
The heart is hot, the liver is hot, and the kidneys are hot, and you will have insomnia, 1 Chinese patent medicine to clear the fire and calm the nerves and help sleep

author:Director of Traditional Chinese Medicine Zhang Pressure West

Hello everyone, I am Zhang Jinxi, the chief physician of the Department of Internal Medicine of Wuhan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of insomnia and anxiety for more than 40 years.

Do you often suffer from insomnia? When night falls, you lie in bed, but you toss and turn, and it is difficult to sleep; Even if you barely fall asleep, you are often immersed in dreams and wake up exhausted; What's more, he wakes up frequently in the middle of the night and tosses and turns several times during the night.

The heart is hot, the liver is hot, and the kidneys are hot, and you will have insomnia, 1 Chinese patent medicine to clear the fire and calm the nerves and help sleep

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, insomnia mostly stems from the excessive fire of the five organs, especially the imbalance of heart, liver and kidney. So, how do we determine the root cause of insomnia and how can we regulate it? Today, Director Zhang will give you a detailed analysis.

1. Insomnia caused by a hot heart

Traditional Chinese medicine divides the human body into three focal points, with the heart located in the upper focus. A normal heart fire can promote blood circulation and warm the whole body. However, when the heart is too hot, it can disturb the mind, making people feel irritable and have difficulty falling asleep.

Such insomnia patients often have symptoms such as those of insomnia. At this time, it is the key to clear the heart and reduce fire, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and cinnabar soothing pills are a good choice.

The heart is hot, the liver is hot, and the kidneys are hot, and you will have insomnia, 1 Chinese patent medicine to clear the fire and calm the nerves and help sleep

2. Insomnia caused by liver fire

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver is responsible for emotions and controls our emotional changes. When the liver fire is strong, people tend to become irritable and irritable, especially at night, this mood is more obvious. Liver fire can also disturb the mind, causing restlessness and insomnia.

In addition to insomnia, such patients may also have symptoms. At this time, clearing the liver and purging fire, nourishing the heart and calming the nerves are the key points of conditioning, and Epsom Green Pill is a prescription worthy of reference.

The heart is hot, the liver is hot, and the kidneys are hot, and you will have insomnia, 1 Chinese patent medicine to clear the fire and calm the nerves and help sleep

3. Insomnia caused by kidney fire

It is worth noting that TCM believes that there is no real fire in the kidneys. Therefore, when the kidneys show heat, it is often due to the rise of the false fire caused by yin deficiency. This kind of false fire cannot counterbalance the heart fire, resulting in restlessness, which affects sleep.

In addition to insomnia, such patients may also have symptoms. At this time, nourishing yin and nourishing the kidneys is the key, and Liuwei Dihuang Pill is a suitable choice.

The heart is hot, the liver is hot, and the kidneys are hot, and you will have insomnia, 1 Chinese patent medicine to clear the fire and calm the nerves and help sleep

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment, and the treatment of insomnia needs to find the root cause and prescribe the right medicine. If you have insomnia and are unsure of the cause, it is recommended to consult a professional TCM practitioner first, and do not use medication without permission to avoid aggravating the condition. Thank you for your patience in reading, and if today's sharing is helpful to you, please remember to follow and share so that more people can benefit.

Tips: The case recipes shared in the article are for reference only, please do not self-diagnose, do not blindly use drugs, please use drugs under the guidance of professional doctors (the picture and text come from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete)
