
Missing out on the championship! With the Chinese team losing to Australia, five facts have to be mentioned

author:Aliens talk about basketball


On June 30, Beijing time, the U18 women's basketball Asian Cup final has ended, and the Chinese women's basketball team lost to the Australian women's basketball team 79-96, unfortunately missing the championship.

Missing out on the championship! With the Chinese team losing to Australia, five facts have to be mentioned

Five facts that have to be mentioned in this game!

1. In this game, Australia scored 4 doubles, while the Chinese team only scored double figures by Zhang Ziyu, and Xu Fengwei scored 9 points on 3 of 11 shots.

Missing out on the championship! With the Chinese team losing to Australia, five facts have to be mentioned

2. Australia grabbed 54 rebounds in the whole game, while the Chinese team only grabbed 25 rebounds, lost 3 rebounds in the front court and 26 rebounds in the back court. Australia had two double-doubles in rebounds, with more than 5 rebounds, while the Chinese team only grabbed 14 rebounds with Zhang Ziyu, and Chen Jing grabbed 4 rebounds in second place.

3. In terms of assists, although the Chinese team was only 2 times behind 19-21, it did a relatively good job in error control, and the number of errors in 11-18 was 7 times less than that of the opponent.

Missing out on the championship! With the Chinese team losing to Australia, five facts have to be mentioned

4. Zhang Ziyu was undoubtedly the focus of the game, she scored a game-high 42 points on 18-of-36 shooting, grabbed a team-high 14 rebounds, and also handed out 1 assist, 1 steal and 1 block. She is also the only player in the Chinese team to have a plus/minus of +5. Except for Zhang Ziyu, the others of the Chinese team suffered more in terms of physical and strength confrontation. Although the Australian women's basketball team is not as tall as Zhang Ziyu, it relies on its strong body to withstand his lower game, resulting in Zhang Ziyu's lack of strength, and her shooting percentage today is not high.

5. The tactical arrangement of the Australian women's basketball team is also very targeted, they take advantage of Zhang Ziyu's shortcomings of being big and slow, and frequently carry out fast counterattacks and positional breakthroughs, so that the Chinese team is exhausted on the defensive end.

In general, although Zhang Ziyu is a strong point of the Chinese women's basketball team, the strength of other players is relatively weak, resulting in a gap between the overall strength and the Australian women's basketball team. It is hoped that the Chinese team can conscientiously sum up the lessons and lessons of this game, strengthen training and cooperation, and strive to achieve better results in future competitions.


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