
Be sure to like yourself, don't deliberately care about what others think of you, and be brave enough to be yourself

author:Elegant white cloud fL
Be sure to like yourself, don't deliberately care about what others think of you, and be brave enough to be yourself
Be sure to like yourself, don't deliberately care about what others think of you, and be brave enough to be yourself
Be sure to like yourself, don't deliberately care about what others think of you, and be brave enough to be yourself
Be sure to like yourself, don't deliberately care about what others think of you, and be brave enough to be yourself
Be sure to like yourself, don't deliberately care about what others think of you, and be brave enough to be yourself
Be sure to like yourself, don't deliberately care about what others think of you, and be brave enough to be yourself
Be sure to like yourself, don't deliberately care about what others think of you, and be brave enough to be yourself
Be sure to like yourself, don't deliberately care about what others think of you, and be brave enough to be yourself
Be sure to like yourself, don't deliberately care about what others think of you, and be brave enough to be yourself
Be sure to like yourself, don't deliberately care about what others think of you, and be brave enough to be yourself
Be sure to like yourself, don't deliberately care about what others think of you, and be brave enough to be yourself
Be sure to like yourself, don't deliberately care about what others think of you, and be brave enough to be yourself
Be sure to like yourself, don't deliberately care about what others think of you, and be brave enough to be yourself
Be sure to like yourself, don't deliberately care about what others think of you, and be brave enough to be yourself
Be sure to like yourself, don't deliberately care about what others think of you, and be brave enough to be yourself

In the corner of the bustling city, there is a girl named Lin Yue, who is as ordinary as a wildflower that can be seen everywhere on the roadside, and her shadow can hardly be found in the crowd. Lin Yue has an unknown dream in her heart - to become an excellent dancer. However, the reality is cruel, she is not tall and chubby, far from the lightness and elegance required by dance.

Around Lin Yue, there is no shortage of cynicism about her dreams. Her friend Xiaoling once bluntly said to her: "Yueyue, you better give up, dancing is not something people like you can play." Even her parents often admonished: "Yueyue, you have to be realistic, find a stable job, and stop being whimsical." ”

But there is an unyielding force surging in Lin Yue's heart. She firmly believes that everyone has their own stage, and as long as they work hard enough, they will be able to shine their own light one day. So, she began to go to the dance studio alone after work every day, practicing the basic movements over and over again, sweating her clothes and pain all over her body, but she never gave up.

As time passed, Lin Yue's progress became more and more obvious. Her body gradually softened, and her movements became more fluid. However, when she plucked up the courage to participate in a dance competition, reality hit her hard again. She was eliminated in the first round, and the judges' words pierced her heart like sharp knives: "Your foundation is too poor, you lack talent, and you are not suitable for dancing." ”

At that moment, Lin Yue seemed to have fallen into the abyss. She sat in the corner of the dance studio, tears blurring her eyes. She asked herself, "Am I really wrong?" Am I really not fit to dance? ”

At this moment, a voice sounded in her ears: "Yueyue, you are not alone. She looked up and saw that it was her dance teacher, Ms. Zhang. Teacher Zhang walked up to her and patted her on the shoulder: "Yueyue, do you know?" I used to be ridiculed and denied like you. But I didn't give up, I persevered. Now, I am a respected dance teacher. So, I'm sure you can too. ”

Teacher Zhang's words were like a beam of light, illuminating the darkness in Lin Yue's heart. She wiped away her tears and stood up: "Teacher Zhang, thank you." I'm not going to give up. ”

Since then, Lin Yue has practiced harder. She no longer cares about other people's opinions and only focuses on her own dance. She took various dance classes, learned from different teachers, and constantly absorbed new knowledge and techniques. Her dancing skills are also improving, and she is gradually emerging in the dance circle.

A year later, Lin Yue stood on the stage of the dance competition again. This time, she is no longer the one who was eliminated in the first round, but has become the center of attention. Her dancing is full of power and contagion, and every movement is full of confidence and enthusiasm. The judges nodded their heads and the audience applauded.

In the end, Lin Yue won the championship of the competition with her outstanding performance. The moment she stood on the podium and held the trophy in her hand, she felt as if she was standing on the top of the world. She saw Xiao Ling's surprised expression, and also saw her parents' proud smiles. She knew that she had done it, and she had proved her worth with her hard work and persistence.

After the competition, Lin Yue received an invitation letter from a famous dance company. They saw the video of her competition, spoke highly of her dancing talent and potential, and invited her to join their team. Lin Yue was so excited that she could barely believe her eyes, and she finally realized her dream of becoming a real dancer.

In the training of the dance troupe, Lin Yue encountered more challenges and difficulties. But she's no longer afraid, because she knows that as long as she persists, nothing can stop her from moving forward. With her sweat and hard work, she has won the respect and trust of her teammates, and also won the love and support of more audiences.

Today, Lin Yue has become a high-profile dancer. Her story has inspired countless people with dreams to be brave enough to pursue their dreams. She used her own experience to tell people: no matter how many difficulties and setbacks you encounter, as long as you believe in yourself and insist on being yourself, you will definitely be able to fly against the wind and bloom your own light.