
This TGA mobile game of the year has finally ushered in the opening of the national server


"Marvel's Ultimate Reversal" recently opened the first test of the national server, maybe this name makes you a little unfamiliar, then its other name "Marvel Snap" should make you a little familiar.

Directed by Ben Brode, the father of "Hearthstone", the ultra-fast-paced gameplay is paired with Marvel IP, carrying the concept of "games should return to the fun of gameplay", after 4 years of polishing, the foreign server has a revenue of more than 50 million US dollars in half a year after its launch, and won the 2022 TAG Best Mobile Game of the Year award......

This TGA mobile game of the year has finally ushered in the opening of the national server

It can be said that "Marvel Ultimate Reversal" is the most successful CCG game in recent years, and you have to admit that when the depth and strategy game itself is full, the CCG game with a high threshold for getting started begins to learn to do subtraction, which is really a bit invincible......

In particular, although the national server of "Marvel Ultimate Reversal" has been delayed for two years, whether it is the growing CCG player base in China, or the recent game matrix and NetEase's "Marvel Ultimate Reversal" national server operation team learned in the interview with their determination to "want to bring a little innovation to the domestic CCG market", it is not too late for the national server of "Marvel Ultimate Reversal" to come.

3 minutes, 12 cards You can also play a game at the table

Compared with the complex rules of traditional TCG and CCG card gameplay, the gameplay of "Marvel's Ultimate Reversal" is so simple that it can be summed up in six words: "occupy a territory, compare size".

That's right, that's all it is about.

The opening table will separate the players with three zones, and all players need to do is to put their cards on the zone, and occupy the zone by calculating the power points of the cards placed in each zone, and the two sides will occupy the zone, and the player who occupies two or more zones at the end of the game wins.

This TGA mobile game of the year has finally ushered in the opening of the national server

Even in order to speed up the pace of the game, each round of Marvel Ultimate Reversal only has 6 rounds, and each round has 30 seconds to think, in other words, a game can be finished in only 3-4 minutes.

Compared with traditional CCG games that can take more than ten or twenty minutes at every turn, or even more than half an hour, the game time of "Marvel's Ultimate Reversal" is not necessarily as long as the card animation and settlement animation of the previous game of "Hearthstone".

The second is that compared to the traditional CCG cards with at least 30 decks and complex card descriptions, Marvel's Ultimate Reversal still greatly simplifies them: the deck composition is reduced to 12 cards, and the descriptions will not exceed three lines of straightforward and easy-to-understand card descriptions.

This TGA mobile game of the year has finally ushered in the opening of the national server

You don't need to read small essays, you don't need to go around ten or eight circles in your mind to understand card skills, and you don't need to memorize dozens of card decks, so you can get started quickly without CCG experience.

Of course, doing subtraction does not mean that "Marvel's Ultimate Reversal" has lost the fun of strategy games, although the underlying gameplay logic is very simple, but in fact, in each game, players also need to consider the cost arrangement, terrain effects, card order and precedence.

This TGA mobile game of the year has finally ushered in the opening of the national server

So while it's easy to pick up and play, it's not easy to master, which gives it room to dig deeper.

All in all, in terms of gameplay, "Marvel's Ultimate Reversal" has undoubtedly made a difference from all previous CCGs, with extremely fast gameplay and direct gameplay, which allow it to fill more fragmented time for players, becoming the favorite of the fishermen, and the only existence in the current CCG games.

However, after talking about the interesting and invincible gameplay of "Marvel Ultimate Reversal" after learning to do subtraction, in fact, it has just opened the national server test, and there are many problems that need to be solved urgently, and these problems are also the content that national server players are most concerned about - what is the national server of "Marvel Ultimate Reversal"?

The sincerity of the national service of "Marvel's Ultimate Reversal".

For loyal players or interested players of "Marvel's Ultimate Reversal", two years behind the international server, the national server bears the brunt of the problems that need attention, one is the progress problem, and the other is what is the difference between the national server and the international server.

In this game, the game matrix recently asked some questions about the operation team of NetEase's "Marvel Ultimate Reversal", which may help new and old players of this game understand the relevant information of the national server faster.

Q: Will the national server be synchronized with the international server?

After the national server is launched, it will not be directly synchronized with the overseas server, we have re-planned the future version releases and updates, and formulated a corresponding national server version catch-up plan, hoping to bring a better experience to the national server players.

Q: How is the catch-up plan arranged?

Based on the player feedback collected from overseas servers, the operational data obtained and the materials that can be used for reference, we will learn from the lessons learned from past overseas servers when the Chinese servers are launched, and take more root in the preferences and characteristics of Chinese players, so as to ensure a smooth transition for novice players in the national server at the level of game experience.

In addition, we will also release the Season Edition starting with the backstory that is more familiar to Chinese players and Marvel IP fans, rather than the start of the first season on the overseas server.

Although the progress of the overseas version is still ahead of the national server, we will accelerate the iteration of the version and strive to synchronize the progress of the international server with the national server in the future.

And in order to welcome overseas server players back to the national server, we have also prepared generous return benefits, including a series of out-of-print titles, card backs, emotes, etc.

This TGA mobile game of the year has finally ushered in the opening of the national server

Q: What aspects will be involved in the localization of the national server?

First of all, we will give priority to presenting players with the original content of the game itself, and at the same time, we hope that users of the national server can see our sincerity in rooted player culture and long-term operation.

At present, based on the original setting and characteristics of the cards, we have carried out exquisite Chinese work on all cards, and the interactive interface and game dubbing have also been fully localized; At the same time, we have designed a Chinese-specific Chinese card back and dialect voice pack to enhance players' sense of belonging, and these localized content will be released in subsequent versions.

This TGA mobile game of the year has finally ushered in the opening of the national server

The main image of the game alone makes a localized distinction based on the Marvel IP characters that are more familiar to Chinese players

In the future, we will also promote cooperation with SDS and domestic artists, and launch a series of cultural linkage variants of the national server, which will skillfully combine the familiar Chinese elements of the national server with Marvel itself, and attract domestic players with aesthetic balance and uniqueness.

Q: In terms of commercial content, is there any difference between the national server and the international server?

We will continue the idea of overseas commercialization and game operation, and players on the Chinese server will enjoy the same commercialization experience as the overseas server, that is, as long as players have enough patience, they can collect all the cards.

Players on overseas servers do not need to worry about being treated unfairly when they return to their home servers. In addition, our original intention is to return the game to the fun of gameplay itself, and from a commercial point of view, we always want players to pay for the content they really like.

Q: What is the reason why NetEase chose to choose the agent to operate the national server of "Marvel's Ultimate Reversal"?

In the 30-year history of China's board game development, CCG has become a very mature category and has a very large audience. As early as 2022, the game "Marvel's Ultimate Reversal" has been recognized and loved by international awards including TGA, IGN and tens of millions of overseas players, and has been praised by a large number of media.

As a team of game enthusiasts, NetEase shoulders the mission of presenting more vertical categories of good games to players, and we believe that the introduction of successful products that have been proven abroad can provide some new experiences for the entire category.

We hope to bring this game to domestic gamers who like CCG, and to fans who are familiar with Marvel IP, so that more people can experience the charm of this game. NetEase has been deeply involved in the CCG category for 10 years, and with the growth of gamers, it is believed that China's CCG market will usher in a revolution.

Conclusion: At present, the first test of the national server has been opened, "Marvel Ultimate Reversal" has prepared the exclusive mark of the first generation of detectives and a series of out-of-print card backs and titles for players, and the "Scoring for the Universe Card" activity is also in full swing, which has won unanimous praise from players and the media, and the expectation value of the game on TapTap has also maintained a score of 8.5 and a lot of praise, and the extremely fast game pace and short-term games have been evaluated by many players as a must-have for fishing.

This TGA mobile game of the year has finally ushered in the opening of the national server

Although it is two years late, its excellent game quality and fun, coupled with the compatibility with the current domestic mobile game environment where the side game style is prevalent, and the full sincerity of NetEase's national server operation, "Marvel's Ultimate Reversal" is still worth eating.