
Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

author:Look at the culture

On September 30, 1938, a murder occurred in Shanghai under Japanese occupation, and Tang Shaoyi, the former premier of the Republic of China living in the concession, was hacked to death with a sharp axe in his mansion. This case shocked the government and the opposition, and the society was in an uproar. Who has such a hatred with him? So much so that you want to be hacked to death with an ax?

Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

In 1938, the fourth issue of "China Pictorial" reported that Tang Shaoyi was killed

Tang Shaoyi, whose name is Shaochuan, is a native of Xiangshan County, Guangdong Province (now Tangjia Village, Tangjiawan Town, Zhuhai). Political activist, diplomat, and the first Prime Minister of the Republic of China. He used to be the president of Peiyang University (now Tianjin University) and Shandong University.

Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

Former Republic of China Premier Tang Shaoyi

Tang Shaoyi went to Shanghai to study since she was a child. He became the third batch of young children to study in the United States, and later entered Columbia University. Tang Shaoyi has made important contributions to China's sovereignty, diplomatic rights and interests, and the promotion of democracy and republic. He was mostly engaged in major diplomatic activities in the early stage, and had a great influence on the diplomacy of the late Qing Dynasty. He later switched to the republican camp and, with the consent of Sun Yat-sen, joined the League. Promote the birth of the Republic of China and maintain the republican system. He advocates the practice of party politics, the collegial system, and the autonomy of the provinces, and seeks the peaceful reunification of China.

Yuan Shikai served as the president of the Republic of China and appointed the 49-year-old Tang Shaoyi as the first premier of the Republic of China, and after taking office as the premier, Tang Shaoyi, who was deeply influenced by the American democratic republican ideology, began to govern with great political ambitions. Tang Shaoyi was diligent in official affairs and paid attention to efficiency, which made the government present a new atmosphere.

However, during his administration, Tang Shaoyi found that Yuan Shikai's sense of monopoly was quite serious, which made it impossible to implement the established "responsible cabinet system"; In particular, there are growing differences and rifts in the areas of employment, finances, and compliance with and implementation of the Interim Covenant. Tang Shaoyi not only deeply felt that he was really difficult to do as a prime minister; And his friendship with Yuan for many years is also in jeopardy because of this. So, after thinking about it, he decided to wash his hands and resigned angrily and returned to his hometown.

After his resignation, Tang Shaoyi lived in Shanghai, and with the continuous changes in the domestic political situation, he successively served as the foreign minister of the Duan Qirui government, and was also appointed by Sun Yat-sen as the finance minister of the Southern Military Government.

Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

Tang Shaoyi compiled the Zhongshan County Discipline and Administration Yearbook

In 1931, Tang Shaoyi volunteered to be the magistrate of Zhongshan County, and in the position of this seven-grade sesame official, he was more interested and energetic than when he was the governor of Fengtian (now Shenyang), the secretary of the Ministry of Posts and Communications, the president of Shandong University, the premier of the Republic of China, the minister of foreign affairs, and the minister of finance, and vowed to build Zhongshan County into a national model county.

Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

Tang Shaoyi wrote an inscription for the Zhongshan County Training Yearbook

He is honest and honest in government, and has the courage to get rid of the stereotypes and bad habits of officialdom and yamen; He is willing to make private visits to resolve the shortcomings of the people; He went around building roads, building hospitals, and turning his garden into a park open to the public. He even confidently wanted to build a large port on the coast of Zhongshan County. When the road was repaired and the statue of the land lord was in the way, the migrant workers did not dare to move the soil without authorization, so he knocked the head of the land lord a few times with a cane, and then asked the migrant workers to pick their heads. The roads were repaired, the sewer manhole covers were often stolen and sold as scrap metal, and there were cases of pedestrians, cars and horses falling into uncovered manholes at night. When Tang Shaoyi learned of this, he immediately ordered an urgent casting and replacement with a new manhole cover, on which was cast "This county order: stealing and stealing, both fined 50 yuan; Report or quote, are sixty percent reward", the result is immediately effective. Tang Shaoyi served as the county magistrate for less than 4 years, and the appearance of the county town has changed greatly.

Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

Tang Shaoyi was the magistrate of Zhongshan County

After the fall of Shanghai, Tang Shaoyi stepped down from his post to live in Shanghai and lived in the French Concession. Chiang Kai-shek ordered him to be killed at home. He was 75 years old.

Why did Chiang Kai-shek kill Tang Shaoyi? This matter has to start with the contradiction between Jiang and Tang-

In 1925, Sun Yat-sen died of illness, and Chiang Kai-shek seized the opportunity to seize power within the party and established a self-centered Nationalist Government in Nanjing in 1927. In Tang Shaoyi's view, Chiang Kai-shek is a kid who climbed up by chance, if he hadn't laid the foundation with Sun Yat-sen and other old-timers, he Chiang Kai-shek would have his current status? Coupled with Tang Shaoyi's self-esteem, he was unwilling to admit that the younger generation in the past had now climbed on top of his head, so he was very uninterested in Chiang Kai-shek. Where did Chiang Kai-shek know what he thought? Tang Shaoyi was the first prime minister of the Republic of China in the past, and his prestige was very high.

Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

Tang Shaoyi wrote the masthead for "Happiness Daily".

Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Government had just been established, and it was not very stable, so it naturally needed to stabilize people's hearts and some old-timers to set up the scene, so he threw an olive branch to Tang Shaoyi and invited Tang Shaoyi to take up important posts in the Nationalist Government. turned out to be rejected by Tang Shaoyi.

In Tang Shaoyi's view, he was once the prime minister of a country, and he was an equal "old revolutionary" with Sun Yat-sen, how could he run to work under Chiang Kai-shek? Chiang Kai-shek repeatedly invited and asked Kong Xiangxi to come forward to talk to Tang Shaoyi in detail, but Tang Shaoyi categorically refused.

Not only that, but he even joined the coalition against Chiang Kai-shek, which angered Chiang Kai-shek and laid the foundation for Tang Shaoyi's assassination in the future. In 1931, the Nationalist Government of Guangzhou was established, and Tang Shaoyi responded to the call of Wang Jingwei and others, relying on the warlords of the southwest, to organize an anti-Chiang alliance in Guangzhou. But what he didn't expect was that in 1934, Chen Jitang launched a mutiny, surrounded Tang Shaoyi's apartment, and forced him to resign from his position as one of the five standing committees of the Guangzhou Nationalist Government and the Southwest Political Affairs Committee.

Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

Tang Shaoyi and Sun Yat-sen

After Tang Shaoyi's resignation, Chiang Kai-shek reached an agreement with the various factions of the Kuomintang, and each faction respected Chiang. Tang Shaoyi originally hoped that these people would oppose Chiang Kai-shek and return him to the political peak, but these warlord districts betrayed Tang Shaoyi and took refuge in Chiang Kai-shek. Since then, he has been disheartened and has no intention of getting involved in politics again.

Chiang Kai-shek originally wanted to "settle accounts with Tang Shaoyi after the autumn". But at that time, Tang Shaoyi's prestige and qualifications in the Kuomintang were far superior to Chiang Kai-shek's, and Chiang Kai-shek did not dare to move Tang Shaoyi when his foothold was not stable. But this hatred was buried in Chiang Kai-shek's heart.

In the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, Tang Shaoyi and Kong Xiangxi adhered to Chiang Kai-shek's will and secretly negotiated peace conditions with the Japanese. Tang Shaoyi's tough attitude towards negotiations with the Japanese side led to the collapse of the talks, and coupled with the rising anti-Japanese situation in the country, Chiang Kai-shek finally decided to withdraw the secret negotiators.

After the fall of Shanghai, Tang Shaoyi sent his wife and children to Hong Kong, and he still stayed in the Tang Mansion on Fukaisen Road (now No. 40 Wukang Road) in the French Concession of Shanghai, raising flowers and grass every day, and searching for antiques.

Because his political prestige attracted the attention of the enemy and hypocrisy, he was regarded as the best prey for the puppet of "using China to contain China". At this time, the Japanese military department formulated the "Sand Plan", also known as the "Southern Tang and Northern Wu" plan, which focused on Tang Shaoyi, and the content of the "Sand Plan" for Tang Shaoyi was mainly three: first, to create public opinion and force Tang Shaoyi to comply; the second is to mobilize traitors to frequently enter and leave the Tang Mansion in order to create the illusion that the Tang wants to defect to the Japanese; The third is to send the Japanese generals of Kenji Dohihara to visit Tang Shaoyi frequently to further create the false impression that Tang Shaoyi has descended to the sun. The Sand Plan must achieve one of three objectives. First, Tang Shaoyi's compliance is its best purpose; Second, if Tang Shaoyi did not comply, he would provoke the contradiction between the Chiang Kai-shek government and Tang Shaoyi, and then cause an accident to assassinate Tang Shaoyi, and then blame Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist government. to provoke contradictions between Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuomintang elders; Third, the death of Tang forced Wu Peifu to surrender to the sun.

For this reason, the Japanese military department instructed Kenji Dohihara, the head of the Japanese secret service, to set up a "special committee for China" to be responsible for the work of Tang Shaoyi and Wu Peifu, and planned that Tang Shaoyi would organize a national puppet government and replace Chiang Kai-shek.

Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

Kenji Dohihara

Many Japanese spy chiefs Kenji Dohihara and others visited Tang Shaoyi many times to pull Tang into the water, but Tang Shaoyi refused, so the Japanese began to implement the "Sand Plan," first publicizing in the newspapers the fake news that high-ranking Japanese officials were in close contact with Tang, and Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun also fabricated fake news entitled "Former Prime Minister of the Nationalist Government Tang Shaoyi Secretly Meets with General Kenji Dohihara" to confuse the public and the public. Then he sent traitors Chen Zhongfu and Wen Zongyao to frequently go back and forth to the Tang Mansion to create a false appearance. As a result, it was rumored in Shanghai, Guangzhou and other places that the Japanese enemy planned to use Tang Shaoyi, Chen Zhongfu, Wen Zongyao and others to organize the puppet international trade government in Central China.

Dai Li brought a report from the Yomiuri Shimbun from Hong Kong and reported it to Chiang Kai-shek, who was shocked after reading it and immediately asked Kong Xiangxi to persuade Tang Shaoyi, who asked Kong to tell Chiang that "Shaochuan is a Chinese and cannot be a dog," but he was unwilling to leave Shanghai. Therefore, Chiang Kai-shek instructed the Guangzhou Anti-Enemy Support Association to send a telegram to Tang Shaoyi in early March 1938, asking him to get out of the encirclement of the evil forces and return to the south in the first day. However, Tang Shaoyi, because he did not know the tricks of the Japanese, did not reply to the call from the enemy's support association.

On 19 March, Chiang Kai-shek instructed Chen Lifu to organize people and associations from all walks of life in Guangzhou to cause social pressure on Tang Shaoyi, and people from all walks of life in Guangzhou held a meeting on the second floor of the Provincial People's Education Center.

After Tang Shaoyi answered the call, he was full of anger. said to his subordinates that I had already replied to Jiang that I would not be a traitor, but Jiang forced people too much and publicly humiliated Tang. As a result, Tang still ignored it and refused to collect the travel expenses.

Tang Shaoyi is a mature political figure who has experienced political turmoil and is old and sophisticated, and he has full consideration for his own gains and losses everywhere; He knew very well that he was living on the isolated island of Shanghai surrounded by Japanese invaders, and that Japanese spies were always watching him, and it was not easy to get out. Therefore, the adoption of a delaying attitude could not but arouse speculation on the part of the Nationalist Government and Chiang Kai-shek.

Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

Chiang Kai-shek sent three letters asking Tang Shaoyi to return south

In this context, Kenji Dohihara deliberately visited Tang Shaoyi again, and hyped it through the Japanese pseudo-media, and deliberately vaguely declared that Kenji Dohihara wanted to invite Tang Shaoyi to visit Tokyo. Kenji Tsuchihara also made a public statement, saying that the Japanese army would no longer be a negotiating partner with Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist government. We will work with the new Government of Peace to discuss the establishment of Greater East Asia for common prosperity.

Tu Feiyuan was interested in Tang Shaoyi, not because he was just a big man worth bringing up, but because he thought he was a student studying in the United States, his thinking was more radical than that of the Kuomintang bureaucrats, he had a certain pan-Asianist sentiment, and he was indifferent. The two are not new friends, and they have been dating long before the Anti-Japanese War. Tang Shaoyi only used diplomatic rhetoric to excuse the rumors that were being spread outside: "Any rumors outside are regarded as fools' dreams." ”

Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

Tang Shaoyi's notes

In late September, Kenji Dohihara, the head of the Japanese secret service in China and a veteran spy Tohihara, accompanied by Cen Deguang, the son of Cen Chunxuan, the governor of Liangguang and Guangxi in the late Qing Dynasty, took a car to the Tang Mansion on Fukaisen Road again. Cen was a graduate of the Japanese aristocratic school, and at this time he had already fallen into the water in Shanghai, and because he was proficient in Japanese, he also served as a translator. In this meeting, Tu Feiyuan once again invited Tang Shaoyi to come out to organize a puppet government, but Tang Shaoyi once again categorically refused.

Chiang Kai-shek was fooled. Chiang Kai-shek was very displeased when he learned that Tang Shaoyi had frequent contact with the Japanese, but he was also taboo. Although Tang Shaoyi has withdrawn from politics, he is a veteran of the Kuomintang and a former premier of the Republic of China. If it falls overboard and joins the enemy, won't it ruin the reputation of the Kuomintang government? It may also trigger other party-state elders to follow suit. As a result, Chiang Kai-shek hurriedly ordered someone to send a handwritten letter to dissuade Tang Shaoyi from "keeping the evening festival good", but Tang Shaoyi was extremely dissatisfied with Chiang Kai-shek's previous behavior and ignored Chiang Kai-shek's letter.

Seeing Tang Shaoyi's attitude, Chiang Kai-shek became even more anxious, he knew that if Tang Shaoyi really hooked up with the Japanese, with Tang Shaoyi's prestige, he might recruit a group of Kuomintang people into the puppet government, which could really bring him and his Nationalist government huge trouble, so Chiang Kai-shek sent him another letter to persuade Tang Shaoyi to return south. This time, Tang Shaoyi didn't even fold the letter, and the original was returned.

Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

Left: Chiang Kai-shek sternly pleaded with Kong Xiangxi and ordered Tang Shaoyi to contact the Japanese side for peace talks; Figure right, hole callback explained

Chiang Kai-shek still didn't give up, and sent another letter to the past, this time he also threw an olive branch to express his sincerity, Tang Shaoyi not only didn't give Chiang Kai-shek face at all, but even slapped Chiang Kai-shek in the face directly, Tang Shaoyi still didn't look at it, so he returned to him. Refusing three times in succession, Chiang Kai-shek was so angry that he almost vomited blood. But the matter is big, so I have to endure it.

So, Chiang Kai-shek came to Kong Xiangxi to discuss, and asked Kong Xiangxi to come forward to persuade Tang Shaoyi. Kong Xiangxi said to Tang Shaoyi, "I am anxious for the young old man to return to the south, and the young old man (Tang Shaoyi, the word Shaochuan) has any needs, please call at any time." Tang Shaoyi replied to Kong Xiangxi, "I am old, I am used to living in Shanghai, and I am no longer suitable for political affairs."

Chiang Kai-shek also sent Tang Shaoyi's other son-in-law, Zhu Changnian, to Shanghai to persuade him to break free from the Japanese puppet encirclement, move to Hong Kong, and if he could go to Wuhan first, he would be entrusted with the post of foreign minister of the Nationalist Government. Tang Shaoyi said: I am more than 70 years old and have no energy to engage in politics.

According to Chiang Kai-shek's intentions, Dai Li also asked Du Yuesheng to write a letter to Tang Shaoyi from Hong Kong, persuading him to live in Hong Kong. In the face of these persuasions, Tang Shaoyi replied: "Please rest assured, friends, I, Tang Mou, would rather be a slave to the country than a traitor." If you have the opportunity, you should definitely go to Hong Kong. He also said, "I am very old, in my seventies, and if my health permits, I will leave for Hong Kong after I have finished some household chores." So saying, but there has been no movement.

Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

Dai Li secretly ordered Zhou Weilong to sanction Tang Shaoyi, and Ren Zhong was Zhou Weilong's pseudonym

The military commander's spies lurking in Shanghai naturally did not dare to slack off, and closely monitored Tang Shaoyi's every move. Dai Li, the leader of the military command, was criticized by Chiang Kai-shek because of the recent ineffective development of intelligence and the work of eliminating traitors, and he was overjoyed when he saw the information sent by his subordinates that Tang might have fallen into the water, and thought that he had a major target for the elimination of traitors.

Zhou Weilong sorted out the rumors about Tang Shaoyi in Shanghai and reported it to Dai Li. Dai Lian added fuel and vinegar to report to Chiang Kai-shek. After Chiang Kai-shek received Dai Li's secret report, he finally made up his mind to get rid of Tang Shaoyi. As a result, Dai Lian issued an assassination order.

Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

Dai Li's assassination warrant said that it was best not to use a gun

  In the vicinity of Tang Shaoyi's villa, the French Concession police and Japanese spies took special protection measures, and the French Concession also sent a lot of Annan patrols to patrol back and forth, and set up posts at the gates, not allowing idlers to enter and leave at will, and the Japanese spies even ambushed snipers. Zhou Weilong saw that the patrol in front of the house was heavily guarded, and there were many bodyguards and servants at home, and he thought that the Tang family was not an ideal place for assassination. From the arrangement in August to the assassination of Tang Shaoyi on September 30, Zhou Weilong has designed several plans, but they are all invalid for various reasons. Later, they found out that Tang Shaoyi usually likes to collect antiques, and he likes porcelain treasures of the past dynasties the most, and has been searching for them at a high price. Zhou Weilong believes that this is a godsend.

Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

Zhou Weilong (pseudonym: Ren Zhong)

  A few days later, Xie Zhipan, an insider arranged by the military commander, took the military commander in civilian clothes, pretended to be an antique dealer, and drove straight to the Tang house. Xie is a disciple of an old friend of Tang Shaoyi, who used to go to Tang Shaoyi's place often, but this time he was also bought by the military commander. When they came to the front of the house, Annan's guards searched their bodies strictly, but except for a few antiques, there were no flaws. So, after the housekeeper of the Tang Mansion led them to the reception room to sit down, Tang Shaoyi slowly came down from the upstairs, and Xie Zhipan hurriedly stepped forward, with a smile on his face: "Uncle Tang, many of the refugees in the French Concession have valuable antiques, and they are willing to sell them cheaply." He also pointed to these "antique dealers" dressed as military commanders and said: "They know that the prime minister likes them, so they have selected a few to send them." I would like to thank the Prime Minister for his attention. With that, he handed over a few splendid boxes containing antiques.

Tang Shaoyi held a magnifying glass in his hand, carefully looked at several antiques one by one, and after observing for a while, he praised repeatedly: "Good thing!" Great stuff! Make an offer. Xie Zhipan casually quoted the price, and the sale was completed, and several mysterious antique dealers walked away.

It turned out that this was just a drill arranged by Zhou Weilong to ensure that nothing would go wrong in the future. They came a few times later, and after a few times, Zhou Weilong found that Tang Shaoyi was fascinated by antiques, always personally receiving visiting antique dealers, and for particularly precious goods, he had to retire the servants and close the door tightly to prevent outsiders from peeping. Zhou Weilong believes that this is the best opportunity to start.

Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

Military commander killer Zhao Lijun

  A well-thought-out assassination plan was set. On the morning of September 30, the autumn wind was drizzling and the haze was gloomy. A blue sedan drove straight to the gate of the Tang Mansion, and Xie Zhipan and three other people walked down from the car.

Xie Zhipan was wearing a blue suit, and the military commander killer Zhao Lijun pretended to be an antique dealer, wearing a light gray serge shirt, and the two walked side by side, followed by the military commander killer Wang Xingguo and Li Ada, dressed as a guy. The two were carrying a large suitcase containing antiques. There are indeed good goods in the box: a large vase made by the Southern Song Dynasty, a sword that is said to be worn by Qi Jiguang, a famous anti-Japanese general, and several antiques. There is still a sharp small steel axe, which is hidden in the large vase of the Southern Song Dynasty.

  A group of four people came to the living room, and the housekeeper had already gone upstairs to report to Tang Shaoyi, saying that Master Xie had brought someone to sell antiques again, and asked Mr. Tang to go downstairs to take a look. After the guest and host sat down, Zhao Lijun first took out the sword, walked to Tang Shaoyi, and said: "This sword is said to be used by Qi Jiguang when he resisted the Japanese, and it is priceless, please Premier Tang take a look." Tang Shaoyi took the sword, played with it slightly, frowned slightly, and said in a connoisseur's tone: "I'm afraid it's not the real thing." The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty have worn more swords than swords, and the confrontation between General Shi Qi and the Japanese Kou Feng Di is also a famous Japanese Japanese sword. The two bargained and argued. At this time, in order to ease the atmosphere, Tang Shaoyi said to the servant standing aside, "Light a cigarette for the guest." But there was no match in the room, so the servant went out to get it, and Zhao Lijun saw that the time had come, and motioned to Li Ah to do it with his eyes.

Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

Tang Shaoyi was hacked to death at home

  When Tang Shaoyi turned around and stared down at other antiques, Li quickly took out a small steel axe from the Southern Song Dynasty vase, went around Tang's back, and slashed off his head. Zhao Lijun saw that it was done, and asked everyone to hurry out and get into the car, and when they arrived at the door of the room, Xie Zhipan and Zhao Lijun had words in their mouths, and said: "Premier Tang doesn't have to send it, stay here, stay here." Then he took the door and went out, and the four of them bowed to the door again, looking very respectful.

The bodyguards, the French Concession police, and the Japanese spies outside the door also had no doubt when they saw such a scene. Zhao Lijun waited for the dead man to go out step by step, got into the blue car that had not turned off, and drove away at a gallop. Several servants vaguely remembered that the license plate was number 6312.

  After receiving the report of Tang Shaoyi's assassination, the patrol office of the French Concession immediately dispatched a large number of armed patrols to the scene, and sent an armored vehicle to guard the intersection of the main road. At the same time, Japanese spies also used telephone to inform the military police outside the French Concession to pay attention to the arrest of the blue car No. 6312.

At about 12 o'clock in the afternoon, an armored car found an empty blue sedan at the intersection of Bishop Yao on Maggie Road (now Urumqi Middle Road). After investigation, the car number was 6312, which was owned by a taxi company and was rented by an unknown person a few days ago. The killer apparently came prepared, and the clue was broken. According to the address of Xie Zhipan's house provided by the Tang family, the other patrol went straight to No. 275 Ladu Road (now Xiangyang South Road) in the French Concession to search for the arrest, but it was already empty.

Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

The axe that killed Tang Shaoyi

  Tang Shaoyi was seriously injured after being stabbed and rushed to the nearby Guangci Hospital for rescue, and was dying when he arrived at the hospital. The doctor gave him a cardiac injection and another 2000cc blood transfusion, but it still did not work, and his mind has been in a coma. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, Tang Shaoyi finally died. The next day, various newspapers in Shanghai published news one after another: "Tang Shaoyi was stabbed to death", "Former Premier Tang Shaoyi was stabbed to death", "Tang Shaoyi was hacked to death with an axe". For a time, the Chinese people were shocked, public opinion was in an uproar, and some Kuomintang politicians demanded that the Nationalist Government thoroughly investigate the cause of Tang Shaoyi's death.

After Tang Shaoyi's death, the body was taken away by Tang Shaoyi's children, and then set up an auditorium at the Wanguo Funeral Home on Jiaozhou Road to pay respects. Chiang Kai-shek, in order to appease the people's hearts, really took a lot of effort, first the Kuomintang government issued a communiqué, praising Tang Shaoyi's exploits in various periods of the Republic of China, strongly condemning the assassination of Tang Shaoyi by Japanese spies, and allocating 5,000 yuan for funeral expenses. Chiang Kai-shek, Kong Xiangxi, and others also sent messages of condolences one after another. The Nationalist Government immediately issued a document ordering the National History Museum to write "The Biography of Former Premier Tang Shaoyi", and it took all kinds of superficial efforts to calm the pressure of public opinion.

However, at this time, Kenji Dohihara, the head of the Japanese secret service in China, had not forgotten his "Sand Plan" in order to provoke contradictions between the Kuomintang veterans and Chiang Kai-shek. In March 1939, five months after Tang Shaoyi's murder, the puppet Nanjing government headed by Wang Jingwei was instructed to include Tang Shaoyi in the list of "martyrs". At the same time, Kenji Dohihara actually made a public speech blaming Tang Shaoyi's death for the assassination of the Kuomintang, and Kenji Dohihara expressed regret for Tang's death and believed that because of Tang Shaoyi's death, the work of the Japanese Empire in China was affected, which was not only a misfortune for Tang Shaoyi himself, but also a great loss for the common prosperity of Greater East Asia. In this way, Tang Shaoyi was portrayed as a renegade and defected to the enemy, creating momentum for his political inducement to the Kuomintang. For a time, it also confused domestic public opinion, making many people think that Tang Shaoyi was a traitor.

Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

On October 12, 1938, Japan's Asahi Shimbun reported that Tang was killed, intensifying political contradictions

It was not until after the liberation that Chiang Kai-shek's past diary was dug up, and it was confirmed that Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by a military commander. There was also information from within the military command: Dai Li's subordinates invited merit and rewards. Zhao Lijun was appointed as the colonel of the Operations Section of the Third Division of the Military Command Bureau, and Wang Xingguo and Li Adaa also had their own uses. Only Xie Zhipan, who was bought, was not sophisticated enough, and he was terrified like a lost dog afterwards, and because of his special relationship with Tang Shaoyi, he went a little insane after fleeing to Chongqing, and often said to himself: "I'm sorry Uncle Tang!" As a result, Dai Li could not arrange for him to work, so he had to let him stay in a hotel temporarily.

Revealed: He is a veteran of the Kuomintang, the first premier of the Republic of China, and Tang Shaoyi was assassinated by the military commanders?

Tang Shaoyi Mansion

Soon after, Xie Zhipan contracted schizophrenia and was admitted to a hospital for treatment and confined to a special care unit, but the problem became more and more serious. He secretly put a pistol in his trouser pocket, saying that someone was trying to harm him, and he always stuck one hand in his trouser pocket. One day, several spies from the Chongqing Detective Office went to this hospital on a business trip, and found that Xie's ward was closed with the door closed, so they peeked through the air window on the door. The news that came out later from the Military Command Bureau was Dai Li's murderous plan.

Tang Shaoyi is a famous politician whose life experience is quite bumpy and legendary. After the liberation, Major General Shen Zui of the Military Commander wrote an article saying that the assassination of Tang was an act of the military commander on orders, and it was really a "manslaughter". Regarding Tang Shaoyi's death, it should be said that "the evening festival was not lost, but was killed by mistake".

In September 1957, when Chairman Mao inspected Wuhan, he summoned Wang Renzhong, Wang Yanchun, Zhao Xinchu, Meng Xiaopeng, Zhao Xiu, Wang Jiaji and others to hold a discussion at the East Lake Guest House. During the meeting, the chairman cited Tang Shaoyi's example of "being conscientious and responsible as a prime minister and a county magistrate" several times, and that education cadres should be able to go up and down and live in their positions in peace. The chairman said: "Tang Shaoyi served as the prime minister of the cabinet, and later went to Guangdong Province to become the county magistrate of Zhongshan County. Those who only know how to be more arrogant, more than rank, and more than status, are not as good as an old bureaucrat in terms of ideological consciousness? It can be seen that Tang Shaoyi's mentality of calmly facing personal gains and losses is indeed worth learning from many people!