
The conversation between the son and the boss burst into laughter, and the humorous jokes kept laughing

author:Wise Pencil S
The conversation between the son and the boss burst into laughter, and the humorous jokes kept laughing
The conversation between the son and the boss burst into laughter, and the humorous jokes kept laughing
The conversation between the son and the boss burst into laughter, and the humorous jokes kept laughing
The conversation between the son and the boss burst into laughter, and the humorous jokes kept laughing
The conversation between the son and the boss burst into laughter, and the humorous jokes kept laughing
The conversation between the son and the boss burst into laughter, and the humorous jokes kept laughing
The conversation between the son and the boss burst into laughter, and the humorous jokes kept laughing
The conversation between the son and the boss burst into laughter, and the humorous jokes kept laughing
The conversation between the son and the boss burst into laughter, and the humorous jokes kept laughing
The conversation between the son and the boss burst into laughter, and the humorous jokes kept laughing
The conversation between the son and the boss burst into laughter, and the humorous jokes kept laughing
The conversation between the son and the boss burst into laughter, and the humorous jokes kept laughing
The conversation between the son and the boss burst into laughter, and the humorous jokes kept laughing
The conversation between the son and the boss burst into laughter, and the humorous jokes kept laughing
The conversation between the son and the boss burst into laughter, and the humorous jokes kept laughing
The conversation between the son and the boss burst into laughter, and the humorous jokes kept laughing
The conversation between the son and the boss burst into laughter, and the humorous jokes kept laughing
The conversation between the son and the boss burst into laughter, and the humorous jokes kept laughing

In the early morning of the town, the sun shines through the sparse clouds and sprinkles on the sparkling river. The breeze blows, and the willow trees by the river sway gently, as if telling the beginning of a new day. Li Xiaozhi, a young newcomer to the workplace, is taking a leisurely walk along the river, ready to start his busy and fulfilling day.

Li Xiaozhi is an employee of a well-known company in the town, he is smart, witty, and humorous, and is loved by his colleagues. His boss, Manager Wang, is a serious person, but occasionally shows his humorous side. Today, the two met unexpectedly by the river and started a hilarious conversation.

"Manager Wang, morning! Why did you come here for a walk too? Li Xiaozhi greeted warmly.

Manager Wang smiled slightly and replied, "Occasionally, I have to change the environment and feel the breath of nature." Look at this little river, how beautiful! ”

Li Xiaozhi nodded and agreed: "Yes, this river is indeed a good place to relax. By the way, manager, what do you think of the report I wrote yesterday? ”

As soon as he mentioned his work, Manager Wang's expression immediately became serious: "Well, your report is well written, but there are still some details that need to be improved." For example, this data, you should analyze it more precisely. ”

Li Xiaozhi scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "Oh, I know." I'll double-check again. ”

At this moment, a mischievous kitten suddenly burst out of the river and almost hit Li Xiaozhi's feet. Li Xiaozhi was startled, and hurriedly took a few steps back, causing Manager Wang to laugh.

"Looks like this kitten wants to join in the fun!" Manager Wang quipped.

Li Xiaozhi couldn't help laughing: "Yes, it seems to like it here." By the way, manager, I've been asking you a question. ”

Manager Wang restrained his smile and asked curiously, "What's the problem?" ”

Li Xiaozhi said mysteriously: "What do you think the future development of our company will be?" ”

Manager Wang pondered for a while, and then said seriously: "Well, I think the future of our company is like this small river, full of infinite possibilities and opportunities. As long as we work together and work hard, we will be able to create a more brilliant tomorrow! ”

After hearing this, Li Xiaozhi nodded again and again: "The manager said it so well!" I believe that our company will be able to achieve greater breakthroughs and development! ”

The conversation between the two became more and more relaxed and pleasant, as if all the work pressure had disappeared at this moment. As they walked, they chatted about the future of the company, the trends of the industry, and their personal career plans. By the river in the early morning, they not only found a good place to relax, but also gained mutual trust and friendship.

When the sun gradually rose and the hustle and bustle of the town gradually sounded, Li Xiaozhi and Manager Wang waved goodbye. They each returned to their posts and started a new day's work. But the humorous conversation of that morning echoed in their hearts like a cheerful melody......