
Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

author:Bu Xiao Nuan said notes

If your partner did something unforgivable during your marriage, would you choose to forgive or separate?

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? What are your thoughts on this topic.

In fact, this is a very realistic topic, some women may choose to compromise for the sake of their children, although the relationship has been repaired for a while, but the relationship has cracked, like a thorn in the heart, can never let go, unless it is amnesia.

Let's take a look at what netizens think


Stop loss in time, when you encounter this kind of scumbag, you should let go, even if you don't end the relationship, don't continue to post upside down, it's not worth it

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

Your mental quality is okay, but I can't do it anyway

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

Then walk in small socks, no shoes, and you may meet a suitable one at the next stop

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

Seriously, if it were me, I wouldn't be able to get by, I can't imagine it

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

Women can sometimes be a little happier when they are confused, but they are tired when they are too transparent

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

You can not love, but you can't touch my bottom line

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

In fact, many long-distance couples have this confusion

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

You can really see it, it's really outstanding and rare

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

In just a few words, I saw the endless sadness

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

Me too, I talked about this topic before marriage, cheating and domestic violence, unforgivable

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

reconciled, not as before, one side was suspicious, one side was suffocated and aggrieved, and in the end it was still impossible to escape

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

Seriously, if you ask me now, my answer is no

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

So now after the college entrance examination season, it makes sense that the divorce rate is also high

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

I'm afraid that some men have done the wrong thing and don't be human, it's really too much

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

Your brain must have been struck by lightning

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

There are too many contradictions in the family of the second marriage, and the first marriage can't be maintained, and the second marriage can't stand it

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

Don't worry, the worst thing I've ever heard is that I don't know who he (she) is by his side tonight, and he has a habit of cleanliness and can't stand it

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

Domineering, the mirror is broken, otherwise I am afraid of hurting my hands

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

Mental infidelity is also a type of derailment

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

The knowledge of physics here has come out, and it is really high

Can a broken mirror really be reunited in marriage? Reconciliation is not the same as before, netizen: I have a habit of cleanliness

Write to the end

Marriage requires more than just trust and loyalty, as well as mutual respect and understanding in the marital relationship, as well as care and support for each other

A marriage certificate is only a proof, it does not guarantee the stability and happiness of the marital relationship. A marital relationship requires joint efforts and self-restraint by both parties to maintain and promote trust and loyalty to each other.

Everyone needs to seriously consider their values, morals, and compatibility with their partner before choosing a marriage relationship.

Children are an important bond in the family, but their happiness and healthy growth do not depend entirely on the integrity of the family.

Finally, there is no easy word in the adult world, and I hope everyone can do it and cherish it, because to miss is to miss.
