
The widow rescued a baby in the pond, and after raising it, she leveled the mountain bandits with the power of one person!


In our northeastern land, we have to talk about the strange things that happened in the widow's pool. You see, the widow's pond outside our village, listening to this name, you can figure out something in your heart. The pool of water, so clear that you can see the bottom, surrounded by green mountains and green water, is as beautiful as in the painting. Don't underestimate this place, there is a story of an orphan baby hidden in it.

That summer, it was as hot as a fire, and a widow was washing clothes with a mallet on the edge of the widow's pool. This widow is very handsome, but her life is hard, and her husband left early, leaving her alone. I was washing when I suddenly heard the sound of the pool water, as if something was fluttering inside. As soon as she looked up, hey, hey, it's terrible, a bamboo basket is floating on the water, and there is a doll in it, crying like something. The widow relented, and without thinking of anything, she jumped into the water and fished up the bamboo basket. Hug it ashore and take a look, the doll is white and clean, with big eyes, which is really attractive. As soon as her heart softened, she decided to keep the doll and raise it as her own son. gave the doll a name, called Aquatic.

This child born in the water is smart, handsome, and sensible when he is young. Follow the widow to learn to farm and fish, do all the work, and eat all the hardships. The widow also loved him, and whatever was delicious and delicious she clung to him first. As the days passed, the aquatic life grew up slowly, growing tall and mighty, and with infinite strength, one person could carry two cows. The water is so good that you can hold your breath in the water for three days and three nights, like a fish. He likes to swim in the widow's pool when he has nothing to do, and the water nature is not even comparable to the fish in the pool.

Although the Widow's Pond is beautiful, it is not a peaceful place. Legend has it that there lived a water ghost who specialized in harming passing ships and pedestrians. But Shui Sheng is not afraid, he feels that he was rescued from the pool, and he has a fate with this pool, and the water ghost has to give him some face. One day, a group of mountain bandits came up to the pond, and they took a fancy to the widow's land by the pond and wanted to build a cottage here and collect some protection money. Where had the widow seen such a battle, and she trembled with fear. When Shui Sheng saw this, his heart was on fire. He thought to himself: Although I am not a big hero, I can't watch this gang of mountain bandits scourge the villagers! So, he went to negotiate with the bandits. As soon as the mountain bandit leader saw Shui Sheng's body, he knew that he was not a good stubble. Shui Sheng went empty-handed, and said to the mountain bandit leader: "If you want to build a cottage here, you can do it, but you have to promise me three conditions." When the mountain bandit leader heard this, he was as happy as if he had picked up a treasure, and thought that this young man was quite good at doing things, so he asked, "What are the conditions?" Shui Sheng replied unhurriedly: "First one, don't make trouble for the villagers; Second, you have to send some food and money to the villagers on time; Third, you have to listen to me, don't mess around. When the mountain bandit leader heard this, his eyes were as angry as copper bells, and he thought to himself that this is a condition, isn't this a door-to-door fault? He rejected Shui Sheng on the spot and threatened to clean him up. When Shui Sheng heard this, he was not in a hurry, and threw down a sentence lightly: "That's okay, you just wait here." With that, turn around and leave.

The leader of the mountain bandits looked at Shui Sheng's calm appearance, and began to mumble in his heart, wondering if this young man had some hard backstage. When the aquatic came home and told the widow about this, the widow was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and said, "What is this?" Those bandits are not easy to mess with. Shui Sheng smiled slightly and comforted: "Mother, don't worry, I know it in my heart." Then he went back to the house.

Early the next morning, Shui Sheng went out with a basket. He went to the widow's pool, threw the basket into the water, and said something in his mouth. After a while, the water began to bubble, as if some treasure was about to emerge. Then, a large fish jumped out of the pool and jumped directly into the aquatic basket. The fish was shining with gold, and its eyes were frighteningly large, and it was not ordinary at first glance. Shui Sheng carried this big fish, and went to find the gang of mountain bandits.

The widow rescued a baby in the pond, and after raising it, she leveled the mountain bandits with the power of one person!

When he arrived at the village of the mountain bandits, the aquatic man threw the big fish on the ground and said loudly: "I caught this goldfish from the widow's pool, if you know each other, get rid of it quickly; If you don't know each other, I'll let this goldfish eat you all! When the leader of the mountain bandits saw this posture, he beat a drum in his heart, thinking that this young man is not simple, and if he can catch such a big goldfish, he must have two brushes. He rolled his eyes, immediately changed his smiling face, and said, "Oh, brother, we are all from the rivers and lakes, and we are harmonious and wealthy." Your conditions, we agreed, and let's go. After saying that, he ran away with his men.

Shui Sheng looked at their backs and sneered, thinking that this group of people was just so daring. He carried the goldfish and turned back to the widow's pool. When they reached the edge of the pool, the aquatic fish put the goldfish back into the water, and the goldfish tossed in the water a few times before disappearing. The widow watched from a distance, and was amazed in her heart, thinking that this aquatic creature was really a god, and could do anything. As soon as the news spread, the villagers were impressed by Shui Sheng, praising him as a hero who could deal with ghosts and gods. When Shui Sheng heard these words, he just smiled and said nothing. He knew that he was just a mortal among all living beings, and that he was able to drive away those bandits thanks to the magical goldfish in the widow's pool. However, this is not the end of the story. Although the bandit leader was defeated, he still remembered the rich land of the widow's pond in his heart. When he returned to the camp, he began to look around for news of the widow's pool and the goldfish. When he learned that the water was able to repel them because of the goldfish in the pool, he had a thought in his heart: if he could keep the goldfish for himself, the widow's pool would be at his fingertips. So, the bandit leader led a group of his men and quietly approached the widow's pool under the cover of night. They tried to catch the goldfish with their nets, but the goldfish seemed to understand their intentions and refused to show up. They fished in vain all night, but instead caught nothing, they were exhausted. When the bandit leader saw this, his heart burned with rage. He thought to himself: Why is this goldfish so difficult to catch? He was determined to find a different way. He ordered his men to light torches and set off firecrackers by the pond in an attempt to scare the goldfish. However, this ploy also failed, and the goldfish did not seem to be afraid of the flames, and still refused to show their faces. The bandit leader became more and more angry, and his heart was full of doubts: what was the origin of this goldfish, and why was it so difficult to deal with? He roared angrily and ordered his men to continue fishing. That's when the aquatic appeared. He stood by the edge of the pool with a harpoon in his hand, watching the bandits coldly. He said, "You scoundrels, you really don't know whether to live or die! I spared your life, and you dare to come here to make trouble! Today, I will show you whose territory this widow's pool is! As soon as he finished speaking, the aquatic life jumped into the pool with a harpoon in hand. He fights alongside the goldfish underwater, which churns in the water, emitting a dazzling golden light that illuminates the pool water. When the thieves saw this, they were shocked, how could they have ever seen such a magnificent scene? They screamed in horror and fled in all directions. After the aquatic life came out of the pool, the goldfish also leisurely swam back to the bottom of the pool. He stood on the edge of the pool, watching the fleeing bandits, and a sneer appeared on his face. He understood that from now on, the widow's pool would return to tranquility. This news soon spread throughout the village, and the villagers admired the aquatic life even more. They praised the water as a hero, able to fight the gods, and able to quell the bandits alone. In the face of these praises, Shui Sheng only smiled slightly and did not say much. He knew that he was originally a mortal, and the reason why he was able to achieve this achievement was due to the goldfish in the widow's pool and the strong support of the villagers. Since then, Widow's Pond has become a place full of mystery. It is said that the pond is inhabited by a goldfish with great powers, who is dedicated to keeping the villagers safe. And Shui Sheng has also become a hero in the hearts of the villagers, no matter which family is in trouble, they will ask him for help. Shui Sheng is always helpful, and he believes that it is his greatest honor to be able to contribute to the villagers. However, the hero's path is never easy. Although the bandit leader was driven away by the water, he planted a deep resentment in his heart. When he returned to the cottage, he gathered a group of more ferocious bandits and prepared to launch a more fierce counterattack against the widow's pool. This time, instead of sneaking around, the bandits attacked openly. Riding tall horses and armed with various weapons, they marched violently towards the widow's pool. The widow Tan villagers who learned the news were all pale and panicked.

Shui Sheng stood on the edge of the pool, his eyes firm. He understood that the battle was a matter of life and death for the entire village. He took a deep breath and tightened the harpoon grip in his hand. "Folks, don't be afraid!" The aquatic life shouted loudly, and his voice was as loud as a bell, "With me, no one can hurt you!" As soon as he finished speaking, the aquatic life jumped into the pool. The pool was surging and the golden light was shining, and the magical goldfish reappeared, fighting side by side with the aquatic life. Seeing this, the bandits dismounted one after another, brandishing their weapons and rushing towards the aquatic and goldfish. But whenever their weapon is about to touch the water, the goldfish swims over and gently swings its tail to knock the weapon away. Aquatic creatures move nimbly through the water, sometimes jumping out of the water and attacking bandits with harpoons; From time to time, he dives underwater to avoid the attacks of the bandits. He works seamlessly with the goldfish, like a pair of experienced comrades.

The widow rescued a baby in the pond, and after raising it, she leveled the mountain bandits with the power of one person!

The battle lasted all day and night. Despite their ferocity, the bandits are gradually exhausted by the combined attacks of the aquatic and goldfish. Eventually, the bandit leader was stabbed by an aquatic fork and collapsed in a pool of blood. Seeing this, the rest of the bandits dropped their weapons and fled in all directions. The villagers of the widow's pond cheered and ran to the edge of the pond to pull the aquatic life out of the water. They tightly surrounded Shui Sheng, grateful for his bravery and selflessness.

"O Shui Sheng, you are really the patron saint of our widow's pool!" An old man said excitedly, "If it weren't for you, we might all have suffered misfortune." Shui Sheng humbly responded: "You're welcome, I just did what I was supposed to do." And, I would also like to thank the goldfish in the pool. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to defeat those bandits. The villagers nodded in agreement, expressing their admiration and gratitude for the magical power of the goldfish. Goldfish also swim happily in the pool, as if celebrating their victory.

Since then, Widow's Pond has become even more famous. People come to visit in the hope of catching a glimpse of the amazing goldfish and aquatic life. Shui Sheng did not live up to the expectations of the villagers, and he continued to guard the peace of the widow pond and the villagers with his own actions. Time is like the Songhua River in the northeast, which slipped away in a flash, and in the blink of an eye, the scene of decades was like a white horse passing by. Aquatic buddy, he was a heroic young man back then, but now, his hair is gray, and he has become an old man. But his strength is still the same as back then, guarding our widow's pool, protecting this land and the villagers he loves deeply.

The widow rescued a baby in the pond, and after raising it, she leveled the mountain bandits with the power of one person!

One day, a young man, who had come from out of town, came up and walked by the widow's pool. He had heard the story of the aquatic life, and he was both admiring and curious about the old man. He walked up to the aquatic life and asked respectfully, "Uncle, you are the legendary aquatic life, right?" Hearing this, Shui Sheng nodded and smiled, and said, "By the way, I am Shui Sheng." The young man asked again: "I heard that when you were young, you single-handedly leveled the mountain bandits, and there were goldfish to help you, is this true?" Shui Sheng nodded again, with a look of memory on his face: "That's right, it was really a thrilling battle. But that battle made me realize a truth: as long as we have love, courage, and wisdom in our hearts, nothing can stop us from rushing forward. ”

When the young man heard this, he was so excited in his heart that he bowed to Shui Sheng: "Thank you, uncle!" I will remember your story for the rest of my life, and it will definitely inspire me to keep moving forward. With that, the lad turned and walked away. Shui Sheng still sits on the edge of the pool, quietly guarding this beloved land and his fellow villagers. The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on him, stretching his figure long, looking so tall and magnificent......