
Is the era of "iron rice bowl" of central enterprises really over?

author:Half a pot of cloudy wine pro
The former "iron rice bowl" of central enterprises no longer seems to be as solid as a rock! With the deepening of the reform of state-owned enterprises, Niu Xiaoben, a high-achieving student with a doctorate degree from a double-first-class university, took the initiative to choose to leave after working in a central enterprise for eight years. What are the stories and trends behind this? Let's find out!

1. Niu Rocky's resignation

Back then, a graduate named Niu Xiaoben got two offers as soon as he graduated: one was from a well-known central enterprise in the construction industry, and the other was from a well-known private real estate company.

One job is stable, the other pays well; Between seductive and seductive, he chose the former. In those years, central enterprises were not only iron rice bowls, but also good wages.

Niu Xiaoben's salary has naturally risen steadily year by year, with a year-end bonus of nearly 200,000 yuan at the peak, and he has successfully entered a middle-level management position.

Is the era of "iron rice bowl" of central enterprises really over?

However, in the past three years, due to changes in the market and policies, the central enterprise where he works has begun to face a series of challenges.

Since 2021, the competition in the entire market has intensified, and industry policy adjustments have been frequent. Niu Ben's central enterprise, I don't know if it is because of policy or other reasons, has also launched several rounds of internal staff reduction optimization, including salary reduction and demotion, job transfer, and termination of labor contracts.

After a few rounds, Niu Xiaoben's annual salary has exaggerated back to the salary level of fresh graduates when he first entered the company.

Maybe this is also the way to force people to go, in the face of such a huge gap, Niu Xiaoben hesitated again and again, but still chose to take the initiative to leave. He sighed: "The central enterprises in the construction industry will no longer have an 'iron rice bowl' in the future." ”

This is not only his personal experience, but also a microcosm of the reform of the entire industry and even state-owned enterprises.

Is the era of "iron rice bowl" of central enterprises really over?

Second, the deep-water area of state-owned enterprise reform

In recent years, the remuneration system of many central and state-owned enterprises has been continuously reformed.

Sadly, the management of total wages has become one of the key points of reform.

According to the new calculation formula that is currently known, the total salary of an enterprise is almost exclusively linked to the net profit of the enterprise. That is to say, it is no longer the same time to take money by doing more and less, and at this time when the entire industry is not doing well, under the premise that profits cannot increase significantly, they still want to maintain the salary growth of employees or some leaders.

Only the size of the staff can be reduced.

With the deepening of many reforms, the employment system of central enterprises, state-owned enterprises, and public institutions is also undergoing profound changes.

From the one-yuan employment system to the dual-track employment system, and then to the reform of the labor contract system for all employees, the employment forms of central enterprises have gradually diversified (to put it bluntly, formal establishment-contract workers-temporary workers).

In this process of reform, the so-called "iron rice bowl" has long ceased to exist. But it is not useless, in practice, many of the above-mentioned enterprises still uphold the principle of "as long as you do not make a big mistake, you will not renew the contract when it expires".

Is the era of "iron rice bowl" of central enterprises really over?

3. The future road for employees of central enterprises

Our discussion does not stop there, in the context of such reforms, the career paths of employees of central enterprises are full of uncertainties. I see that they are facing the pressure of market competition and internal elimination; It is also seen that they also need to constantly adapt to new employment systems and policy adjustments.

In this case, how to maintain their competitiveness and adaptability in the process has become a problem that they must face.


Niu Ben's resignation is not just an isolated case, what I see is a microcosm of state-owned enterprise reform and market competition. When we can't even serve an iron rice bowl, we all need to maintain our adaptability to meet the challenges of the future. #头条创作挑战赛#

Is the era of "iron rice bowl" of central enterprises really over?