
During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, why did Xiongnu women always have miscarriages in the spring? History books: The Han army pursued deeply

author:Shushan History Road
During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, why did Xiongnu women always have miscarriages in the spring? History books: The Han army pursued deeply

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Text: Yanyan

Edited by Yeon-yeon

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, why did Xiongnu women always have miscarriages in the spring? History books: The Han army pursued deeply


During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, why did Xiongnu women always have miscarriages in the spring? What is the secret behind this mysterious phenomenon? Is it a natural coincidence, or is there something else going on?

The history books give a shocking answer: the Han army went deep into pursuit. Whenever spring came, the Huns not only had to face the harsh natural environment, but also had to endure the relentless blows of the Han army.

So, what kind of military strategy can make Xiongnu women frequently miscarry?

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, why did Xiongnu women always have miscarriages in the spring? History books: The Han army pursued deeply

1. Han Wu ambition: the resurgence of northern Xinjiang

In 133 BC, Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, had been on the throne for seven years. The young emperor's eyes were full of ambition, and he had long since grown tired of the humiliating policy of peace with the northern nomadic Xiongnu. Liu Che knew very well that in order to truly realize the grand plan of "unification of the world", it was necessary to completely solve this serious problem.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Han Dynasty, the state was weak and had to adopt a policy of peace and proximity to maintain a semblance of peace with the Xiongnu. However, behind this seemingly peaceful relationship was the continuous extortion and plundering of the Han Dynasty by the Xiongnu.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, why did Xiongnu women always have miscarriages in the spring? History books: The Han army pursued deeply

Every year, a large amount of silk, grain, gold and silver treasures will be sent to the Xiongnu, and even many Han princesses are forced to marry the Xiongnu. This humiliating situation made it difficult for Liu Che to sleep.

Over time, the Han Dynasty gradually recovered and grew stronger. Liu Che saw the opportunity and was determined to reverse this passive situation in one fell swoop. He began to recruit talents in the DPRK and China to prepare for the upcoming war.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, why did Xiongnu women always have miscarriages in the spring? History books: The Han army pursued deeply

A number of young generals such as Wei Qing and Huo Quzhi were reused and became the backbone of the Han army. At the same time, Liu Che also ordered to strengthen border defense and build the Great Wall to prepare for future attacks.

In this way, a protracted war began. Emperor Wu of Han vowed to defeat the Xiongnu once and for all, and the Xiongnu would never easily give up the dominant position they had held for many years. The two sides come and go, and war is about to break out.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, why did Xiongnu women always have miscarriages in the spring? History books: The Han army pursued deeply

2. A strategic turn: the striking effects of the spring offensive

At the beginning of the war, the Han army did not achieve much superiority. The Xiongnu, with their nomadic characteristics, came and went freely in the vast grasslands, which exhausted the Han army. However, as the war continued, the Han army gradually summed up valuable experience.

They found out that the Huns were accustomed to attacking in the autumn. This is because the pastures on the grassland in autumn are abundant, and the horses are fat and strong, which is the best time to fight. And the Han Dynasty was busy harvesting at this time, and it was difficult to draw a large number of troops to deal with it.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, why did Xiongnu women always have miscarriages in the spring? History books: The Han army pursued deeply

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and his generals decided to change their tactics after careful consideration. They adjusted the timing of the main attack to the spring. It was a winning move.

In the spring, the Xiongnu had just experienced a long winter, and both humans and animals were in a period of weakness. Especially those who are pregnant mares and ewes need to recuperate.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, why did Xiongnu women always have miscarriages in the spring? History books: The Han army pursued deeply

However, the Han army attacked in a big way at this time and dealt a fatal blow to the Xiongnu. This change in tactics caught the Xiongnu off guard. They had to fight in a hurry, and even the most basic survival could not be guaranteed.

The bumps in the flight, combined with the lack of food and water, led to a large number of abortions of Xiongnu women and livestock. This was not only a military defeat, but also a huge blow to the ability of the Xiongnu nation to reproduce.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, why did Xiongnu women always have miscarriages in the spring? History books: The Han army pursued deeply

3. The endless pursuit: the plight and struggle of the Huns

The spring offensive of the Han army was a surprising success. The Xiongnu were forced to retreat northward, and the grassland pastures on which they had relied for their survival fell into the hands of the Han army.

Shan Yu, the supreme ruler of the Xiongnu, had to lead the tribe on a constant migration in search of a new habitat. However, Emperor Wu of Han was not satisfied with this. He ordered the Han army to chase after them and drive them out.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, why did Xiongnu women always have miscarriages in the spring? History books: The Han army pursued deeply

This constant pressure exhausted the Huns. They are not able to set up camp in fixed places as they normally would, nor can they move according to the seasons. The entire tribe was plunged into a state of unprecedented chaos.

Under these circumstances, the fertility rate of the Xiongnu fell sharply. Pregnant women are not adequately rested and nourished, and long journeys combined with mental stress have led to a spike in miscarriage rates.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, why did Xiongnu women always have miscarriages in the spring? History books: The Han army pursued deeply

Similarly, it is difficult for livestock to reproduce properly. This is undoubtedly a catastrophe for a nomadic people. The plight of the Xiongnu is not only reflected in the military and existential level, but also in the crisis of cultural and national identity.

As they continued to retreat and migrate, many Huns began to wonder if their proud way of life could continue. Some even began to consider surrendering to the Han Dynasty in search of a new way of survival.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, why did Xiongnu women always have miscarriages in the spring? History books: The Han army pursued deeply

Fourth, the two ethnic groups contend: the collision and integration of civilizations

This war, which has lasted for more than 20 years, is not only a contest of military strength, but also a collision of two different modes of civilization. The Han Dynasty represented an agrarian civilization that focused on settlement, farming, and urban construction. The Xiongnu, on the other hand, were typical nomadic civilizations, advocating a free-spirited steppe life.

In the early days of the war, this difference in civilization caused problems for both sides. The Han army did not adapt to the climate and terrain of the steppe, while the Xiongnu had difficulty coping with the advanced weapons and tactics of the Han army. However, as the war progressed, both sides continued to learn and improve.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, why did Xiongnu women always have miscarriages in the spring? History books: The Han army pursued deeply

The Han army gradually mastered the skills of fighting on the steppe, and they improved the method of raising war horses and improved the mobility of the cavalry. At the same time, they also learned to take advantage of the terrain of the steppe to set up ambushes and lure the enemy into depth.

On the other hand, the Xiongnu also learned lessons from the difficulties. They began to pay attention to the construction of fortifications, learning the metallurgical techniques of the Han Chinese to make better weapons. Some far-sighted Xiongnu nobles even began to encourage some of their clansmen to learn Chinese characters in order to better understand their opponents.

Although this kind of collision and exchange of civilizations is presented in the form of war, it has invisibly promoted the progress of both sides. It planted the seeds for ethnic integration in the future, and also provided new ideas for the famous "peace and pro-pro-policy" in Chinese history.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, why did Xiongnu women always have miscarriages in the spring? History books: The Han army pursued deeply

V. The Cost of War: Reflections and Enlightenment

As the smoke cleared, people began to reflect on what the protracted war had brought. For the Han Dynasty, although it achieved a final victory, the price paid was also enormous.

A large amount of manpower and material resources have been consumed, the people's livelihood in the border areas has withered, and even the tragic scene of "Northwest Wilderness, Yuyu Zhang" has appeared. The Huns were even more demoralized. Not only did they lose large areas of the grassland, their population plummeted, but more importantly, they lost their deterrent power against the Han Dynasty.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, why did Xiongnu women always have miscarriages in the spring? History books: The Han army pursued deeply

The once proud "Tianjiao" had to face a harsh reality: they had to find a new way to survive. However, there is also a glimmer of hope in the shadow of war. Through this large-scale encounter, both sides have gained a deeper understanding of each other.

The Han Dynasty recognized that mere conquest by force would not solve the problem fundamentally. The Xiongnu also realized that the traditional nomadic way of life was difficult to adapt to the new situation.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, why did Xiongnu women always have miscarriages in the spring? History books: The Han army pursued deeply

The war also brought an unexpected result: it accelerated the exchange and integration of the grassland and the Central Plains culture. Many Han Chinese came to the grasslands, bringing with them advanced farming techniques and handicrafts; At the same time, many Xiongnu people went south to the interior, bringing fresh blood and unique cultural elements to the Central Plains.

The wheels of history are always moving forward. This seemingly brutal war actually paved the way for ethnic integration and cultural exchange for later generations.

It tells us that the progress of civilization is often accompanied by labor pains, but if we can learn from them, we will eventually usher in a better future.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, why did Xiongnu women always have miscarriages in the spring? History books: The Han army pursued deeply


The long river of history is flowing endlessly, and the smoke of the Han-Hungarian War has long since dissipated. However, the lessons of this history are forever alive.

It tells us that the progress of civilization comes not only from peacetime exchanges, but also from the collisions and reflections brought about by conflicts.

Today, when we look back on this period of history, we should cherish the hard-won peace, promote understanding and integration between different cultures, and jointly create a better future for human civilization.

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