
Exploring Human Nature: Does the Character of the Man in the "Customs Front" Film Determine Destiny?

author:Liu Yizhi Psychology

Want to know that character determines fate? Can't you really change your personality?! In this issue, we will decipher the truth of life and destiny through film and television works. In the film "Customs Front", a profound truth is vividly revealed: a person's fate is often closely linked to his character. Do you believe in karma? I'm convinced. Jang Yun-nam, a gentle and helpful good person in the eyes of everyone, his life is full of enthusiasm and integrity, however, he is such a good person, but in the end he falls into the abyss of depression.

Exploring Human Nature: Does the Character of the Man in the "Customs Front" Film Determine Destiny?
Exploring Human Nature: Does the Character of the Man in the "Customs Front" Film Determine Destiny?
Exploring Human Nature: Does the Character of the Man in the "Customs Front" Film Determine Destiny?

Recently, I have been studying psychology in depth, and I have gradually understood that everyone's personality has its reasons for the formation, and those seemingly insignificant and neglected small things are actually hidden behind the huge influence, they are like a fine net, involving the fate of countless people.

Exploring Human Nature: Does the Character of the Man in the "Customs Front" Film Determine Destiny?
Exploring Human Nature: Does the Character of the Man in the "Customs Front" Film Determine Destiny?

This world is like a giant butterfly effect, where every tiny movement can trigger an unpredictable chain reaction. Life is full of unknowns, and we often can't see cause and effect clearly, and it is difficult to gain insight into the trajectory of fate.

Exploring Human Nature: Does the Character of the Man in the "Customs Front" Film Determine Destiny?
Exploring Human Nature: Does the Character of the Man in the "Customs Front" Film Determine Destiny?
Exploring Human Nature: Does the Character of the Man in the "Customs Front" Film Determine Destiny?

In the film, the role of Guo Ziqiang is also thought-provoking. As Mr. Jae's boss, he always stressed that Mr. Jang should abandon a simplistic mode of thinking and learn to use "political wisdom." Every conversation with Guo Ziqiang made Zhang Yunnan feel deeply frustrated and humiliated. In a subtle and direct way, the film reveals a harsh reality: why is it so difficult for people at the bottom to climb up? Because to cross classes, you need to overcome many obstacles that cannot be overcome by physical appearance, education, or professional skills alone. Leapfrogging classes means entering a whole new world, with different resources and rules that you can never learn from a book.

Exploring Human Nature: Does the Character of the Man in the "Customs Front" Film Determine Destiny?

Most ordinary people can endure the hardships of life, just like Zhang Yunnan, he represents those ordinary people who work hard and work hard. They are able to endure the tribulations of life because they can be resisted by numbness and dullness. But it's mental suffering, cognitive errors, and self-conscious struggles that are the forces that can really "shape" or "destroy" a person. Every reminder from Guo Ziqiang left a deep wound in Zhang Yunnan's heart, which not only deepened his insistence on his own duties, but also made him begin to waver, and finally forgot his mission and bottom line.

Exploring Human Nature: Does the Character of the Man in the "Customs Front" Film Determine Destiny?

We often say that people should live "without shame." To do this, we need to hold on to many things: the bottom line, the conscience, the dream, the hope. Only by sticking to these can we have the strength to fight against regrets, dismays, grievances and despair in the dead of night and mood swings.

Exploring Human Nature: Does the Character of the Man in the "Customs Front" Film Determine Destiny?
Exploring Human Nature: Does the Character of the Man in the "Customs Front" Film Determine Destiny?

To sum up: the film "Customs Front" explores: Those unsolved heart knots, like a pair of invisible hands, push us into the abyss. sighed again, although Jacky Cheung is over sixty years old, his performance on the big screen is still amazing. At the end of the movie, I was deeply moved by the complex and vivid character of "Jang Yoon-nam". He is the epitome of many of us, who started out as a dedicated, hardworking, and uplifting person. But as time goes on, he discovers that the world is full of rules that he can't understand. So, he began to change, began to distort, and vividly interpreted a person's inner struggles, regrets, guilt, and madness. This time, he definitely deserves the title of an actor. I have come to believe that true art can touch people's hearts. What is your opinion on the psychology of the characters in this film? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and share your views!