
The widow fell in love with a single old man

author:I love noodle fish

Hey, ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about what's new in our Northeast today. In our Gada, there is a small village, and there is a widow named Cuihua living in it, she is widowed at a young age, although she lives a poor life, but her hands and feet are very diligent, and the house and outside are well organized. But there is always a pimple in this Cuihua's heart, and she has fallen in love with the single old man in the village-Lao Li Tou.

Old Li Tou, this is not an ordinary old man. When he was young, he traveled from south to north and saw a wide range of things, although he was not young, but his spirit was still very good. He is a good hand at farming, and hunting is also a must, and the villagers have to give him a thumbs up when they mention him. But Lao Li has a problem, that is, he is too stubborn, he has to do everything according to his set, and no one wants to convince him.

The matter between Cuihua and Lao Li Tou has to start from that winter. At that time, the snow covered the mountain, the weather was cold, and Cuihua's family had no firewood. With a sad face, Lao Li Tou carried a bundle of firewood into the door and said, "Sister Cuihua, I see that you don't have much firewood, so I'll send you some." When Cuihua saw it, her heart was so warm, and she hurriedly invited Lao Li Tou into the house to drink a cup of hot tea. Just went back and forth, and the two became acquainted.

The widow fell in love with a single old man

Cuihua found that although Lao Li Tou was old, he was very interesting, and he spoke and did things with a refreshing spirit. Lao Li Tou also felt that it was not easy for Cuihua, a widow, to run the house alone, and to take care of a child, and he also felt a little pity in his heart. As the days went by, Cuihua had a thought in her heart - she wanted to live with Lao Li Tou.

But as soon as the thought came to her, she was in trouble. After all, she is a widow and has a child, can Lao Li Tou look down on her? Besides, if the people of the village knew, they might have to say something nasty. Cuihua struggled like this, until one day, she made up her mind. That day, she cooked a few good dishes and invited Lao Li Tou to her home. After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Cuihua opened her mouth: "Brother Li, I'm ...... I have something to tell you. Lao Li Tou put down the wine glass, looked at Cuihua, and said, "Sister, if there is anything, you can tell me directly, what else can't you say about our relationship?" ”

Cuihua took a deep breath and said, "Brother Li, I want to ...... I want to live with you. When Lao Li Tou heard this, he was stunned, he didn't expect Cuihua to say such a thing. He was silent for a moment, and then said, "Sister Cuihua, I have to think about this. As soon as Cuihua heard this, her heart was half cold. She knew that Lao Li Tou was stubborn, and if he didn't agree to this, then she would have no choice. But she still didn't give up, she felt that she had to work harder.

The widow fell in love with a single old man

So she began to treat Lao Li Tou even better, bringing him food and vegetables every day, and helping him wash clothes. As for Lao Litou, it's not like he hasn't had this idea in his heart. Cuihua, a widow, has a very difficult life, and it is actually quite suitable to partner with her. But the little Jiujiu in his heart always felt that this matter was a bit unauthentic. Just grinding and chirping, there was a sudden rumor in the village - Lao Li Tou was going to marry a new daughter-in-law! As soon as the news spread, Cuihua couldn't sit still. The fire in her heart, the urgency, thinking that she couldn't just admit it. So, she decided to ask Lao Li Tou to understand. Ladies and gentlemen, guess what's the story between this widow Cuihua and Lao Litou? Don't worry, let's break it down next time!

As soon as Cuihua heard the news, her heart felt like she was turning over the river and the sea, as if she was boiling a pot. She scolded in her heart: "Old Litou, you old fox, why are you so uneasy?" I've poured out all my heart for you, you're good, turn around and welcome the newcomer? Cuihua didn't care about losing face, so she hurried to Lao Litou's house. As soon as I entered the door, I saw Lao Li Tou sitting on the kang, still holding a cigarette bag and pot in his hand, with a leisurely face. Cuihua's fire came up on the ground, she walked over and snatched Lao Litou's cigarette pouch and pot, and shouted loudly: "Lao Litou, you explain it to me, what do you mean by this?" Why do you want to marry a new daughter-in-law? ”

Old Li Tou was taken aback by Cuihua's sudden move, he blinked his eyes and asked suspiciously, "What new daughter-in-law?" Who told you I was going to marry a new daughter-in-law? When Cuihua heard this, she was even more angry: "You are still pretending to be confused!" The village has spread that your old Li Tou is going to marry a new daughter-in-law, don't you know yet? Lao Li slapped his thigh and said with a smile: "Oh mom, who made this rumor?" What kind of new daughter-in-law do I marry, this old bone? ”

The widow fell in love with a single old man

When Cuihua heard Lao Li Tou's words, her heart felt a little more comfortable, but she still didn't give up and continued to ask: "Then why didn't you agree to me?" Let's live together, okay? Lao Li Tou sighed and said, "Sister Cuihua, I haven't told you about this. Actually, I'm quite willing, but I just think that we have to take our time in this matter. You're a widow with a child, and if I'm going to live with you like this, the people in the village won't know what to say. Although I'm stubborn, I also have to take care of face, don't I? ”

As soon as Cuihua heard this, she understood in her heart. She slapped her thigh and said, "Old Li, why are you so dead-eyed?" Let's live, what's the matter with them? Let's just do it ourselves! Lao Li Tou looked at Cuihua's refreshment, and his heart moved. He thought for a moment and said, "Okay, let's try it." But ah, I have one condition. When Cuihua heard what Lao Li Tou said, she hurriedly asked, "What conditions?" You said! Lao Li Tou said: "I'm used to being free all my life, we can live together, but you don't care too much about me." Cuihua couldn't help but laugh when she heard Lao Litou's declaration of freedom. She responded: "Old Li Tou, what kind of conditions are you? I also want you to go out and walk every day so that I don't have to take care of you all the time at home. In this way, Cuihua and Lao Litou's living arrangements were decided. At first, the people in the village talked about their way of life and felt that it was not reliable. But as time went by, everyone got used to it. Cuihua and Lao Li Tou lived a very comfortable life, Lao Li Tou still went out early every day and came back at night, while Cuihua was busy taking care of the housework and taking care of the children at home. Despite their very different personalities, they get along very harmoniously.

One day, Lao Li Tou suddenly fell ill and was lying on the bed, his face was pale, and he didn't even have the strength to speak. When Cuihua saw this scene, she was very anxious. She immediately invited the village doctor, and stayed by Lao Litou's side, taking care of him carefully, feeding medicine, feeding, and wiping his body. Lao Li Tou saw Cuihua taking such meticulous care, and his heart was full of gratitude. He held Cuihua's hand and said affectionately: "Cuihua, it is really lucky in my life to meet you." When Cuihua heard this, tears welled up in her eyes. She replied, "Old Li Tou, don't say that. We are all ill-fated people, and it is a great fate to be able to live together. What can I do if something happens to you? "In the days when Lao Li Tou was seriously ill, Cuihua always stayed by his side. Lao Litou's condition is also gradually improving.

The widow fell in love with a single old man

On the day he recovered and was discharged from the hospital, the whole village came to celebrate his recovery. Lao Li Tou saw that everyone was so enthusiastic, and his heart also felt warm. He took Cuihua's hand and said to everyone, "My life can stand up again, thanks to Cuihua." In the future, the people in our village should live in harmony and not quarrel over trivial matters. Hearing this, the villagers agreed. They saw the harmonious scene of Lao Li Tou and Cuihua standing hand in hand, and they also felt warm in their hearts. As time passed, Cuihua and Lao Li Tou also lived the peaceful life they longed for. Cuihua is still busy taking care of the housework, taking care of the children and Lao Litou; Lao Li Tou occasionally goes out for a walk, or helps Cuihua do some farm work. Although they are not rich and rich, their lives are full of sweetness and contentment. The people in the village gradually accepted this special couple, no longer pointing fingers at them, but also inviting them to participate when there are happy events in the village. Cuihua and Lao Li Tou are also willing to help because they feel that they are part of the village and should contribute to the village. The story of Cuihua and Lao Li Tou is a beautiful story in the village. They have proved with their actions that no matter how difficult life is, as long as there is love in their hearts, they can find their own happiness. Spring returns to the earth, and everything recovers. The peach blossoms and apricot blossoms in the village bloom one after another, forming a gorgeous and colorful sea of flowers. Cuihua looked at this garden full of spring, and the joy in her heart bloomed like a flower. She thought to herself that it was time to buy a new dress for Lao Li Tou, so that he could also rejuvenate himself. So, she took out the fabric that she had treasured at home for many years and began to cut it carefully.

Lao Li Tou looked at Cuihua's busy figure, and his heart was full of warmth. He basks in the sun leisurely in the yard, smokes dry tobacco, and occasionally says hello and chats with passing villagers. Despite his advanced age, he was still in good spirits and had a ruddy complexion.

The new clothes were made, and Cuihua took it to show Lao Litou. When Lao Li saw this new clothes, his eyes flashed with joy. He took the clothes, tried them on, and said excitedly, "Oh, this dress is so beautiful!" Cuihua, your craftsmanship is really good! Cuihua saw Lao Litou's happy appearance, and her heart was also beautiful. She encouraged, "If you like it, put it on and try it!" ”

The widow fell in love with a single old man

Lao Li Tou put on new clothes, and the whole person looked refreshed. He held his head high in the courtyard, as if he had returned to the appearance of his youth. When the people in the village saw him dressed like this, they praised him, saying that he and Cuihua were really a match made in heaven. Listening to everyone's praise, Lao Li Tou's heart blossomed. He took Cuihua's hand and said affectionately: "Cuihua, it is the luck of my life to meet you." We must spend the rest of our lives together and grow old together. When Cuihua heard this, she was moved to tears. She responded: "Old Litou, I think so too. Although we don't have much wealth and status, with you, I have nothing to fear. ”

Since then, Cuihua and Lao Li Tou have become a model couple in the village. They support each other, love each other, and live an ordinary and happy life. Although there are occasional small frictions, they can always be resolved quickly and get back together. Time flies, and autumn is coming in the blink of an eye. The crops in the village are abundant, and Cuihua and Lao Li are also busy harvesting and drying grain. Although the work is hard, their hearts are filled with joy, because this food is the fruit of their hard work and their hope for the future.

At that moment, the two of them felt like they were in tune with the world, as if they were one. Time just slipped away day by day, and Cuihua and Lao Li Tou'er slowly grew old. But their hearts have always been like young men and girls, very young. Why? Because they know in their hearts that as long as they have love in their hearts, they can overcome any difficulties, and happiness will naturally come knocking on the door.

The widow fell in love with a single old man

In their later years, Cuihua and Lao Li Touer still love to recall the things of their youth, those sweet times, as if they had just passed. The two of them said with emotion: "It's really not in vain that we can meet such a good person and encounter such a good thing in our lives!" ”

In the end, Cuihua and Lao Li Tou'er spent their old age peacefully in our village, until the day when they were both too old to walk. They use their own stories to tell everyone: no matter how difficult life is, as long as there is love in our hearts, we can find our own happiness!

What's the matter, doesn't this smell strong enough? Isn't our Northeast dialect quite emotional?

The widow fell in love with a single old man