
The greatest stupidity of parents is to "exhaust" their children's blessings in these four aspects

author:Harui Murakami
The greatest stupidity of parents is to "exhaust" their children's blessings in these four aspects

Parents are the mirror of their children, and what their parents look like, what their children will look like.

As the saying goes: "A dragon gives birth to a dragon, a phoenix gives birth to a phoenix, and the son of a mouse makes a hole". This is not simply to say that heredity determines offspring.

Rather, it is talking about the behavior and thoughts of parents and the environment created by parents, which affect the character and abilities of children.

Parents are the greatest fate of children.

Parents have higher awareness, and children are more likely to become talents.

Parents have limited cognition, and because of their ignorance and short-sightedness, they often do stupid things, which will ruin their children's blessings and affect their children's future.

The greatest stupidity of parents is to exhaust the blessings of their children in these four aspects.

01 My parents are not doing their jobs properly and are in debt

A hot meme on the Internet: What can parents leave for their children? It's either poverty, or it's debt.

Wealth needs to be accumulated from generation to generation, and it needs to be created from generation to generation.

The more wealth created by the parents and the more capital they accumulate, the stronger the children's confidence will be, and it will be easier for them to walk in the future.

But some parents do not have children to enjoy their wealth and continue to create family wealth.

Rather, it is to give birth to "labor" and share their own poverty.

Such parents have never thought about how their children should be raised and what kind of life they should provide for their children.

Instead, they constantly overdraft their lives, consume in advance, and borrow and borrow.

What they overdraft is not only their own lives, but also the future of their children, and even the future of generations to come.

The saddest thing is that most of these parents owe debts, not because of illness or other force majeure, but more because they do not do their jobs.

I don't want to pay, I just want to live my life for a short time by overdrawing the future.

There is no inheritance, no hope, and only debts are left for children and grandchildren.

Such parents not only ruin their children's luck, future and future, but also ruin the luck of a family.

The greatest stupidity of parents is to "exhaust" their children's blessings in these four aspects

02 Parents have incorrect views and teach their children to be "crooked".

Parents are their children's first teachers and their children's mirrors.

From the moment a child is born, he consciously imitates any behavior of his parents.

What the parents are, the children will be.

Parents who are not filial to the elderly are likely to raise unfilial sons.

Parents who are always quarreling are likely to have a discordant family, and there are even more contradictions between their children.

Parents with extreme temperaments educate children often with character defects, unable to love themselves, and unable to love others.

Parents who can't run their own families are not able to run their own homes after their children get married as adults.

Parents can leave their children not only material, but also spiritual inheritance: words and deeds.

Parents' three views and thoughts completely affect the growth trajectory of children.

Parents are kind and righteous, while children are affectionate and righteous, and distinguish between right and wrong;

Parents are filial to the elderly, harmonious brothers, children are loyal and filial, brothers, friends and brothers, family harmony;

Parents are rational, transparent, and emotionally intelligent, while children are full of wisdom in life, can fight monsters and upgrade, and can also shake hands with life.

A parent's ability to deal with life and interpersonal relationships will completely affect the child's behavior and outlook.

The more correct the parents' three views, the more upright the children will be, and they will not do bad or wrong things.

But if the parents themselves are not virtuous, then they must be "crooked at the top and crooked at the bottom", and the child will learn from the same and get into trouble from an early age.

When you grow up, you will be harmed by one party, you will not be a good person, and you will not be able to live a good life.

Parents themselves will also bear the unfilial piety of their children, and the boomerang will eventually come to them.

Your behavior and three views hide the luck and blessings of children. If you teach a child crookedly, you will ruin the child.

The greatest stupidity of parents is to "exhaust" their children's blessings in these four aspects

03 If parents are ignorant and don't study, their children will suffer

Many ignorant and short-sighted parents think that "reading is useless" and often do not pay attention to their children's learning.

For children's learning, adhere to the natural approach, children learn to learn, do not learn, and do not guide correctly.

Even happy: it's just right not to study, save money, and work early to subsidize the family.

The length of a parent's vision determines the future of a child.

The more you don't invest in your child's learning, the more you ruin your child's future.

Children are ignorant and even repulsive about learning.

However, parents need to guide their children to realize the importance of reading for the future.

But short-sighted parents never think about their children's future, and only think about their own ease and trouble.

As a result, the child's wings that may fly far away are broken, so that the child can only be at the bottom like himself.

The more ignorant the parents, the less they read, and the less they value their children's investment in education, then the children will suffer a big loss in the future.

04 Parents offend people everywhere, and the child will be in a difficult situation in the future

What is the most important thing about living in today's society?

Money and connections.

However, many parents have not left their children with financial assistance, but also cut off their children's network resources.

Block the child's back road.

Some parents live a very "wanton" life, scold others when they want to, never lend a hand, and often fall into the trap.

Opening your mouth and closing your mouth is scolding, and you can offend people wherever you go.

Relatives, friends and neighbors all offended Guang, and the leaders and superiors and colleagues all ignored it.

As a result, I have been cool and cool all my life, but I don't know that these people you offend may have to be paid off by your children.

Maybe in the future, your child's teacher is the person you have scolded and offended, then your child may be isolated and ignored at school.

If you offend a colleague, someone else's child becomes your child's colleague, and it will also stumble your child.

The so-called "retribution for injustice" means that you plant the cause, but the child will bear your consequences.

As the saying goes, stay a line in life, and see each other in the future.

People live in the world, they are not independent individuals, you have family and descendants.

You can't be too desperate, don't take the road of your children and grandchildren.

When you have money, you bully others, then when your descendants are poor, others will also bully you.

On the contrary, when you are rich or down, you always be kind to people everywhere and make good connections everywhere.

Then in the future, when your children and grandchildren are in trouble, and your family is in trouble, others will also reach out and pull a hand.

This is the best wealth and the greatest blessing for future generations.

A family, one is prosperous and one is lost.

Parents don't just give their children life, they get the job done.

Instead, we should lead by example, strive to improve ourselves, teach children the bottom line of being a human being, the ability to survive, and pass on the spiritual wealth and network resources to children to live a good life.
