
A really smart woman has "three regardless" in her life, and the more she doesn't care, the better her life

author:Purple Desk MCN
A really smart woman has "three regardless" in her life, and the more she doesn't care, the better her life

Mr. Yang Jiang said: "We once longed for the waves of fate, but later we found that the most beautiful scenery in life is actually the calmness and calmness of the heart. ”

When I read this sentence as a young man, I didn't think so.

Time has passed, and I revisited "The Biography of Yang Jiang" before I realized its true charm.

In life, everyone will be under great pressure due to career or family and fall into internal friction.

But in the ups and downs of fate, she relied on her intelligence and charm to show unlimited potential and energy.

The story of Yang Jiang's life is undoubtedly a spiritual medicine for people in distress.

A woman who can choose between gains and losses, her core is stable and her own charm.

She understands that it is not about anything that needs to bow down to the game, but about learning not to listen, not to speak, and not to be afraid at the right time.

Because of this, she is also lightly skipping trivial matters when dealing with them, so that they do not stick to the leaves.

A really smart woman has done 3 things in her life, and the more she doesn't care, the better her life.

A really smart woman has "three regardless" in her life, and the more she doesn't care, the better her life

Regardless of the gossip of others

Writer Cai Lan was once asked: "How do you view other people's discussions?" ”

Cai Lan replied lightly: "It's okay to ignore it." ”

A person who cares too much about the voice of the outside world often ends up torturing himself.

In 2005, "Don Quixote" translated by Yang Jiang sparked huge controversy in the outside world.

Her peers questioned that Yang Jiang's translation was much less than the other versions, and suspected that Yang Jiang had deleted some chapters.

Dong Yansheng criticized in front of the media: "She is overconfident, she doesn't look up the dictionary where she should look, and many translations have errors." ”

As soon as these words came out, the outside world was in an uproar.

Yang Jiang, who was in the whirlpool of public opinion, turned a deaf ear and still did his own thing.

When Yang Jiang's friend Li Jingduan heard about this, he complained about her.

Yang Jiang replied humorously: "Why are you still nosy like a hairy boy, those criticisms from the outside world, I not only don't get angry, but I don't want to pay attention to him, let him say whatever he wants." ”

As the saying goes, rumors stop at the wise, and time will eventually restore the truth.

Later, everyone learned that Yang Jiang used the familiar "annoying translation method", the meaning is more prominent than others, and the plot is more compact, which makes it different from other translations.

In the face of other people's evaluation, if you care, it is a sword that hurts people invisibly, if you don't care, it is like a light dust, lingering away.

A really smart woman has "three regardless" in her life, and the more she doesn't care, the better her life

You can't control what others say, but your heart can be controlled by yourself.

After "The Siege" became popular, visitors and invitation letters from all over the country came one after another, but Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu and his wife politely refused.

They believe that academic research is far more important than fame and fortune.

But everyone has their own opinions, and some unfriendly voices such as "pure arrogance and self-appreciation" are very loud.

But Yang Jiang and his wife turned a deaf ear to what was going on outside the window, and devoted themselves to the writing career they loved, and they never stopped writing.

The world is your own, and only by focusing on your heart and not caring about gossip can you go your own way.

A really smart woman has "three regardless" in her life, and the more she doesn't care, the better her life

Regardless of the troubles that have not yet happened

In 1966, Yang Jiang entered a long low period in her life.

Not only was her salary cut off, her savings frozen, and she had to make ends meet with very little living expenses each month, but she was also required to do daily hard work.

At that time, my friends and colleagues around me were complaining all day long, sad and crying about their misfortunes.

But Yang Jiang never complained, and the spirit of dressing himself every day was neatly tidied up.

She confronted injustice with silent silence, met challenges with optimism, and lived the only bright spot in her life of suffering.

In the literary institute where she used to work, there was a temporary worker named Xiao Liu, who was mainly responsible for cleaning.

Later, their work positions were reversed, and Xiao Liu became their leader, managing Yang Jiang and other staff in the Literature Institute.

Qian Zhongshu was arranged to clean the yard, and Yang Jiang was assigned to clean the toilet.

Without any hesitation, she threw herself into the work at hand.

A person who pursues perfection in writing and translating is not sloppy in such trivial things as cleaning the toilet.

She found a tool to pick up and began to clean the toilet.

After careful cleaning, the doors and windows in the toilet were clean, and even the dust on the water tank was wiped off.

The first thing Yang Jiang does when he arrives at the unit every day is to ventilate the toilet, and people who go to the toilet no longer need to hurriedly cover their noses to enter.

All the toilet users were surprised, and they were surprised and admired Mr. Yang Jiang.

When others were worried about their future and felt that cleaning the toilet was a chore, Yang Jiang did not complain, but learned to have fun in the midst of suffering.

A really smart woman has "three regardless" in her life, and the more she doesn't care, the better her life

She first satisfied her own pleasure, and after cleaning the toilet every day, she used the toilet as a study and secretly hid in it to read.

The writer Rigo once praised her: "She has a quality of matte but not dumb, low-key but not choked, fragrant but not pungent, like the Northern Lights: bright, tough, hard-wearing." ”

Her optimism is not about forcing people to laugh, but about making people think positively.

There will be two sides to everything, so face the hardships in life positively, and things will take a turn for the better.

In this life, people will encounter countless misfortunes and difficulties, and there will be many changes and regrets.

Complaining about anxiety will not solve any problems, but will make it easier for others to get bored and stay away.

Only by recognizing the impermanence of the world and understanding the uselessness of the hustle and bustle will we no longer choose to publicize it.

There is no need to tell anyone about the misfortunes of life.

When you live the present moment and don't worry about the troubles that haven't happened yet, you will be able to live every life with dignity.

A really smart woman has "three regardless" in her life, and the more she doesn't care, the better her life

Regardless of the man's work and socialization

I agree with the saying: "Solitude is in a sense more important than socializing." ”

One person's time and energy are very limited, and it is better to spend one's time alone than worrying about others.

A wise woman who knows how to keep her distance from the outside world and spend her time on herself.

Yang Jiang once wrote in his book: "The world is one's own, and it has nothing to do with others." ”

When she and her husband Qian Zhongshu sit at home, they both read and write separately without interfering with each other.

Except for occasional get-togethers with friends, Yang Jiang rarely interferes with her husband's social circle.

When Qian Zhongshu's father asked him to work at Hunan Lantian National Normal College, it meant that he had to be separated from Yang Jiang, who lived in Shanghai.

Qian Zhongshu told Yang Jiang very embarrassed because he was worried that Yang Jiang would not agree.

To his surprise, Yang Jiang did not show displeasure, but respected her husband Qian Zhongshu's thoughts.

Qian Zhongshu naturally didn't want to be separated from his wife and daughter, but he couldn't help his family, so he still chose to compromise and decided to go to Hunan.

A really smart woman has "three regardless" in her life, and the more she doesn't care, the better her life

During the separation of the husband and wife, Yang Jiang was not depressed, but has been concentrating on his writing career and taking care of his family.

During the restructuring of Tsinghua University, Tsinghua decided to change her status as a "casual worker" to a formal full-time professor.

But Yang Jiang refused, because although "casual workers" are not full-time jobs, they can be exempted from many official affairs and meetings.

She eschewed the red tape and had more time to read and organize the manuscript herself.

Putting aside distractions and mundane things, Yang Jiang has more time and energy.

She is dedicated to her life and has made remarkable achievements in the fields of literature and translation.

In fact, instead of wasting time on others, it is better to cultivate yourself in solitude.

Only when a person is away from the hustle and bustle and quiet alone can he feel life and live his true self.

Mr. Yang Jiang once said: "Although people are small and life is short, people can learn, cultivate themselves, and improve themselves. ”

A woman who lives transparently will be happy if she gains but does not worry about it, and she will be happy for a long time if she has peace of mind.

In a person's life, instead of relying on others, it is better to live as one's own backer.

If a woman wants to live a smooth life, she should learn 3 things as soon as possible.

If a woman wants to live a smooth life, she should learn 3 things as soon as possible.

Author | Poetry and Breeze