
Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

author:Wisdom Peacock 54
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Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

July 1 is an unusual day for electric vehicle owners. The newly promulgated regulations on the management of electric vehicles were officially implemented on this day, and the strict investigation of violations has become a hot topic on the streets. However, as soon as this news was broadcast, it caused quite a stir, and the people complained even more, why is this?

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

The introduction of the new regulations is undoubtedly to regulate the electric vehicle market and improve road safety. However, from the perspective of the public, to what extent are these regulations reasonable, and do they really meet the interests and needs of the majority of car owners?

"New Regulations for Electric Vehicles"

The new regulations stipulate that driving electric vehicles must be licensed, and require car owners to wear helmets. This regulation, from a management point of view, does help regulate the electric vehicle market and reduce the number of unlicensed and unlicensed vehicles on the road. Wearing a helmet is for safety reasons, and there has been such a typical case recently.


A college entrance examination girl unfortunately suffered a traffic accident when she was riding an electric car, resulting in an unconscious. However, what makes people feel embarrassed is that she achieved an excellent score of 622 points, and in desperation, her family had to help fill in the volunteer first, and then expect a miracle to happen. The main reason for this serious accident was that she did not wear a helmet as required. If you wear a helmet, you probably won't be unconscious. As you can imagine, the importance of helmets!

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

However, for many ordinary car owners, licensing and undoubtedly increasing their economic and time costs. They questioned whether such regulations were too onerous and whether they were really in line with the positioning of electric vehicles as a means of short-distance travel. Driving an electric car itself is for convenience and cost savings, and now such regulations are undoubtedly adding to the trouble.

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

Secondly, the new regulations also stipulate that only one child can be carried in a car, and if you want to carry a child under the age of 6, you must also be equipped with a child safety seat. This point, from a security point of view, is undoubtedly worthy of affirmation. After all, children at this age are the most difficult to control, and no one can guarantee that they will be obedient.

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

However, such a regulation is indeed a big problem for many families, and under normal circumstances, children are at the foot pedal. If you want to add a car seat, it is also a big expense for the average family.

In addition, the new regulations also require that people under the age of 16 cannot drive electric vehicles, and people under the age of 18 are not allowed to carry people while riding. Although this is for security reasons. However, it does not take into account the real situation of the people, there are many underage children who need to ride electric vehicles to school, if such a regulation, it is really distressing for everyone!

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

From the public's point of view, although these new regulations have improved road safety to a certain extent, they have also caused a lot of inconvenience to electric vehicle owners. They hope that the relevant departments can give more consideration to the actual needs of car owners when formulating regulations, so that the regulations will be more humane and reasonable.

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

Of course, we cannot deny the positive effect of the new regulations. It has made the electric vehicle market more standardized and improved road safety. However, we should also note that the introduction of any provision needs to be carefully considered and widely consulted to ensure that it is reasonable and feasible. Only in this way can the stated purpose be truly achieved and benefit the general public.

"Advantages and disadvantages of electric vehicles"

With the rapid development of science and technology and the increasing awareness of environmental protection, electric vehicles, as a new means of transportation, have gradually entered our daily life. Its unique features and advantages have made it widely concerned in the market. However, electric vehicles are not flawless, and they also have some drawbacks.

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

First, the advantages of electric vehicles

1. Environmental protection and energy saving

The biggest advantage of electric vehicles is their environmental protection and energy saving characteristics. Compared with traditional fuel vehicles, electric vehicles do not produce exhaust emissions during driving, which effectively reduces air pollution. At the same time, electric vehicles are more energy-efficient and can save a lot of energy. This not only helps to protect our environment, but also reduces energy costs and contributes to sustainable development.

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

2. Low noise

Electric vehicles are less noisy while driving, which provides a quieter travel environment. Especially on urban roads, the noise advantage of electric vehicles is particularly obvious, helping to improve the problem of urban noise pollution.

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

3. Low maintenance cost

Electric vehicles are relatively simple to construct and have relatively low maintenance costs. Since electric vehicles do not require complex components such as engines and transmissions required by traditional combustion vehicles, their maintenance will be less difficult and costly. This is undoubtedly a huge boon for consumers.

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

4. Convenient and convenient

Electric vehicles make it easy for drivers to move around the city. Electric vehicles are small enough to be parked and charged. In the city, electric vehicles can easily shuttle through the streets and alleys, avoiding congestion and parking difficulties.

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

Second, the disadvantages of electric vehicles

With the popularity of electric vehicles, they undoubtedly bring a lot of convenience to our travel, and at the same time make a positive contribution to environmental protection. However, there are two sides to everything, and the shortcomings of electric vehicles are gradually becoming apparent, especially in areas such as indiscriminate parking and dangerous driving. This article will explore these two issues in detail and analyze the reasons behind them and possible solutions.

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

1. The problem of indiscriminate parking of electric vehicles

The indiscriminate parking of electric vehicles has become a major problem in urban management. Whether it is in a commercial area, a residential area or a public transportation hub, we can see electric vehicles parked at will, which seriously affects the city's appearance and traffic order.

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

First of all, indiscriminate parking has brought great inconvenience to urban traffic. Electric vehicles occupy sidewalks, non-motorized lanes, and even motorized lanes, making it difficult for pedestrians and vehicles to pass normally. This not only reduces the efficiency of the road, but also increases the risk of traffic accidents.

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

Secondly, indiscriminate parking has also affected the city's environmental hygiene. Some electric vehicles are parked in public areas such as green belts and lawns, destroying the green environment of the city. At the same time, waste such as used batteries from electric vehicles can also cause pollution to the environment if they are not properly disposed of.

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

2. Dangerous driving of electric vehicles

Dangerous driving of electric vehicles is another problem that needs to be solved urgently. Some electric vehicle owners do not obey traffic rules during driving, and illegal behaviors such as speeding, running red lights, and driving in the wrong direction occur from time to time, which brings great safety hazards to road traffic.

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

First of all, the dangerous driving of electric vehicles seriously threatens the safety of pedestrians and vehicles. Due to the speed and agility of electric vehicles, once an accident occurs, it often has serious consequences.

Secondly, the dangerous driving of electric vehicles also affects the order of road traffic. Some electric vehicle owners intersperse on the road at will, overtaking, changing lanes, etc., which seriously affects the driving and traffic smoothness of other vehicles.

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

In short, problems such as indiscriminate parking and dangerous driving of electric vehicles have become a major problem in urban management. But even if there are many problems, the new regulations are to solve these problems, and they should not be so embarrassing, so let's look at the voices of the people!

"Voice of the People"

For the new regulations on electric vehicles, the people said: Let no one live! Let's listen to what the public has to say!

We must believe in the ability of ordinary people to travel and protect themselves, and do not treat ordinary people as babies to protect. There are naturally dangers in travel, but there are thousands of means of attention and prevention, and it is impossible to eliminate them with restrictions like the new regulations. The best travel is simple, fast, compliant, and safe, not an artificial box of standards, helmets, and speed limits.

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

One car and one child, let go of childbirth, how to pick up the baby from school? To go to school, two trips for two children, three trips for three children, and push down in turn. This is aimed at the common people, and the common people will be uncomfortable after a few days of stopping.

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

The ultimate goal is to get you a new car! If the people of the whole country re-consume once again (or high consumption), won't the economy go up!

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

25 km/h, some people who have ridden battery bikes come out and say, how can there be a speeding citrus at this speed? I'm still walking faster than 25Km./h, where can I go at this speed? Doesn't capital just want to let sharing into the market and harvest the poor people! I won't cut him off.

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

With such and such regulations, adults spend their time on children, and may have more children, has this world really become an unreasonable era?

No children on bicycles? What's going on? Is it to want children to walk? Is it easy to get lost when walking?

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

The new national standard will not comply with the regulations next year. Catch again. It is necessary to have a new national standard. Electric cars have come all the way. Electric vehicles are a national standard car, a new national standard, a new national standard, a new national standard, a new ??? New national standard. It's not up to me to say anyway.

Don't let people live? If you have a battery car at home, pay attention, and the new regulations will start to be strictly investigated on July 1st!

That's good! All right! Anything is good! I just want to ask? What to do with those cars that were said to be substandard before, people should not buy cars! It's all real money, but it's not a big float. Nor is it blown by a strong wind.

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