchase order in a timely manner

Makes it easier to buy tickets

Starting tomorrow, these trains will run for an additional →
Starting tomorrow, these trains will run for an additional →

Tips: During the summer travel period, when the passenger flow increases, please bring a valid ID that is consistent with the ticket purchase information, check the boarding time, station, train number and other information, and reserve sufficient time for security check, ticket verification, and transfer to avoid delaying the trip

Source: Fuzhou News Network

Editor: Guo Huan

Review: Cai Lixian

Supervisor: Lin Yunfeng

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Starting tomorrow, these trains will run for an additional →