
It's so thrilling! The undercover anti-narcotics police met their colleagues twice and did not dare to recognize each other.

author:The covenant of the heart 109917251

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Yunnan is a rich and beautiful land, where the four seasons are like spring, the scenery is picturesque, and it is a good place to aspire to.

In this beautiful place, there is a Qingshuihe border checkpoint, and there is a person named Li Weiguo, who is the border police here.

Li Weiguo often received orders and was sent out to investigate undercover agents, each time for as short as a few days or as long as dozens of days.

It's so thrilling! The undercover anti-narcotics police met their colleagues twice and did not dare to recognize each other.

Every time he went undercover, he pinned his head to the waistband of his trousers, and his life was always in danger, but he was an excellent Communist Party member and a glorious people's policeman. He made it his duty to carry out orders and took pride in arresting drug dealers.

Every time he received an order, he wrote a suicide note and locked it in a drawer. Because he didn't know if he would be able to come back safely.

Then he disguised himself and set off as soon as possible, risking his life and entering the tiger's den alone, just to find out where the drug dealers traded.

Once, after he met up with a drug dealer as a buyer, the drug dealer instructed him to go to a hotel to eat and stay with three other drug dealers in order to find out the truth.

It's so thrilling! The undercover anti-narcotics police met their colleagues twice and did not dare to recognize each other.

He could only go to a certain hotel, and in the hotel room, he saw three fierce drug dealers, all of whom were holding sharp knives in their hands, and after the code, they interrogated him strictly, but did not find any flaws, and then he was relieved.

The next day, he went downstairs with 3 people to have breakfast, breakfast was on the second floor, they lived on the 26th floor, and when they took the elevator down together, two policemen came up on the 23rd floor.

As soon as he saw two familiar figures, he had goosebumps all over his body, because they were his two colleagues, and he was really afraid that they would greet him.

If they greet him, the three drug dealers will definitely be suspicious, then his identity will be exposed, and if they talk to him, not only will the operation fail, but their lives will be in danger.

It's so thrilling! The undercover anti-narcotics police met their colleagues twice and did not dare to recognize each other.

His brain was running at high speed, and he immediately turned his back to his colleague and chatted loudly with the three drug dealers, not giving the two policemen a chance to interject.

Time passed in tension for more than 50 seconds, and his heart was greatly impacted. The elevator finally reached the second floor, and he got off the elevator with three drug dealers before he breathed a sigh of relief.

Just walked into the restaurant on the second floor, when he was frightened, he met the political work police of the unit again, when the drug dealer lowered his head and did not pay attention, he quickly scratched his head and pouted to the side, meaning not to look at him.

Fortunately, these colleagues are all experienced policemen, and they did not greet him, whether he was a drug dealer or an undercover agent.

It's so thrilling! The undercover anti-narcotics police met their colleagues twice and did not dare to recognize each other.

In this way, Li Weiguo once again turned the danger into a disaster, ate and lived with the drug dealers for two days and one night, and finally, under strict control and arrest, he successfully smashed the drug trafficking gang, arrested four criminal suspects, and seized 39 kilograms of heroin.

In the six years since Li Weiguo worked as an anti-narcotics policeman, he has fought side by side with his colleagues many times, charging at the front line. Participated in the cracking of more than 300 drug cases, arrested 147 drug suspects, and seized 2.1 tons of various drugs.

Participated in and successfully solved seven cases of extraordinarily large drugs of more than 100 kilograms. He has been awarded the first, second, and third class merits once.

CCTV broadcast Li Weiguo's advanced deeds on June 29, which aroused a strong response from the common people.

It's so thrilling! The undercover anti-narcotics police met their colleagues twice and did not dare to recognize each other.

They all paid tribute to the heroes, and the quick-witted Mona said: Salute, thanks to you, we can stay away from drugs and have a quiet life.

Some netizens came up with ideas for the undercover police: there should be some actions that only that unit knows, so that it will be more convenient.

There is a name that many netizens are worried about Li Weiguo, he said: There are some details that should not need to be exposed. Hail to you, heroes of the people!

It's so thrilling! The undercover anti-narcotics police met their colleagues twice and did not dare to recognize each other.
It's so thrilling! The undercover anti-narcotics police met their colleagues twice and did not dare to recognize each other.

In fact, the worries of the common people are unnecessary. Li Weiguo is just his pseudonym.

Today, Li Weiguo is still at the forefront of cracking down on cross-border crimes. He said that he did not want to prove himself by receiving awards for meritorious service. "The world is drug-free" is the wish of every anti-drug fighter.

In places we can't see, in the hidden fronts, there are many hidden heroes like Li Weiguo charging into battle.

They face the test of life and death, block the darkness for us, protect the light, and pay tribute to these silent and great heroes who are far from the spotlight!

It's so thrilling! The undercover anti-narcotics police met their colleagues twice and did not dare to recognize each other.

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