
Oh my God, the article "name" is so funny, what do you think my name is? It's worth savoring

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
Oh my God, the article "name" is so funny, what do you think my name is? It's worth savoring
Oh my God, the article "name" is so funny, what do you think my name is? It's worth savoring
Oh my God, the article "name" is so funny, what do you think my name is? It's worth savoring
Oh my God, the article "name" is so funny, what do you think my name is? It's worth savoring
Oh my God, the article "name" is so funny, what do you think my name is? It's worth savoring
Oh my God, the article "name" is so funny, what do you think my name is? It's worth savoring
Oh my God, the article "name" is so funny, what do you think my name is? It's worth savoring
Oh my God, the article "name" is so funny, what do you think my name is? It's worth savoring
Oh my God, the article "name" is so funny, what do you think my name is? It's worth savoring
Oh my God, the article "name" is so funny, what do you think my name is? It's worth savoring
Oh my God, the article "name" is so funny, what do you think my name is? It's worth savoring
Oh my God, the article "name" is so funny, what do you think my name is? It's worth savoring
Oh my God, the article "name" is so funny, what do you think my name is? It's worth savoring
Oh my God, the article "name" is so funny, what do you think my name is? It's worth savoring
Oh my God, the article "name" is so funny, what do you think my name is? It's worth savoring
Oh my God, the article "name" is so funny, what do you think my name is? It's worth savoring
Oh my God, the article "name" is so funny, what do you think my name is? It's worth savoring
Oh my God, the article "name" is so funny, what do you think my name is? It's worth savoring

In ancient times, there was a country called "Fenghua Country", where the four seasons are distinct and the scenery is picturesque. In a small town in the country of Fenghua, there lives a boy who is known as the "mysterious name".

The boy was born with a clear eyebrow and a brilliant eyebrow, but there was a puzzling mystery - no one knew his real name. Abandoned by his parents in a ruined temple on the edge of the town, he was raised by the kind villagers in turn. Whenever someone asked him his name, he always smiled and shook his head, and only said, "My surname is Feng, but my name is a mystery." ”

The townspeople are curious about the boy's origins, and they speculate about the possibilities. Some people say that he is a visitor from outside the sky, some people say that he is an orphan of the royal family, and some even say that he is an elf who has been ignited by gods. However, none of these speculations have solved the mystery of his name.

Over time, the teenager gradually grows into an adult. With his ingenuity and hard work, he opened a small bookstore in the town. The bookstore is filled with a wide variety of books, attracting many book lovers. The boy always warmly received every guest and shared the wisdom and fun of the book with them.

One day, a scholar from the capital passed by the town and accidentally walked into the boy's bookstore. He was attracted by the books in the bookstore, and was even more impressed by the talent and temperament of the teenager. The two talked happily, from poetry and poetry to the philosophy of life. During the conversation, the scholar learned of the confusion that the boy did not have a name.

The scholar pondered for a moment, then said to the boy, "Your name may be yourself. Your presence, your wisdom, your goodness, are your most precious names. When the young man heard this, his heart suddenly brightened. He understood that what he had been looking for was not just a name, but a kind of identity and value.

However, the news soon spread in the town. Some of the do-gooders began to laugh at the boy, saying that he didn't even have his own name, and that he still talked about wisdom and value. The boy didn't care about that, he believed that those who really knew him would understand his mind.

Soon after, a rare plague occurred in the town. People fell ill and life was thrown into chaos. The boy looked at the villagers who were moaning in pain, and his heart was full of compassion. He decided to use his medical skills and knowledge from books to find a cure for the plague for his fellow villagers.

After days of research and experimentation, the boy finally found an herb to cure the plague. He personally went up to the mountains to pick herbs, boiled them into medicinal soups, and distributed them to everyone who needed them. Thanks to his efforts, the plague was brought under control and the villagers gradually recovered.

After the plague, the boy's prestige in the town reached its peak. People no longer laughed at him for not having a name, but admired his wisdom and kindness even more. They all expressed their willingness to choose a name for him as a sign of gratitude and respect for him.

However, the boy rejected their kindness. "It doesn't matter my name, it's what I can do for everyone," he said. As long as everyone can live a healthy and happy life, I will be satisfied. ”

The young man's words moved everyone present. They deeply felt the mind and realm of the teenager. Since then, the title "Enigmatic Name" has gradually faded out of people's field of vision, and has been replaced by endless admiration and praise for the boy.

This story spread throughout the country and became a good story for a generation. People have learned that the true value lies not in the external fame and status, but in the inner kindness and contribution. And the boy who is known as the "enigmatic name" has also become an eternal model and example in people's hearts.