
Oh my God, it's so classic, I want to be low-key, my girlfriend is a class flower, the writing is good, it's worth watching

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
Oh my God, it's so classic, I want to be low-key, my girlfriend is a class flower, the writing is good, it's worth watching
Oh my God, it's so classic, I want to be low-key, my girlfriend is a class flower, the writing is good, it's worth watching
Oh my God, it's so classic, I want to be low-key, my girlfriend is a class flower, the writing is good, it's worth watching
Oh my God, it's so classic, I want to be low-key, my girlfriend is a class flower, the writing is good, it's worth watching
Oh my God, it's so classic, I want to be low-key, my girlfriend is a class flower, the writing is good, it's worth watching
Oh my God, it's so classic, I want to be low-key, my girlfriend is a class flower, the writing is good, it's worth watching
Oh my God, it's so classic, I want to be low-key, my girlfriend is a class flower, the writing is good, it's worth watching
Oh my God, it's so classic, I want to be low-key, my girlfriend is a class flower, the writing is good, it's worth watching
Oh my God, it's so classic, I want to be low-key, my girlfriend is a class flower, the writing is good, it's worth watching
Oh my God, it's so classic, I want to be low-key, my girlfriend is a class flower, the writing is good, it's worth watching
Oh my God, it's so classic, I want to be low-key, my girlfriend is a class flower, the writing is good, it's worth watching
Oh my God, it's so classic, I want to be low-key, my girlfriend is a class flower, the writing is good, it's worth watching
Oh my God, it's so classic, I want to be low-key, my girlfriend is a class flower, the writing is good, it's worth watching
Oh my God, it's so classic, I want to be low-key, my girlfriend is a class flower, the writing is good, it's worth watching
Oh my God, it's so classic, I want to be low-key, my girlfriend is a class flower, the writing is good, it's worth watching
Oh my God, it's so classic, I want to be low-key, my girlfriend is a class flower, the writing is good, it's worth watching
Oh my God, it's so classic, I want to be low-key, my girlfriend is a class flower, the writing is good, it's worth watching
Oh my God, it's so classic, I want to be low-key, my girlfriend is a class flower, the writing is good, it's worth watching

In ancient times, in a small town in the water town south of the Yangtze River, there lived a talented man named Li Mo. He was born in a scholarly family, and he has read poetry and books since he was a child. However, he is low-key by nature and does not like to be public, and always hides silently in the study, accompanied by pen and ink.

In the school hall in the town, there is a famous class flower, her name is Su Wan'er. Wan'er is not only beautiful and moving, but also brilliantly written, and her poems are often amazing. Mo and Wan'er, although they have never had a deep friendship, their talents have already left a deep imprint on each other.

One day, the school held a poetry conference, and the talented and beautiful people in the town came to participate. Li Mo didn't want to participate, but he couldn't resist the persuasion of his classmates, so he came to the venue with his new work. Su Wan'er was also dressed in a plain dress, and with her poetry works, she walked into this place full of literary and ink atmosphere.

At the beginning of the conference, talented people came to the stage to show their masterpieces. Li Mo sat under the stage, silently observing everything on the stage. When he saw Su Wan'er on stage, his heart couldn't help but move. I saw Wan'er holding the manuscript of the poem, beautiful and refined, her voice was as pleasant as a clear spring, and the emotions in the poem deeply touched everyone present.

Li Mo's gaze followed Wan'er's figure closely, and an inexplicable emotion surged in his heart. At this moment, he understood his heart - he fell in love with this talented woman.

However, Li Mo knew that he was from an ordinary background, but Wan'er was the pearl of the town. He didn't dare to show his heart easily, so he could only bury this emotion deep in his heart.

As the days passed, Li Mo and Wan'er intersected more and more in the school. They discussed poetry and poetry together, and tasted masterpieces together. In the process, their relationship is also quietly heating up.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, Zhang Gongzi, the son of a wealthy merchant in the town, proposed to Wan'er. Zhang Gongzi's family is well-off and dignified, and he is the favorite object of many women in the town. Wan'er's parents were also very satisfied with this family business, but Wan'er fell into deep distress.

She knew that the love she loved in her heart was Li Mo. However, she was worried that Li Mo would retreat because of her identity. What's more, Zhang Gongzi's conditions are too tempting, and she doesn't know how to choose.

After Li Mo learned the news, he also had mixed feelings in his heart. He knows the identity gap between himself and Wan'er, and he also understands that he can't bring Wan'er a better life. However, he is not willing to give up the person he loves like this.

After some struggle, Li Mo decided to show Wan'er his heart. He found Wan'er and said to her affectionately: "Wan'er, I know that I am from an ordinary background and cannot bring you glory and wealth. However, I am willing to protect you with all my talents and sincerity. Please give me a chance and let me prove to you that I can make you happy. ”

Wan'er was deeply moved by Li Mo's words, she looked at Li Mo's firm eyes, and made a decision in her heart. She told Li Mo that she was willing to spend her life with him, whether poor or rich.

The two decide to elope and escape this town full of worldly prejudices. They came to a remote mountain village and began a simple and happy life. Here, they plough and read the heirlooms, and they get along with each other. Although they live in poverty, their hearts are full of happiness and contentment.

Many years later, the story of Li Mo and Wan'er spread throughout the Jiangnan water town. People marvel at their talent and true love, and also marvel at their courage to pursue their own happiness. Their stories have become eternal tales in people's hearts, inspiring countless people to bravely pursue their own happiness.

And Li Mo and Wan'er spent their ordinary and happy lives in this quiet mountain village. They have proved with their actions that true love is not afraid of worldly prejudices, and as long as there is love in their hearts, they can overcome all difficulties. Their stories have also become an eternal light of hope in people's hearts.