
It's a big deal! Israel's defense is in a hurry! The land is in flames, and when it is at stake, it is at stake!

author:Happy every day
It's a big deal! Israel's defense is in a hurry! The land is in flames, and when it is at stake, it is at stake!

Comparison of military forces and readiness

On the Lebanese side, the strength is not bad, there are 100,000 soldiers, and the combat effectiveness is very good. If it does, Israel may have to mobilize 300,000 to 400,000 ground troops to prepare for a protracted guerrilla war in the mountains. Not only Lebanon, but also Hamas and Syrian militias may also be adversaries on the battlefield, which makes Israel have to be on the lookout.

It's a big deal! Israel's defense is in a hurry! The land is in flames, and when it is at stake, it is at stake!

The upper age limit for reserve duty has been extended

In response to this unprecedented security threat, Israel intends to move the upper age limit for reservists back down. The age of service for reserve soldiers has been raised to 41 years, for officers to 46 years, and for members of special forces even up to 50 years old. In this way, about 6,700 more soldiers will be able to strengthen the country's defenses.

It's a big deal! Israel's defense is in a hurry! The land is in flames, and when it is at stake, it is at stake!

Wear and tear of weapons and equipment and external support

Israel is a military power, but its weapons and ammunition are depleting rapidly. Recently, the attitude of the United States and its Western allies has been somewhat subtle, and the supply of weapons has been interrupted, especially the suspension of arms supply by the United States, which is not a small challenge for Israel.

It's a big deal! Israel's defense is in a hurry! The land is in flames, and when it is at stake, it is at stake!


Israel's small size and limited strategic depth are a tough flaw in the face of hostile forces around it. The United States has warned Israel not to expand the scope of the conflict lightly, otherwise it could provoke a strong counterattack from Iran and other anti-Israel forces and plunge into a long war.

It's a big deal! Israel's defense is in a hurry! The land is in flames, and when it is at stake, it is at stake!

Air defense systems and the security situation

Lebanon's short-range rocket and missile capabilities should not be underestimated, and their firepower is said to be sufficient to threaten five Iron Dome air defense systems in Israel. Although the "Iron Dome" has improved Israel's defense capability to a certain extent, there are still shortcomings in the face of large-scale missile attacks.

It's a big deal! Israel's defense is in a hurry! The land is in flames, and when it is at stake, it is at stake!


So, Israel is now doing its best to deal with possible threats of war, from strengthening its military deployment, to adjusting its reserve policy, to responding to changes in external support. However, in the face of the threat of Lebanese and other armed forces, Israel's security problems remain acute. Against the backdrop of a small territory and limited strategic space, how to ensure national security has become Israel's most urgent task at present.

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