
"Open Life" understood that Bian Liang did not respond to the prince, and only then did he understand why he did not refuse the master

author:Chen Chen said history

In the fierce competition of the shopping mall like a battlefield, Bian Liang, a middle-aged man who was about to be promoted to vice president, was defeated again. Losing to the prince of the group was frustrating enough, but then came an even more tricky situation. The newly appointed prince and the master who have been in charge for many years have launched a silent contest, one is eager to implement rectification, and the other is obstructed everywhere. And Bian Liang, the manager with the name of master and apprentice, became the only surviving middle-level leader.

On the surface, Bian Liang seems to be both a confidant of the old leader and a trusted by the new leader. But in reality, he was in a dilemma. progress, which may be seen as ungrateful; retreated, and it was like going against the new boss. To add insult to injury, he is middle-aged, old and young, and he is still the only source of income for the whole family, so he can only advance and not retreat.

In the face of the prince's two consecutive dinner invitations, Bian Liang remained silent, claiming that he only wanted to protect himself and not want a bright future. In the face of the master's wooing, he neither refused, but also did not show much enthusiasm. What is the mystery behind this attitude of not swallowing? What is Bian Liang, a seemingly ordinary middle-aged man, thinking about?

"Open Life" understood that Bian Liang did not respond to the prince, and only then did he understand why he did not refuse the master

On an ordinary working day in the South China regional company, Bian Liang was busy processing the quarterly report when he suddenly received an urgent notice from the human resources department. All middle and senior management were asked to immediately assemble in the conference room to make an important announcement. Bian Liang chuckled in his heart, put down the work in his hand, and walked quickly to the conference room.

Many people had already gathered in the conference room, and there was an atmosphere of tension and unease in the air. Bian Liang noticed that Mr. Liao, the master who is always confident on weekdays, also seemed a little absent-minded today. While everyone was whispering, the HR director of the group headquarters and a young man walked in.

The HR director announced straight to the point: "After the decision of the board of directors of the group, Zhao Ming is appointed as the deputy general manager of the South China regional company, effective immediately. The news exploded like a bombshell in the conference room. Bian Liang was stunned in place, looking at the young man in disbelief - Zhao Ming, the son of the chairman of the group, the "prince" in everyone's mouth.

Zhao Ming briefly introduced himself, his tone calm but full of confidence. He mentioned his study experience abroad and work experience in the group headquarters, and expressed his hope to work with colleagues in South China to promote the company's better development. However, these words did not quell the shock and doubts of all of you.

After the meeting, the whole company fell into an eerie silence. People gathered in twos and threes, whispering about the sudden personnel change. Bian Liang returned to the office and sat on the chair, unable to calm down for a long time. He originally thought that the position of deputy general manager this time was in his pocket, after all, he had worked in the company for many years and his performance was obvious to all. Unexpectedly, in the end, he was airborne by the prince and took the lead.

"Open Life" understood that Bian Liang did not respond to the prince, and only then did he understand why he did not refuse the master

In the next few days, there was an atmosphere in the company that the mountain rain was about to come and the wind was full of buildings. The prince began to hold various meetings frequently to understand the company's operations. He put forward many new ideas and reforms, some of which were radical. This has upset some veteran employees, who fear that their years of work experience will be devalued and may even be at risk of being laid off.

Bian Liang noticed that the master Liao did not seem to welcome the arrival of the prince. At a department meeting, when the prince proposed to significantly adjust the sales strategy, Mr. Liao obviously showed resistance. He politely rejected the prince's proposal on the grounds that "the market needs stability". This apparent confrontation made the atmosphere in the conference room very awkward for a while.

At the same time, a clear differentiation began to emerge within the company. Some of the younger employees showed great enthusiasm for the new ideas of the prince, and they saw it as a new opportunity for the company's development. Other veteran employees who have been working for many years are uneasy about this drastic change, and they are more inclined to support Mr. Liao's steady line.

In this complicated situation, Bian Liang found himself in an awkward position. As Mr. Liao's right-hand man, he should naturally stand on the master's side. But on the other hand, he is clearly aware that the arrival of the prince represents the future development direction of the company. If you blindly resist change, you are likely to be abandoned by the times.

Just when Bian Liang was still hesitating how to deal with himself, an even bigger vibration came. The crown prince began to make drastic personnel adjustments, and the heads of several departments were transferred or dismissed outright. This series of actions is undoubtedly sending a clear signal to the whole company: the reform has begun, and those who are unwilling to cooperate will be eliminated.

"Open Life" understood that Bian Liang did not respond to the prince, and only then did he understand why he did not refuse the master

With the arrival of the crown prince Zhao Ming, the atmosphere within the company in South China has become increasingly tense. Zhao Ming brought not only a new management concept, but also a storm of change that swept the entire company. Every decision he made was like a bombshell that caused a huge shock within the company.

In the first month after Zhao Ming took office, an all-staff meeting was held. At the meeting, he proposed a series of radical reforms. One of the most striking is the need to overhaul the company's sales system, gradually shifting the traditional offline sales model to online platforms. The proposal immediately caused an uproar at the venue.

Young employees who support the reform cheered, which they saw as a sign that the company was moving with the times. However, the old employees led by Mr. Liao have reservations about this. They believe that the customer relationships and sales network that the company has built over the years are valuable assets that should not be given up lightly.

After the meeting, Mr. Liao immediately gathered his core team, including several veterans including Bian Liang. In the conference room, Mr. Liao said in a solemn tone: "Mr. Zhao's idea is too radical. Our company's roots are in offline sales, and a hasty change can have disastrous consequences. "

However, Zhao Ming does not intend to give his opponents much respite. He soon began to implement his plan. First of all, he transferred a group of young people who are proficient in e-commerce from the headquarters to form a dedicated online sales team. This team is housed in the best office area of the company, equipped with the latest equipment.

"Open Life" understood that Bian Liang did not respond to the prince, and only then did he understand why he did not refuse the master

At the same time, the resources of the traditional sales department were drastically reduced. Many veteran employees feel marginalized, and some even begin to worry about whether they can keep their jobs. This anxiety quickly spread within the company.

Mr. Liao saw this situation and decided to take action. He began to secretly contact some important old customers, expressing concerns about the company's new policies. Many of these customers, who have been customers for many years, are also uncomfortable with the sudden change in sales model. Under Mr. Liao's hints, some customers began to reduce orders, and some even threatened to terminate cooperation.

Zhao Ming quickly noticed the abnormality. The sudden drop in sales figures made him realize that reform was running into resistance. He called an emergency meeting and asked the sales department to explain the situation. At the meeting, some young employees bluntly pointed out that it was the old employees who were making small moves behind the scenes and deliberately obstructing the implementation of the new policy.

There was tension in the conference room. Mr. Liao vehemently denied the allegations, claiming that the new policy itself was problematic and that customer churn was an inevitable consequence. The two sides argued and finally broke up.

In the aftermath of this conflict, the conflict within the company became more public. The new forces that support Zhao Ming and the old forces that support President Liao have launched a fierce contest at all levels. From daily work arrangements to major decisions, the wrestling between the two factions can be seen everywhere.

"Open Life" understood that Bian Liang did not respond to the prince, and only then did he understand why he did not refuse the master

In this case, Bian Liang's situation is becoming more and more delicate. As Mr. Liao's right-hand man, he is naturally regarded as a member of the old forces. But his ability and experience were appreciated by Zhao Ming. Both bosses are trying to win his support, which makes Bian Liang feel at a loss.

One day, Bian Liang was working overtime in the office when he suddenly received a call from Zhao Ming. Zhao Ming invited him to dinner, saying that he wanted to discuss some important matters. Bian Liang hesitated, but agreed. However, just as he was about to leave, Mr. Liao also came to the door to discuss with him how to deal with the current predicament.

Faced with the co-optation of the two bosses, Bian Liang fell into a dilemma. He knows that no matter which side he chooses, he can have unforeseen consequences for his career. However, neutrality does not seem to be a long-term solution either. The situation in companies is changing rapidly, and not making a choice can mean being abandoned by both sides at the same time.

Just when Bian Liang was in a dilemma, the company's situation had new changes. Zhao Ming began pushing for larger-scale reforms at the board, including restructuring the company's organizational structure and even considering layoffs to improve efficiency. As soon as the news came out, the whole company fell into a panic.

In the fierce confrontation between the old and new forces within the company, Bian Liang began to show his shrewd calculation as a mature professional. He knew very well that in this war without gunpowder, the slightest carelessness could become a victim. As a result, he began to orchestrate his every move.

"Open Life" understood that Bian Liang did not respond to the prince, and only then did he understand why he did not refuse the master

First of all, for the invitation of the crown prince Zhao Ming, Bian Liang adopted a cautious strategy. He did not refuse directly, but politely declined Zhao Ming's dinner invitation on the grounds that he was busy with work. At the same time, he showed moderate support and understanding for the new policies proposed by Zhao Ming in his daily work. At a department meeting, when Zhao Ming proposed to increase online marketing efforts, Bian Liang took the initiative to put forward some practical suggestions, which made Zhao Ming leave a good impression on him.

However, Bian Liang did not completely fall to Zhao Ming's side. He still maintains close contact with his master Mr. Liao. In private, Bian Liang often reports to Mr. Liao on the company's latest developments, especially those policies that may affect the interests of old employees. This approach made Mr. Liao feel that Bian Liang was still a trustworthy person.

Bian Liang's attitude is nicknamed the "wall-riding faction" within the company. But in reality, this is where he excels at finding a balance between the old and the new. He neither completely abandoned the old relationship nor antagonized the new forces, but found a delicate balance between the two.

In addition to dealing with the game at the top, Bian Liang also pays great attention to the collection and analysis of information. He began to pay more attention to the various gossip within the company and kept in close contact with colleagues in different departments. In this way, he is able to keep up to date with the company's movements.

Once, Bian Liang learned from a friend in the personnel department that the company was about to carry out a large-scale personnel adjustment. He immediately realized that this could be an opportunity. Therefore, he took the initiative to submit a detailed departmental optimization plan to Zhao Ming, which contained some innovative suggestions. This plan is exactly in line with Zhao Ming's reform ideas, so it has been highly valued.

"Open Life" understood that Bian Liang did not respond to the prince, and only then did he understand why he did not refuse the master

At the same time, Bian Liang did not neglect the maintenance of his personal relationship network. He often organizes informal gatherings within the department, inviting new and existing employees to participate. On these occasions, he tries to reconcile the contradictions between different groups and tries to establish a harmonious working atmosphere. This practice not only strengthened his prestige among employees, but also accumulated a large number of network resources for him.

At a company's annual meeting, Bian Liang skillfully arranged a program for new and old employees to perform together. The show was successful in easing tensions within the company and won wide acclaim. Zhao Ming praised this, and Mr. Liao also affirmed Bian Liang's intentions.

However, Bian Liang's balancing act doesn't always work. Once, Zhao Ming proposed to abolish an old department created by Mr. Liao. Bian Liang realized that this was a potential point of conflict and tried to mediate. He suggested to Zhao Ming that the department could be reorganized rather than abolished, and at the same time, he also suggested to Mr. Liao to take the initiative to adjust the department's functions to meet the new development needs.

This proposal was eventually endorsed by both sides, defusing a possible crisis. But this approach also put Bian Liang under a lot of pressure. Some began to question his position, arguing that he was too tactful and sophisticated.

In the face of this questioning, Bian Liang was not in a hurry to justify. He knew it would be wise to keep a low profile in such a complex situation. He continues to focus on his work and prove his worth with practical actions.

"Open Life" understood that Bian Liang did not respond to the prince, and only then did he understand why he did not refuse the master

In an important customer meeting, Bian Liang relied on his years of accumulated experience and contacts to successfully save a large customer on the verge of loss. This not only saved a huge loss for the company, but also allowed Zhao Ming and Mr. Liao to see his ability.

As time passed, Bian Liang's position in the company became more and more special. He neither belongs to Zhao Ming's inner circle, nor is he a die-hard supporter of Mr. Liao. But paradoxically, this unclear position has allowed him to maintain a relatively stable position in a turbulent situation.

As time passed, the pace of Zhao Ming's reform continued to accelerate, and the contradictions within the company became more and more intensified. At a high-level meeting, Zhao Ming announced a more radical reform plan: a complete restructuring of the company's organizational structure, the elimination of some traditional business units, and the development of new business areas.

The news was like a bombshell that caused a huge shock within the company. While many veteran employees feel that their positions are in jeopardy, new hires see more opportunities. The atmosphere inside the company suddenly became tense.

Mr. Liao immediately convened his core team, including Bian Liang, to discuss countermeasures. In the conference room, Mr. Liao said in a heavy tone: "Mr. Zhao is going to draw salary from the bottom of the kettle this time." We had to find a way to stop this plan, or the company's years of business would be ruined. "

"Open Life" understood that Bian Liang did not respond to the prince, and only then did he understand why he did not refuse the master

However, Mr. Liao's opposition did not change Zhao Ming's determination. Zhao Ming began to work on his plan. First of all, he transferred a group of young people who were proficient in new technologies from the headquarters and formed several new business units. These sectors have been given priority status and have been supported by significant resources.

At the same time, some traditional business units are beginning to face pressure to lay off employees. The HR department began to hold frequent "talks", and many old employees received "optimization" notices. The atmosphere inside the company has become extremely tense, and everyone is worried about whether they will be the next to be "optimized".

In this case, Bian Liang's situation becomes more delicate. As Mr. Liao's old subordinate, he is naturally regarded as a member of the old forces. But the ability and flexibility he showed in his previous work made Zhao Ming look at him differently. Both bosses are trying to win his support, which makes Bian Liang feel pressured.

One day, Zhao Ming suddenly summoned Bian Liang. In the office, Zhao Ming said bluntly: "Bian Liang, I know that you are a capable person. Now that the company is undergoing a major reform, I hope you will be on the side of the reform. If you can fully support the reform, I can give you a newly created department to take charge of. "

This proposal put Bian Liang in a dilemma. Accepting the position would mean a complete break with Liao's camp, but refusing could mean losing his foothold in the new corporate landscape. Bian Liang didn't answer immediately, but asked to give him some time to think about it.

"Open Life" understood that Bian Liang did not respond to the prince, and only then did he understand why he did not refuse the master

Just when Bian Liang hesitated, the situation within the company changed again. Some old employees began to organize a boycott, refusing to cooperate with the implementation of the new policy, and some even threatened to resign en masse. The situation caught the attention of the board, and they began to question whether Mr. Zhao's reform was too fast.

Zhao Ming felt the pressure and decided to take a tougher approach. He began to directly remove some of the middle managers who had the loudest opposition and replace them with people he trusted. This practice further exacerbates antagonism within the company.

In this tense atmosphere, Bian Liang realized that he had to make a choice. After much deliberation, he decided to adopt a compromise strategy. He expressed his willingness to support the reform to Zhao Ming, but at the same time raised some reservations, suggesting that the interests of the old employees should be taken into account while promoting the reform.

This stance allowed Bian Liang to maintain a certain influence in both the old and new factions. Although Zhao Ming did not fully adopt his suggestion, he also expressed his approval. And although the people in Mr. Liao's camp were a little dissatisfied with him, they didn't completely regard him as an enemy.

However, with the deepening of the reform, the company's operating conditions began to fluctuate. Some new businesses are not growing as expected, while traditional businesses are shrinking faster than expected. The situation has raised concerns among shareholders, who have begun to question the direction of Zhao's reforms.

"Open Life" understood that Bian Liang did not respond to the prince, and only then did he understand why he did not refuse the master

At a critical board meeting, Zhao Ming faced unprecedented pressure. Some directors have openly questioned his competence, and some have even proposed a moratorium on the reform program. Zhao Ming realized that if he did not turn the situation around quickly, his reforms could fall short.

At this critical moment, Bian Liang proposed a compromise plan. He suggested that while maintaining the general direction of reform, the implementation of some specific measures should be appropriately slowed down, and support for traditional businesses should be strengthened. This suggestion was endorsed by the majority of directors and the controversy was temporarily quelled.

With the deepening of corporate reform, the situation is becoming more and more complicated. Although Zhao Ming's reform plan was reluctantly approved by the board of directors, it still faces many obstacles in the implementation process. At the same time, there were noticeable fluctuations in the company's performance, which made everyone anxious.

In this case, Bian Liang's role has become more and more important. He served as a bridge between the old and the new within the company, often making proposals that balanced the interests of both sides at critical moments. Although this approach did not completely satisfy either party, it alleviated the contradictions within the company to a certain extent.

One day, the company suddenly received an important project opportunity. This is a large-scale integrated project involving both traditional businesses and new technologies, and if successful, it will not only bring significant profits to the company, but also prove that Zhao Ming's reform is in the right direction. However, the project was difficult and required the cooperation of the entire company to complete it.

"Open Life" understood that Bian Liang did not respond to the prince, and only then did he understand why he did not refuse the master

Zhao Ming realized that this was a rare opportunity and decided to personally lead the team to fight for this project. He assembled a special team of young employees who are well-versed in new technologies as well as experienced veterans. Bian Liang was appointed as the deputy leader of the team and was responsible for coordinating the work of all parties.

The bidding process for the project was extremely intense. Competitors are well-known companies in the industry, and they either have an advantage in traditional business or are more experienced in the application of new technologies. In the face of such competition, the whole company is feeling tremendous pressure.

In the process of preparing the bidding plan, the contradiction between the new and old employees reappeared. Younger employees have come up with many innovative ideas, but older employees are concerned that they may be risky. The dispute between the two sides brought the project to an impasse for a time.

At this critical moment, Bian Liang stood up. He proposed a compromise solution: on the basis of retaining the traditional advantages, the introduction of new technological elements moderately. This solution not only ensures the feasibility of the project, but also demonstrates the company's ability to innovate. After intense discussions, the team finally accepted the proposal.

At the formal bidding meeting, Zhao Ming personally made a plan statement. The jury was impressed by his skillful presentation skills and in-depth understanding of the project. When the jury questioned, Bian Liang relied on his rich experience to give convincing answers to some technical details.

"Open Life" understood that Bian Liang did not respond to the prince, and only then did he understand why he did not refuse the master

After a fierce competition, the company finally won the project. This victory not only brought great economic benefits to the company, but more importantly, it proved that the strategy of combining the old with the new is viable. The whole company is excited about this achievement.

The success of the project has brought new vitality to the company. Zhao Ming's reform has received more support, and some employees who had previously held a wait-and-see attitude have begun to actively participate in the reform. At the same time, some veteran employees also saw the opportunity to develop in the new situation and began to take the initiative to learn new technologies.

However, the challenge doesn't end there. How to effectively execute this large-scale project and how to further integrate the company's new and old resources in the project are all new topics facing the company. Zhao Ming understands that the successful execution of the project is critical to the future of the company.

To this end, Zhao Ming once again adjusted the company's structure. He set up a special project executive committee, which he personally chaired, and Bian Liang was appointed vice chairman. The committee includes representatives from all parts of the company, from new technical experts to experienced employees.

In the process of project execution, a new working mode has gradually formed in the company. New and old employees began to communicate and cooperate more and learn from each other's strengths. The innovative thinking of the young employees brings a lot of new possibilities to the project, and the experience of the older employees ensures that these innovations can be implemented.

"Open Life" understood that Bian Liang did not respond to the prince, and only then did he understand why he did not refuse the master

This positive interaction not only drove the project smoothly, but also gradually changed the company's culture. Employees are beginning to realize that combining the old and the new is the right path for the company.

As the project progressed, the company's performance began to rise steadily. The market's evaluation of the company has also changed, from the previous skepticism of reform to the affirmation of the company's ability to innovate. This change further strengthened Zhao Ming's determination to continue the reform.

Towards the end of the project, the company held an all-hands meeting. At the meeting, Zhao Ming summarized the achievements since the reform and affirmed the contributions of new and old employees. He particularly emphasized that the success of the company is inseparable from the efforts of everyone, whether new employees or old employees, they are the company's valuable assets.

After the meeting, Zhao Ming found Bian Liang privately. He highly appreciated the key role played by Bian Liang throughout the process and hinted at the possibility of further changes to the company's leadership. This hint made Bian Liang realize that he might be facing new opportunities and challenges soon.

"Open Life" understood that Bian Liang did not respond to the prince, and only then did he understand why he did not refuse the master

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