
The PLA does not dare to fly at night? Taiwan's "famous mouth" was stunned, and the bomb 6K hung up a superb bomb, which was mighty and domineering

author:Cosmos Beacon Line

A few days ago, the notorious Yu Beichen had another astonishing remark, and in a political discussion program on Taiwan, Yu Beichen openly ridiculed the People's Liberation Army for not daring to sail at night, and he was already a demon, which immediately aroused the attention of the outside world. According to Taiwan media reports, Taiwan's air forces have recently begun so-called midnight training, so as to enhance the comprehensive combat capability of "resisting reunification with force." Yu Beichen was very proud of the night training of Taiwan's fighter planes, and began to hype up the strength of Taiwan's fighter pilots. At present, there are three main fighter jets on the island, namely the F-16A/B, the Mirage 2000 and the IDF Ching-kuo.

The PLA does not dare to fly at night? Taiwan's "famous mouth" was stunned, and the bomb 6K hung up a superb bomb, which was mighty and domineering

In fact, there is a "permanent deployment" of F-16A/B fighter squadrons in the United States, just like the training of the Singapore Air Force in the United States, Taiwan has fighters and pilots stationed at US Air Force military bases, and the 21st fighter squadron on Taiwan generally has no special mission, and the relevant fighters will not return to Taiwan. It is also because of frequent exchanges with the US military that there has been news on Taiwan Island that it will purchase air tanker planes in an attempt to expand the combat range of Taiwan's fighter planes; it is obvious that Taiwan has a sinister plot, and in addition to establishing a deterrent to the PLA's in-depth targets, it is also very likely to provide support for the flight of the "Taiwan independence" ringleaders.

The PLA does not dare to fly at night? Taiwan's "famous mouth" was stunned, and the bomb 6K hung up a superb bomb, which was mighty and domineering

Taiwan will only start midnight training flights in 2024, and the previous daily training will end early, but now the relevant training on Taiwan Island has become the capital of "famous mouths" to brag, and at the same time, it is also belittling the comprehensive combat capability of the PLA. In fact, many political programs on Taiwan Island are already attacking Yu Beichen and accusing Yu Beichen of talking nonsense. In the face of accusations, Yu Beichen still spoke up and defended his remarks, thus highlighting his ignorance and arrogance. In fact, Yu Beichen's joke is a basket, and a strange theory has been put forward before that the interception rate of air defense missiles can be accumulated.

The PLA does not dare to fly at night? Taiwan's "famous mouth" was stunned, and the bomb 6K hung up a superb bomb, which was mighty and domineering

For a long time, the DPP authorities have set up a huge information cocoon on the island, so the people of Taiwan have a lack of understanding of the mainland, and "famous mouths" such as Yu Beichen have promoted the establishment of the information cocoon, so that the people of Taiwan have a long-term prejudice against the mainland. In fact, the PLA's fighters often have night flight training, and will also carry out regular patrol missions around Taiwan Island, so as to deter "Taiwan independence." When Beichen ridiculed the PLA for not having the ability to fly at night, the PLA released a set of photos of the H-6K bombers training at night, including the scene of the H-6K hanging up superb bombs and being mighty and domineering.

The PLA does not dare to fly at night? Taiwan's "famous mouth" was stunned, and the bomb 6K hung up a superb bomb, which was mighty and domineering

The PLA has previously released a video of the H-6K projecting hypersonic missiles, in fact, hypersonic missiles can be carried by the H-6K, which was made public for the first time through the 2022 Zhuhai Air Show. As far as Taiwan's air defense strength is concerned, it is impossible to intercept the PLA's hypersonic missiles, and the PLA's H-6K bombers can go around the sea and airspace east of Taiwan Island, so as to achieve deterrence against Taiwan. The People's Liberation Army (PLA) released a photo of the H-6K Yehang, which also slapped the face of Taiwan's "famous mouth".

The PLA does not dare to fly at night? Taiwan's "famous mouth" was stunned, and the bomb 6K hung up a superb bomb, which was mighty and domineering