
Shooting birds is not the patent of the rich, there are poor and poor ways to play

author:The Bull Demon King's journey to the west

The poor shoot the bird and have the poor man's play. #头条创作挑战赛#

I often hear people say that shooting birds is played only by the rich, and many bird friends don't like to hear this.

Really rich people, in fact, rarely play bird shooting, like some masters run all over the world, rent helicopters to shoot the prairie for aerial photography, there are very few rich people who play like this.

Among ordinary bird friends, those who drive a four-wheel drive off-road, have a few flagship machines and a few large light fixed lenses, and cross thousands of rivers and mountains to shoot birds at any time are considered rich.

But many ordinary bird friends don't have a car, let alone four-wheel drive off-road. There is no flagship, there is no big light, there is leisure but no money, and even no money is not idle, but there are many people who like to shoot birds.

Shooting birds is not the patent of the rich, and there is no money to play without money.

Kunming Cuihu Grand View Tower or Dianchi Lake, you can often see a bird friend teacher holding a Nikon P1000 to shoot birds, you can also take a good picture of birds, and it is very short and light, very suitable for the elderly or lovers who do not forget to watch birds on the way out. Last time, a bird friend teacher said that the arm should not be too strong after hands-on surgery, and Lao Niu recommended him to use this, which is too lightweight.

There are also some bird friends who don't use any large aperture or telephoto, ordinary zoom lenses and ordinary cameras, and still like to shoot birds.

Kunming Green Lake Park, Daguanlou Park, and Yuantongshan Zoo, many people in these places often use ordinary lenses to photograph birds. Of course, there are some places where there are some birds, and it is useless for you to go with a telephoto cannon.

For example, shooting peacocks and pelicans, mobile phones are easy to use, not to mention ordinary SLR cameras. The bird park in the Yuantongshan Zoo does not need a focal length of more than 200. Many birders still take wonderful pictures of birds and enjoy themselves.

Even if you go to the Golden Temple introduced by Lao Niu's "Golden Palace Park, the Best Park for Bird Shooting in Kunming", to photograph small forest birds such as sunbirds and white-eared acacias, many bird friends are also ordinary cameras, and ordinary lenses are enough.

Go to Kunming Huanglongjing to shoot red peppers, the focal length can reach 400, and the zoom lens can also be competent. Go to Zhujiashan to shoot white-bellied golden chickens, and a focal length of 400 or even 300 is enough. There are many bird ponds in Yunnan, 400 focal lengths are enough, and even some original chickens and white pheasants or something, 300 focal lengths are too long.

It's not that you have to burn money to shoot birds, there are rich and rich ways to play, there is no money to play, and each has a lot of fun. The cheap device is only a few thousand, and the price is about the same as many people's mobile phones, and they are also happy.

Poetry doesn't have to be in the distance, use the camera in your hand to shoot the rookie at the door well, you are the master, where you have to burn money to shoot birds.

Some people don't like to hear about poverty, unlike Lao Niu who frankly admits that he is poor. Well, in fact, many people are actually reluctant to spend too much money on photographing birds even if they have money, which is actually the truth of the matter.

I am an old cow who likes to shoot birds, pay attention to me, take you through thousands of rivers and mountains, see a different world, the world in the eyes of the old cow. #野生鸟类摄影##观鸟##鸟类摄影##摄影器材##尼康器材党##人生感悟#

Shooting birds is not the patent of the rich, there are poor and poor ways to play
Shooting birds is not the patent of the rich, there are poor and poor ways to play
Shooting birds is not the patent of the rich, there are poor and poor ways to play
Shooting birds is not the patent of the rich, there are poor and poor ways to play
Shooting birds is not the patent of the rich, there are poor and poor ways to play
Shooting birds is not the patent of the rich, there are poor and poor ways to play
Shooting birds is not the patent of the rich, there are poor and poor ways to play
Shooting birds is not the patent of the rich, there are poor and poor ways to play
Shooting birds is not the patent of the rich, there are poor and poor ways to play
Shooting birds is not the patent of the rich, there are poor and poor ways to play
Shooting birds is not the patent of the rich, there are poor and poor ways to play
Shooting birds is not the patent of the rich, there are poor and poor ways to play