
The ending of the 13 generals under Dashun Li Zicheng (3)

author:Wan'er said history
The ending of the 13 generals under Dashun Li Zicheng (3)

Our first two articles introduced the life and ending of some of Li Zicheng's subordinates, who made great contributions to the establishment of Li Zicheng's Dashun regime, and were all Li Zicheng's heroes, but their ending was either killed or killed or surrendered, today let's continue to look at Li Zicheng's generals. (If you are interested, you can take a look at the previous article)

1. Li Shuangxi

The ending of the 13 generals under Dashun Li Zicheng (3)

Lee Shuangxi

Li Shuangxi is Li Zicheng's adopted son, Li Zicheng vanguard general, entrusted with important tasks, fought in the south and the north, was loyal to Li Zicheng, and was established as the prince by Li Zicheng, when Li Zicheng was besieged in Brazil, Li Zicheng wanted to commit suicide, but was successfully stopped by Li Shuangxi. In the Battle of Shanhaiguan, Li Shuangxi was killed.

2. Li Qiang

The ending of the 13 generals under Dashun Li Zicheng (3)

Li Qiang

Li Zicheng's generals, for the establishment of Li Zicheng's Dashun regime, made immortal contributions, in Li Zicheng did not listen to the persuasion of the military division, insisted on sending troops to Shanhaiguan to exterminate Wu Sangui, but Shanhaiguan was defeated in a battle, Li Qiang was killed in this battle.

3. Zhang Ruoqi

The ending of the 13 generals under Dashun Li Zicheng (3)

Zhang Ruoqi

Zhang Ruoqi's life is also very inspirational, as a top three jinshi, later appointed as the county, seven years to do the military department of the staff of the Shi Lang, become the real power of the Ming Dynasty military department, is really very remarkable, after the Dashun army captured the city of Beijing, Zhang Ruoqi surrendered to the Dashun army, Li Zicheng appointed him as the military government Shangshu, and sent an envoy to persuade Wu Sangui to surrender. After surrendering to the Qing Dynasty, the official was promoted to the political envoy (three products).

4. Luo Hu

The ending of the 13 generals under Dashun Li Zicheng (3)

Luo Hu

Li Zicheng is in charge of the flag for the children's battalion, burly, especially good at horses, and likes to read military books, every war will charge into battle, his subordinates command 3,000 people, called "Zhenshan Battalion", is the elite of Li Zicheng's army. In the battle of Tongguan, Luo Hu led the army to cut off the Ming army's grain route, defeated Sun Chuanting, Sun Chuanting died in battle, directly led to the fall of the Ming Dynasty, Luo Hu performed well, because of the merit of General Guoyi, Feng Tong Guanbo, slowly deeply respected by Li Zicheng, became Li Zicheng's right-hand man.

Later, Li Zicheng gave a palace maid to Luo Hu, and was assassinated and killed by the palace maid when he spent candle night with the palace maid.

5. Hua Shumin

The ending of the 13 generals under Dashun Li Zicheng (3)

Hua Shumin

Jianghu people called "Hua Sanye", ordered by Li Zicheng to go to Jiangnan to investigate, and visited Zhang Xianzhong, and then got acquainted with a prostitute, and wanted to redeem the prostitute, but the silver was not enough, and then met Tang Xu, wanted to do cotton business.

6. He Tengyun

The ending of the 13 generals under Dashun Li Zicheng (3)

He Tengyun

He Yilongtang's nephew, led five hundred firecrackers, surrendered to Sun Chuanting, Sun Chuanting did not find out his tricks, and put his train camp, commanded by Bai Guangen, when Li Zicheng attacked Sun Chuanting, He Tengyun made an internal response, resulting in a great defeat for Sun Chuanting.

7. Luo Rucai

The ending of the 13 generals under Dashun Li Zicheng (3)

Luo Rucai

Nicknamed "Cao Cao", he is the second person in Li Zicheng's army, Luo Rucai is one of the leaders of the 36th battalion, Xingyang Conference has grown to one of the thirteen rebel armies, and then followed Zhang Xianzhong to fight, fought bravely, fought with Qin Liangyu many times, failed many times, was killed by Qin Liangyu Commander Daxu, captured his deputy "Collapse of the sky", Luo Rucai gradually disagreed with Zhang Xianzhong, so he switched to Li Zicheng, and later someone complained to Li Zicheng that he had fornicated with Zuo Liangyu, and Li Zicheng used this as an excuse to kill him, Also killed was He Yilong of the Fifth Battalion of the Revolution.

8. Yoshikan

The ending of the 13 generals under Dashun Li Zicheng (3)


When Luo Rucai was stationed in Fang County, he was introduced, and Luo Rucai and Luo Rucai met, and only then did Luo Rucai's military advisor step by step, giving advice to him. Luo Rucai listened to Ji Jue's words, consulted his opinions on every major decision, and appreciated him very much.

9. He Yilong

The ending of the 13 generals under Dashun Li Zicheng (3)

He Yilong

Nicknamed "Ge Li Eye", he wandered around in his early years, and later returned to Li Zicheng, due to the deepening contradiction between Luo Rucai and Li Zicheng, He Yilong, as a general, often discussed military operations with Luo Rucai, and did not put Li Zicheng in his eyes at all, the contradiction between the two escalated, Li Zicheng stabilized his position, decided to kill, and took advantage of the banquet to entertain Luo Rucai and He Yilong, and killed He Yilong.

10. Horse Shouying

The ending of the 13 generals under Dashun Li Zicheng (3)

Ma Shouying

Nicknamed "Lao Huihui", he was a soldier in his early years, when the uprisings broke out in various places, Ma Shouying participated in the rebel army of Gao Yingxiang, the king of Chuang, developed rapidly, and when he arrived at the Xingyang Conference, he had developed into one of the thirteen leaders, after Gao Yingxiang's death, he followed Li Zicheng with He Yilong and others, after the contradictions in the rebel army gradually became serious, He Yilong was killed by Li Zicheng, Ma Shouying endured humiliation and persisted until the end of the rebel army, according to Jingzhou, and finally died of illness.

11. Lin cultivation

The ending of the 13 generals under Dashun Li Zicheng (3)

Lin cultivated

Nicknamed the King of the World, one of the leaders of the five battalions of the left of the revolution, and He Yilong and others established the fifth battalion of the left of the revolution, and then defected to Li Zicheng, after Li Zicheng killed He Yilong, it didn't take long for Lin to be killed.

12. Yang Chengzu

The ending of the 13 generals under Dashun Li Zicheng (3)

Yang Chengzu

Yang Chengzu is Luo Rucai's favorite general, is his right-hand man, and Li Guo is also a very good friend, after Li Zicheng killed He Yilong and Luo Rucai successively, Yang Chengzu pretended to submit to Li Zicheng to stabilize it, and after returning to his own military camp, Yang Chengzu led thousands of people to surrender to Sun Chuanting.

13. Yellow Dragon

The ending of the 13 generals under Dashun Li Zicheng (3)

Yellow Dragon

When Yang Chengzu fled to Sun Chuanting, Huang Long followed Yang Chengzu to go with him.

The above is the general under Li Zicheng, to this article has been updated to the third issue, if you are interested in it, welcome to find the first two articles, and pay attention to the next update, thank you.

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The ending of the 13 generals under Dashun Li Zicheng (3)