
The woman has been married for many years without pregnancy, and treats the monk well, the monk: the apricot tree knows the reason

author:It's hard in the world

Oh, this small town in the south, Qingshi Town, is like spring all year round, and the flowers are so lively, especially the old apricot tree in the east of the town, which is famous. This tree, to say the least, has a history of hundreds of years, the trunk is as thick as something, the branches and leaves are very dense, when spring comes, the flowers bloom like snow, the fragrance is fragrant, bees and butterflies are invited, and the dance is happy.

There is a young girl named Xiuyun in the town, who is beautiful and good-hearted, and she is a well-known good daughter-in-law in the town. But there is a stone in her heart, that is, she has been married to her husband Ah Fu for several years, and her stomach just hasn't moved. In that era of "unfilial piety has three, and no queen is great", this thing is really enough to show off the clouds. Ah Fu is a hard-working carpenter, with good craftsmanship and a real person, so he has nothing to say about Xiuyun. The relationship between the two is very good, but the fact that Xiuyun has no children has always been a thorn in their hearts.

One day, Qingshi Town came to a high monk, the law name Huiming, this monk traveled from south to north, has a wide range of knowledge, and understands all medical skills and Taoism. When the town turned into a relationship, the monk Huiming looked sad when he saw Xiuyun, so he took the initiative to talk. Xiuyun saw the monk's kind eyebrows, and poured out all the words in his heart. Monk Huiming listened, nodded slightly, and said, "Female donor, you and your husband are both good people, and we are destined to have children. But there seems to be something wrong with your family, and the resentment is heavy, which affects your children. Can you take the poor monk to your house? When Xiuyun heard this, she was so happy in her heart that she immediately nodded in agreement.

The woman has been married for many years without pregnancy, and treats the monk well, the monk: the apricot tree knows the reason

Xiuyun took the monk Huiming back home and told the monk everything about the situation at home. The monk Huiming walked around the house and finally stopped under the old apricot tree. He closed his eyes and pondered for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes and said to Xiuyun: "Female donor, your family's grievances came down from under this apricot tree. When Xiuyun heard this, she was shocked, and hurriedly asked: "Senior monk, this apricot tree has been in our family for so many years, and it has been doing well, why is it suddenly resentful?" The monk sighed and said, "Under this apricot tree, it turned out to be a cemetery. Many years ago, there was a bully in the town who did all the bad things and was finally beaten to death and buried under this almond tree. After the death of this bully, the resentment did not dissipate, and he attached himself to the almond tree, affecting the luck of your family. ”

When Xiuyun heard this, she panicked in her heart, and hurriedly asked, "Senior monk, what should we do then?" The senior monk Huiming smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, the female benefactor, the poor monk has a way." Tomorrow morning, prepare some fruit and come to worship under this apricot tree. The poor monks will do things to help you resolve this grievance. When Xiuyun heard this, she was so happy in her heart that she hurriedly thanked her. Early the next morning, according to the instructions of Master Huiming, Xiuyun prepared three livestock fruits, came to the old apricot tree, and respectfully worshipped. Master Huiming stood aside, babbling in his mouth, the Dharma seal in his hand flew up and down, and after a while, a puff of green smoke came out of the apricot tree, slowly dissipating into the air. After the ritual was completed, Master Huiming said to Xiuyun: "Female donor, this grievance has been resolved by me. From now on, your family's luck will be better, and the fate of your heirs will follow. Xiuyun listened, tears welled up, and thanked him vigorously. She went home and told her husband Ah Fu about it, and Ah Fu was also happy to hear it, and the couple was grateful to Master Huiming. After that, the luck of the Xiuyun family really improved a lot. It didn't take long for Xiuyun to get pregnant and give birth to a white and chubby boy. The couple was so happy that they couldn't keep their mouths together and treated the child as a baby bump. The old apricot tree seems to have felt this joy, and every spring, the flowers bloom more vigorously and the fragrance is stronger, adding a beautiful scenery to Qingshi Town.

Xiaobao, a child, has been smart and clever since he was a child, and everyone loves him. But as he grew up, the strange things in Bluestone Town came one after another. First of all, the well water in the town suddenly became sweet, and drinking it was said to prolong life; Then the old people of the town dreamed at night that they had passed away and woke up and said that the almond tree had appeared; The most strange thing is that every night, there will be bursts of melodious singing under the old apricot tree, but no one has ever seen a person singing. These strange things made the residents of the town talk a lot, some said that the apricot tree had become a fine, some said that it was the mana of Master Huiming, and some said that it was Xiaobao's blessing, after all, after he was born, the luck of the town seemed to have improved. No matter what you say, Xiaobao has become a little celebrity in the town, and he attracts attention everywhere he goes. Xiaobao knows that he is not ordinary, but he doesn't take it to heart. He often played under the apricot tree, and listened to the melodious singing, and felt very comfortable. Sometimes, he would talk to the apricot tree and talk about his dreams and thoughts. The almond tree seemed to understand his words, and every time he finished speaking, the leaves swayed slightly, as if in response to him. In this way, Xiaobao grew up slowly in the company of apricot trees. He studied hard, got good grades, and also learned the carpenter's trade, and took over Ah Fu's class. Xiuyun and Ah Fu felt particularly relieved because of Xiaobao's sensibility and filial piety.

The woman has been married for many years without pregnancy, and treats the monk well, the monk: the apricot tree knows the reason

After a few days and nights of tossing, Xiaobao finally found a clear spring in a remote ravine. He was so happy that he took the group back to the town and led the spring to the well. The townspeople finally had water to drink, and the crops were slowly rejuvenating. But just when everyone was happy, Xiaobao fell. He was as tired as anything, and his body and bones were already weak, so he couldn't survive the drought after all. Before leaving, he asked everyone to bury him under the old apricot tree, saying that he wanted to be with the apricot tree forever.

The people of the town tearfully agreed to Xiaobao, buried him under the almond tree, and gave him a grand funeral. But at the funeral, a miracle happened, and the old apricot tree came to life again, sprouting new shoots and flowers. The fragrance of the flowers, smelling it makes people feel refreshed, and the illness is cured. The people of the town were stunned, knelt under the apricot tree and prayed, thanking Xiaobao for his sacrifice and bringing new life to the town.

The woman has been married for many years without pregnancy, and treats the monk well, the monk: the apricot tree knows the reason

Xiaobao's parents, Xiuyun and Ah Fu, cried like tears, feeling uncomfortable and proud. Since then, the residents of Bluestone have lived a good life and have never encountered any disasters. The old apricot tree also became the patron saint of the town, and people came to worship it for peace and happiness. At night, singing can still be heard under the old apricot tree, and everyone says that it is Xiaobao's soul singing, guarding this home he loves deeply.

The Taoist priest stood under the tree for a long time, his eyes full of worry. He circled around the tree a few times, stopped suddenly, and said to the onlookers: "Although this apricot tree has absorbed the aura of heaven and earth, it has now become a bane. If it is not dealt with quickly, the town may suffer a catastrophe. As soon as these words came out, the villagers began to talk about it. Some wonder if the Taoist priest is scaring people, while others are worried about the future of the town.

Xiuyun and Ah Fu were also in the crowd, and when they heard this, their hearts were also up and down. They knew how important the tree was to the town, but they also knew that if it did become a bane, the consequences would be unimaginable. Just when everyone was talking, the Taoist priest spoke again: "I know you have doubts in your hearts, but this matter is really serious. I'm going to do it tonight and get rid of the bane in the almond tree. But before that, I need you to prepare something......" Before the Taoist priest could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a young voice: "Daoist Chief, wait! I'm willing to help! Everyone saw that it was a young man who came out of the crowd, it was Xiaobao's son - Xiaoyong.

The woman has been married for many years without pregnancy, and treats the monk well, the monk: the apricot tree knows the reason

Since he was a child, Xiao Yong listened to his father and the old people in the town tell the story of the apricot tree and Xiaobao, and was full of respect and gratitude for the tree. Now that he heard that the apricot tree had become the bane, of course he couldn't sit idly by. He made clear his determination to the Taoist priest and said that he would do his best. Seeing that Xiao Yong was so resolute, the Taoist priest nodded in agreement. In the evening, Xiao Yong prepared things according to the instructions of the Taoist priest, and also summoned some trusted villagers to help. The Taoist priest set up an altar under the tree and began to practice. With the sound of the Taoist priest's incantation, the originally quiet apricot tree suddenly began to shake violently, and the leaves rattled, as if countless hands were patting the trunk. Immediately after, a black gas emerged from the trunk of the tree and soared into the sky. When the villagers saw this scene, they were all frightened and retreated. The Taoist priest shouted: "Don't panic, everyone! This is the bane in the apricot tree that has been brought out! Now please come here! When Xiao Yong heard this, he walked to the altar without hesitation, and put his hand on the apricot tree according to the instructions of the Taoist priest. Immediately, a warm current flowed from the palm of his hand into the tree, and the black gas slowly dissipated into the air. As soon as the black air dissipated, the apricot tree slowly returned to its former tranquility. The Taoist priest took the spell, patted Xiao Yong's shoulder and said, "Well done!" The bane in this apricot tree has been uprooted by the two of us, and it can be the patron saint of our town again. When the old and young masters in the town saw this scene, they all blossomed, and one by one they stepped forward to thank the Taoist priest and Xiao Yong, thanking them for saving everyone's lives.

The old apricot tree also seemed to feel the joy of everyone, and it was full of life, with more lush branches and more flowers. Since then, Bluestone has returned to its former tranquility and harmony. The old apricot tree has also become a new legend in the town, and people come to worship and ask for peace and happiness.

In the dead of night, the melodious singing can still be heard under the old apricot tree, and everyone says that it is the souls of Xiaobao and Xiaoyong singing, guarding their beloved home. Time flies so fast, decades have passed in the blink of an eye. Qingshi Town is still so prosperous, and the old apricot trees are still tall, with lush branches and leaves, and flowers in full bloom. Every spring, the flowers on the trees always attract many tourists, and people always think of the young man Xiaobao and his son Xiaoyong who fought bravely to save their homeland. Their story has become the eternal memory of Bluestone Town, passed down from generation to generation, and will never disappear.

The woman has been married for many years without pregnancy, and treats the monk well, the monk: the apricot tree knows the reason