
It is seriously not recommended for medical staff to leave their jobs and change careers


The angels in white in the hospital have heard a lot of stories about "changing careers"? Watching others open a bubble tea shop with a monthly income of 100,000 yuan, I trembled with emotion, and felt that I was on duty late at night, and it was not enough for other people's milk tea money? Don't be in a hurry to shake your hands and pick your son, listen to the editor and I'll give you a look, whether this road to change careers is a broad road for doctors and nurses!

It is seriously not recommended for medical staff to leave their jobs and change careers

Don't you have a little bit of a good idea of how high the skill value of the medical staff is?

Let's talk about academic qualifications first, the threshold of the medical industry is not a joke, undergraduate diplomas are all at the bottom, master's and doctor's degrees are everywhere, and there are even many returnees who are sent back to China to gild. Think about the hardships you had to fight for the postgraduate examination and certification, and the professional knowledge and experience accumulated over the years were all made of real money. Let's talk about doctors, not only must have solid theoretical knowledge, but also pass five hurdles and six generals, all kinds of standardized training for resident doctors, and qualification examinations for licensed physicians, and they can't bypass a hurdle in order to truly see a doctor independently. Nurses are not easy to do, and they also need to go through rigorous professional training and qualification certification before they can be certified.

The future of doctors and nurses is bright, don't you want to be a professional with a "promising future"?

It is seriously not recommended for medical staff to leave their jobs and change careers

If nothing else, let's just say that the country's demand for medical services is rising slowly! People are paying more and more attention to health care, and an aging society also needs more medical and nursing personnel. Those tertiary hospitals are even more Shura fields for talent competition, with high salaries and generous benefits, and it is eye-catching to take out any of them. And the promotion channel of doctors and nurses is also very clear, all the way from resident doctors to chief physicians, head nurses and even directors of the nursing department, with a bumper harvest of titles and salaries, and the state still has subsidies.

"Angel in White" is not called in vain, this social status can be changed?

When you're standing there in a white coat and people call you "doctor" or "nurse", you don't want to be proud! This sense of professional identity is unmatched by other industries. Think about those medical dramas again, which protagonist is not a savior with his own halo? This social status is useless, that's fake, and you can bluff the bear child at a critical moment, isn't it?

It is seriously not recommended for medical staff to leave their jobs and change careers

The stability of the iron rice bowl, aren't you fragrant?

The career stability of doctors and nurses is a well-known "iron rice bowl", which guarantees income in drought and flood, unlike those wage earners who are in danger of being in danger, and they may face the tragedy of unemployment tomorrow. Remember the pandemic some time ago? Who rushed to the front line? It's not us angels in white! At that time, weren't all medical staff called "heroes" in society? This sense of honor and mission is much more valuable than a high salary!

Is it easy to change careers? Don't be blinded by the "lure of high salary"!

It is seriously not recommended for medical staff to leave their jobs and change careers

But as long as the nurses I have seen change careers to become micro-businesses, and doctors go to open bubble tea shops, there are very few who mix well. Not to mention anything else, the medical knowledge you have worked so hard to learn will not be used at all in other industries, and changing careers is equivalent to starting from scratch. You have to re-learn new skills and accumulate contacts, have you thought of the hardships and difficulties?

Finally, I would like to say ......

Doctors and nurses, cherish your stable iron rice bowl! Don't let the momentary "temptation of high salary" get carried away. The medical cause is noble and great, and you are an important force to protect the lives and health of the people! Of course, Xiaobian also understands that everyone has the right to pursue happiness, and if you are really not interested in this job, it is also a personal choice to change careers. But be sure to think carefully and be well prepared, so that you don't regret it too late!

It is seriously not recommended for medical staff to leave their jobs and change careers

Finally, whether you choose to stay or leave, I hope that you and I can not forget our original intention and contribute to the medical career!