
Comparing the African daughter-in-law Phyllis and Rose, one is relaxed and real, the other is utilitarian and strong...

author:A little little flower

After the second child of the African daughter-in-law Rose, instead of gaining more fans, she was infamous a lot.

Recently, I have brushed up a lot of Rose because of the gold bracelet incident, and she was scolded for being too fake and deceived people to play Dafa, which disappointed fans who liked her.

I also went in the video and watched it again, Rose apologized to everyone, saying that because many people maliciously complained that the live broadcast could not be entered, so the gold bracelet lucky bag was not completely distributed, but it will be compensated in the future We definitely don't talk and don't count.

50 gold bracelets have been bought, and more than 300,000 have been spent, just to give back to the fans who have supported them for so many years.

I don't know what the specific reason is, but this is not the biggest reason for her reputation to decline.

I also focused on it a few years ago, and I was attracted by the enthusiasm and cheerfulness of this foreign daughter-in-law, and it really takes a lot of courage for a person who does not understand the language and marries far away in rural China. and with the help of a special identity to shoot videos to earn money to support his family, he is really good.

Comparing the African daughter-in-law Phyllis and Rose, one is relaxed and real, the other is utilitarian and strong...

But I don't know when she became less real, and it may feel deep.

Maybe since I went back to my parents' house, many details showed that I was not generous to my family, so I knew how to cook Chinese food, and I didn't even cook a decent meal, and I kept saying that I made dumplings, and in the end I didn't even eat dumplings.

Then he said that he would bring his mother to China, but a year or two have passed, and he has not seen his mother. Maybe there is Wu Jianyun's reason that he doesn't want his mother-in-law to come over.

In short, the commercialization of Rose's videos is becoming more and more serious, and it is completely different from the previous feeling, and it is packaged and scripted by the team.

After pregnancy, Rose was also very hypocritical, she didn't do anything, she had to walk hard, and she was tired all day Lying in bed, the home was also dirty and messy, the sofa was full of dirty clothes, and the head of the bed was also dark. There is a big contrast with the previous diligence.

The two of them have also become cautious, they don't dare to bring goods easily, they just want to shoot videos to earn traffic money, there are many people, and it is difficult to maintain their hearts anymore.

They have always emphasized that they have received too much cyberbullying in the past few years, even their newborn daughter did not let go, and they did not dare to let Wu Zi'an appear on the camera.

Although the second-born daughter is getting darker, she is chubby, very blessed and cute, and when her skin is dark, she is attacked again, and she is scolded for not being a mixed-race child at all.

Therefore, in the future, you should be cautious when bringing goods, you can't become a fat person in one bite, you have to take your time in doing things, and be sincere.

Comparing the African daughter-in-law Phyllis and Rose, one is relaxed and real, the other is utilitarian and strong...

On the contrary, the recent video of Phyllis returning to Africa makes people see the laughing and optimistic side of the real little girl.

In contrast, I find Phyllis's videos more attractive, look more decompressed, give people a sense of relaxation, my mother's brothers and sisters are also very loving, and the home environment looks clean.

Because Phyllis's team brought the oil extraction equipment over, the standard of living improved a lot this year, and even the eldest brother, who had never been married, married a young daughter-in-law.

Recently, I am going back to China, and the time is very fast, and everyone is reluctant, but fortunately, my mother and sister will go back to China together this time.

Many people wonder if my sister is also going to join China?

After all, Raou will be very happy when she marries Xiao Liu Shen, and her mother-in-law treats her like a daughter and doesn't have to do anything, just give birth to the child with peace of mind. It has been said by everyone that it has fallen into the nest of blessings.

Comparing the African daughter-in-law Phyllis and Rose, one is relaxed and real, the other is utilitarian and strong...
Comparing the African daughter-in-law Phyllis and Rose, one is relaxed and real, the other is utilitarian and strong...

In fact, these two Chinese daughters-in-law must be very good if they can become big Internet celebrities. It's just that some people stick to their original intentions and reap benefits while doing their best, and some people are more utilitarian and have clearer goals, but sometimes they are too eager and easy to make mistakes, and because of their own character and so on, they will slowly be revealed.

Phyllis's original family is happier, the environment is more relaxed, her brothers and sisters are loving, and she met Xiao Zeng Lao Li and fulfilled each other, which is also her own charm, otherwise Lao Li's accident may have been put aside.

Rose, on the other hand, was born in Uganda, a poorer family, and she was very strong when she came to China, so now she can't relax and be stronger.

What do you think, where is the gap?