
My sister got up in the middle of the night and found that my sister was kneeling in the courtyard, and my sister: Sister, you are so vicious

author:Rainbow Grumpy Little Joe

Oh my god, that's scary. In such an ancient village in Nagada, in the northeast of our country, there lives a pair of sisters, the elder sister is called Cuihua, and the younger sister is called Lotus. These two sisters, although they are sisters, have far from each other's personalities. Cuihua is called a gentle and virtuous person, and her heart is as soft as tofu; Lotus, the mind is deep, and the work is mysterious.

One night, the moonlight was sultry, and the night was as quiet as anything. Cuihua was sleeping soundly, and was suddenly woken up by a strange noise. She rubbed her eyes in a daze, pricked up her ears to listen, and the sound seemed to come from the courtyard. Cuihua beat the drum in her heart, crept out of bed, quietly pushed open the door, and looked out, good fellow, there was a figure kneeling in the courtyard, with his head down, and his mouth was still chattering. Cuihua's heart tightened, and she took a closer look, isn't this her sister Lotus! The ominous feeling in her heart was like a shiver, and she hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Lotus, what are you doing here?" ”

Lotus was frightened by Cuihua like this, and she was also a little panicked, and when she raised her head, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, but she quickly calmed down. She smiled lightly and said, "Sister, are you awake?" I'm kowtowing to our ancestors, hoping that they will bless our family with peace and security. When Cuihua heard this, her heart was even more confused, she knew that Lotus was usually not interested in these things that the gods were talking about, why did she suddenly become so interested in it today? If you look closely, Lotus is still holding a knife in her hand, and the knife is still stained with blood. The pimple in Cuihua's heart asked directly: "Lotus, what is that in your hand?" Why is there still blood on the knife? ”

My sister got up in the middle of the night and found that my sister was kneeling in the courtyard, and my sister: Sister, you are so vicious

Seeing that her sister found out, Lianhua's face changed, but she soon regained her calm. She said lightly: "Oh, this knife was picked up in the yard, maybe it was accidentally dropped by a passerby." Bloodstain? Maybe I accidentally scratched it. When Cuihua heard her say this, she felt uneasy in her heart, as if she had eaten a fly. She always felt that something was wrong with Lotus tonight, but she couldn't say it. She sighed and said, "Lotus, we are sisters, tell me if you have anything, don't hold back." ”

"The grievance in my heart, I have to let them see, our lotus flower can also bloom high!" When Cuihua heard this, her heart felt like she had been cut by a knife. How could she have thought that her own sister would be jealous of that idea, so she would drill into this dead end. Her voice trembled and she asked, "Lotus, do you really want to do this?" You know, God won't agree to this! Lotus snorted coldly and said, "God? What am I afraid of! As long as I can be superior, I will be free of all the costs! Cuihua looked at her sister's dead brain, and the despair in her heart. She knows, no matter how much she persuades, her sister is iron-hearted this time. She took a deep breath and said slowly: "Lotus, if you are really so persistent, I have nothing to say as a sister." But remember, no matter where you go, no matter what you become, you will always be my sister. If you regret it one day, come back to me. Hearing this, a look of indescribability flashed in Lotus' eyes. She was silent for a moment, then slowly stood up and turned to walk deeper into the courtyard. Cuihua just stood like that, watching her sister's back slowly disappear in the night, and the taste in her heart was more bitter than Coptis chinensis.

Since that night, Lotus has not been home. She left the village and embarked on a path to practice spells. Cui Hua stayed in the village, silently guarding this home, waiting for her sister to come back. But the years are not forgiving, ten years have passed in a blink of an eye, and Lotus has not returned. Cuihua has also changed from a little girl to a weathered woman. But she never gave up waiting for her sister. She believes that one day her sister will come back.

My sister got up in the middle of the night and found that my sister was kneeling in the courtyard, and my sister: Sister, you are so vicious

But on a stormy night, Cuihua was woken up by a strange noise. She opened the door and saw a familiar figure standing in the courtyard, wasn't it the lotus flower she hadn't seen for many years! I saw that she was dressed in black, her face was pale, and her eyes flashed with an ominous light. With a glittering dagger in his hand, he was walking towards Cuihua step by step...... Lotus stopped and glanced at Cuihua coldly, a weird smile on the corner of her mouth: "Sister, you have waited for so many years, just to see me become like this?" Cuihua shook her head, tears streaming down her face: "Lotus, how can you say that? I've been looking forward to your coming back all these years, hoping that you can get lost and find your way back! Lotus sneered, and the dagger in his hand flashed in the moonlight: "Lost? Sister, do you know how much I have suffered and how many sins I have suffered for this spell over the years? Now I'm about to become famous, but you're letting me get lost, isn't that a joke? Cuihua knew in her heart that her sister had gone mad and could never go back. But she still couldn't help but want to persuade again: "Lotus, you are on the wrong path!" Can that spell really bring you happiness? It will only make you more and more cruel and more and more dehumanized! Lotus suddenly laughed wildly: "Human nature? Sister, how much money do you say human nature is worth? Tell you, in this world, only strength and power are king! With them, I can get everyone to their knees, including you! As she spoke, Lotus jerked up her dagger and pounced on Cuihua. Although Cuihua's heart was full of fear, she knew that she could only rely on her own strength at this moment. She closed her lips tightly, plucked up her courage, and faced the lotus rush forward. At the moment when the two were about to fight, a dazzling golden light fell from the sky, surrounding the two of them. Cuihua felt a powerful force rush into her body, and in an instant, she felt her strength double. She took advantage of the momentum and pushed the lotus flower several meters away. The golden light gradually dissipated, and Cuihua was surprised to find herself standing in front of an old man in Taoist robes. This old man has gray hair, a kind face, and an extraordinary temperament, and is obviously not an ordinary person. With a smile on his face, he looked at Cuihua softly, and said, "Cuihua girl, you do have an extraordinary Huigen. Cuihua's heart was full of doubts, not knowing the identity of this old man, and not understanding why he appeared here. Confused, she asked, "Who are you?" The old man smiled lightly and replied, "I am a Taoist priest who travels around, and I am known as Qingyunzi. Passing through this place today, I sensed an unhealthy aura and pursued it. Unexpectedly, I witnessed this dispute between you and your sister. Cuihua listened, and hurriedly told Qingyunzi what happened to Lotus. After hearing this, Qing Yunzi frowned, and said in a heavy voice: "This lotus girl has strayed into the evil path, cultivated the evil law, and has embarked on a road of no return. But considering that she is your sister, I am willing to give her a chance to repent and mend herself. With that, Qingyunzi took out a pill from her arms and handed it to Cuihua: "This pill can dispel the evil qi in her body and restore her clarity." But you have to hand feed her and convey your sincerity. Cuihua took the pill, and her heart was full of gratitude. She walked quickly to the lotus flower and gently put the elixir into her mouth. After a while, Lotus slowly woke up, her eyes full of confusion. Cuihua held Lotus's hand tightly and said with teary eyes: "Lotus, come to your senses!" See what you've become now? Is it really worth it that you lose your nature and your affection for the sake of those illusory powers and powers? Lotus listened to her sister's words, and an indescribable feeling surged in her heart. She looked down at her hands and realized that she had become so strange. She looked up and stared at Cuihua's tear-stained face, filled with deep guilt. She whispered, "Sister...... I was wrong...... I was really wrong......" Cuihua was overjoyed when she heard this, and hurriedly said: "Lotus, it's good that you can recognize your mistake." We are a family, and we should support each other no matter what difficulties we encounter. Lotus nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. She hugged Cuihua tightly, as if she wanted to pour out all her guilt and pain. Seeing this, Qingyunzi nodded with satisfaction. He turned around and said to Cuihua, "Miss Cuihua, your sister has woken up. "Although her body will need some time to recover, I will leave some elixirs for you to use. Just follow the method I taught and you will see results. Qingyunzi said as she took out a small bottle from her bosom and handed it to Cuihua. Cuihua took it with both hands and thanked her repeatedly. With a slight wave of his hand, Qing Yunzi turned into a golden light and disappeared into the air. Since then, Lotus has slowly recovered her health under the careful care of her sister. She let go of the resentment and obsession in her heart and began to face life with a new attitude. She and Cuihua take care of the family's fields and small shops together, although their lives are simple, they are full of warmth and happiness. And that disturbing strange spell never appeared in the village again. The villagers said that this was a test that Cuihua and her sister Lotus went through, but with their perseverance and courage, they successfully survived the difficulties. Qingyunzi Dao Chang has thus become a legend in the village, and people say that he is an immortal who descended from heaven and came here to save suffering beings. This story is widely spread in our village. Although it may sound a little unbelievable, every time you tell it, you can feel the profound meaning contained in it. The story of the green flower and the lotus flower spread throughout the village and became a topic of conversation after tea and dinner. Some people say that it was Cuihua's kindness and tenacity that moved the will of heaven that attracted a master like Qingyunzi Daochang; It is also said that it was the goodness in Lotus's heart that finally defeated evil and made her regain her true nature. But either way, it's undeniable that the sisters have come out stronger and more united after their ordeal. They have proved with their actions that the power of family affection is infinite, enough to overcome all difficulties and evils. Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Lotus has fully recovered and become more rational and kind. She learned to cherish and be grateful, and she was even more obedient to her sister Cuihua, and the relationship between the two became more and more intimate. Cuihua has also become more mature and stable, not only arranging family affairs in an orderly manner, but also leading the women of the village to learn various crafts and knowledge, making everyone's life more colorful. One day, a wealthy businessman came to the village, took a fancy to the diligence and kindness of Cuihua and Lotus, and decided to invest in building a factory here to drive the villagers to get rich together. Hearing the news, Cuihua and Lotus were overjoyed. They understand that this is a rare development opportunity in the village and must not be missed. So, under their leadership, the villagers united and got busy with the construction of the factory. They cleared the land, built roads, and built factories...... Everyone works hard for the future of the village. Finally, with the joint efforts of everyone, the factory was built, and the wealthy businessmen also transported the machinery and equipment to the village as promised. The villagers cheered, as if they saw the dawn of hope. Oh, that's a real annoyance, don't you say? In our village, there is a rich businessman, he is a man with vision, but people are busy, running business all over the country, how can they stay in our small place all the time. No, he made a request, he had to find a trustworthy person to manage the factory. As soon as this incident came out, everyone was stunned, thinking in their hearts, what kind of person does this have to be? You have to understand management, you have to be responsible, and dare to take responsibility, which is not easy to find in our village!

Just when everyone was gossiping, Cuihua, the girl, stood up, her eyes were very firm, and she said, "I'm on!" Before the words fell, the people in the village nodded one after another, knowing in their hearts, Cuihua, this girl, is hardworking and kind, her management ability is not bad, and she has a strong sense of responsibility, she is really a rare good candidate!

In this way, with the support of everyone, Cuihua became the head of the factory. She led her workers to work overtime day and night to ensure that every batch of products passed the customs. She also communicated very diligently with the wealthy businessmen, and won a lot of good opportunities for our village. Under the leadership of Cuihua, the business of the factory is getting hotter and hotter, and the economy of the village is also rising like chicken blood. The life of the villagers is getting more and more moist, and the smiles on their faces are like flowers.

My sister got up in the middle of the night and found that my sister was kneeling in the courtyard, and my sister: Sister, you are so vicious

Cuihua and her sister Lotus, these two sisters, have become legends in our village. They have proved with practical actions that the power of family affection is infinite, and wisdom and courage can lead everyone to a better future. In the dead of night, the sisters stood under the old tree at the entrance of the village, looking at the starry sky and the brilliant factory area. They know that it is they who have changed the fate of themselves and the people in the village, and have written a legend with diligence and wisdom.