
Panties should be washed like this It turns out that I have been washing the wrong one


It turns out that I have been washing the wrong one before, and there are seven misunderstandings about washing underwear!

Panties should be washed like this It turns out that I have been washing the wrong one

Panty, as our most intimate clothing, is self-evident in its cleanliness. However, many people may have some misunderstandings in the process of washing underwear, which not only affect the cleaning effect of underwear, but also may pose a potential threat to our health. Next, let's uncover these seven common misconceptions about washing underwear.

Panties should be washed like this It turns out that I have been washing the wrong one
Panties should be washed like this It turns out that I have been washing the wrong one
Panties should be washed like this It turns out that I have been washing the wrong one

Myth 1: Save a bunch and wash it together

Some people find it too cumbersome to wash a pair of underwear every day and like to put a few days of underwear together to wash it. But it would be a big mistake to do so! There will be a lot of secretions and bacteria on the underwear that is worn, and these bacteria can multiply in large numbers if not washed in time. The longer the time, the more bacteria breed, the more difficult it is to clean, and even after cleaning, it is difficult to completely remove these bacteria and germs that have grown, burying hidden dangers to health.

Panties should be washed like this It turns out that I have been washing the wrong one
Panties should be washed like this It turns out that I have been washing the wrong one
Panties should be washed like this It turns out that I have been washing the wrong one

Myth 2: Wash in a washing machine

Although a washing machine is convenient, it is not a good choice for washing underwear. The inside of the washing machine is actually full of dirt and dirt, and there are a lot of bacteria and mold. Washing underwear in a washing machine can easily cause cross-infection and stain the underwear with more pollutants. Moreover, the washing machine is often not refined enough to effectively remove stains and bacteria from the underwear.

Panties should be washed like this It turns out that I have been washing the wrong one
Panties should be washed like this It turns out that I have been washing the wrong one
Panties should be washed like this It turns out that I have been washing the wrong one
Panties should be washed like this It turns out that I have been washing the wrong one
Panties should be washed like this It turns out that I have been washing the wrong one

Myth 3: Wash with hot water

Many people think that hot water can kill bacteria, so they like to use hot water when washing underwear. But in reality, overheated water can denature the secretions on your panties and the proteins in your blood, which in turn make it harder to clean. For general stains and bacteria, room temperature or lukewarm water is sufficient.

Myth 4: Use strong detergents

In pursuit of a super cleaning effect, some people will choose a strong detergent to wash their underwear. However, these detergents often contain harsh chemicals that can remain on the underwear, irritate the skin, and trigger allergies or inflammation. It's wise to choose a gentle, non-irritating detergent.

Myth 5: Don't rinse thoroughly

After washing your underwear, be sure to rinse it thoroughly. If the detergent remains on the underwear, it can cause irritation and damage to the skin. So, don't be afraid of the hassle and rinse a few more times to make sure there is no detergent residue on your underwear.

Myth 6: Dry in the shade after washing

After the underwear is washed, it should be exposed to the sun and not dried in the shade. Ultraviolet rays in sunlight have a germicidal and disinfecting effect, which can effectively destroy bacteria and viruses on underwear. Underwear that dries in the shade is prone to mold growth and affects health.

Myth 7: Underwear is worn for a long time before it is renewed

Even if the panties still look new, they can't be worn for too long. Generally speaking, underwear should be replaced after 3-6 months of wearing. Because with the increase of wearing and washing, the material of the underwear will gradually wear out, and the antibacterial ability will also decrease, making it easier for bacteria to grow.

So, what should be the correct way to wash your underwear?

First of all, change and wash your underwear in a timely manner every day, and don't accumulate it. Secondly, wash by hand, using a specialized basin and a mild detergent. Soak the underwear in warm water, add an appropriate amount of detergent, rub gently, and focus on cleaning the crotch. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water to ensure no detergent remains. Finally, leave your panties out in the sun.

In conclusion, proper washing of underwear is essential for our health. Be sure to avoid these pitfalls and develop good washing habits to keep our intimate areas clean and healthy at all times.

Panties should be washed like this It turns out that I have been washing the wrong one
Panties should be washed like this It turns out that I have been washing the wrong one
Panties should be washed like this It turns out that I have been washing the wrong one

I hope everyone can pay attention to the seemingly trivial matter of washing underwear, start from the details, take care of their bodies, and embrace a healthy and beautiful life. Remember, health is no small thing, and every small change can make a big difference in our lives.

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