
The paragraph "son-in-law", the naked reality, is worth watching

author:Wise Pencil S
The paragraph "son-in-law", the naked reality, is worth watching
The paragraph "son-in-law", the naked reality, is worth watching
The paragraph "son-in-law", the naked reality, is worth watching
The paragraph "son-in-law", the naked reality, is worth watching
The paragraph "son-in-law", the naked reality, is worth watching
The paragraph "son-in-law", the naked reality, is worth watching
The paragraph "son-in-law", the naked reality, is worth watching
The paragraph "son-in-law", the naked reality, is worth watching
The paragraph "son-in-law", the naked reality, is worth watching
The paragraph "son-in-law", the naked reality, is worth watching
The paragraph "son-in-law", the naked reality, is worth watching
The paragraph "son-in-law", the naked reality, is worth watching
The paragraph "son-in-law", the naked reality, is worth watching
The paragraph "son-in-law", the naked reality, is worth watching
The paragraph "son-in-law", the naked reality, is worth watching
The paragraph "son-in-law", the naked reality, is worth watching
The paragraph "son-in-law", the naked reality, is worth watching
The paragraph "son-in-law", the naked reality, is worth watching

In the early morning of the town, the mist has not completely dissipated, and the weeping willows are still by the small river, and the river is sparkling. Li Xiaozhi, an ordinary young man in a small town, is walking by the river, enjoying this rare tranquility.

Li Xiaozhi is the son-in-law of the old Li family in the town, and he married Lao Li's only daughter, Xiaofang. Xiaofang is gentle and virtuous, and the two have a very good relationship. However, Li Xiaozhi's position in the Li family is somewhat delicate. He works hard and hopes to win the approval of his parents-in-law with his efforts, but it always seems difficult to meet their expectations.

On this day, Li Xiaozhi, as usual, got up early to go for a walk by the river. As he walked, he thought about how to improve his relationship with his father-in-law. Suddenly, he saw his father-in-law, Lao Li, walking along the river, with a hint of displeasure on his face.

Li Xiaozhi's heart tightened, and he hurriedly stepped forward and greeted respectfully: "Dad, you're early!" ”

Lao Li glanced at him and nodded, but did not speak. The two walked one after the other, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Li Xiaozhi secretly pondered in his heart, he knew that his father-in-law was a little dissatisfied with him. But he never understood what he had done wrong. Isn't it enough that he works hard, earns money to support his family, and takes good care of his wife?

Suddenly, Lao Li stopped, turned around, looked at Li Xiaozhi, and said with a hint of reproach in his tone: "Xiaozhi, do you know? I always want you to be the pride of our family. ”

Li Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, and then nodded: "Dad, I know." I've been working on it. ”

Lao Li sighed: "I know you work hard, but sometimes, hard work doesn't mean everything. If you look at Xiao Zhang from the house next door, he not only has a successful career, but also often takes his daughter-in-law home to visit his parents. What about you? was busy with work all day, and didn't even have time to accompany Xiaofang home. ”

Li Xiaozhi felt a pain in his heart, he understood what his father-in-law meant. But he also has his own struggles. He is really busy at work, but he has also been trying to balance work and family. He loves Xiaofang deeply and respects his father-in-law and mother-in-law, but he can't be perfect.

"Dad, I know I have a lot of shortcomings. But trust me, I'll try to make it right. Li Xiaozhi said sincerely.

Lao Li looked at him, and a trace of complicated emotions flashed in his eyes. He patted Li Xiaozhi on the shoulder: "Okay, I believe in you." But you have to remember that as the son-in-law of our family, you not only have to work hard, but also care about the family. Fang is our baby daughter and we want her to live a happy life. ”

Li Xiaozhi nodded, his heart full of gratitude. He knew that his father-in-law's words, though harsh, were full of love and expectation. He secretly made up his mind to work harder, and at the same time care about his family, so that his father-in-law and mother-in-law could see the changes in him.

In the days that followed, Li Xiaozhi began to work harder, while also trying to find time to spend with his family. He took Xiaofang back to her parents' house to visit her parents, chat and walk with them. He also took the initiative to take on the housework, so that his father-in-law and mother-in-law could see his changes.

Gradually, the attitude of the father-in-law and mother-in-law towards Li Xiaozhi has improved significantly. They began to praise him for his sensibility and thoughtfulness, and also expressed their support and understanding for his work. Li Xiaozhi's heart was full of joy and pride, and he knew that he had finally won the approval of his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

This story tells us a truth: as sons-in-law or daughters-in-law, we must not only work hard, but also care about our families. It is only when we are truly integrated into the family that we can earn the approval and respect of our family. At the same time, this story also shows the tenacity and perseverance of Li Xiaozhi, who has won the understanding and support of his family through continuous efforts and changes.