
What is it like to have cataracts? Why can't I be cured by taking medicine?

author:Healthy Henan

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What is it like to have cataracts? Why can't I be cured by taking medicine?

Source: soogif

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What is it like to have cataracts? Why can't I be cured by taking medicine?

Source: soogif

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What is it like to have cataracts? Why can't I be cured by taking medicine?

Source: Internet


What is it like to have cataracts?

To put it simply, the eyesight is getting worse and worse, whether it is near or far, you can't see clearly, and everything you see is like a filter with a layer of mist.

What is it like to have cataracts? Why can't I be cured by taking medicine?

Source: soogif

To make this clearer, let's take a look at a set of diagrams:

What a normal person sees:

What is it like to have cataracts? Why can't I be cured by taking medicine?

Source: Internet

Mild cataracts are seen:

What is it like to have cataracts? Why can't I be cured by taking medicine?

Source: Internet

Severe cataracts are seen:

What is it like to have cataracts? Why can't I be cured by taking medicine?

Source: Internet

The experience of having a cataract is also very much like the kaleidoscope you used to play with as a child, when you look at the world through it, everything becomes colorful, distorted and psychedelic. It is "fun" to experience for a short time, but painful to experience for a long time.......

First of all, if you have cataracts, you will have blurred vision. The outline of the object becomes blurry and requires stronger light to see clearly.

Second, cataracts scatter light. The scattering of light may be more frequent in people who have cataracts, as if they were blinded by the glare of an oncoming car when driving at night. Neon lights on the streets, everyday table lamps, can become dazzling and dazzling.

What is it like to have cataracts? Why can't I be cured by taking medicine?

Source: Internet

Patients with cataracts may experience color changes. Imagine you're admiring a bouquet of bright roses, but their color looks like they've been washed away. Cataracts can dull the color, like a picture that has faded from the sun.

What is it like to have cataracts? Why can't I be cured by taking medicine?

Source: Visual China

Cataracts can double vision, which is a peculiar experience. When looking at the same object, two or more shadows may appear. It's as if you're watching a 3D movie but forgot to wear your 3D glasses.

These are the "special gifts" that come with cataracts. While they may sound interesting, they do cause quite a bit of distress for patients in their daily lives.


200 million people have cataracts, how should they be treated?

According to the latest statistics of the Ophthalmology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, cataract is currently the number one blinding eye disease in the world.

At present, there are 200 million elderly cataract patients in mainland China, and there are 5 million patients blinded by cataracts, and 80% of them will get cataracts between the ages of 60 and 89.

What causes cataracts?

Cataract is a painless eye disease that is as inevitable as hair turns gray and teeth fall out at a certain age.

After a certain age, the lens of the eye also becomes aging and begins to become cloudy, and the cloudy lens will block the entry of light, resulting in blurred vision.

What is it like to have cataracts? Why can't I be cured by taking medicine?

Source: Internet

According to the different causes of cataracts, they are divided into: senile cataracts, traumatic cataracts, radiation cataracts, congenital cataracts, and metabolic cataracts.

Among them, senile cataract is the most common type of disease.

Age-related cataracts occur in middle-aged and older people, and the time of appearance of cataracts varies due to the different physical conditions of each person.

People over 50 years of age may present with early manifestations of cataracts;

For the elderly over 60 years old, the incidence of cataract is about 20%;

For the elderly over 70 years old, the incidence of cataract is about 40%.

The incidence of cataracts in the elderly over 80 years of age is 70-80%.

If I don't want to have surgery, can I be cured by just taking medicine?

This is obviously not going to work!

So far, there is no single drug in the world, including eye drops, that can effectively treat cataracts. This is because after the lens has become cloudy, there is no medication that can make the lens that has become cloudy transparent again. The only way to treat cataracts is cataract surgery, which is recognized by ophthalmologists as the correct and effective way to treat cataracts.

How is cataract surgery done?

If the human eye is compared to a camera, cataract surgery is similar to changing the lens of a camera. The lens has been used for decades, from clear glass to ground glass, and everything is foggy, at this time, you can restore your vision by replacing the lens and replacing it with a new lens, that is, an intraocular lens.

At present, the vast majority of cataracts are completed by phacoemulsification surgery, and only some special cataract types or particularly severe cataracts require other surgical methods. Therefore, we don't need to think about the surgical method ourselves, and we can just leave the professional problems to the doctor.

What is it like to have cataracts? Why can't I be cured by taking medicine?

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What is it like to have cataracts? Why can't I be cured by taking medicine?

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